Storing more number of images in file on iOS - ios

I want to develop the solution where storing of image data downloaded from server and display it.
Scenario is, There will be thumbnail images placed on each row, clicking on that will download the actual image from server and display the image in a bigger view.
I want to store this image data once its downloaded from server, so that in the later stage if the same thumbnail has clicked to open, I don't need to again download the actual image from server, instead I can pull that from the place where I stored locally.
There will be more than 80 thumbnail images placed in rows and corresponding bigger images on the server.
Can I store the image data in a file and store it in documents directory or some thing like that? My worry, if the user selected all the 80 thumbnail images, then i'll have to store all the 80 bigger images locally on the app.
What is the best way to achieve this storing solution? Please advise.
Thank you.

You can store the images in the documents folder, as you already said. Just make sure to exclude them from backups, Apple will reject you for storing too much replaceable data in there.
There are also some third party image cache libraries, most notably (afaik) FastImageCache from Path:
From their website what FastImageCache does is this:
Stores images of similar sizes and styles together
Persists image data to disk
Returns images to the user significantly faster than traditional methods
Automatically manages cache expiry based on recency of usage
Utilizes a model-based approach for storing and retrieving images
Allows images to be processed on a per-model basis before being stored into the cache


In iOS, should we save Image as Binary Data or use a library?

I'm writing an app to consume REST Api which provide JSON response. I'm using CoreData to store object from JSON to support offline feature. Object has some image attributes (Which is image url from JSON response).
My question is should I store image attributes as Data (Using binary data) to CoreData (can check use external storage from CoreDataXCModel) or should I need to only store the image path (As String) and use some library such as Kingfisher, AlamofireImage, SDWebImage to load image from image url stored in Coredata? which one is better design?
1 more thing is for how we handle big image? Can we generate 1 thumbnail which is specific size and 1 full image size.
I suggest you to store URL in database and use some framework like SDWebImage to load. These frameworks have caching mechanism so that once an image is loaded it gets cached.
You could preferably get a thumbnail image as a link in the JSON response too.
Save the urlString, I think, in most cases the urlStrting is a better solution, because in the era of 3 g / 4 g mobile phone App has greater amounts of image data, the local store they are a very difficult thing, unless you have a 1024 TB of the iPhone.
And you should provide an interface, like long press to push an view(Or anything) to tell user they can save the image to local.
Don't forget load local image at first and provide an interface tell user they can remove the local data.

Should i save images to local storage in iOS App?

I am working on a project where i want to make the data, text, images available in offline mode as well.
I fetch data from a web-service which includes image urls and other data. I store the text data in core data entities, however i don't save images locally but fetch them in realtime.
To view images in offline mode i will have to save them to local storage. However i am wondering if it would be the right approach. Saving images to local may possibly eat up a lot of storage on user's device.
What is the best approach to address this problem?
Should i save images to local or should i fetch them on run time only?
Use NSCache. With NSCache you can set a limit to how many images and so on are cached. See Apple's documentation for more details:
Never mind NSCache, just save the images as files. NSCache can still save you network usage and allow your app to be more responsive, but it is not what you want.
Should i save images to local or should i fetch them on run time only?
This question for you , you should decide what you need or what is will be more suitable for your app . at any way if you want to cache images i suggest to use this library SDWebImage

Xcode iOS Image Caching

I am fetching images from my server and need to store them on the disk. I was wondering what is the best way to cache these images to prevent excessive requests and traffic. From doing some research it seems that there are many options available but I am not sure which to use.
Core Data
Store in the Cache Resources Folder in the file directory
After storing these is it best to use a NSCache class to put these data into memory for quick access or is Core Data quick enough?
Based on my experience, you could use SDWebImage, which caches the images you request based on their url, so the next time you "request" it, it will check if it is in cache, if so it won't make the request and it will load it from it instead.
I'm not sure why would you need to store the image, maybe you could tell us the reason and see if we can help any further.
I've had great results using FastImageCache by Path.
What Fast Image Cache Does
Stores images of similar sizes and styles together
Persists image data to disk
Returns images to the user significantly faster than traditional methods
Automatically manages cache expiry based on recency of usage
Utilizes a model-based approach for storing and retrieving images
Allows images to be processed on a per-model basis before being stored into the cache

Delete unused persistent data without reference

I have an app which communicates with a server. In this app I have a tableview in which I display several people from my company (their first and last name and their profile image).
Every time the tableview opens or needs to refresh, I fetch the user list from my server. These users will all have an image_name, which I try to look up in an array on the app itself. If I can't find it there, I load it from the documents dir, if I can't find it there either I download it from my server and save in locally on the device to prevent future downloads.
This works very well and it's a very easy way to manage the users and their images, it also makes sure that I download an image only once if several users have the same image (e.g. the company logo when they haven't uploaded an image yet).
The problem is that I don't keep a reference to these users so the app has no clue which user uses which image OR even if an image is still in use.
So when person A has image X it will be downloaded to the iPhone. If user A then changes his image to Y, the app will download and display image Y correctly. However, image X will never get deleted from the persistent data.
I ask you, the stackoverflow community, what's the best way to handle this?
Should I start keeping a reference to my users so I can also keep a reference to the old image?
Is there any way to find the timestamp of the last time and image was read from the documents dir?
Should I store the image names in coreData and all the references to them? (some kind of custom ARC logic)
At some point in time you have the list of used images, at this point in time you also have a list of images saved to disk. Once per day you can take this information and, on a background thread, do a comparison of the used and saved and delete them. This shouldn't require any additional data storage.
If you wanted to allow images to hang around for a while after they stop being used you can 'touch' the file (update the fileModificationDate) each time you use the file and then later you can check the modification dates of all images and delete on that basis.
You could add a prefix to the image that you download and when you fetch images, check all images in persistent storage for this prefix and then remove if there are any. You should only need to delete (maximum) one image every time your client fetches, which wouldn't be too heavy on the client.

Save images in phonegap and jquery mobile

Hi I have to develop an application that consists of the world cup fifa stamp album.
I have all the stamps in a png format, so in the first module i need to show the stamps that i own and the ones that not.
My original idea was to store in a database an entity called stamp that includes the image, the name of the player, the id of the stamp and the quantity that i own of each one. I don´t know which storage option to use i know that localstorage can´t store the images so I think my only option is web sql.
Is this the correct approach or the other one is to save the images like in a local folder and then using local storage save the path to the image, the id, name and number of the stamps?
Your life will be easier if you would store the images in the file system and their locations in the database.
Images must be served as static files so you will be able to access them directly
You don't need additional code to extract and stream the images
Images are easy to cache and store on the file system
The database also stores the data on the file system
For a web app you would could use multiple servers to improve performance
So yes, save the images in a local folder and use localstorage or web database to save the image paths.
For storing large amount of data you have to use SQLite for iOS and indexeddb for all other platforms.
There are two ways to access SQLite in phonegap. Either use native websql or sqliteplugin.
You can try out my library which abstract these storage mechanism. See here for example app
For storing image in the database, see here in "Storing File and Blob data" section.
