about CUFFT input sizes - cufft

It's written that CUFFT library supports algorithms that higly optimized for input sizes can be written in the folowing form: 2^a X 3^b X 5^c X 7^d.
How could they managed to do that?
For as far as I know, FFT must provide best perfomance only for 2^a input size.

This means that input sizes with prime factors larger than 7 would go slower.

The Cooley-Tukey algorithm can operate on a variety of DFT lengths which can be expressed as N = N_1*N_2. The algorithm recursively expresses a DFT of length N into N_1 smaller DFTs of length N_2.
As you note, the fastest is generally the radix-2 factorization, which recursively breaks a DFT of length N into 2 smaller DFTs of length N/2, running in O(NlogN).
However, the actual performance will depend on hardware and implementation. For example, if we are considering the cuFFT with a thread warp size of 32 then DFTs that have a length of some multiple of 32 would be optimal (note: just an example, I'm not aware of the actual optimizations that exist under the hood of the cuFFT.)
Short answer: the underlying code is optimized for any prime factorization up to 7 based on the Cooley-Tukey radix-n algorithm.


Calculate least squares in batches

I want to calculate a Gaussian process. For this I need to calculate the following equation:
f = X # Z^-1 # y
To handle the inverse I use c = Z^-1 # y which is the solution of the problem Z # c = y. So, I use a solver for linear systems (least squares) to calculate c on my GPU (using cupy).
The problem now is, that I reach the memory capacity (16000x16000 matrix). Is it possible to calculate c in batches? Or how can I solve the out of memory issue?
I searched the internet but I found nothing.
The GPU will help you with the arithmetic, but will penalize data access.
Solving a linear system will require O(n^2) arithmetic operations, and the amount of data accessed is O(n^2). So you are probably not going to have a big gain.
You will find efficient linear solvers CPU implementations in pytorch, or scipy for instance, if you can use float32 instead of float64 even better.
You can have a matrix of 16000 x 16000 if you have a recent decent GPU, it would take 2GB using float64 elements. Make sure to release all other allocated memory before trying to allocate Z, and when solving try not to allocate more data.
If the matrix is well conditioned, on GPU you could try to use float16 that would place a 16000 x 16000 matrix in 512MB memory.
If you want to use GPU pytorch is my preferred option, and if you have an algorithm running on CPU you can run it on GPU with very little changes.

How to calculate 512 point FFT using 2048 point FFT hardware module

I have a 2048 point FFT IP. How may I use it to calculate 512 point FFT ?
There are different ways to accomplish this, but the simplest is to replicate the input data 4 times, to obtain a signal of 2048 samples. Note that the DFT (which is what the FFT computes) can be seen as assuming the input signal being replicated infinitely. Thus, we are just providing a larger "view" of this infinitely long periodic signal.
The resulting FFT will have 512 non-zero values, with zeros in between. Each of the non-zero values will also be four times as large as the 512-point FFT would have produced, because there are four times as many input samples (that is, if the normalization is as commonly applied, with no normalization in the forward transform and 1/N normalization in the inverse transform).
Here is a proof of principle in MATLAB:
data = randn(1,512);
ft = fft(data); % 512-point FFT
data = repmat(data,1,4);
ft2 = fft(data); % 2048-point FFT
ft2 = ft2(1:4:end) / 4; % 512-point FFT
(Very surprising that the values were exactly equal, no differences due to numerical precision appeared in this case!)
An alternate solution from the correct solution provided by Cris Luengo which does not require any rescaling is to pad the data with zeros to the required length of 2048 samples. You then get your result by reading every 2048/512 = 4 outputs (i.e. output[0], output[3], ... in a 0-based indexing system).
Since you mention making use of a hardware module, this could be implemented in hardware by connecting the first 512 input pins and grounding all other inputs, and reading every 4th output pin (ignoring all other output pins).
Note that this works because the FFT of the zero-padded signal is an interpolation in the frequency-domain of the original signal's FFT. In this case you do not need the interpolated values, so you can just ignore them. Here's an example computing a 4-point FFT using a 16-point module (I've reduced the size of the FFT for brievety, but kept the same ratio of 4 between the two):
x = [1,2,3,4]
ans> 10.+0.j,
x = [1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
ans> 10.+0.j, 6.499-6.582j, -0.414-7.242j, -4.051-2.438j,
-2.+2.j, 1.808+1.804j, 2.414-1.242j, -0.257-2.3395j,
-2.+0.j, -0.257+2.339j, 2.414+1.2426j, 1.808-1.8042j,
-2.-2.j, -4.051+2.438j, -0.414+7.2426j, 6.499+6.5822j
As you can see in the second output, the first column (which correspond to output 0, 3, 7 and 11) is identical to the desired output from the first, smaller-sized FFT.

How to find an eigenvector given eigenvalue 1, minimising memory use

I'd be grateful if people could help me find an efficient way (probably low memory algorithm) to tackle the following problem.
I need to find the stationary distribution x of a transition matrix P. The transition matrix is an extremely large, extremely sparse matrix, constructed such that all the columns sum to 1. Since the stationary distribution is given by the equation Px = x, then x is simply the eigenvector of P associated with eigenvalue 1.
I'm currently using GNU Octave to both generate the transition matrix, find the stationary distribution, and plot the results. I'm using the function eigs(), which calculates both eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and it is possible to return just one eigenvector, where the eigenvalue is 1 (I actually had to specify 1.1, to prevent an error). Construction of the transition matrix (using a sparse matrix) is fairly quick, but finding the eigenvector gets increasingly slow as I increase the size, and I'm running out of memory before I can examine even moderately sized problems.
My current code is
[v l] = eigs(P, 1, 1.01);
x = v / sum(v);
Given that I know that 1 is the eigenvalue, I'm wondering if there is either a better method to calculate the eigenvector, or a way that makes more efficient use of memory, given that I don't really need an intermediate large dense matrix. I naively tried
n = size(P,1); % number of states
Q = P - speye(n,n);
x = Q\zeros(n,1); % solve (P-I)x = 0
which fails, since Q is singular (by definition).
I would be very grateful if anyone has any ideas on how I should approach this, as it's a calculation I have to perform a great number of times, and I'd like to try it on larger and more complex models if possible.
As background to this problem, I'm solving for the equilibrium distribution of the number of infectives in a cattle herd in a stochastic SIR model. Unfortunately the transition matrix is very large for even moderately sized herds. For example: in an SIR model with an average of 20 individuals (95% of the time the population is between 12 and 28 individuals), P is 21169 by 21169 with 20340 non-zero values (i.e. 0.0005% dense), and uses up 321 Kb (a full matrix of that size would be 3.3 Gb), while for around 50 individuals P uses 3 Mb. x itself should be pretty small. I suspect that eigs() has a dense matrix somewhere, which is causing me to run out of memory, so I should be okay if I can avoid using full matrices.
Power iteration is a standard way to find the dominant eigenvalue of a matrix. You pick a random vector v, then hit it with P repeatedly until you stop seeing it change very much. You want to periodically divide v by sqrt(v^T v) to normalise it.
The rate of convergence here is proportional to the separation between the largest eigenvalue and the second largest eigenvalue. Each iteration takes just a couple of matrix multiplies.
There are fancier-pants ways to do this ("PageRank" is one good thing to search for here) that improve speed for really huge sparse matrices, but I don't know that they're necessary or useful here.
Your approach seems like a good one. However, what you're calling x, is the null space of Q. null(Q) would work if it supported sparse matrices, but it doesn't. There's a bunch of stuff on the web for finding the null space of a sparse matrix. For example:
It seems the best solution is to use the Power Iteration method, as suggested by tmyklebu.
The method is to iterate x = Px; x /= sum(x), until x converges. I'm assuming convergence if the d1 norm between successive iterations is less than 1e-5, as that seems to give good results.
Convergence can take a while, since the largest two eigenvalues are fairly close (the number of iterations needed to converge can vary considerably, from around 200 to 2000 depending on the model used and population sizes, but it gets there in the end). However, the memory requirements are low, and it's very easy to implement.

Is a CUDA-programmed GPU suitable for implementation of OpenCV adaptive threshold?

On my system, for a 5 MP image with a large window size (75px) it takes a whopping 140 ms (roughly 20 times as much as linear operations) to complete and I am looking to optimize it. I have noticed that the OpenCV gpu module does not implement a gpu version of the adaptiveThreshold so I have been thinking of implementing that algorithm for the GPU myself.
Can I hope for any speedup if I implement an adaptive threshold algorithm in CUDA, based on a large window size (50px+) and a large image (5 MP+), ignoring the overhead for loading memory into the GPU?
adaptiveThreshold documentation on opencv.org:
Building on Eric's answer:
The Npp CUDA library does not implement adaptiveThreshold but it seems beneficial to getting an adaptive threshold in a VERY straightforward way (just tested it and anecdotally works):
Run a box filter on src (i.e. compute mean window value for every pixel),
store in an intermediate image tmp.
Subtract a number K from each pixel in tmp
Run a compare function between src and
tmp into dst. The end.
The code may look like this (here K=0, 2nd step omitted):
nppiFilterBox_8u_C1R(oDeviceSrc.data(), oDeviceSrc.pitch(),
oDeviceIntermediate.data(), oDeviceDst.pitch(),
oSizeROI, oAdapThreshWindowSize,oAnchor);
Also, wikipedia claims that applying a box filter 3 times in a row approximates a Gaussian filter to 97% accuracy.
Yes, this algorithm can be optimized on the GPU. I would expect to see an excellent speedup.
For ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, you could use a standard parallel reduction to calculate the arithmetic mean. For ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, you might use a kernel that performs per-pixel gaussian attenuation combined with a standard parallel reduction for the sum.
Implementation by CUDA should give you a satisfied performance gain.
Since your window size is large, this operation should be compute-bounded. The theoretical peak performance of a 5 MP image with 75px window on a Tesla K20X GPU should be about
5e6 * 75 * 75 / 3.95 Tflops = 7ms
Here's a white paper about image convolution. It shows how to implement a high performance box filer with CUDA.
Nvidia cuNPP library also provides a function nppiFilterBox(), which can be used to implement ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C directly.
For ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, the function nppiFilter() with a proper mask could be used.
NPP doc pp.1009 http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/pdf/NPP_Library.pdf

Block dimensions in CUDA

I have a NVIDIA GTX 570 compute capability 2.0 running cuda-4.0.
The deviceQuery executable in the CUDA SDK gives me information on my CUDA device and its various properties. Two of the lines in the output are
Maximum number of threads per block: 1024
Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 1024 x 1024 x 64
Why is the 3rd dimension of the block restricted to be upto 64 threads only wheras the X and the Y dimension can vary upto 1024 threads?
EDIT2: ALso, please take this with a grain of salt; this is a purely hypothetical answer, or a guess. There may indeed be a clear hardware-based reason why 64 is the maximum. Frankly I don't know, and my answer is based on an assumption that there is no such hardware limit, per se.
It's probably a combination of three things: first, there is a limit to the number of threads which can be resident inside a block; second, block dimensions are typically in multiples of 32, and even more often in powers of 2 greater than 32; third, coordinate systems used in the solution of multi-dimensional problems are most often oriented so that you're looking at the scene directly (i.e., with the important bits more distributed in X and Y than in Z).
CUDA naturally has to support 1D access, as this is an immensely common and efficient access pattern when it is applicable. TO support this, the X dimension must be allowed to vary over the entire range of 1024 threads.
To support 2D access, which is less common, CUDA should minimally support up to 512 in the X dimension (using the convention that the X dimension should be oriented in the coordinate system so that it measures the biggest spread) and 32 in the Y dimension. It must support up to 1024 in the X dimension, and I suppose they relax the requirement that the X dimension be no smaller than the Y dimension and allow the full 1024 range of Y values. However, in my understanding, 32 would have been plenty big for the Y dimension maximum.
To support 3D access, maintaining X, Y >= Z and trying to reach 1024, it seems to be that in the best case X=Y=Z=10; so there's no real argument for allowing Z to be greater than 10, given my assumptions
In summary, I don't see why they couldn't have made the maximums (1024, 32, 10). My question is why make them (1024, 1024, 64)? The only answer I keep coming back to is to allow some flexibility to programmers to violate the X>=Y>=Z coordinate system convention.
Edit: given my summary and hypothetical answer, the real answer to your question is this: it's an arbitary decision.
My wild guess is that because threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y and threadIdx.z are kept in a special single 32-bit register, possibly with even some other additional data. Maybe warp id? Or maybe multiprocessor-block id to identify which block given thread handles, if given multiprocessor runs more than one?
This is purely speculative, I have no data to support it, but I would imagine that they want to have as few special registers as possible.
