Can part of an AppleWatch interface scroll independently? - ios

I've got a WatchKit app that consists of a label and a couple of buttons. The label's contents might be long enough to cause scrolling, but I want the buttons to stay onscreen. Is it possible to have the label content scroll instead of the whole screen?
I've tried embedding the label in a WKInterfaceGroup, but the height of the label gets constrained to the height of the group.

I also tried to find a way to do this, but I couldn't find anything. Based on the simple flow layout for a Watch App UI I am pretty sure this can't be done.
(I am going to guess I was trying to do the same/similar UI as you ;)


Best approach to showing or hiding dynamic content in iOS

I've been doing iOS for a while now, but when it comes to dynamically hiding / showing elements, I'm a bit lost.
Coming from Android, I'm used to being able to simply set views to visibility gone, but this doesn't exist on iOS.
So let's say I have the following scenario:
Basically I want to have a table, but the table should not fill the entire view controller. Instead it should leave place for optionally either a button, a multiline label, or possibly both at the bottom (if visible, these should be fixed, not scroll).
One way to solve this would be to use auto layout and modify constraints, like adding a zero height constraint. But that would make iOS kill one of the other constraints, which would make it hard to change it again. For the label, I wouldn't always want to have a height constraint, because it could be multiline, and should take the size it needs.
Maybe it's easier to skip autolayout here and modify frames instead, I don't know.
My question is: What approach would be best here?
Is there some other way of doing this I haven't thought of, or do I have to try to do what I described above?
I'm not primarily looking for code (code can be ok), but I'm more interested in a description of how it can be done.
I'd like to support iOS 7.
This problem had a variety of solutions, and opinion based, but I'm facing such questions a lot, when I don't know what to choose and what would be the "right thing".
So, I my opinion, the best solution here is using autolayout, you need to set height of label manually, but you have a few methods for this, at least you can play with it and if you don't succeed ask question about it. Using frames, you'll face same problem of calculating height, right? But with auto layout, you only need to set height, vertical space to 0, when you need to hide message.
You can also use constrains with priority lower 1000, and remove completely constraints from message (button, label) if you don't need it at all anymore.
For example, taking your layout image, you can make UIView with subviews: button, label. Top constraint connect to the UITableView, other constraints to the sides.Label and button will calculate the view's height. The only question here is label height.
So in ios assuming that the background of both these objects is opaque only the front most view in the Heirarchy will be visible and interactable, An easy solution would be to change the different frames of these two things you need and make sure they are in the back of your view heirachy, and when you need them to appear use view.bringSubviewToFront(mySubview) and view.pushSubviewToBack(mySubview) to make it disappear again. View obviously would be referring to main view of your view controller.

Xcode 6 switches being truncated on left (in a table view)

For some reason I cannot get all switches to display properly on a screen. Some of them appear to be overwritten on the left edge but from what I can determine all of the switches and text views are correct. Any suggestions are welcome
So first, to make sure that this is the problem: while your app is running, click on the two rectangles overlapping on the right of the Debug Area to "Debug View Hierarchy"
When you have that, rotate your views to make sure that in every row you don't have your text views overlapping your switches. That's what it looks like what's happening, but you can use this tool to confirm so.
If so, and you are using auto layout, make sure you are setting your constraints correctly. If not, then make sure you are setting the width properly. To prove it's an autolayout issue, you could temporarily hard code a length to every text view to see if the issue is still there. If that fixes it, than auto-layout is just making your textviews wider than they should be.
Good luck!

Designing without auto layout so that it works for every size device

I'm designing an iOS app in Swift, not using auto-layout. I'm not using auto-layout because if i do, when my labels update, the design resets. For now, I'm designing for an iPhone 4.7 inch, but when i run it on the simulator for any other size device, the design is completely messy.
I designed my storyboard with the proper constraints. I added my UIImages in the override func viewDidLayoutSubviews and positioned them outside of the screen. When a button is tapped, there should be a sequence of animations which are triggered as well as a UILabel which should have its value updated.
I commented out some code and kept running it to find the problem, and I found that the UIView reset whenever the UILabel updated. The values are being queried from
The design works when the label is NOT being updated. But once the value changes, the view resets...
I tried disabling auto-layout and it works. However, if I have auto-layout turned on it doesn't.
What do I do?
Thanks in advance
You should really use Auto Layout. It is the way forward for UI layout. The problem with your labels can surely be fixed with proper constraints.
Make sure you modify constraints instead of frames. The layout engine will calculate the new frames when needed, as helpfully mentioned by #rdelmar.

IOS - How to get my text view object information to scroll on view?

I am using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and XCode Version 4.6.1 (4H512),
I have looked at these answers on stackoverflow to try to figure out my question
-cannot make a text view scroll - xcode 4.3
-also posts that looked possible, when I searched on "scroll text in UITextView" within stackoverflow
Within Interface Builder I cannot figure out how to make information in a UiTextView object scroll within the iPhone simulator*. To resolve this challenge, I have made the most simple prototype project I can think of, just a view and one text view object on it, filling the text view object with a stream of text simply typed in via interface builder. For this most basic sample I'm using to sort out my problem, I have not done anything programatic. (Please note that I am aware of StoryBoards and have begun working through a book to learn to use them, but I would like to finish my first prototype app using what I’ve already learned and fully complete one project before I move onto my next project using StoryBoards.)
When I run this in the iPhone simulator, I see the sample information in my text view object come up. As I expected not all the information displays, due to my sizing the box a little too small on purpose. But I cannot flick or arrow down, or in any other way view the rest of the text information within the simulator. Nor do I see scrolling bars anywhere on the view. The information is just frozen in/on the view.
Inspector Settings
Identity Inspector
"Accessibility" Tested both with Enabled checked and not checked
Use Auto Layout is NOT checked
Attributes Inspector
Behavior Editable box not checked
Scroll View Area Checked ‘show horizontal scrollers, shows vertical scrollers and also scrolling enabled” The rest of the scrollers box are not checked
Bounces is checked
Zoom min and max are both 1
Touch all boxes checked- bounces zoom, delays content touches, cancellable content touches
View mode is ‘scale to fill”
Interaction ‘multiple touch’ is checked
Drawing checked opaque, clears graphics context, clip subviews, and autoresize subviews. Only ‘hidden’ is not checked
Size Inspector
I played around with the ‘scrolling insets’ boxes changing them from the default (I think it was 0 or 1), just to see if I noticed anything. I think maybe that I see some shadowy marker type lines in Interface builder in the area where I might expect a scroll bar when I make these changes, but no change in appearance within the simulator.
I cannot figure out why my actual iPhone device with everything up to date, is now not working as a test device, but I believe that is a separate challenge
how about wrapping you uitextfield in a uiscrollview. Make the scroll view the dimensions you currently are setting the uitextfield to, then allow your uitextfield to scale to the size of the text.
This is one of those questions that solved itself eventually. After twice creating the most basic app, with no programmatic bits just interface builder and a textView object with all the defaults the scrolling worked. The only reason I can think of that it might not have scrolled as expected the first time through may have had to do with placement of the textView object on the view. I wonder if it overlapped the bottom of the view and maybe that messes something up.
Just one of those situations where I had to keep plugging away, trying what seemed like the same thing repeatedly,set in the Inspectors, and suddenly, like magic, it worked. Except no magic involved.

UITableViewCell incorrect X positions

I've been searching through here and googling like crazy for a possible solution to this problem. Thus far I'm turning up exactly nothing that actually fixes it so I'm hoping someone can help.
I'm working on the UI for a iPad app. I'm doing it using interface builder. I worked with storyboards briefly but I don't like them all that much so I'm sticking with IB for now. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced with the workings of IOS Ui but it's been going relatively smoothly so far. In my app, I have a view controller, which holds a view containing a pair of sub views. One subview contains a rather windows like header bar (i like the look). The second contains a UITableView. The UITableView is set up properly as far as I can tell, and feeds it's info from a data source using custom UITableViewCells. The UITableView is set to grouped though currently there is only one section. The table is in edit mode by default because I want the user to be able to add new items and use the VC as a selection dialog. The view controller is presented (rather than pushed) using UIModalPresentationFormSheet (again, because I like the view) but I don't know that has any bearing on the problem. The cell border is flush with the X origin, the only reason the text isn't currently starting there is because I went into my cell and move the label over, leaving a gap between the edge of the cell and the label containing my text.
The Offending View
The Problem: The UITableViewCells, for some reason are positioning themselves at X: 0. This puts them outside the border drawn on the UITablewView when you set it to grouped style. I could probably just turn off the border and get away with it, but I like the look so i want to keep it. I've tried messing around with constraints and anchor points on the cells, the content of the cells, the table itself, the view... I've tried simply moving my cell's labels over a bit. I've also had clipping subviews turned on and off. I've made sure the controls are being loaded properly from the XIB. I've made sure everything is added as a subview where needed. I've made sure I've tried everything I could think of short of setting the cell's X position in code. But since I'm not sure how to tell where the border is, I'd rather have the tableview or the cell do the work itself.
The question: How do I fix this? The selection accessory should be outside the grouping box. The text should be inside, not bleeding out onto the background like it is.I believe the content of the cell should be displayed inside the border within the yellow area.
The odd thing is, this is my fifth or sixth table in this app and I've been doing them all basically the same. Thus far this is the only one I've had trouble with.
Can anyone shed some light as to what's going on?
Thanks in advance
I think that to get this in code, you'd have to do something explicit, so the most likely candidate is a messed up IB file.
Since it doesn't cost anything, I'd just delete the tableView from the IB and then re-add it. If that doesn't work, try recreating the complete IB.
Hope that helps
