Open App From Widget IOS with Swift - ios

How I can open my App from the Today Widget with Swift ?
I just want to pressed the Widget and than i would like to open my App.
I got right now a button on my whole view the button is clear.
But that don't work for me:(
I need Help:)
#IBAction func launchApp(sender: AnyObject) {
var url: NSURL = NSURL.URLWithString("AffordItLauncher://")
self.extensionContext?.openURL(url, completionHandler: nil)

In your info.plist you need to add the following:
And make sure that your app name is the same as the one in your url. In your case, it should be AffordItLauncher


How to return to today extension from app

When the user taps the today extension it opens the app where they can modify its settings. But when the app is exited, the user is returned to the home screen. Is there any way I return focus to the today extension so the user can view the changes immediately? Or is this just not possible in iOS?
I recommend making a button to go to the app. Or add transition functionality after applying settings.
like this
var instagramHooks = "instagram://user?username=johndoe"
var instagramUrl = NSURL(string: instagramHooks)
if UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(instagramUrl!)
} else {
//redirect to safari because the user doesn't have Instagram
UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: "")!)
User can click on the top left button to return if the application has been opened from another application. You can update the data on his return.

How should we put custom UIButton in google maps app?

By clicking on a button am navigating to google maps app, and there am showing directions from one location to another location.
here is the code which i wrote in button
#IBAction func movetonextclass() {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string: "comgooglemaps://")!) {
let googleMapUrlString: String = "comgooglemaps://?saddr=&daddr=\(CDouble(startLat)),\(CDouble(startLong))&mode=driving"
UIApplication.shared.openURL(URL(string: googleMapUrlString)!)
else {
let googleMapUrlString: String = ",&daddr=\(CDouble(stopLat)),\(CDouble(stopLong))"
UIApplication.shared.openURL(URL(string: googleMapUrlString)!)
now i would like to display a custom UIButton in that screen.
if i click on that button, i should navigate to my own app
how should i put a button in google maps screen?
could any one help me with this
You cannot add anything in not your application, but actually from ios 9, when you open an another app when your app in active state you can back to previous application by tapping at the top left corner.

IOS swift how to know when activityViewController has been successfully used

I have a tableView that utilizes the UIActivityViewController so users can share content on other 3rd party networks Facebook, twitter, text message etc. I have a function called IncreaseShareByOne() and it's purpose is to count the number of times that something has been shared . My problem is that right now that function fires of every time the UIActivityViewController is clicked . Is there someway that I can find out if a user really shared something so that I can use that function correctly ? becomes sometimes you open the UIActivityViewController and decide not to share anything so I want to catch and not use that function. I am new to swift and am using version 3 .
func sharedShareAction(controller: UIViewController, sender: UIButton) {
controller.present(activityViewController,animated: true,completion: nil)
You can add a completion handler to your UIActivityViewController. In the completion handler, check whether the user submitted using the completed value. You'll probably want to do something like this:
func sharedShareAction(controller: UIViewController, sender: UIButton) {
controller.present(activityViewController,animated: true, completion: nil)
activityViewController.completionWithItemsHandler = { activity, completed, items, error in
if !completed {
// handle task not completed
Check the API docs for more info.

Send button click event from iOS Today Widget without launching the host app

I am writing a Today Widget for an iOS app. The widget has a few action buttons. I want to receive the click event when someone clicks on it. However, it should not launch the app.
I've already tried this but to no avail.
My current implementation is to define a URL Scheme, and call openURL on those button presses like so:
Button 1 links to myApp://button1
Button 2 links to myApp://button2
Button 3 links to myApp://button3
I am receiving these events in the AppDelegate's
Here's the Code in TodayWodgetController
#IBAction func widgetClicked(sender: UIButton){
if sender == button1 {
let u = NSURL(string: "myApp://button1")
self.extensionContext?.open(u! as URL, completionHandler: nil)
and here is the code I'm using in the host app's AppDelegate
func application(_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if url.absoluteString.range(of: "button1") != nil{
print ("Button 1 Pressed")
return true
However, like I said, it also launches the host App. I want it to just send me the click event without launching the App.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think there is a way to do that from an app extension.
Definition of open(_ URL: URL, completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil) as described by Apple:
Asks the system open a URL on behalf of the currently running app
Each extension point determines whether to support this method, or
under which conditions to support this method. In iOS 8, only the
Today extension point (used for creating widgets) supports this
Important: Apple allows a widget to use the open(_:completionHandler:) method to open the widget’s own containing

MPMediaPickerController shows an empty screen on iOS10

I am trying to port my apps to iOS 10, including the visualization of a MPMediaPickerController by means of the following code:
#IBAction func handleBrowserTapped(_ sender: AnyObject){
let pickerController = MPMediaPickerController(mediaTypes: .music)
pickerController.prompt = NSLocalizedString("Add pieces to queue", comment:"");
self.present(pickerController, animated:true, completion:{
Yet all that appears on the screen is a full white screen with no back buttons or other, differently from the previous iOS versions. The block is called and so the picker's presentation seems to succeed. What could be the problem?
Add Key-value to Plist :
<string>$(app Name) uses music</string>
The issue was fixed by the latest beta now asking for an authorisation to access the iTunes library.
