Group routes for paginated model in rails - ruby-on-rails

Can I group 3 routes into 1?
I have this in routes.rb:
# pagination links for resources
get '/countries/page/:page', :to => 'countries#index'
get '/cities/page/:page', :to => 'cities#index'
get '/spots/page/:page', :to => 'spots#index'

If you are looking for a one liner to DRY your thing up, you can always write ruby code directly in your routes.rb file like so:
%w(countries cities spots).each{|v| get "/#{v}/page/:page", to: "#{v}#index" }


Rails same incoming route but different controller actions?

A user clicks on a tag like, and sees all the posts with the tag of pizza in the posts controller. I want people to also see all the "alternateposts" with the tag of pizza as well, but in a different controller.
rails routes throws an error saying its already in use. what's the best way to go about this?
get 'tags/:tag', to: 'posts#index', as: :tag
get 'tags/:tag', to: 'alternateposts#index', as: :tag
You can't declare multiple route with same URL.
In your case, the seconde URL will overload your first one.
You have to declare a single route with a single controller and return posts and alternateposts in the same way.
Yes #Antoine Dewaele is right. you don't declare multiple routes with same URL.
your route file is like this
get 'tags/:tag' => 'posts#index', :as => :tag
your route file should be like this
get 'tags/:tag' => 'posts#index', :as => :tag
get 'all_pizza' => 'all_pizza#index', :as => :all_pizza
For more info you can visit here Rails Routing from the Outside In

Is it possible to have same routes with different show action in rails?

I am trying to reach the following url in my rails app: # It should show user#show # It should show category#show
My solution: (it does not work)
In the routes.rb I have added :path => '' to both categories and users in order to remove the controllers' name from the url.
resources :categories, :path => ''
resources :users, :path => ''
When I run rake routes, I have the following urls"
category GET /:id(.:format) category#show
account GET /:id(.:format) accounts#show
So I assumed that It should be working correctly, but surely not. It only works for category names and for usernames it shows ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.
I know, my solution is wrong because I am confusing rails route system and because the resources :categories has more priority over resources :users, the category show page works fine.
So Is there any solution to solve an issue like this?
I have finally found the solution with constraints option. This option accepts regular expressions.
resources :categories, :path => '', constraints: { id: /wordpress|php/ }
Every category should be added manually in this way OR (I am not sure) maybe there is a way to list all categories from database automatically.
One way of doing that is to override the default rails routes, to do that remove the resources
I tested and this works
SampleRails4::Application.routes.draw do
get '/user12', to: 'users#show' #=> users/show
get '/wordpress', to: 'category#show' #=> assuming u have a controller and action
however then you have to update the rest of your code, Ex: users/show might be expecting the user id as a param read more about rails routing

Rails 3 add new routes to resources

I have the following problem:
I created one entity "Film" with the command "scaffold" and automatically added in my routes file "resources: films", and then I try to added an autocomplete via ajax, but always the calling ajax calls the "show" action instead of call the route that I added "autocomplete_term"
My routes files (routes.rb)
resources :films
I tried the following possibilities (routes.rb)
match 'films/autocomplete_term' => "films#index", :via=>:get
match "films/autocomplete_term/:term" => "films#autocomplete_term", :controller=>"films", :action=>"autocomplete_term", :as => :films_autocomplete, :via => :get
resources :films do
collection do
get 'autocomplete_term'
The route
Couldn't find Film with id=autocomplete_term
app/controllers/films_controller.rb:28:in `show'
When I run the command rake routes
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
GET /films/autocomplete_term(.:format) films#autocomplete_term
Sorry for my English
And thanks in advance
The url to access this route
GET /films/autocomplete_term/:term
should be
if you do it will think it is the show action, it will ignore the ?term=a
GET /films/:id
Thanks to Anezio, solved the problem, basicament had two things wrong:
1 - The route
match "films / autocomplete_term /: term"
2: The order in my routes.rb file (Rails routes are matched in the order they are specified)
resources: films
match 'films / autocomplete_term /: term' => "films # autocomplete_term"
The Final Solution: (routes.rb)
match 'films / autocomplete_term' => "films # autocomplete_term"
resources: films

Custom url in ruby on rails

I know rails uses the controller action style urls like for example
I would like to have a url like this on my rails app, is this possible and if so how would I go about this?
You just use a get outside of any resources or namespace block in your routes.rb file:
get 'my_page_here ', :to => 'home#index'
Assuming you are using Rails 3+, do NOT use match. It can be dangerous, because if a page accepts data from a form, it should take POST requests. match would allow GET requests on an action with side-effects - which is NOT good.
Always use get, put, post or these variants where possible.
To get a path helper, try:
get 'my_page_here ', :to => 'home#index', :as => :my_page
That way, in your views, my_page_path will equal http://{domain}/my_page_here
you just need to make a routing rule to match that url
in this case it will be something like
match 'my_page_here' => 'your_controller#your_action'
your controller and action will specify the behavior of that page
so you could do
match 'my_page_here' => 'home#index'
get 'my_page_here', :to => 'home#index'
as suggested in other responses.
for index action in home controller if you have such a controller
see for more details
also see Ruby on Rails Routes - difference between get and match

Routing: prefix item name before controller resources

I am trying to get the following routes to work in my Rails 3 app.
I have the following controllers in my app:
Putting up :resources for each of them in routes.rb gives me routes from etc
What I'd like to have however is the following resourceful routes, for example: that translates to the doctors controller that routes to the prescriptions controller etc. etc.
both of these giving me access to :practice name and furthermore route the correct controller with all the helpers like edit_docs_path(doctor) etc.
How would I go about this? I've used
resources :prescriptions, :path => "/:practice/awesome_prescriptions"
but although it showed the correct routes in "rake routes", it still wouldn't work as expected.
I think this is the route you're looking for:
scope :path => ":practice" do
resources :docs, :controller => "doctors"
resources :awesome_prescriptions, :controller => "prescriptions"
By the way, you didn't give me the example of Patients, so I didn't put it there.
map.resources is just a pattern, more like a shortcut. If you want to have URLs like in your examples you should use "named routes". A good screencast for Rails 2.x:
Edit: Read section 3.2 in Rails Tutorial:
p.s. Also you'll face a case where people use "." in their names and it'll cause problems.
Here's my route for "tags"
map.resources :tags, :requirements => { :id => %r([^/;,?]+) }
