How to pass interface parameter to RouteValueDictionary()? -

In an ASP.NET MVC app, I'm passing an interface instance as a parameter. In the code snippet below, myinterface is the interface instance.
return RedirectToAction( "Main", new RouteValueDictionary(
new { controller = controllerName, action = "Main", Id = Id, someInterface = myinterface } ) );
At the recipient side, the action looks like:
public ActionResult Index(Int Id, ISomeInterface someInterface) {...}
I get the following runtime exception:
Cannot create an instance of an interface
Is there some way to do this?

I dont know what your reasons are. I am assuming they are valid. MVC is not going to provide implementation for your interface. You will have to override the default model binding behavior like below and provide the concrete type (it can come from your IOC container):
public class MyBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext
, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType)
if (bindingContext.ModelType.Name == "ISomeInterface")
return new SomeType();
//You can get the concrete implementation from your IOC container
return base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType);
public interface ISomeInterface
string Val { get; set; }
public class SomeType : ISomeInterface
public string Val { get; set; }
Then in your Application Start will look something like below:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new MyBinder();
//Followed by other stuff
Here's working actions
public ActionResult About()
ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
var routeValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary()
return RedirectToAction("Abouts", "Home", routeValueDictionary);
public ActionResult Abouts(int id, ISomeInterface testInterface)
ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
return View();


Changing the type of action parameter at runtime depending on current user in aspnet webapi

How to alter the TViewModel from within a action filter or a model binder?
public IHttpActionResult Get(long id)
var entity = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<TViewModel, TEntity>(model);
repo.Update(id, entity);
return Ok(model);
public IHttpActionResult Edit(long id, TViewModel model)
var entity = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<TViewModel, TEntity>(model);
repo.Update(id, entity);
return Ok(model);
the filter should be
public class HasPriviliege:ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//the TViewModel(view model type to bind to) should be
// DoctorPatientViewModel should be;
//the TViewModel(view model type to bind to) should be
or alternativaly, the model binder
public class IPrivilegeableModelBinder: IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
//return (hasPriviliege()?DoctorPatientViewModel:ExaminationPatientViewModel) ;
Rather than write an over-bloated comment, I'll post my suggestion on how we accomplished something similar to this using a generic controller.
Controller factory:
public class ControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
Type controllerType = typeof(GenericController<>);
Type genericType = controllerType.MakeGenericType(GetPrivilegeType());
ConstructorInfo ctor = genericType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{});
return (IController)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { });
public SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly;
public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
if (controller is IDisposable)
private string GetPrivilegeType()
if (getPrivileges() == "doctor") {
return typeof(DoctorPatientViewModel);
} else {
return typeof(ExaminationPatientViewModel);
Register it like this:
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new ControllerFactory());
...and finally what your controller might look like
public class GenericController<TViewModel> // TViewModel will be the privilege type from the factory
where TViewModel : IPrivilege
public IHttpActionResult Edit(long id, TViewModel model)
var entity = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<TViewModel, TEntity>(model);
repo.Update(id, entity);
return Ok(model);
That's the most basic example to get a generic controller working for mvc which might go some way to what you're trying to accomplish.

Unity how to pass Request in Controller's constructor from Unity

The old controller code with Concrete dependencies:
public SomeController: Controller
public SomeController()
public ActionResult Default()
**Something something = new Something(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL"].ToString());**
The new Controller code with TDD focus:
public SomeControllerNew: Controller
private readonly ISomething _something;
public SomeControllerNew(ISomething something)
_something = something;
public ActionResult Default()
Now in new TDD approach i need to invoke constructor where I am registering the Interface. I have put it in UnityBootstraper common file, Something like:
var container = new UnityContainer();
**Something something = new Something(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL"].ToString());**
This is not working here. Error is quite clear:
Object reference required for non-static field, method, property 'System.Web.Mvc.Controller.Request.get'.
I can't figure out how i can access http request here in UnityBootstrapper?
Trying to do all this in RegisterRoutes.
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new Unity.Mvc3.UnityDependencyResolver(UnityBootstrapper.Initialise()));
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<ISometing, Something>();
One way to do it is to create an abstract factory like this:
public interface ISomethingFactory
ISomething Create(string url);
public class SomethingFactory : ISomethingFactory
public ISomething Create(string url)
return new Something(url);
And make your controller depend on it like this:
public class SomeControllerNew: Controller
private readonly ISomething _something;
public SomeControllerNew(ISomethingFactory somethingFactory)
_something = somethingFactory.Create(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL"].ToString();
public ActionResult Default()
A better approach (IMO) is to use a custom Controller Factory instead of using the Dependency Resolver like this:
public class CustomFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
public override IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
var request = requestContext.HttpContext.Request; //Here we have access to the request
if (controllerName == "Some") //Name of controller
//Use the container to resolve and return the controller.
//When you resolve, you can use ParameterOverride to specify the value of the string dependency that you need to inject into Something
return base.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
This way you don't have to introduce the ISomethingFactory, and your controller would still depend on ISomething directly.
You would need to tell the MVC framework about this custom controller factory like this (in Application_Start):
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new CustomFactory());

mvc 4 mef import/export confusion

I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around Mef and how imports and exports work. My project structure is as follows.
MefMVPApp (Main MVC 4 app)
MefMVCFramework.Common(Interfaces shared between the projects)
MefMVCDemo.Plugins.OrderStatus (pluggable area.)
MefMVCDemo.Plugins.Data (Repository for OrderStatus)
OrderStatus.Models(domain models shared between the projects)
The goal of the main Mvc App will be to host plug-able areas via mef.
The OrderStatus Area has a controller called OrderStatusController and is decorated with the Export Attribute and a ImportingConstructor.
[ExportMetadata("controllerName", "OrderStatus")]
public class OrderStatusController : Controller
private readonly IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse>_repository ;
public OrderStatusController(IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse> oRepository)
_repository = oRepository;
public ActionResult Index()
var model = _repository.GetAll();
return View();
IRepository is a class in the MefMVCFramework.Common assembly and will be used for generic CRUD operations.
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
IEnumerable<T> GetAll();
T GetById(int id);
void Add(T entity);
int SaveOrUpdate(T entity);
bool Delete(T entity);
bool Delete(int id);
The MefMVCDemo.Plugins.Data assembly contains a Class called OrderManagementRepository that inherents for the generic repository and is marked with an Export Attribute.
public class OrderManagementRepository : IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse>
private readonly JsonServiceClient _client;
public OrderManagementRepository()
_client = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:52266");
public IEnumerable<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse> GetAll()
throw new NotImplementedException("Can not get all");
public OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse GetById(int id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Add(OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int SaveOrUpdate(OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Delete(OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Delete(int id)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Using Mefx tool I am able to see my parts and there are no rejection.
mefx /dir:C:\
Source.PreBranch.Keep\Prototypes\Projects\MefDemoApp\mefMVC4App\bin /parts
I can see my import.
mefx /dir:C:\
Source.PreBranch.Keep\Prototypes\Projects\MefDemoApp\mefMVC4App\bin /imports
Now when browse my main mvc site with the /orderstatus uri I get the following error:
No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
Adding a default constructor to the OrderStatusController that takes no overloads doesn't seem to work.
I guess the question is what am I doing wrong? Why does my interface in the constructor all way end up being null and why is there an mvc error about the "No parameterless constructor defined for this object".
The default controller factory in MVC tries to create the controller using a parameterless constructor. If you want to change this behavior, then you need to create your own custom controller factory.
Here is an example of a ControllerFactory using imports/exports on controllers
I'm using MEF for importing some parts to my app but my controllers are not imported/exported, so I created the following controller factory
public class ControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
private readonly CompositionContainer _container;
private IControllerFactory _innerFactory;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor used to create the factory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container">MEF Container that will be used for importing</param>
public ControllerFactory(CompositionContainer container)
_container = container;
_innerFactory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
/// <summary>
/// Method used for create the controller based on the provided name. It calls the
/// constructor of the controller passing the MEF container
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestContext">Context of the request</param>
/// <param name="controllerName">Name of the controller provided in the route</param>
/// <returns>The controller instance</returns>
public IController CreateController(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
Type controllerType = FindControllerByName(controllerName);
var args = new object[] { this._container };
var controller = (IController)Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType, args);
return controller;
/// <summary>
/// This methods looks into the current Assembly for the Controller type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The controller name provided in the route</param>
/// <returns>The controller type</returns>
private static Type FindControllerByName(string name){
var a = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ControllerFactory));
var types = a.GetTypes();
Type type = types.Where(t => t.Name == String.Format("{0}Controller", name)).FirstOrDefault();
return type;
public System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateBehavior.Default;
public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
var disposableController = controller as IDisposable;
if (disposableController != null)
Thank you pollirrata for pointing me in the right direction.
I had to change a few things to get this to work.
1.) I added an interface called INameMetadata to my MefMVCFramework.Common project.
public interface INameMetadata
string Name { get; }
2.) Modified My ExportMetadata Tag on my controller export to be Name, OrderStatus.
[ExportMetadata("Name", "OrderStatus")]
public class OrderStatusController : Controller
private IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse> _repository;
public OrderStatusController(IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse> oRepository)
_repository = oRepository;
public ActionResult Index()
var model = _repository.GetById(47985);
return View(model);
3.) Created the MefControllerFactory (based off what pollirrata posted but modified to look for the Metadata)
public class MefControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
private string _pluginPath;
private readonly DirectoryCatalog _catalog;
private readonly CompositionContainer _container;
private DefaultControllerFactory _defaultControllerFactory;
public MefControllerFactory(string pluginPath)
_pluginPath = pluginPath;
_catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(pluginPath);
_container = new CompositionContainer(_catalog);
_defaultControllerFactory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
public MefControllerFactory(CompositionContainer compositionContainer)
_container = compositionContainer;
_defaultControllerFactory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
#region IControllerFactory Members
public IController CreateController(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
//IController controller = null;
var controller = _container.GetExports<IController,INameMetadata>()
if (controller == null)
throw new HttpException(404, "Not found");
return controller;
public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
var disposable = controller as IDisposable;
if (disposable != null)
public SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return SessionStateBehavior.Default;
4.) I created a Class called MefConfig in Main MVC app and moved it to the App_Start Dir.
public static class MefConfig
public static void RegisterMef()
//var builder = new RegistrationBuilder();
var directoryCatalog = new DirectoryCatalog(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/bin"), "*.dll");
var container = new CompositionContainer(directoryCatalog, true);
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MefControllerFactory(container));
//ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MefControllerFactory(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/bin")));
// Install MEF dependency resolver for MVC
var resolver = new MefDependencyResolver(container);
// Install MEF dependency resolver for Web API
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = resolver;
var d = container.GetExportedValues<IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse>>();
//var ci = new CompositionInfo(aggregateCatalog, container);
var ci = new CompositionInfo(directoryCatalog, container);
var partDef = ci.GetPartDefinitionInfo(typeof(IRepository<OrderStatusApp.OrderStatusResponse>));
//var possibleCauses = partDef.FindPossibleRootCauses();
var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
CompositionInfoTextFormatter.Write(ci, stringWriter);
var compStatString = stringWriter.ToString();
MvcApplication.ActionVerbs = container.GetExports<IActionVerb, IActionVerbMetadata>();
5.) Load the Mefconfig from the global.asax.
protected void Application_Start()
//Register Mef

Use custom ASP.NET MVC IValueProvider, without setting it globally?

I want to be able to grab keys/values from a cookie and use that to bind a model.
Rather than building a custom ModelBinder, I believe that the DefaultModelBinder works well out of the box, and the best way to choose where the values come from would be to set the IValueProvider that it uses.
To do this I don't want to create a custom ValueProviderFactory and bind it globally, because I only want this ValueProvider to be used in a specific action method.
I've built an attribute that does this:
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the current value provider with the specified value provider
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class SetValueProviderAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public SetValueProviderAttribute(Type valueProviderType)
if (valueProviderType.GetInterface(typeof(IValueProvider).Name) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type " + valueProviderType + " must implement interface IValueProvider.", "valueProviderType");
_ValueProviderType = valueProviderType;
private Type _ValueProviderType;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
IValueProvider valueProviderToAdd = GetValueProviderToAdd();
filterContext.Controller.ValueProvider = valueProviderToAdd;
private IValueProvider GetValueProviderToAdd()
return (IValueProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(_ValueProviderType);
Unfortunately, the ModelBinder and its IValueProvider are set BEFORE OnActionExecuting (why?????). Has anyone else figured out a way to inject a custom IValueProvider into the DefaultModelBinder without using the ValueProviderFactory?
You should still use a ValueProviderFactory in this case.
The method that you have to implement on your ValueProviderFactory has this signature:
IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext)
Within your implementation of that method you can inspect the controller context, and if the incoming request is for the controller/action that you want to leverage cookies on, return some CustomCookieValueProvider.
If you don't want to leverage cookies for the request, just return null and the framework will filter that out of from the list of Value Providers.
As a bonus, you might not want to hard code the logic for when to use the CustomCookieValueProvider into the ValueProviderFactory. You could, perhaps, leverage DataTokens to match when to use cookies with given routes. So add a route like this:
routes.MapRoute("SomeRoute","{controller}/{action}").DataTokens.Add("UseCookies", true);
Notice the DataTokens.Add() call in there, now inside you GetValueProvider method you could do something like this:
if (controllerContext.RouteData.DataTokens.ContainsKey("UseCookies"))
return new CustomCookieValueProvider(controllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies);
return null;
Here is an alternative that lets you specify IValueProviders as attributes against an actions parameters.
This makes the IValueProviders transient and not Global.
public interface IControllerContextAware
ControllerContext ControllerContext { get; set; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class ValueProviderAttribute : CustomModelBinderAttribute
public Type[] ValueProviders { get; private set; }
public ValueProviderAttribute(params Type[] valueProviders)
if (valueProviders == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("valueProviders");
foreach (var valueProvider in valueProviders.Where(valueProvider => !typeof(IValueProvider).IsAssignableFrom(valueProvider)))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The valueProvider {0} must be of type {1}", valueProvider.FullName, typeof(IValueProvider)), "valueProviders");
ValueProviders = valueProviders;
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
return new ValueProviderModelBinder
ValueProviderTypes = ValueProviders.ToList(),
CreateValueProvider = OnCreateValueProvider
protected virtual IValueProvider OnCreateValueProvider(Type valueProviderType, ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var valueProvider = (IValueProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(valueProviderType);
if (valueProvider is IControllerContextAware)
(valueProvider as IControllerContextAware).ControllerContext = controllerContext;
return valueProvider;
private class ValueProviderModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
public IList<Type> ValueProviderTypes { get; set; }
public Func<Type, ControllerContext, ModelBindingContext, IValueProvider> CreateValueProvider { get; set; }
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var valueProviders = from type in ValueProviderTypes
select CreateValueProvider(type, controllerContext, bindingContext);
bindingContext.ValueProvider = new ValueProviderCollection(valueProviders.Concat((Collection<IValueProvider>)bindingContext.ValueProvider).ToList());
return base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
This is basically the code form the ModelBinderAttribute, but with a few tweaks.
It isn't sealed and so you can alter the way in which the IValueProviders are created if need be.
Here is a simple example which looks in another field, possibly a hidden or encrypted field, and takes the data and puts it into another property.
Here is the model, which has no knowledge of the IValueProvider, but does know about the hidden field.
public class SomeModel
public string MyString { get; set; }
public string MyOtherString { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
THen we have the IValueProvider, in this case, my provider knows explicitly about my model, but this doesn't have to be the case.
public class MyValueProvider : IValueProvider, IControllerContextAware
public ControllerContext ControllerContext { get; set; }
public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
var containsPrefix = prefix == "MyString" && ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Params.AllKeys.Any(key => key == "Data");
return containsPrefix;
public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key)
if (key == "MyString")
var data = ControllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Params["Data"];
var myString = data.Split(':')[1];
return new ValueProviderResult(myString, myString, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
return null;
and then the action that ties all this together:
public ActionResult Test()
return View(new SomeModel());
public ActionResult Test([ValueProvider(typeof(MyValueProvider))]SomeModel model)
return View(model);
Figured out how to do this. First, create a custom model binder that takes a value provider type in the constructor - but inherits from default modelbinder. This allows you to use standard model binding with a custom value provider:
/// <summary>
/// Uses default model binding, but sets the value provider it uses
/// </summary>
public class SetValueProviderDefaultModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
private Type _ValueProviderType;
public SetValueProviderDefaultModelBinder(Type valueProviderType)
if (valueProviderType.GetInterface(typeof(IValueProvider).Name) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type " + valueProviderType + " must implement interface IValueProvider.", "valueProviderType");
_ValueProviderType = valueProviderType;
/// <summary>
/// Before binding the model, set the IValueProvider it uses
/// </summary>
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
bindingContext.ValueProvider = GetValueProvider();
return base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
private IValueProvider GetValueProvider()
return (IValueProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(_ValueProviderType);
Then we create a model binding attribute that will inject the value provider type in the custom model binder created above, and use that as the model binder:
/// <summary>
/// On the default model binder, replaces the current value provider with the specified value provider. Cannot use custom model binder with this.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class SetValueProviderAttribute : CustomModelBinderAttribute
// Originally, this was an action filter, that OnActionExecuting, set the controller's IValueProvider, expecting it to be picked up by the default model binder
// when binding the model. Unfortunately, OnActionExecuting occurs AFTER the IValueProvider is set on the DefaultModelBinder. The only way around this is
// to create a custom model binder that inherits from DefaultModelBinder, and in its BindModel method set the ValueProvider and then do the standard model binding.
public SetValueProviderAttribute(Type valueProviderType)
if (valueProviderType.GetInterface(typeof(IValueProvider).Name) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Type " + valueProviderType + " must implement interface IValueProvider.", "valueProviderType");
_ValueProviderType = valueProviderType;
private Type _ValueProviderType;
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
var modelBinder = new SetValueProviderDefaultModelBinder(_ValueProviderType);
return modelBinder;

How can I inherit an ASP.NET MVC controller and change only the view?

I have a controller that's inheriting from a base controller, and I'm wondering how I can utilize all of the logic from the base controller, but return a different view than the base controller uses.
The base controller populates a model object and passes that model object to its view, but I'm not sure how I can access that model object in the child controller so that I can pass it to the child controller's view.
A couple points. You can type your return value as ViewResult if you know that's all you're going to return. Then you can interrogate that value from the overridden implementation. More importantly, according to the MVC v1 source, calling View(object) simply sets the ViewData.Model on the controller, then constructs a ViewResult.
protected internal ViewResult View(object model) {
return View(null /* viewName */, null /* masterName */, model);
protected internal virtual ViewResult View(string viewName, string masterName, object model) {
if (model != null) {
ViewData.Model = model;
return new ViewResult {
ViewName = viewName,
MasterName = masterName,
ViewData = ViewData,
TempData = TempData
So all you need to do is call the base method and call View(string).
namespace BaseControllers
public class CoolController
public virtual ViewResult Get()
var awesomeModel = new object();
return View(awesomeModel);
public class CoolController : BaseControllers.CoolController
public override ViewResult Get()
var ignoredResult = base.Get();
// ViewData.Model now refers to awesomeModel
return View("NotGet");
Of course you waste CPU cycles constructing the ViewResult that you ignore. So instead you can do this:
public class CoolController : BaseControllers.CoolController
public override ViewResult Get()
var baseResult = base.Get();
baseResult.ViewName = "NotGet";
return baseResult;
If your base controller returns ActionResult, you'll have to cast it to ViewResult before changing the ViewName.
Sample from my app:
Base class:
public abstract class BaseTableController<T,TU> : BaseController where TU : IGenericService<T>,IModelWrapperService
protected readonly TU _service;
public BaseTableController(TU service)
_service = service;
_service.ModelWrapper = new ControllerModelStateWrapper(ModelState);
public ActionResult Index()
return View(_service.List());
public class SeverityController : BaseTableController<Severity, ISeverityService>
public SeverityController(ISeverityService service)
: base(service)
SeverityController.Index() leads to Views/Severity/Index.aspx. Just had to prepare view. Severity is one of dictionared in my bug tracking application. Every dictionary has similar logic, so I could share some code.
Based on the feedback given on this thread, I've implemented a solution like the one proposed by Antony Koch.
Instead of using an abstract method, I used a concrete, virtual GetIndex method so that I could put logic in it for the base controller.
public class SalesController : Controller
// Index view method and model
public virtual ActionResult GetIndex()
return View("Index", IndexModel);
protected TestModel IndexModel { get; set; }
public virtual ActionResult Index()
ViewData["test"] = "Set in base.";
IndexModel = new TestModel();
IndexModel.Text = "123";
return GetIndex();
public virtual ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form)
TryUpdateModel(data, form.ToValueProvider());
IndexModel = data;
return GetIndex();
// This class will need to be in a different namespace or named differently than the
// parent controller
public class SalesController : MyApp.Controllers.BaseControllers.SalesController
// Index view method and model
public override ActionResult GetIndex()
return View("ClientIndex", IndexModel);
public override ActionResult Index()
return base.Index();
public override ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form)
return base.Index(data, form);
public class BaseController : Controller {
protected BaseController() {}
public ActionResult Index()
return GetIndex();
public abstract ActionResult GetIndex(); }
public class MyController : BaseController {
public MyController() {}
public override GetIndex()
return RedirectToAction("Cakes","Pies");
Just use abstraction to call the bits you need from the sub-classes.
I ended up just putting an extra parameter on the base Controller -- viewName.
Seems to work just fine.
Am I missing any major downsides?
public class SalesController : Controller
public virtual ActionResult Index(string viewName)
ViewData["test"] = "Set in base.";
TestModel model = new TestModel();
model.Text = "123";
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName) ? View(model) : View(viewName, model);
public virtual ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form, string viewName)
TryUpdateModel(data, form.ToValueProvider());
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName) ? View(data) : View(viewName, data);
public class SalesController : MyApp.Controllers.BaseControllers.SalesController
public override ActionResult Index(string viewName)
return base.Index("ClientIndex");
public override ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form, string viewName)
return base.Index(data, form, "ClientIndex");
