Can't find the custom font in English language for iOS - ios

I download a third party icon font file, and I drag it into my project and check the target. Everything is OK except when I change the Application Language using English. It show me the origin character but the icon.
Then I println all of the font families, that I can't find the icon font in English, instead in Chinese.
I don't know what happen.

Add in application info plist file this :


How to use non-English characters in Godot?

I want to use non-English characters in Godot, but when I write them (In every node, like a Label or a Button) and run the project, the text does not display. For example, I write some Arabic characters in a Label and run the project, but I do not see anything. But I can see the characters in editor separately and reversely. ("عالم" is displayed "م ل ا ع")
I know that this problem is discussed on GitHub, but there was not any good solution. Please advise me a good and simple solution to solve this problem. I think it is not solved so far.
The default Label font in Godot doesn't support non-ASCII characters.
You can try to change the font in your Label node to one that supports non-ASCII symbols by picking a font from your computer, or if it doesn't exist on your device, uploading it from some site like Google Fonts, and choosing an arabic-supporting font, like Amiri.
After choosing the font for your Label node, open the Custom Fonts property in the editor of the node, and create a DynamicFont, and in Font => Font Data press Load and choose your font in the opened window in the file system (.ttf or any another font extension).

Localize launch image just for english?

I have a launch image Default-568h#2x.png which I've localized for English (it sits in my en.lproj folder). Now I'd like to produce one other version of that image for every other language (I've removed the english text from it). How would I go about setting this up? I've tried putting an image with the same name in the top directory but that doesn't work. Do I need to rename to something?
Basically, when you localize to any language (eg: Spanish), you will see another folder such as "es.lproj", the Localizable.strings and other localized files will be there.
You may check
for the step by step instruction on how to do it including localize the image.
Another link that might help: IOS: launch image multiple language
What I did was go into my actual project folder and put the english version of my launch image into a folder called "Launch Image (English)". Then I put the version for the rest of the languages in a folder called "Launch Image (International)" (both images have the exact same name). Then I went into Xcode and attached both folders into the resources section. Then I highlighted each image, clicked on localization in the Utility pane, and for the english version I selected english obviously, and for the other version I selected spanish (then I put a check mark in the check box of each other language in the Utility pane). Then it worked!

Preview localized versions of strings-translated auto-layout XIBs

I'm migrating away from one-XIB-per-locale to a single Base interface with Auto-Layout that is localized using .strings files.
How can I easily preview localized versions of my interface?
I'd like to see how my UI looks in German, Chinese and Arabic without having to change system-wide language preferences each time.
Selecting another language in Interface Builder's "Jump Bar" just shows me raw the .strings file source. IB's "Simulate Document" only shows me document in my current language.
You can launch application in a particular language with an extra argument: -AppleLanguages '(de)'
However, that's not enough for Arabic, as it sets the language, but doesn't enable RTL layout:
app -AppleLanguages '(ar)' -NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection YES -AppleTextDirection YES

Single language ios app

I have a project in Xcode 5.0 and I want to support only a specific language different from english, for intance, pt. When the project is created, it has "Use base internationalization" checked. A tried adding my language and removing english, then when I run the app on a device of that language (pt), everything is ok, the controls of a image picker, for instance, are localized. But, if the device's language is english or a different one (for instance fr), the controls are shown in english. How can I force the app to show all controls in my language (pt)?
Maybe it is noob question, but when I uncheck "Use base internationalization" I lose the storyboard, and when I try to check again it asks for files but no options are shown. How can I change the reference language of base internationalization?

How to use Arabic font in VB6.0

I have a textbox in my project. I set the font to an arabic font and when i run my project and type something in that text box it shows in English. Is there any way to display it in Arabic?
well i haven't worked a lot in VB6.0, you may use the Richtextbox control.
