How to disable Basic Auth on Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01 - neo4j

Currently I use Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01. It has basic Auth enable as default. How can I disable the default Basic Auth on Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01?

In file conf/, change the to false and restart Neo4j:
# Require (or disable the requirement of) auth to access Neo4j

For me that was only part of the problem. I had also installed neo4j onto my machine using brew install before I installed the gem. When I was trying to start the server, it was trying to start the server from the brew installation, from inside the Cellar. I had edited the config, as described above, in the install in my project that I produced by following the neo4j install instructions. So it wasn't working.
Only when I brew uninstalled neo4j, and executed ./neo4j start_ from the bin folder, did it all work properly for me.


neo4j 3.4.0 ubuntu: could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint

I downloaded neo4j 3.4.0 Community edition on Ubuntu 16.04 and installed it.
I launched it successfully once with command ./neo4j console
But after I restarted the system, I used the same command ./neo4j console in /bin/, there is an error: could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint
Anyone knows how to solve it?
the neo4j have been based on java. please check jdk path in env.
After trying many things (and no success).
I reinstalled the app by deleting ~/.configs/Neo4j-desktop and running again the Appimage file.
consider by this action you will lose license-key (and if you use Appimage version also all Db-data) so backup first if you have important data.

Neo4j Start Error: /var/run/neo4j/ No such file or directory

After upgrading from Neo4j 3.0 to 3.1 (and subsequently 3.2), I get the following error after running sudo neo4j start:
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/neo4j: line 411: /var/run/neo4j/ No such file or directory
Nonetheless, Neo4j is actually running after running this command.. However, I cannot then stop Neo4j afterwards with sudo neo4j stop, as there is no PID.
How can I fix this?
I upgraded using sudo apt upgrade
It is possible to get around this issue by doing a sudo mkdir /var/run/neo4j beforehand, but was hoping there might be a more effective solution.
When using the installation package you should not start/stop with the neo4j script, but use the installed service. Depending on your Ubuntu version that is
sudo service neo4j {start|stop|restart}
sudo systemctl {start|stop|restart} neo4j
Check and for more information.
Hope this helps,
P.S. Note that starting/stopping without using the service may have started Neo4j with the wrong user (root instead of neo4j) and files may therefore have the wrong ownership now !

Erlang machine stopped instantly (distribution name conflict?). The service is not restarted as OnFail is set to ignore

I am using RabbitMQ. For some reason the rabbitMQ service stops as soon as you start it. I saw following error in the event log:
RabbitMQ: Erlang machine stopped instantly (distribution name conflict?). The service is not restarted as OnFail is set to ignore.
Someone told me to run this command: erl -sname rabbit
This command generates following output:
{(no error logger present")i neirtr otre: r"mEirnraotri nign ipnr odcoe_sbso o<
t0".,2{.b0a>d awrigt,h[ {eexrilt_p rviaml_uleo:a d{ebra,dcahregc,k[_{feirlle__pr
I am not sure how to interpret this output. I wonder the error is specific to RabbitMQ or erlang.
I have no idea how to procceed. Please suggest.
I have just run into this problem setting up RabbitMq as a service up on a new Windows server. The only thing I can think of that broke it for me is renaming the new windows box after installing the RabbitMq service, but before testing it for the first time.
First off I noticed it ran as an application fine. I solved it by installing the service again using the command from the manual install instructions:
rabbitmq-service install
Assuming that you have your path variables included for the RabbitMq sbin directory.
The only thing that worked for me was to clear the directory C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ.
In my scenario, Two directories of Erlang under C:\Program Files with different versions were there, I uninstalled one of the version, also uninstalled RabbitMQ service from Windows services list - Restarted the system.
Again ran RabbitMQ setup - RabbitMQ service was setup successfully.
I ran into the same issue when installing RabbitMQ 3.7.17 via Chocolatey on a Windows Server 2016.
After trying most of the suggested solutions, the one that worked for me was:
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
rabbitmq-service start
PS: if your PATH is not configured for RabbitMQ, this is the folder you need to run the commands from: C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.17\sbin (if your version is also 3.7.17).
For anyone else looking up this error: double check your config files and SSL files. I ran into this issue when I had specified the ssl_options.cacertfile with ca.pem but the file was mistyped as ca-pem in the directory. Unfortunately RabbitMQ wasn't smart enough to catch the missing file and was dumping with no logs.
I found a name conflict with an env-variable, I use since years - means, this was not a problem with the previous version.
I have "Logs" and apps will write into that directory, usually with their own subdirectories. RMQ uses the same variable name and means a plain filename.
So using: "C:\Users\rabbit\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\log\log" made it working for me - this is in the rabbit's users private environment. So the global settings are now not seen by rabbit. Uff. And it looks like, this is really meant as a filename and after I changed it again to "rabbit#c4711-node.log", it writes like the earlier version. The service starts now for me - but this was really messy and I don't trust it at the moment ;-)
From my perspective, one should run such a service under its own account. If the service is already there, create a local user account - I've used "rabbit" and give it a password. The account I created, got admin right from me - but I currently just dont know, it this is needed. At least it should not - will see this later. If you have account/credentials, go to the service manager and click properties for the service. On the second tab ("log on"), check "this account" and enter username an password. If you have an account for the service you should be able to login with user.
Then you can specify environment variables with user scope.
To do this, logon with the user you created. Go to ControlPanel/System and click "advanced":
In the Environment UI, enter user specific variables
in the top panel:
Note: This was not my rabbit user, because I currently cannot login there. The variables, I entered - not guaranteed, it is correct - are the following:
This works for me.
The last time I installed it - some years ago - it was better to understand - this time, sorry, I dont .....
But made it workig.
According to RabbitMQ Install on Windows guide here
Troubleshooting When Running as a Service
In the event that the Erlang VM crashes whilst RabbitMQ is running as
a service, rather than writing the crash dump to the current directory
(which doesn't make sense for a service) it is written to an
erl_crash.dump file in the base directory of the RabbitMQ server (set
by the RABBITMQ_BASE environment variable, defaulting to
Basically it means to add a Environment Variable named RABBITMQ_BASE with value %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ
This fixed my problem.
I ran into this issue and the only way I could solve it was by unintalling RabbitMQ, unsintalling Erlang, rebooting the server and installing a clean Erlang and a clean RabbitMQ.
After all this, I could finally install and start the RabbitMQ instance as a windows service.
Tried all the solutions in this post and nothing worked.
Lucky for me it was in our development server, so the loss was acceptable.
The downside to this approach is that you loose all configs (all users, virtual hosts, etc).
It's all gone and you have to reconfigure the RabbitMQ instance from scratch.
Checking in from 2021:
None of this worked for me, the problem was actually that I had another instance of RabbitMQ running inside my WSL Ubuntu distro.
I had the same issue and I just downloaded the latested version of erlang and RabbitmQ and this resolved the issue for me.
While I got the same error, and the root cause for me seems related to Erlang cookie, I fixed it by doing:
Create a folder to store cookie, for example I am using C:\erl-23.2\home .
Add new system environment variable HOMEDRIVE, set the value to C:\
Add new system environment variable HOMEPATH, set the value to erl-23.2\home
This is making use of the rule:
%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.erlang.cookie (usually C:\Users%USERNAME%.erlang.cookie for user %USERNAME%) if both the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables are set
Since I was doing a migration when the error popped up, I still had my original .erlang.cookie in C:\Users\Me, but the new installation generated a new .erlang.cookie during installation in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile. After making them equal again and performing these steps from the sbin dir, it worked again.
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
rabbitmq-service start
I had this today trying to install rabbitmq 3.8.0 with erlang 22.0 (64Bit).
Even completely re-installing both erlang and rabbit, deleteing all directories and registry did not help at all. Also i tried to set the needed PATH variables for erlang manually and re-installing the service each time.
The only solution working for me was installing another version of erlang. In my sepcific case i used erlang 21.3 in the 32bit version.
Doing that, no manually action was necessary and rabbit was up and running (after re-installing the service).

Neo4J 2.1.16 service refuses to start at boot on Ubuntu 14.10

I have resolved issues related to the file limit, neo4j user, path, etc. Neo4j user default shell is /bin/bash in vipw. I can't seem to get it to auto-start at boot. I can run the service as root, but when I run it as user neo4j it can't find Java, despite that my /etc/environment file has JAVA_HOME defined and .profile in $NEO4J_HOME also has both the PATH addition for $JAVA_HOME/bin and JAVA_HOME itself redefined.
Forgive me for asking such a basic question, but I've been wrestling with this for two days.
Here's the end of ./data/log/console.log; there is no wrapper.log:
I was able to resolve it by using Neo4j's instructions to download packages from their repository.
It works properly now,but this worries the heck out of me. Ubuntu packages are rarely up-to-date, but how many software creators will trouble themselves to host their own PPA repo? It seems to me that Ubuntu is straying too far from traditional 'nix for source packages to compile.

How to set Neo4j auto start when booting?

I want to start my Neo4j service when booting, and my system environment is Redhat.
I add below text on /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but it is not working
/opt/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
But it works for MongoDB...
Please take a look at the Neo4j reference for Linux installation. You can find it here:
We have an installer script that will configure Neo4j to startup at system boot $ /path/to/neo4j-community-2.1.4/bin/neo4j-installer install
First remove the text you've added from /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
You can also use our debian package installation to automatically download, install, and configure Neo4j as a service on Linux.
That information can be found here:
