Autolayout, retaining button spacing for larger screens - ios

I have a setup like this in the interface builder:
(iphone5 size). I want the buttons to stay in that layout if the screen size increases i.e widens (but the buttons stay the same size). If I pin the top two buttons to their respective container edges when the screen is larger they will be too far apart from each other. I have the bottom button increasing its size fine. How can I do this? I tried putting a transparent UIView between each button and the container edge, but couldn't get it working this way. Could someone give me a pointer on how to do this please? thanks!

Assuming you already have the width, height and y-constraints in place, to create the correct x-constraints you can try something along the lines of this:
check the Horizontal Center in Container option
choose your button and double click the newly created constraint Align Center X to
change the Second Item from Center X to Trailing
enter a constant value to offset the position
Do this for both buttons. The constant value of the second button should be the negative of the first one AND its Second Item should be Leading.
This method will result in equal spacing on all size classes.
The only drawback is that the spacing is no dynamic. for that purpose you would need some placeholder view in between.

I would say there are two approaches you could take:
Assumption is buttons have constraints for width and height.
1) Use a transparent view which you center horizontally within its containing view. Then pin the left buttons trailing edge to the transparent view and the right buttons leading edge to the center. You have a choice as to how to define their vertical position.
2) Add a transparent container view to your main view and then move your two buttons inside this view. Pin the two buttons apart the desired width and then pin the other button edges to the containing view at size 0pts. Finally center the new containing view horizontally in the view. You will need to define the height of this container view from the top or bottom.
The second is probably easier to execute within storyboard.


How to stack, stack views in xcode (iOS) so they completely overlap and are both constrained to the bottom?

I'm trying to make a row of buttons on the bottom of the screen and the buttons are images. I was having aspect ratio issues so a few sites recommended making image views and simply put transparent buttons on top of them. I've placed six image views in a stack view and constrained it to the bottom. I thought it would make sense to put six buttons in another stack view and then also constrain it to the bottom, but it always constrains to the nearest neighbor so now the images are actually on the bottom of the screen, but the transparent buttons are vertically sitting above them. Is it possible to have both constrained to the bottom of the screen so that they completely overlap? Thanks!
It is very much possible, from what you have written I assume that your second stackView is pinned to the top of First stackView. Change that constraint to bottom of your superView. This would be enough for your requirement.
Also Instead of using two different stackViews, I would recommend doing this in one single StackView, which will 6 UIViews inside and each UIView will have UIImageView and UIButton inside.
(Thanks, Sujith Chandran and Neil Hiddink for pointing the way!!)
Here is my solution: After selecting the bottom constraint for the stack view that contained the transparent button overlay, I went to the size inspector and changed the "Second Item" to superview, opened second item again and selected bottom, and then set Constant to 0. Eventually I had to change the value of constant to -70 to get the desired position because I previously set the button images to a height of 70.

Constraints not resizing properly for all screen devices

I am trying to do the constraints for these horizontals button. I want the ratio of size of buttons to be the same, and the icons to be of equal widths and heights of each others.
Any idea of how i can do that so these buttons resize properly according to the screen size? Thanks!
Make groups of UIView containing the icon and text. Lets call this container view
Place all the n container views inside your storyboard as you would like them to appear. Now:
To the left most container view add a leading and bottom constraint to the super view.
Now to the second container view add a leading space of 0 (or anything you want). Control + drag your second button to the first button. Hold down shift and select equal width, equal height and align bottom.
Now apply the same constraints as your second container view to all your n - 1 container view. n being the number of container view you want to add. Now to your last (nth) container view add, one extra constraint, which would be a trailing space to the superView. Now all your container view ought to have an equal width that will be determined depending on the width of the screen!
If you want to have a specific height or aspect ratio to all your container view. Just add the height or aspect ratio constraint to your first container view and all your subsequent views will get updated accordingly.
If you wish for the height to be dependent on the screen size and not maintain a specific aspect ratio, then you will have to give the first container view a equal height to the whole view with a specific multiplier like 0.15.
You will also have to add appropriate constraints to the icon and label present inside each UIView
Edit: A much easier thing for you to do would be add the icon as an image to the UIButton and add the text as you would normally to the UIButton. The UIButton will appear quite similar to the screenshot you posted. And then just apply the constraints I mentioned above.
Set the width and height as ratio of the SuperView. Set if for one button and for the remaining buttons make the height and width equal to the first button for which you defined the height and width in terms of superview height and size. Use this SO Post to see how to set height and width as ratio of the superview.
Hope this helps.
It's Simple because your All buttons are in single Direction so you can use StackView.
Just simple first apply the equal hight and equal width to all your buttons
now select all the buttons and add them in the stackview
it will be in the right side bottom. (with the constraint icon)
now simple Apply add missing constraint. it will done the work by own and gives better result. (but take care here apply it from the all views in View Controller Section)
And now Bingo try this every Size will show same.
This will work same in simulator also.
The solution is very simple.
See the image below (5 buttons)
The first (blue) button is pinned to the left and bottom of the superview
Each of the other 4 buttons (red, black, green, pink) are top aligned to the first (blue) button
Each button is using a horizontal spacing to the previous button (with a constant of 0). So red button has 0 horizontal spacing to blue, black has 0 horizontal spacing to red, etc
The Last (pink) button is also pinned to the right of the superview
Finally all 4 other buttons are set to have same width to the first (blue) button
That's it!
As for you icons, all you need is to set them to have same width & height to the first icon you have

How to Align four buttons at dead center in Xcode 7?

How do I align these four buttons to be at the center (horizontally and vertically) for the diff sizes of screens. I see different sizes and positions of the buttons when I run the project in the different size of the simulator. Is there a way to make the four buttons to be at center (and same size) for ALL devices?
I don't have any experience with constrains, it has been a while since I used Xcode. I read tutorials about constrains for hours, but I still don't understand how to use it.
Thank you and happy holidays :)
The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a UIStackView. Very simple to use, and it automatically manages the layout for the buttons.
Remove the existing constraints for your buttons, then select all four and choose Editor -> Embed in -> Stack View.
Add two constraints to center your stack view in the view, and you're done!
Yes you can use Stack View, but it is only supported from ios 9, so if you are trying to have constraints below ios 9, follow below steps -
Add a UIView as container for your buttons, and add following constraints to it. (We will not give fixed height constraints to this view,let it determine its height intrinsically i.e we will use buttons to determine the size of container as buttons have their intrinsic size.)
a. Align Center X to superview
b. Align Center Y to superView
c. Trailing and Leading space
Now add first button and add following constraints -
a. Center horizontally in center.
b. Top space from superview (as buttons and have its intrinsic size so we dont need to give height and width, it will calculate from its content)
Now for rest of three buttons add following constraints -
a. Center horizontally with first button
b. Add top and bottom space to all buttons with their respective top and button views (buttons). For last button i.e 4th add bottom space constraints with container view.
Note - Now that top button have top space constraints with container view and last button have bottom space constraints with container view and all remaining buttons are connected to each other with top and bottom space, this will determine the height of container view and your buttons will be always appear in center of screen for all size.
Below is the link for screenshot with all required constrints explained above.
Screenshot with required constraints

Align button with respect to background image in XCode

I have a background image and I need to put buttons in it. I have tried auto layout as well by fixing it's height and width (The button text was not part of the background, has been added manually), but it is not working for all screen sizes. I want two buttons equidistant from line that can be seen(like in iPhone 4 inch screenshot, line is part of the background). How can I go about doing that? Are there any other tools which might be helpful? I am using swift
Best way to do this is to add a hidden view which has a background color of clear. Add a constraint for this which centers it horizontally and a constraint which positions its top where you want it.
Make the width of this transparent view the space you wish between buttons or leave it as 1 wide if you wish and use offsets in the constraints described below instead. Make the height 1 so it takes up no space.
For the buttons align the top of the buttons with the bottom of the transparent view. This places the buttons vertically.
Finally pin the trailing edge of button 1 to the leading edge of the transparent view and pin the leading edge of button 2 to the trailing edge of the transparent view. Set the offset for the pins to be the distance you want the buttons from center if you gave your transparent view no width.
On all screen sizes, the buttons will now be relative to the center.
If you want to have them equally space out, you can add transparent views to the left and right of the buttons and pin them together so they act like spacers. So superview->spacer->button->spacer->button->spacer->superview.
Using the spacer approach, select the 3 transparent views and add a constraint for equal width. You buttons will now be spread apart equally.

Can't align 5 items in a row using autolayout

I am struggling to align 5 items in a row using auto layout as shown in the storyboard.
I can align the 3 items highlighted below but the 2 inbetween just don't want to align.
I have tried pinning the items to the buttons next to each of the items and setting the size but they refuse to align properly. Have also tried setting the 2 misplaced buttons to the leading and trialing container as shown below but these still do not align properly (or even closely).
Am I doing something wrong?
The way to do this is with spacer views. You need to add a UIView between each of your views and give them each horizontal spacing constraints to the view on either side. You'll need to edit these constraints so they are between the spacer's leading or trailing edge, and the view's centerX (the constant value should be 0). Give the spacers equal widths (but no fixed width), a fixed height, and a clear background color. You views on the left and right sides should have constraints to their closest edge, but the center view shouldn't have a centerX constraint (it's not needed). This will cause the views to be equally spaced in all screen sizes, and in both orientations.
Your best bet might be to create another superview (UIView) within which your button items are located. Then you can align your buttons more fluidly within that superview that encapsulates only those buttons rather than just wrestling with the constraints within the card superview, which it seems you are doing. Just make the background of that UIView clear, place the buttons on it, and it will appear exactly the same and you'll have a better way to anchor your views. This could also come in handy when you're targeting the functionality of just those buttons so you can grab them from the subviews of the button bar superview.
