Neo4j Load csv on create set if not null - neo4j

Is there a way in Neo4j to use ON CREATE SET with an IF NOT NULL?
I have a cvs file as such:
My current load statement:
LOAD CSV from 'file://file' AS line
WITH line
MERGE (a:Employee {id:TOINT(line.`employeeid`)})
ON CREATE SET a.firstname = line.`firstname`, a.lastname = line.`lastname`, a.suffix = line.`suffix`
How would I change this so it won't set an attribute if null but still set those that have values?

If you set an attribute to null it will actually not be created.


How to verify if a node exist and if not exist then a created during an import of .csv to neo4j

I am importing some .cvs files for my database in neo4j, but I have the data of people in three different files, so when I import the data of the person from another file that has more data, I get an error when trying to import people nodes, because I already have other nodes with those dni (constraint) in my database.
So I want to create the new node or, if it exists, retrieve its pointer to create relationships with other nodes that I keep creating while I import.
I have tried several things on the internet but I still can't find the solution
Here my code:
MERGE (persona :Persona { dni: line.DNI,
nombre: line.NOMBRE,
sexo: line.SEXO,
fechaNacimiento: line.FNACIMIENTO,
direccion: line.DIRECCION
I have tried with apoc and "with" but I still can't find the solution.
when this code finds another node with a person label and ID equal to the one entered, it gives me an error
To get this working, you'll have to understand how MERGE works. The statement
MERGE (persona :Persona { dni: line.DNI, nombre: line.NOMBRE, sexo: line.SEXO,
fechaNacimiento: line.FNACIMIENTO,direccion: line.DIRECCION
will create a new Persona node for every distinct combination of the above properties. So, for a node with the same dni, but with other values of other properties, this will fail. To fix this, you should try merging the nodes on the basis of their dni, and then set the properties like this:
MERGE (persona :Persona { dni: line.DNI })
SET persona.nombre = line.NOMBRE,
persona.sexo = line.SEXO,
persona.fechaNacimiento = line.FNACIMIENTO,
persona.direccion = line.DIRECCION
The above query will ignore setting properties if a matching node is found. To set some properties when a match is found, use ON MATCH, like this:
MERGE (persona :Persona { dni: line.DNI })
SET persona.nombre = line.NOMBRE,
persona.sexo = line.SEXO,
persona.fechaNacimiento = line.FNACIMIENTO,
persona.direccion = line.DIRECCION
// Matching logic here

How to display e specific property in a Neo4j node

I`m creating a graph in Neo4j, but is there a way to define which property of the node to be displayed, when I browse the nodes in Neo4j browser?
In my case for the node Flight I want the property FL_NUM to be displayed in the node, but it automatically shows another property: DIV_AirportLandings, as shown below.
FROM "file:///Flight_data/5may2018.csv" AS line
MERGE (f:Flight { id: TOINT(line.`flight_id`)} )
SET f.FlightNum = line.FL_NUM
SET f.Distance = line.DISTANCE
SET f.Diverted = line.DIVERTED
SET f.Cancelled = line.CANCELLED
SET f.CRS_ElapsedTime = line.CRS_ELAPSED_TIME
SET f.Actual_ElapsedTime = line.ACTUAL_ELAPSED_TIME
SET f.DIV_AirportLandings = line.DIV_AIRPORT_LANDINGS
SET f.DIV_ReachedDest = line.DIV_REACHED_DEST
Thank you
In the result pannel (just under the query), you have facet for labels.
Just click on the Filght(25) and then a bar will appears at the bottom of the frame where you can select the color, size and the property to display.

How to create an update query with Open Office Base?

I want to create basically an update query on Open Office Base (the same way with Ms ACCESS).
Base does not typically use update queries (but see below). Instead, the easiest way to do an update command is to go to Tools -> SQL. Enter something similar to the following, then press Execute:
UPDATE "Table1" SET "Value" = 'BBB' WHERE ID = 0
The other way is to run the command with a macro. Here is an example using Basic:
Sub UpdateSQL
REM Run an SQL command on a table in LibreOffice Base
Context = CreateUnoService("")
databaseURLOrRegisteredName = "file:///C:/Users/JimStandard/Desktop/New Database.odb"
Db = Context.getByName(databaseURLOrRegisteredName )
Conn = Db.getConnection("","") 'username & password pair - HSQL default blank
Stmt = Conn.createStatement()
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO ""Table1"" (ID,""Value"") VALUES (3,'DDD')"
strSQL = "UPDATE ""Table1"" SET ""Value"" = 'CCC' WHERE ID = 0"
End Sub
Note that the data can also be modified with a form or by editing the table directly.
Under some circumstances it is possible to create an update query. I couldn't get this to work with the default built-in HSQLDB 1.8 engine, but it worked with MYSQL.
In the Queries section, Create Query in SQL View
Click the toolbar button to Run SQL Command directly.
Enter a command like the following:
update mytable set mycolumn = 'This is some text.' where ID = 59;
Hit F5 to run the query.
It gives an error that The data content could not be loaded, but it still performs the update and changes the data. To get rid of the error, the command needs to return a value. For example, I created this stored procedure in MYSQL:
IN id_in INT,
IN newval_in VARCHAR(100)
UPDATE test_table SET value = newval_in WHERE id = id_in;
SELECT id, value FROM test_table WHERE id = id_in;
Then this query in LibreOffice Base modifies the data without giving any errors:
CALL update_val(2,'HHH')
See also:
Modifying table entries from LibreOffice Base, possible?

Undeclare prefix in XML issue for SQL Server

I am currently trying to insert an xml node into a table field within SQL server using the below code. I have tried to declare the namespace within the insert but I continue to get undeclared prefix. What am I doing wrong?
Declare #Term XML = '<wma:Term>My First Term</wma:Term>'
Declare #x XML
Select #x = MetaData from [Products] where Id = 1
Set #x.modify ('declare namespace wma=""; insert sql:variable("#Term") as last into (/wma:WMA/wma:List)[1]
Expected results:
<wma:WMA xmlns:wma="">
<wma:Term>My First Term</wma:Term>

Fetch values of aggregated columns in Propel

I am trying to make following query in Propel:
$criteria = new Criteria();
->addAsColumn('alias1', 'DATE('.TableName::INIT_TIME.')')
->addAsColumn('alias2', 'COUNT('.TableName::DOWNLOAD_START_TIME.')')
$logs = TableName::doSelect($criteria);
It seems that everything OK and according to MySQL log file query generated and saved to server right. However I cannot get values of aggregated columns.
doSelect returns array of TableName objects which have no methods to fetch aggregated columns. So, how can I do it?
PS: I am talking about symfony 1.4 with Propel if it matters.
You should avoid the use of Criteria, use the ModelCriteria API instead (documentation available at:
The following query:
$criteria = new Criteria();
->addAsColumn('alias1', 'DATE('.TableName::INIT_TIME.')')
->addAsColumn('alias2', 'COUNT('.TableName::DOWNLOAD_START_TIME.')')
$logs = TableName::doSelect($criteria);
Can be rewritten as below:
$query = TableNameQuery::create()
->select(array('Column1', 'Column2'))
->withColumn('DATE(InitTime)', 'alias1')
->withColumn('COUNT(DownloadStartTime)', 'alias2')
$logs = $query->find();
Note you won't select both columns alias1 and alias2 as you didn't add them to the selected columns in your code. You can do that by adding the two alias to the select() clause:
->select(array('Column1', 'Column2', 'alias1', 'alias2'))
I used this snippet to retrieve and fetch data when I followed this same approach, but selecting only one column in my criteria through addSelectColumn:
$logs = TableName::doSelectStmt($criteria);
$data = $logs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
I hope this can help you.
My method is to make a query and iterate through a recordset. As suggested I use FETCH_BOTH to get array positions, but names as well. I take those values and hydrate my object, but also manually populate the properties of the object that are meant to hold the aggregate values. I pass those objects back to my application and use them as normal objects would be used in my view.
$stmt = self::doSelectStmt($c);
// empty array for now
$results = array();
// lets iterate through this
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH)) {
// we need to create a new object
$division = new Division();
// and we'll hydrate each row turning into an object so we can use it easily
// now here's the magic, this object did not exist from our tables, we'll fix that
// set the output object
$results[] = $division;
return $results; // array of objects including aggregate values
