IOS App Submission with UK English as default Language - ios

So I'm submitting my app to iOS through iTunes connect.
I noticed that the name I wanted for my app was taken when the default language was set to 'English', but when I changed the default language to 'UK English' the name became available.
Now I want to know if by choosing 'UK English' as my app's default language if this will be a hindrance/problem?
For example, will my app be hidden for some users when they search for the term?

I do not think it is a wise idea to use a name that has already been used / is currently in use. This will definitively lead to bugs or unwanted occurrences. Every entry on your app on the net will be shared with someone else's application.
I would therefore suggest to come up with another name for your app.


Can't search the app with originial name in the AppStore

We have a published app in Apple App Store, but when we search the app we can only find it through related words. Let's assume the name is NoFake-Be real, we can see the app in related words after typing in NoFa however can't search it if we put in NoFake.
What could be the reasons? And what can we do to enable the app can be searched with its original name
First of all, Apple search will not find your app by name from the first couple of days, then after that your app will be usually searchable by its name.
Also, You can add the name of the app to the key words from app store connect, Also you can add different localization to enhance the result.

How to change system alert language from within app

I am working on app, and customers want it to be fully localized. We have several Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings files for each supported language.
There is an opportunity in the app to change app's language "on fly".
(This is done by associating another bundle with chosen language)to main bundle. So when app calls [NSBundle.mainBundle localizedStringForKey:value:table:], it actually refer to bundle with language user has selected.)
Here comes bad consequences. System permission alerts (requests for location usage, camera usage, etc.) are not localized with language selected within the app, but localized with preferred language from iOS Settings.
So, for example, if user has English as preferred language in Settings, but in our app he chose French, the whole app will be in French except system alerts, which will be in English.
Is there any way to fix it? I mean, to choose programmatically which language system alert must consider as preferred?
Apple Rejection Reason: Your app's modal alerts are in English, but your app's primary language is French. To help users understand why your app is requesting access to a specific feature, your app's modal alerts should be in the same language as the rest of your app.

Is it possible to change an iPhone app description wording depending on the country

I would like to release an iPhone app to several countries. However I would like to change the wording of the App Store description depending on the country (Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia). How can I do that?
The answer to your question is no. You cannot change the language based on territories. Here you can find all App Store territories:
You can translate or localize your app only into different languages. Basically there are two parts of the equation:
1) App Store page: Add your additional languages directly in App Store Connect. This is only possible when your app is in an editable state. You can check out all languages over here.
2) Actual app: Done in Xcode

Add localized language app descriptions on app store

I have an app, written in JavaScript and built into Objective C by
In other words, I can not edit the C files of the build. Now, I want to do the simplest thing on the world - to add translated app description in multiple languages. On the play store all I need to do is to select and add a new language from the drop down menu and add the corresponding description.
On apple, however, from what I read, I need to set the list of languages available in the drop down from the build. I can't express enough how silly is this!!!
In the iTunes store on the "Localizable Information" language drop down I have only and only English.
Any workaround about this?
As far as I understand your question, you just want to add localised App Store descriptions for your app. This works similar in iTunes Connect as it would with the Google Play console. (It's different if you want to localise your app itself. For more info check the official guide.)
1) Log into iTunes Connect and choose your app
2) Click on the languages dropdown on the right - default shows your primary language - and click on the little blue "+" to add languages.
3) You can now add specific/translated metadata for the new languages. (App description, keywords, marketing URL, support URL; even screenshots if you wish)
Few notes:
There is no "automatic" translation service integrated into iTunes
Connect. You need to manually get the metadata translated and insert
it on iTunes Connect.
You can only add new languages, when your app
is in an editable state. If your app is currently on the store, you need to add a new version to add new languages to it.
Find more information on what you can localise and which languages are available at the iTunes Connect Developer guide:

String format for CFBundleDevelopmentRegion (info.plist) for App Store display

I work for a company that creates apps for the Japanese iOS App Store. Our only supported language is Japanese.
We selected Japanese as the "default language" in iTunes Connect, but when our apps appear on the App Store, they have the problem shown in the screenshot (the language is listed as English).
It's been suggested to me that setting the CFBundleDevelopmentRegion in info.plist will solve this, however I can find no mention anywhere in Apple's documentation about what format the language/region string should take. There are numerous standards, several of which are supported randomly by iOS in different places (JP, JA, JPN, JAPAN, JAPANESE etc.) and I've not been able to find an authoritative answer by googling. We think this may be correct
but would appreciate it if someone could confirm or suggest a better answer, as we don't want to go through a trial and error process, given that app store approval takes a week to get a result for each attempt.
Please note: This is not a localization question. We don't want to support additional languages. We just want to set the base language to Japanese so that the app is correctly displayed in the store.
I wrote this question because I sent off a technical support request to Apple a few days ago, but hadn't heard anything back yet. As luck would have it (typical!) barely an hour after posting to SO, Apple responded, so I guess this is the authoritative answer (the second part about no localization folders is what we want):
The value of the Languages field in iTunes Store is created by
scanning the localization folders in your application bundle. If you
want it to show "Japanese" only in the store, you need to make sure
there is only "ja.jproj" folder in your application bundle. If you
don't even have any localization folder, you can select plist file of
your project in Xcode, and set the "Localization native development
region" by selecting "Japan" from the candidate list supplied by Xcode
plist editor, by doing that the CFBundleDevelopmentRegion key will be
set to "ja_JP" (language_local), you can also follow ISO 639-1 or
639-2 to use "ja" or "jan."
I will mark this as answered in 2 days when the time limit expires.
Additional edit: I suspect the Apple employee meant "jpn" in regard to ISO 639-2, as "jan" is not a valid code, but jpn is.
I have this problem with my natal language.
"CFBundleDevelopmentRegion (String - iOS, OS X) specifies the native region for the bundle. This key contains a string value that usually corresponds to the native language of the person who wrote the bundle. The language specified by this value is used as the default language if a resource cannot be located for the user’s preferred region or language."
So i suppose you must have a localizable.strings file for english and not for japanese.
You must select localizable.strings and add japanese (jp) locale and you must show english and japanese languages, but if you just want just show japanese only, you must only left japanese locale, but I don't know if this thing is factible (only left a language different than english).
