Storing Value in HttpCookie -

Using MVC.
Function Login(ByVal token As String) As ActionResult
Using client As New WebClient
Dim jsonResponse As String = client.DownloadString(URL & "/Getuser&token=" & token)
Dim obj As UserInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of UserInfo)(jsonResponse)
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("token", token))
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("user_id",
Return Json(obj)
Catch ex As WebException
Return Content("ERROR")
Catch ex As Exception
Return Content("ERROR")
End Try
End Using
End Function
I am sending a token to this function.
Then Using this token to get the User Info from a certain API
Then Storing this token in a HttpCookie
All this has been working fine for almost a month,
Until it stopped working.
When I debugged, token had a value, and it stored it in the HttpCookie, but when I called Request.Cookies("token").Value it returned ''
Any help would be appreciated.
I did a trace on the Token..
I am writing the parameter "token" in a file before storing it in the cookie.
then I am writing the cookie Request.Cookies("token").Value in a file,
Function Login(ByVal token As String) As ActionResult
WriteToFile("TOKEN RECEIVED = ", token)
Using client As New WebClient
Dim jsonResponse As String = client.DownloadString(URL & "/Getuser&token=" & token)
Dim obj As UserInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of UserInfo)(jsonResponse)
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("token", token))
Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("user_id",
WriteToFile("TOKEN COOKIE = ", Request.Cookies("token").Value)
Return Json(obj)
Catch ex As WebException
Return Content("ERROR")
Catch ex As Exception
Return Content("ERROR")
End Try
End Using
End Function
it returns the following:
When I try to write both Request and Response Cookies:
WriteToFile("TOKEN COOKIE = ", Request.Cookies("token").Value)
WriteToFile("TOKEN COOKIE = ", Response.Cookies("token").Value)
Request.Cookies("token").Value Returns Empty String
Response.Cookies("token").Value Returns Actual Value

Maybe your cookie just expire after one month? When using cookies don't forget to set expiration date, and check web browser settings (example: if you are using "tor browser bundle" this can be an issue).
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("UserSettings");
myCookie["Font"] = "Arial";
myCookie["Color"] = "Blue";
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1d);

Make sure you access the cookies only during the actual Http request. Maybe you have changed the way (or place where) you call this function.

This is an old question on SO but for those interested, .NET team has created a new method to properly handle cookies.
This is available in .NET 4.7.1 and not earlier versions:
See under the section ASP.NET HttpCookie parsing here


Getting Gmail API access and ID token, but refresh token is NULL

Following After getting the authorization code from JavaScript, and passing it to the server side, we indeed get an access token (and an ID token), but not the required refresh token.
There are many posts around but could not solve it yet.
Any suggestion how to get the refresh token?
private String getResponseToken(GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets,
String authCode) throws IOException {
try {
GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse =
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(
new NetHttpTransport(),
// "",
authCode, //NOTE: was received from JavaScript client
"postmessage" //TODO: what's this?
String accessToken = tokenResponse.getAccessToken();
String idToken = tokenResponse.getIdToken();
//TODO: not getting a refresh token... why?!
String refreshToken = tokenResponse.getRefreshToken();
Boolean hasRefreshToken = new Boolean(!(refreshToken == null));
LOGGER.warn("received refresh token: {}", hasRefreshToken);
LOGGER.debug("accessToken: {}, refreshToken: {}, idToken: {}", accessToken, refreshToken, idToken);
return accessToken;
}catch (TokenResponseException tre){...}
Gmail API only gives the refresh token the first time you ask for the users permission. (At least this is what happens to me).
Go to:, remove the authorization to your app and run your code. You should receive the refresh token.
you should add the
AccessType = "offline"
You need to call the function
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(...).setAccessType("offline")
or another syntax:
var authReq = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(new Uri(GoogleAuthConsts.AuthorizationUrl)) {
RedirectUri = Callback,
ClientId = ClientId,
AccessType = "offline",
Scope = string.Join(" ", new[] { Scopes... }),
ApprovalPrompt = "force"
in Fiddler you should see the following request:
see also here
More details about setAccessType can be found here
after finding how to use the Google APIs at the backend (documentation is somewhat partial..), the issue was fixed at the FrontEnd side by tweaking a parameter:
- prompt: 'select_account'
+ prompt: 'consent'

IdentityServer3 Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)

I always get Bad Request 400 from IdentityServer3. I am trying for 3 days now but no luck :( Anyone could please tell me what am I doing wrong?
I am trying to access IdentityServer3 hosted by another vendor that I have no control. The vendor has asked us to implement Implement OAuth2 authentication with Bearer token. The vendor provided us with the Client ID, Client Secret and the URL to be used is
The vendor told us to use to request bearer token and use it in the request headers Authorization: Bearer
I can successfully obtain the bearer token from vendor. But when I call the
GET /api/profiles/ I get Bad Request 400
Here is what I have done:
TokenClient client = new TokenClient("", "myclientid", "myclientsecret", AuthenticationStyle.PostValues);
var response = await client.RequestResourceOwnerPasswordAsync("", "mypassword", "profile"); // successfully gives me the token
i got the access token, now i want to use the token to request user profile:
var clienthttp = new HttpClient();
clienthttp.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
var json = await clienthttp.GetStringAsync(""); // error Bad Request 400
Additional Info:
Thank you.
The vendor was expecting additional value in the header. Since my request was missing that additional value, they returned Bad Request. I had to modify my code to find the exact reason of bad request.
Here is the updated code, might be useful for someone:
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
var callApiResponse = client.GetAsync("api/profiles/").Result;
string tokenresponse = callApiResponse.StatusCode.ToString();
string clientresult = callApiResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
tokenresponse: "Bad Request 400"
clientresult: "Missing CompanyID in the header"
Then I knew that they also expect companyid in the header so I added it. then all was good.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("CompID", "xxxxxx");
I had a similar error (Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request)) for different resource not identity server. i manage to resolve that using FormUrlEncodedContent
Refer below code
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
string baseUrl = "https://*******.com/****"
Dictionary<string, string> jsonValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
jsonValues.Add("username", "******");
jsonValues.Add("password", "******");
var contenta = new FormUrlEncodedContent(jsonValues);
var response = await client.PostAsync(baseUrl, contenta);
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
string data = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (data != null)

Scribe + Xing => Invalid OAuth signature

I'm trying to use scribe with XING and I'm always getting following answer:
Can't extract token and secret from this: '{"message":"Invalid OAuth signature","error_name":"INVALID_OAUTH_SIGNATURE"}'
I have a working login process, get back an oauth_token and an oauth_verifier and tried to to change the defaultly selected HMACSha1 Singature with a PlainText signature, but I'll always get the above mentioned result...
Any ideas on why this happens?
Using the default DefaultApi10a and XingApi from scribe always fails at the above mentioned step...
EDIT - Code
// Creating the service
// callback is needed to stop redirecting in the webview
OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder()
Step 1: get request token + auth url
RequestToken requestToken = service.getRequestToken();
String authUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl(requestToken );
Step 2: load the auth url in a webview + check the redirect url and cancel redirection based on callback
for example, redirection url look like following:
Step 3: extract oauth_token + oauth_verifier from returned url
String oauthToken = ...; // a2191ab84c9e0f85cf0c in the example
String oauthVerifier = ...; // 4978 in the example
Step 4: get access token => this fails
Token requestToken = new Token(oauthToken, oauthVerifier); // reusing the request token from above results in invalid request token answer from xing!
Verifier v = new Verifier(oauthVerifier);
Token accessToken = service.getAccessToken(requestToken, v);
Token requestToken = new Token(oauthToken, oauthVerifier); // reusing the request token from above results in invalid request token answer from xing!
line from step 4.
You have to keep request token to retrieve access token using it and verifier (4 digits PIN) from Xing.
EDIT - code added:
OAuth10aService service = new ServiceBuilder()
final Token requestToken = service.getRequestToken();
System.out.println("Paste the verifier here");
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
Verifier verifier = new Verifier(in.nextLine());
// Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token
Token accessToken = service.getAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);
System.out.println("Got the Access Token! " + accessToken);

Forms Authentication Cookie Missing in HttpWebResponse

I am sending a post request from an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 Controller to another site on the same domain using HttpWebRequest. I am sending username and password to logon to the site. That site uses forms authentication. So it sets authentication cookie. But when I get response in HttpWebResponse object, I find cookie neither in cookie container nor inside header (no Cookie or Set-Cookie header found). Let me add some code snippet here used in the MVC controller:
HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);
httpRequest.Method = "POST";
httpRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
httpRequest.ContentLength = postData.Length;
if (httpRequest.CookieContainer == null)
//httpRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
httpRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, "a=b");
var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream());
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse) httpRequest.GetResponse();
string postBody = "";
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
postBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
return this.Content(postBody);
Please note that I am not using cookie container and cookie header at the same time in HttpWebRequest.
I don't understand what I am missing here to get authentication cookie in web response.
Try to use
request.CookieContainer.Add(new Cookie("a", "b"));
instead of adding cookie as a header.

ASP.Net MVC Cookies in Console App

I'm trying to create an ASP.Net MVC endpoint to authenticate externally. The idea is so that I can call the endpoint from a console app, WPF app or whatever, and use the MVC pattern for my service, returning JSON to authenticated users, checking authentication via the attribute etc. I'm using a console app for now just because it's quick and simple.
I have this so far:
In my console app:
Public Sub MakeLoginRequest()
Dim address As Uri = New Uri("http://localhost:50536/Account/LogIn")
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(address)
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Dim loginModel As New LogOnModel With {.UserName = "Richard",
.Password = "Password1",
.RememberMe = False}
Dim jsonData As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loginModel)
Dim bytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonData)
request.GetRequestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Count)
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
End Sub
In my controller:
Public Function LogIn(model As LogOnModel) As ActionResult
If ModelState.IsValid Then
If Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password) Then
Dim cookie As HttpCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(model.UserName, False)
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20)
Request.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("Barney", "Rubble"))
Return Content("Logged In Ok")
Return New HttpUnauthorizedResult
End If
Return New HttpUnauthorizedResult
End If
End Function
Now when I inspect the response in the console app, there are never any cookies - neither the real Auth cookie, nor my bogus Barney Rubble cookie actually appear!
However... I make the same call in Chrome and inspect the response... and both cookies are there!
Anyone any ideas as to what's going wrong?
You need to set a CookieContainer on your request as described here:
