Naming Service Startup Jacorb - corba

I have question that when I start org.jacorb.naming.NameServer on my machine. It gives me an IOR.
My machine had 2 IP's:
Private like
Public like (
When I try to connect and register to Naming context. I get and error that
retries exceeded.. can not connect to
I decoded the IOR URI and found that it points to my private IP over LAN. So When I try to connect to it I get given exception. What shall I do So that on decode I get Public IP or HOST name.
So that I can access it remotely.

Use, -DOAIAddr=<Machine name IP>
where <Machine name IP> can be host name or IP Address.
But Jacorb 2.3.1 has bug if we write Host name then not necessarily IOR will resolve to HOST name it will consist of IP address only.


DNS and IP address difference( AWS- Load balancer concepts)

I need to know the difference between DNS name and IP address.
Context --> Client applications interact with ALB(application load balancers) which in turn interact with EC2 instance.
Now it is told that we get a fixed hostname with "ALB", so does this mean we get a fixed IP which is all our applications can connect to ALB only via one IP address ?
Somen Swain

TIdTCPClient fails to resolve hostname multiple when not via primary DNS

Using Delphi XE 10.2.3 and Indy 10.6.2.
I have an application in which I use a TIdTCPClient, on a customer project we expirence some troubles using DNS name of the remote server.
It appears as the TIdTCPClient only uses the default dns for the lookup, however at this customer the DNS server which "holds" the DNS name to resolve is on the third DNS on the network adapter.
Using nslookup hostname(URL) it fails
Using nslookup hostname(URL) dnsserver it works
Pinging works whithout problem.
So I guess that nslookup also only uses the primary DNS server, and maybe uses the secondary DNS if the primary (and so fourth) DNS server is unavailable.
Is there some property in the TIdTCPClient I can set, to make it iterate and use all DNS specified on the server or do I need a different approach to resolve the hostname and connect the TIdTCPClient?
I really don't want to put the name in the "hosts" file.
Error from TIdTCPClient connect and status event.
07:22:50 LARGE: ivDispatch status:Resolving hostname
07:22:50 ERROR: SendLowLevelPackage(-310070) Socket Error # 11001
Host not found.

When I connect to a remote database from a Docker container, what IP address does the remote see?

I have Docker containers which use a bridge network with subnet and I'm connecting to external databases. (Successfully.)
What I'd like to know, though, is: what IP address does the remote database see the connection as coming from? Does it see an address in the subnet address range on any of the packets that it receives?
If it is a remote server, it will see the public IP of the host, which is running the docker container/docker service.
Okay, thank you Husein ... I'll call it "answered."
The reason for my question is that I'm getting an unexpected security-error from an AS/400 DB2 database when I think I'm giving it the right password. I just wanted to make sure that a IP-address wasn't showing up in any of the internal fields of the packet that the remote database might be examining. (Naturally, this database is well-protected.) I'll follow up with the friendly DBA's now ... and if they say anything interesting I'll add it to this or another ticket.

Virtual hosts on OpenLiteSpeed won't acknlowdge domain name

I'm trying to set up a virtual host on OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.39. I've followed the official guide, but OpenLiteSpeed just won't acknowledge my domain name, hence my virtual host won't start.
I have however defined the desired domain name under Virtual Host > General > Domain Name
Under listeners and Virtual Host Mappings, I've connected my virtual host, listener and domain name.
But the virtual host will not start?
Does anyone have any ideas?
If you go to "Dashboard" , the "Server Error Log" section , do you see any related info there? it should state what's going on or why it fails.

Remote connection to Neo4j server

I believe the way to creating a remote connection is by changing this line in conf/, specifically by removing the comment and restarting the server.
My URL is and works on the local machine, but when I test the URL in Safari on iPhone over 3G, it cannot connect.
What do I set the address to in the properties file?
I thought it was the IP address of my computer, but after trying the remote address which I got from Googling “ip address mac” that didn’t work, nor did (obviously) the local IP address of my machine,
I should point out that setting it to the IP address from Google throws an error and the log reads:
2015-01-29 17:10:08.888+0000 INFO [API] Failed to start Neo Server on port [7474], reason [MultiException[ Can't assign requested address, Can't assign requested address]]
With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections
In neo4j-community-3.1.0 edit conf/neo4j.conf file and uncomment the following to accept non-local connections
By setting
enables Neo4j on all network interfaces.
The remainder of that reply is not Neo4j related at all - it's regular networking. Double check if port 7473 (and/or 7474) are not blocked neither be a locally running firewall nor by your router. You local IP indicates you're behind a router doing NAT. Therefore you have to setup a port forwarding in your router for the ports mentioned above.
Please be aware that this is potentially dangerous since everyone knowing your external IP can access your Neo4j instance. Consider using either or use a VPN in favour of port forwarding.
in 3.0:
##### To have HTTP accept non-local connections, uncomment this line
Confused myself with the setting. Anyone who has the same problem, just means “this server isn’t local any more” and so to access it you use the public IP address of the computer that’s hosting the Neo4j server.
Just make sure that the ports you set in the server properties (default are 7474 and 7473) are open for incoming connections on your router/firewall etc.
I think there's some confusion here. That configuration property org.neo4j.server.webserver.address is about which IP address the server you're starting listens on for external connections. Relevant documentation is here.
It seems you're asking how to configure your database to talk to a remote database. I don't think you can do that. Rather, by editing that file you're planning on running a database on the host where that file is. Your local database on that host will write files to wherever the org.neo4j.server.database.location configuration parameter points.
A remote connection is something that the neo4j shell might establish, or that you browser might make to a foreign server running neo4j; but you don't establish that sort of remote connection by editing that file. Hopefully this helps.
Also if you have ssh access to remote server with neo4j you can setup ssh tunnel to access it via localhost:
ssh -NfL localhost:7474:localhost:7474 -L localhost:7687:localhost:7687 yourname#yourhost
then type in browser:
Depends on the version.
Look for the phrase 'non-local connections' in the conf file.(In my case, $NEO4J_HOME/conf/neo4j.conf)
Then follow the instructions in the comments.
In my case,
# With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections.
# To accept non-local connections, uncomment this line:
