How to use Phonetic Symbols in LaTex - latex

How to use inverted A character(Phonetic Symbol) in an equation in LaTex? Do I have to use any specific package for it? I used \textinvsca, but it says "undefined control sequence"

There are a myriad of ways you can achieve this. Most notably, consult How to look up a symbol or identify a math symbol or character?.
This reveals you need tipa (more specifically, \usepackage{tipx}):
You can also rotate-and-scale a regular A:

\forall is the universal quantifier:


Real operations in LaTex

This is a piece of my code.
\number + 2
Is there any way that a '4' is written instead a '2+2'? (LaTex does the real operation).
There are many possibilities to do calculations in latex. Just one option is pgfmath:

\mathnormal bold in LaTeX

How do I write this type of mathematical letter in LaTeX? I have tried \mathnormal but I can not make it bold.
To have the exact same type of bold and cursive x, then you can use $\boldsymbol{x}$. However, if all you want is a bold (but upright x), you can use \mathbf{ }.
By the way, if you are having to write a bunch of these, then I usually define a shorthand command:
which you can then write your example as:
$\+x_1, \+x_2, \ldots, \+x_n$
\boldsymbol{x}_{1}, \boldsymbol{x}_{2}, \dots ,\boldsymbol{x}_{3}

Does anyone know the code for the symbol less than or greater than \lessgtr in latex

Need to know the code for symbol less than or greater than in this format:
Note: detexify and the comprehensive book of symbols were with no help.
Also this one is depreciated:
Like this?
y_k \mathop{\lessgtr}_{noise}^{speech} \eta

Adding an equation or formula to a figure caption in LaTeX

I have a figure in LaTeX with a caption to which I need to add a formula (equation* or displaymath environments). For example:
\caption{As you can see
\begin{displaymath}4 \ne 5\end{displaymath}
This makes pdflatex angry, though it will produce a PDF.
! Argument of \#caption has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.9 }
What's the right way to go about adding an equation to a figure caption?
NOTE: Please do not suggest simply using the $ ... $ math environment;
the equation shown is a toy example; my real equation is much more intricate.
See also:
Adding a caption to an equation in LaTeX (the reverse of this question)
Using the package "caption":
assoc\_meaning(\lambda x_{SBJ}. followed(x,y) \&actor(x) \nonumber \&actor(y),\lambda x_{SBJ}. maintained(x,\nonumber <(dist\_from(y),1))
The square brackets following \caption aren't optional, but leaving them off won't cause an error that looks any different than the one before you added \usepackage{caption} and \captionsetup{...}.
I'm not sure why you do not want to use the $ ... $ solution, because of fractions?
If so, you can use \dfrac instead of \frac.
I would try $ \displaystyle \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \sum_{i=0}^n i$, i.e. use the \displaystyle command.

Undefined control sequence at first line of a document

\title{\bf Grundz\"uge der Softwareentwicklung \\
{\small Analyse- und Entwurfsdokument} \vspace{1cm}\\
\author{Uschi Musterfrau, Detlef Mustermann und Ralf Auchmustermann}
\date{Matr.-Nr. 0815, 0816 und 0817 \\
email: {\tt [uschi|detlef|ralf]}
\lstset{basicstyle=\small, numbers=left, numberstyle=\footnotesize,
stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt, breaklines=true, escapeinside={/*#}{#*/}}
this is how my file starts. I didn't even edit it, I received it like this. However, if I want to make a pdf, it gives me the undefined control sequence error at the first line... What is wrong??
My guess is that you're trying to use TeX instead of LaTeX. TeX won't recognize the \documentclass command. Make sure you use LaTeX.
It might be that one of the tools in your tool chain gets irritated by a Byte-Order Mark (BOM), which is a special Unicode character to indicate the endianness used in your file.
Unfortunately, a BOM may have unwanted side-effects.
You might try to save the file with another editor which won't add this mark in the beginning, or remove it with a hex editor.
try getting rid of \usepackage[dvips]{epsfig,psfrag} if you're using pdflatex.
Perhaps TeXshop doesn't recognize your file as a LaTeX file and runs it with plain TeX or ConTeXt. If you can post your logfile (the beginning) here, we can help you for sure.
