NSDictionary FBGraphUser Swift translation - ios

I stumbled upon this piece of Objective-C code:
- (void)updateUser:(NSDictionary<FBGraphUser> *)user inSlot:(NSInteger)slot {
[self validateSlotNumber:slot];
NSString *idKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:SUUserIDKeyFormat, (long)slot];
NSString *nameKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:SUUserNameKeyFormat, (long)slot];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if (user != nil) {
NSLog(#"SUUserManager updating slot %li: fbid = %#, name = %#", (long)slot, user.objectID, user.name);
[defaults setObject:user.objectID forKey:idKey];
[defaults setObject:user.name forKey:nameKey];
} else {
NSLog(#"SUUserManager clearing slot %li", (long)slot);
// Can't be current user anymore
if (slot == _currentUserSlot) {
[self switchToNoActiveUser];
// FBSample logic
// Also need to tell the token cache to forget the tokens for this user
FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy *tokenCachingStrategy = [self createCachingStrategyForSlot:slot];
[tokenCachingStrategy clearToken];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:idKey];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:nameKey];
[defaults synchronize];
[self sendNotification];
It is from one of the Facebook iOS SDK examples. I am trying to use it in my Swift written app. This is what I come up with:
func updateUser(user: Dictionary<String, FBGraphUser>, slot: Int) {
var idKey: String = String(format: userIDKeyFormat, slot)
var nameKey: String = String(format: userNameKeyFormat, slot)
var defaults: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if(user != nil) {
println("UserManager updating slot \(slot): Facebook ID = \(user.objectID), Name = \(user.name)")
defaults.setObject(user.objectID, forKey: idKey)
defaults.setObject(user.name, forKey: nameKey)
} else {
println("UserManager clearing slot \(slot)")
if(slot == currentUserSlot) {
var tokenCachingStrategy: FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy = self.createCachingStrategyForSlot(slot)
The problem is in Dictionary<String, FBGraphUser> which, I think, is just not the same as the Obj-C equivalent. In the if statement to check if user is not nil, Xcode throws an error: 'Dictionary' is not convertible to 'String'.
So how do I translate the Obj-C code to Swift?

You have to set you dictionary as an optional:
func updateUser(user: Dictionary<String, FBGraphUser>?, slot: Int) {...}

After some extensive research I finally found a way:
func updateUser<val: NSDictionary where val:protocol<FBGraphUser>>(user:val!, slot: Int) {
var idKey: String = String(format: userIDKeyFormat, slot)
var nameKey: String = String(format: userNameKeyFormat, slot)
var defaults: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if(user != nil) {
println("UserManager updating slot \(slot): Facebook ID = \(user!.objectID), Name = \(user!.name)")
defaults.setObject(user!.objectID, forKey: idKey)
defaults.setObject(user!.name, forKey: nameKey)
} else {
println("UserManager clearing slot \(slot)")
if(slot == currentUserSlot) {
var tokenCachingStrategy: FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy = self.createCachingStrategyForSlot(slot)


How to write SFHFKeychainUtils in swift

how to write this code in swift 3.0
NSString *appidStr;
NSError *saveerror;
NSString *savedstring=[SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:#"vikramarka" andServiceName:#"com.vikram.vikramarka" error:&saveerror ];
NSString *tempuniqstr;
if (savedstring==nil || savedstring.length<1)
NSUUID *uuid = [[NSUUID alloc] init];
tempuniqstr=[uuid UUIDString];
[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:#"vikramarka" andPassword:tempuniqstr forServiceName:#"com.vikram.vikramarka" updateExisting:YES error:&saveerror ];
appidStr = tempuniqstr;
appidStr = savedstring;
func keychainitems() {
var appidStr: String
var saveerror: Error?
let savedstring: String? = try? SFHFKeychainUtils.getPasswordForUsername("vikramarka", andServiceName: "com.vikram.vikramarka")
var tempuniqstr: String
if savedstring == nil || (savedstring?.characters.count ?? 0) < 1 {
let uuid = UUID()
tempuniqstr = uuid.uuidString
try? SFHFKeychainUtils.storeUsername("vikramarka", andPassword: tempuniqstr, forServiceName: "com.vikram.vikramarka", updateExisting: true)
appidStr = tempuniqstr
else {
appidStr = savedstring
Use this utility to convert future objective C code to swift 3

How can i validate an nsstring is valid url? [duplicate]

In an iPhone app I am developing, there is a setting in which you can enter a URL, because of form & function this URL needs to be validated online as well as offline.
So far I haven't been able to find any method to validate the url, so the question is;
How do I validate an URL input on the iPhone (Objective-C) online as well as offline?
Why not instead simply rely on Foundation.framework?
That does the job and does not require RegexKit :
NSURL *candidateURL = [NSURL URLWithString:candidate];
// WARNING > "test" is an URL according to RFCs, being just a path
// so you still should check scheme and all other NSURL attributes you need
if (candidateURL && candidateURL.scheme && candidateURL.host) {
// candidate is a well-formed url with:
// - a scheme (like http://)
// - a host (like stackoverflow.com)
According to Apple documentation :
URLWithString: Creates and returns an NSURL object initialized with a
provided string.
+ (id)URLWithString:(NSString *)URLString
URLString : The string with which to initialize the NSURL object. Must conform to RFC 2396. This method parses URLString according to RFCs 1738 and 1808.
Return Value
An NSURL object initialized with URLString. If the string was malformed, returns nil.
Thanks to this post, you can avoid using RegexKit.
Here is my solution (works for iphone development with iOS > 3.0) :
- (BOOL) validateUrl: (NSString *) candidate {
NSString *urlRegEx =
NSPredicate *urlTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx];
return [urlTest evaluateWithObject:candidate];
If you want to check in Swift my solution given below:
func isValidUrl(url: String) -> Bool {
let urlRegEx = "^(https?://)?(www\\.)?([-a-z0-9]{1,63}\\.)*?[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,6}(/[-\\w#\\+\\.~#\\?&/=%]*)?$"
let urlTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx)
let result = urlTest.evaluate(with: url)
return result
Instead of writing your own regular expressions, rely on Apple's. I have been using a category on NSString that uses NSDataDetector to test for the presence of a link within a string. If the range of the link found by NSDataDetector equals the length of the entire string, then it is a valid URL.
- (BOOL)isValidURL {
NSUInteger length = [self length];
// Empty strings should return NO
if (length > 0) {
NSError *error = nil;
NSDataDetector *dataDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:&error];
if (dataDetector && !error) {
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, length);
NSRange notFoundRange = (NSRange){NSNotFound, 0};
NSRange linkRange = [dataDetector rangeOfFirstMatchInString:self options:0 range:range];
if (!NSEqualRanges(notFoundRange, linkRange) && NSEqualRanges(range, linkRange)) {
return YES;
else {
NSLog(#"Could not create link data detector: %# %#", [error localizedDescription], [error userInfo]);
return NO;
My solution with Swift:
func validateUrl (stringURL : NSString) -> Bool {
var urlRegEx = "((https|http)://)((\\w|-)+)(([.]|[/])((\\w|-)+))+"
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", argumentArray:[urlRegEx])
var urlTest = NSPredicate.predicateWithSubstitutionVariables(predicate)
return predicate.evaluateWithObject(stringURL)
For Test:
var boolean1 = validateUrl("http.s://www.gmail.com")
var boolean2 = validateUrl("https:.//gmailcom")
var boolean3 = validateUrl("https://gmail.me.")
var boolean4 = validateUrl("https://www.gmail.me.com.com.com.com")
var boolean6 = validateUrl("http:/./ww-w.wowone.com")
var boolean7 = validateUrl("http://.www.wowone")
var boolean8 = validateUrl("http://www.wow-one.com")
var boolean9 = validateUrl("http://www.wow_one.com")
var boolean10 = validateUrl("http://.")
var boolean11 = validateUrl("http://")
var boolean12 = validateUrl("http://k")
use this-
NSString *urlRegEx = #"http(s)?://([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(/[\\w- ./?%&=]*)?";
I solved the problem using RegexKit, and build a quick regex to validate a URL;
NSString *regexString = #"(http|https)://((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*)+([\\.|/]((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*))+";
NSString *subjectString = brandLink.text;
NSString *matchedString = [subjectString stringByMatching:regexString];
Then I check if the matchedString is equal to the subjectString and if that is the case the url is valid :)
Correct me if my regex is wrong ;)
I've found the easiest way to do this is like so:
- (BOOL)validateUrl: (NSURL *)candidate
NSURLRequest *req = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:candidate];
return [NSURLConnection canHandleRequest:req];
Oddly enough, I didn't really find a solution here that was very simple, yet still did an okay job for handling http / https links.
Keep in mind, THIS IS NOT a perfect solution, but it worked for the cases below. In summary, the regex tests whether the URL starts with http:// or https://, then checks for at least 1 character, then checks for a dot, and then again checks for at least 1 character. No spaces allowed.
+ (BOOL)validateLink:(NSString *)link
NSString *regex = #"(?i)(http|https)(:\\/\\/)([^ .]+)(\\.)([^ \n]+)";
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#", regex];
return [predicate evaluateWithObject:link];
Tested VALID against these URLs:
Tested INVALID against these URLs:
#"http://foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded",
#"http:// shouldfail.com",
#":// should fail"
Source of URLs:
You can use this if you do not want http or https or www
NSString *urlRegEx = #"^(http(s)?://)?((www)?\.)?[\w]+\.[\w]+";
- (void) testUrl:(NSString *)urlString{
NSLog(#"%#: %#", ([self isValidUrl:urlString] ? #"VALID" : #"INVALID"), urlString);
- (void)doTestUrls{
[self testUrl:#"google"];
[self testUrl:#"google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"www.google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"http://www.google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"http://google.de"];
INVALID: google
VALID: google.de
VALID: www.google.de
VALID: http://www.google.de
VALID: http://google.de
Lefakir's solution has one issue.
His regex can't match with "http://instagram.com/p/4Mz3dTJ-ra/".
Url component has combined numerical and literal character. His regex fail such urls.
Here is my improvement.
Below code will let you find the valid URLs
NSPredicate *websitePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#",#"^(((((h|H)(t|T){2}(p|P)s?)|((f|F)(t|T)(p|P)))://(w{3}.)?)|(w{3}.))[A-Za-z0-9]+(.[A-Za-z0-9-:;\?#_]+)+"];
if ([websitePredicate evaluateWithObject:##MY_STRING##])
for such URLS
The approved answer is incorrect.
I have an URL with an "-" in it, and the validation fails.
Tweeked Vaibhav's answer to support G+ links:
NSString *urlRegEx = #"http(s)?://([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(/[\\w-\\+ ./?%&=]*)?";
Some URL's without / at the end are not detected as the correct one in the solutions above. So this might be helpful.
extension String {
func isValidURL() -> Bool{
let length:Int = self.characters.count
var err:NSError?
var dataDetector:NSDataDetector? = NSDataDetector()
dataDetector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.Link.rawValue)
err = error as NSError
if dataDetector != nil{
let range = NSMakeRange(0, length)
let notFoundRange = NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
let linkRange = dataDetector?.rangeOfFirstMatchInString(self, options: NSMatchingOptions.init(rawValue: 0), range: range)
if !NSEqualRanges(notFoundRange, linkRange!) && NSEqualRanges(range, linkRange!){
return true
print("Could not create link data detector: \(err?.localizedDescription): \(err?.userInfo)")
return false
URL Validation in Swift
Xcode 8.2.1, Swift 3
enum URLSchemes: String
import Foundation
enum URLSchemes: String {
case http = "http://", https = "https://", ftp = "ftp://", unknown = "unknown://"
static func detectScheme(urlString: String) -> URLSchemes {
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .http) {
return .http
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .https) {
return .https
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .ftp) {
return .ftp
return .unknown
static func getAllSchemes(separetedBy separator: String) -> String {
return "\(URLSchemes.http.rawValue)\(separator)\(URLSchemes.https.rawValue)\(separator)\(URLSchemes.ftp.rawValue)"
private static func isSchemeCorrect(urlString: String, scheme: URLSchemes) -> Bool {
if urlString.replacingOccurrences(of: scheme.rawValue, with: "") == urlString {
return false
return true
extension String
import Foundation
extension String {
var isUrl: Bool {
// for http://regexr.com checking
// (?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:xn--)?(?:\S+(?::\S*)?#)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[#-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?
let schemes = URLSchemes.getAllSchemes(separetedBy: "|").replacingOccurrences(of: "://", with: "")
let regex = "(?:(?:\(schemes)):\\/\\/)(?:xn--)?(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?#)?(?:(?!10(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\\.254(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\\.168(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[#-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:\\/[^\\s]*)?"
let regularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: [])
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: self.characters.count)
let matches = regularExpression.matches(in: self, options: [], range: range)
for match in matches {
if range.location == match.range.location && range.length == match.range.length {
return true
return false
var toURL: URL? {
let urlChecker: (String)->(URL?) = { url_string in
if url_string.isUrl, let url = URL(string: url_string) {
return url
return nil
if !contains(".") {
return nil
if let url = urlChecker(self) {
return url
let scheme = URLSchemes.detectScheme(urlString: self)
if scheme == .unknown {
let newEncodedString = URLSchemes.http.rawValue + self
if let url = urlChecker(newEncodedString) {
return url
return nil
func tests() {
chekUrl(urlString:" ")
chekUrl(urlString:":// should fail")
func chekUrl(urlString: String) {
var result = ""
if urlString.isUrl {
result += "url: "
} else {
result += "not url: "
result += "\"\(urlString)\""
Objective C
- (BOOL)validateUrlString:(NSString*)urlString
if (!urlString)
return NO;
NSDataDetector *linkDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:nil];
NSRange urlStringRange = NSMakeRange(0, [urlString length]);
NSMatchingOptions matchingOptions = 0;
if (1 != [linkDetector numberOfMatchesInString:urlString options:matchingOptions range:urlStringRange])
return NO;
NSTextCheckingResult *checkingResult = [linkDetector firstMatchInString:urlString options:matchingOptions range:urlStringRange];
return checkingResult.resultType == NSTextCheckingTypeLink && NSEqualRanges(checkingResult.range, urlStringRange);
Hope this helps!
did you mean to check if what the user entered is a URL? It can be as simple as a regular expression, for example checking if the string contain www. (this is the way that yahoo messenger checks if the user status is a link or not)
Hope that help
Selfishly, I would suggest using a KSURLFormatter instance to both validate input, and convert it to something NSURL can handle.
I have created inherited class of UITextField which can handle all kind of validation using regex string. In this you just need to give them all the regex string in sequence and their message that you want to show when validation get failed. You can check my blog for more info, it will really help you
Extending #Anthony's answer to swift, I wrote a category on String which returns an optional NSURL. The return value is nil if the String can not be validated to be a URL.
import Foundation
// A private global detector variable which can be reused.
private let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.Link.rawValue)
extension String {
func URL() -> NSURL? {
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, self.characters.count)
guard let URLResult = detector.firstMatchInString(self, options: [], range: textRange) else {
return nil
// This checks that the whole string is the detected URL. In case
// you don't have such a requirement, you can remove this code
// and return the URL from URLResult.
guard NSEqualRanges(URLResult.range, textRange) else {
return nil
return NSURL(string: self)
func checkValidUrl(_ strUrl: String) -> Bool {
let urlRegEx: String = "(http|https)://((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*)+([\\.|/]((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*))+"
let urlTest = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx)
return urlTest.evaluate(with: strUrl)
My solution in Swift 5:
extension String {
func isValidUrl() -> Bool {
do {
let detector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
// check if the string has link inside
return detector.numberOfMatches(in: self, options: [], range: .init( location: 0, length: utf16.count)) > 0
} catch {
print("Error during NSDatadetector initialization \(error)" )
return false

Using NSNumber numberWithBool in Swift

I submitted my Version 2 of my app for review and it got rejected due to a high backup to iCloud - wasn't aware of this as I only have to pics in my app but anyway. Now I try to convert that code
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *databaseUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:databasePath];
BOOL success = [databaseUrl setResourceValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:&error];
NSLog(#"Error excluding %# from backup %#", [databaseUrl lastPathComponent], error);
to swift and I couldn't get it work...
This is what I have so far...
func excludeFromBackup() {
var error:NSError?
var fileToExclude = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("path")
var success:Bool = fileToExclude?.setResourceValue(NSNumber.numberWithBool(true), forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey, error: &error)
if success {
} else {
println("didn't work")
As you see, I fail with the numberWithBool Value.
Can anyone help me? Did anyone convert it before?
Thanks in advance...
Some Swift types (Int, Bool, String, ...) are automatically
bridged to the corresponding Objective-C type, so you can simply write:
let success = fileToExclude.setResourceValue(true, forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey, error: &error)
(More details in Working with Cocoa Data Types.)
I got it sorted... Here is the solution.
func excludeFromBackup(path:String) {
var error:NSError?
var fileToExclude = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path)!
var success:Bool = fileToExclude.setResourceValue(NSNumber(bool: true), forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey, error: &error)
if success {
} else {
println("didn't work")
That works just fine now.
Thanks anyway...

keychain iOS touchId prompted twice

I would like to add an item to keychain if it does not exists or update if it does exist.
I call SecItemCopyMatching to check if the item exists passing the following query:
NSDictionary *query = #{
(__bridge id)kSecClass: (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrService: #"myservice",
(__bridge id)kSecReturnData: #NO
SecItemCopyMatching prompts the user for the touchid/passcode.
After that I need to update the keychain which prompts the user again.
I can store a BOOL in my program that saves the state but that may be out of sync with the value in keychain so I would rather query the keychain itself if the item exists or not but I don't want the user to get double prompted. Is there any way to do that?
A workaround here would be to call update first. It won't prompt you unless the item exists. If the update call returns an errSecItemNotFound, then add the data. This should only prompt you at most once. If you add an item, it shouldn't prompt you at all.
class func updateData(value: NSData, forKey keyName: String) -> Bool {
let keychainQueryDictionary: NSMutableDictionary = self.setupKeychainQueryDictionaryForKey(keyName)
let updateDictionary = [SecValueData:value]
let status: OSStatus = SecItemUpdate(keychainQueryDictionary, updateDictionary)
if status == errSecSuccess {
return true
} else if status == errSecItemNotFound {
return setData(value, forKey: keyName)
} else {
return false
class func setData(value: NSData, forKey keyName: String) -> Bool {
var keychainQueryDictionary: NSMutableDictionary = self.setupKeychainQueryDictionaryForKey(keyName)
keychainQueryDictionary[SecValueData] = value
var error:Unmanaged<CFErrorRef>?
let sacObject = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock, SecAccessControlCreateFlags.UserPresence, &error)
keychainQueryDictionary[SecAttrAccessControl] = sacObject.takeRetainedValue()
let status: OSStatus = SecItemAdd(keychainQueryDictionary, nil)
if status == errSecSuccess {
return true
} else {
return false
private class func setupKeychainQueryDictionaryForKey(keyName: String) -> NSMutableDictionary {
var attributes = NSMutableDictionary()
attributes[SecClass] = kSecClassGenericPassword as String
attributes[SecAttrService] = "Sample Service 1"
attributes[SecUseOperationPrompt] = "Operation prompt goes here"
attributes[SecAttrAccount] = keyName
return attributes
This code is modified from Jason Rendel's KeychainWrapper.

How to validate an url on the iPhone

In an iPhone app I am developing, there is a setting in which you can enter a URL, because of form & function this URL needs to be validated online as well as offline.
So far I haven't been able to find any method to validate the url, so the question is;
How do I validate an URL input on the iPhone (Objective-C) online as well as offline?
Why not instead simply rely on Foundation.framework?
That does the job and does not require RegexKit :
NSURL *candidateURL = [NSURL URLWithString:candidate];
// WARNING > "test" is an URL according to RFCs, being just a path
// so you still should check scheme and all other NSURL attributes you need
if (candidateURL && candidateURL.scheme && candidateURL.host) {
// candidate is a well-formed url with:
// - a scheme (like http://)
// - a host (like stackoverflow.com)
According to Apple documentation :
URLWithString: Creates and returns an NSURL object initialized with a
provided string.
+ (id)URLWithString:(NSString *)URLString
URLString : The string with which to initialize the NSURL object. Must conform to RFC 2396. This method parses URLString according to RFCs 1738 and 1808.
Return Value
An NSURL object initialized with URLString. If the string was malformed, returns nil.
Thanks to this post, you can avoid using RegexKit.
Here is my solution (works for iphone development with iOS > 3.0) :
- (BOOL) validateUrl: (NSString *) candidate {
NSString *urlRegEx =
NSPredicate *urlTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx];
return [urlTest evaluateWithObject:candidate];
If you want to check in Swift my solution given below:
func isValidUrl(url: String) -> Bool {
let urlRegEx = "^(https?://)?(www\\.)?([-a-z0-9]{1,63}\\.)*?[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,6}(/[-\\w#\\+\\.~#\\?&/=%]*)?$"
let urlTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx)
let result = urlTest.evaluate(with: url)
return result
Instead of writing your own regular expressions, rely on Apple's. I have been using a category on NSString that uses NSDataDetector to test for the presence of a link within a string. If the range of the link found by NSDataDetector equals the length of the entire string, then it is a valid URL.
- (BOOL)isValidURL {
NSUInteger length = [self length];
// Empty strings should return NO
if (length > 0) {
NSError *error = nil;
NSDataDetector *dataDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:&error];
if (dataDetector && !error) {
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, length);
NSRange notFoundRange = (NSRange){NSNotFound, 0};
NSRange linkRange = [dataDetector rangeOfFirstMatchInString:self options:0 range:range];
if (!NSEqualRanges(notFoundRange, linkRange) && NSEqualRanges(range, linkRange)) {
return YES;
else {
NSLog(#"Could not create link data detector: %# %#", [error localizedDescription], [error userInfo]);
return NO;
My solution with Swift:
func validateUrl (stringURL : NSString) -> Bool {
var urlRegEx = "((https|http)://)((\\w|-)+)(([.]|[/])((\\w|-)+))+"
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %#", argumentArray:[urlRegEx])
var urlTest = NSPredicate.predicateWithSubstitutionVariables(predicate)
return predicate.evaluateWithObject(stringURL)
For Test:
var boolean1 = validateUrl("http.s://www.gmail.com")
var boolean2 = validateUrl("https:.//gmailcom")
var boolean3 = validateUrl("https://gmail.me.")
var boolean4 = validateUrl("https://www.gmail.me.com.com.com.com")
var boolean6 = validateUrl("http:/./ww-w.wowone.com")
var boolean7 = validateUrl("http://.www.wowone")
var boolean8 = validateUrl("http://www.wow-one.com")
var boolean9 = validateUrl("http://www.wow_one.com")
var boolean10 = validateUrl("http://.")
var boolean11 = validateUrl("http://")
var boolean12 = validateUrl("http://k")
use this-
NSString *urlRegEx = #"http(s)?://([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(/[\\w- ./?%&=]*)?";
I solved the problem using RegexKit, and build a quick regex to validate a URL;
NSString *regexString = #"(http|https)://((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*)+([\\.|/]((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*))+";
NSString *subjectString = brandLink.text;
NSString *matchedString = [subjectString stringByMatching:regexString];
Then I check if the matchedString is equal to the subjectString and if that is the case the url is valid :)
Correct me if my regex is wrong ;)
I've found the easiest way to do this is like so:
- (BOOL)validateUrl: (NSURL *)candidate
NSURLRequest *req = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:candidate];
return [NSURLConnection canHandleRequest:req];
Oddly enough, I didn't really find a solution here that was very simple, yet still did an okay job for handling http / https links.
Keep in mind, THIS IS NOT a perfect solution, but it worked for the cases below. In summary, the regex tests whether the URL starts with http:// or https://, then checks for at least 1 character, then checks for a dot, and then again checks for at least 1 character. No spaces allowed.
+ (BOOL)validateLink:(NSString *)link
NSString *regex = #"(?i)(http|https)(:\\/\\/)([^ .]+)(\\.)([^ \n]+)";
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#", regex];
return [predicate evaluateWithObject:link];
Tested VALID against these URLs:
Tested INVALID against these URLs:
#"http://foo.bar?q=Spaces should be encoded",
#"http:// shouldfail.com",
#":// should fail"
Source of URLs:
You can use this if you do not want http or https or www
NSString *urlRegEx = #"^(http(s)?://)?((www)?\.)?[\w]+\.[\w]+";
- (void) testUrl:(NSString *)urlString{
NSLog(#"%#: %#", ([self isValidUrl:urlString] ? #"VALID" : #"INVALID"), urlString);
- (void)doTestUrls{
[self testUrl:#"google"];
[self testUrl:#"google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"www.google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"http://www.google.de"];
[self testUrl:#"http://google.de"];
INVALID: google
VALID: google.de
VALID: www.google.de
VALID: http://www.google.de
VALID: http://google.de
Lefakir's solution has one issue.
His regex can't match with "http://instagram.com/p/4Mz3dTJ-ra/".
Url component has combined numerical and literal character. His regex fail such urls.
Here is my improvement.
Below code will let you find the valid URLs
NSPredicate *websitePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF MATCHES %#",#"^(((((h|H)(t|T){2}(p|P)s?)|((f|F)(t|T)(p|P)))://(w{3}.)?)|(w{3}.))[A-Za-z0-9]+(.[A-Za-z0-9-:;\?#_]+)+"];
if ([websitePredicate evaluateWithObject:##MY_STRING##])
for such URLS
The approved answer is incorrect.
I have an URL with an "-" in it, and the validation fails.
Tweeked Vaibhav's answer to support G+ links:
NSString *urlRegEx = #"http(s)?://([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(/[\\w-\\+ ./?%&=]*)?";
Some URL's without / at the end are not detected as the correct one in the solutions above. So this might be helpful.
extension String {
func isValidURL() -> Bool{
let length:Int = self.characters.count
var err:NSError?
var dataDetector:NSDataDetector? = NSDataDetector()
dataDetector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.Link.rawValue)
err = error as NSError
if dataDetector != nil{
let range = NSMakeRange(0, length)
let notFoundRange = NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
let linkRange = dataDetector?.rangeOfFirstMatchInString(self, options: NSMatchingOptions.init(rawValue: 0), range: range)
if !NSEqualRanges(notFoundRange, linkRange!) && NSEqualRanges(range, linkRange!){
return true
print("Could not create link data detector: \(err?.localizedDescription): \(err?.userInfo)")
return false
URL Validation in Swift
Xcode 8.2.1, Swift 3
enum URLSchemes: String
import Foundation
enum URLSchemes: String {
case http = "http://", https = "https://", ftp = "ftp://", unknown = "unknown://"
static func detectScheme(urlString: String) -> URLSchemes {
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .http) {
return .http
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .https) {
return .https
if URLSchemes.isSchemeCorrect(urlString: urlString, scheme: .ftp) {
return .ftp
return .unknown
static func getAllSchemes(separetedBy separator: String) -> String {
return "\(URLSchemes.http.rawValue)\(separator)\(URLSchemes.https.rawValue)\(separator)\(URLSchemes.ftp.rawValue)"
private static func isSchemeCorrect(urlString: String, scheme: URLSchemes) -> Bool {
if urlString.replacingOccurrences(of: scheme.rawValue, with: "") == urlString {
return false
return true
extension String
import Foundation
extension String {
var isUrl: Bool {
// for http://regexr.com checking
// (?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:xn--)?(?:\S+(?::\S*)?#)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[#-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?
let schemes = URLSchemes.getAllSchemes(separetedBy: "|").replacingOccurrences(of: "://", with: "")
let regex = "(?:(?:\(schemes)):\\/\\/)(?:xn--)?(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?#)?(?:(?!10(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\\.254(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\\.168(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[#-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:\\/[^\\s]*)?"
let regularExpression = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: [])
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: self.characters.count)
let matches = regularExpression.matches(in: self, options: [], range: range)
for match in matches {
if range.location == match.range.location && range.length == match.range.length {
return true
return false
var toURL: URL? {
let urlChecker: (String)->(URL?) = { url_string in
if url_string.isUrl, let url = URL(string: url_string) {
return url
return nil
if !contains(".") {
return nil
if let url = urlChecker(self) {
return url
let scheme = URLSchemes.detectScheme(urlString: self)
if scheme == .unknown {
let newEncodedString = URLSchemes.http.rawValue + self
if let url = urlChecker(newEncodedString) {
return url
return nil
func tests() {
chekUrl(urlString:" ")
chekUrl(urlString:":// should fail")
func chekUrl(urlString: String) {
var result = ""
if urlString.isUrl {
result += "url: "
} else {
result += "not url: "
result += "\"\(urlString)\""
Objective C
- (BOOL)validateUrlString:(NSString*)urlString
if (!urlString)
return NO;
NSDataDetector *linkDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:nil];
NSRange urlStringRange = NSMakeRange(0, [urlString length]);
NSMatchingOptions matchingOptions = 0;
if (1 != [linkDetector numberOfMatchesInString:urlString options:matchingOptions range:urlStringRange])
return NO;
NSTextCheckingResult *checkingResult = [linkDetector firstMatchInString:urlString options:matchingOptions range:urlStringRange];
return checkingResult.resultType == NSTextCheckingTypeLink && NSEqualRanges(checkingResult.range, urlStringRange);
Hope this helps!
did you mean to check if what the user entered is a URL? It can be as simple as a regular expression, for example checking if the string contain www. (this is the way that yahoo messenger checks if the user status is a link or not)
Hope that help
Selfishly, I would suggest using a KSURLFormatter instance to both validate input, and convert it to something NSURL can handle.
I have created inherited class of UITextField which can handle all kind of validation using regex string. In this you just need to give them all the regex string in sequence and their message that you want to show when validation get failed. You can check my blog for more info, it will really help you
Extending #Anthony's answer to swift, I wrote a category on String which returns an optional NSURL. The return value is nil if the String can not be validated to be a URL.
import Foundation
// A private global detector variable which can be reused.
private let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingType.Link.rawValue)
extension String {
func URL() -> NSURL? {
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, self.characters.count)
guard let URLResult = detector.firstMatchInString(self, options: [], range: textRange) else {
return nil
// This checks that the whole string is the detected URL. In case
// you don't have such a requirement, you can remove this code
// and return the URL from URLResult.
guard NSEqualRanges(URLResult.range, textRange) else {
return nil
return NSURL(string: self)
func checkValidUrl(_ strUrl: String) -> Bool {
let urlRegEx: String = "(http|https)://((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*)+([\\.|/]((\\w)*|([0-9]*)|([-|_])*))+"
let urlTest = NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %#", urlRegEx)
return urlTest.evaluate(with: strUrl)
My solution in Swift 5:
extension String {
func isValidUrl() -> Bool {
do {
let detector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
// check if the string has link inside
return detector.numberOfMatches(in: self, options: [], range: .init( location: 0, length: utf16.count)) > 0
} catch {
print("Error during NSDatadetector initialization \(error)" )
return false
