Memory Leak with ARC for fast enumeration - ios

On a background thread checking for intersections I was leaking a large amount of memory. I tracked down where the leak was occurring and it was due to fast enumeration. I tried using an #autorelease but that did not fix it either. What ended up fixing the leak was just using normal iteration, and I have no idea why.
background thread created using dispatch_async, running on ipad mini 2 ios8
// shapes is a NSMutable array
for (RTShape *shape in shapes){
// ... intersection code
results in a memory leak, with this fixing it
for (int i = 0; i < shapes.count; i++){
RTShape *shape = [shapes objectAtIndex: i];
// ... same intersection code
Does anyone know why this causes a leak?


Changing UICollectionView cell image at regular interval

I am developing an IOS 10.x application using UICollectionView and would like to change the image of specific cells, at regular interval.
The code below shows the current implementation. Even though it should change the cell background image every half of second, it changes the images immediately disregarding the NSThread SleepAt interval of 0.5 seconds.
I suspect something about the main thread handling or the ReloadItem method but hasn't reached a clear conclusion. Any insight is very welcome! Thank you.
NSNumber* originalCardSelected;
int position;
for (int i = 0; i < [opponentOriginalCardArray count]; i++) {
originalCardSelected = [opponentOriginalCardArray objectAtIndex:i];
position = [self convertLevelDataPositionToCellViewPosition:[originalCardSelected intValue]];
NSMutableArray *tmpBackgroundAssets = [self getNewAssetBackgroundBasedOnBackgroundType:playbackBackground Index:position];
self.backgroundAssets = tmpBackgroundAssets;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[collectionViewRoot reloadItemsAtIndexPaths:[collectionViewRoot indexPathsForVisibleItems]];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5];
You should use performBatchUpdates(_:completion:) methods and add your for loop inside it.
Remember to not keep strong references inside the block to avoid retain cycles.
and in the completion block, you can check if finished and add your NSThread methods

CIImage and CIDetector use with AVCaptureOutput memory leak

I'm using a CIContext, CIDetector, and CIImage to detect rectangles in a vImage_Buffer derived from samples in captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer:fromConnection:. It seems that either the detector or the CIImage is retaining memory and it cannot be released.
Here is the code in question - skipping over this code shows memory held constant, otherwise in increases until crashing the app:
// ...rotatedBuf and format managed outside scope
// Use a CIDetector to find any potential subslices to process
CVPixelBufferRef cvBuffer;
vImageCVImageFormatRef cvFormat = vImageCVImageFormat_CreateWithCVPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer);
CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, rotatedBuf.width, rotatedBuf.height, kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, NULL, &cvBuffer);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(cvBuffer, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
err = vImageBuffer_CopyToCVPixelBuffer(&rotatedBuf, &format, cvBuffer, cvFormat, NULL, kvImageNoFlags);
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(cvBuffer, kCVPixelBufferLock_ReadOnly);
if (![self vImageDidError:err]) {
CIImage *ciImage = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:cvBuffer];
NSArray *feats = [self.ciDetector featuresInImage:ciImage options:nil];
if (feats && [feats count]) {
for (CIFeature *feat in feats) {
// The frame is currently in image space, so we must convert it to a unitless space like the other rects.
CGRect frame = feat.bounds;
CGRect clip = CGRectMake(frame.origin.x / rotatedBuf.width, frame.origin.y / rotatedBuf.height,
frame.size.width / rotatedBuf.width, frame.size.height / rotatedBuf.height);
rects = [rects arrayByAddingObject:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:clip]];
Other answers seem to suggest wrapping in an autorelease pool or create a new CIDector each frame, but neither affect the memory use.
CIDetector isn't releasing memory
CIDetector won't release memory - swift
Edit: switching the dispatch queue to one other than dispatch_main_queue seemed to have cleared the memory issue and keeps the UI responsive.
I figured out a different solution - in my case I was running all my processing on the main dispatch queue. What fixed the situation was creating a new queue to run the processing in. I realized this may be the case when the majority of my CPU time was spent on the call to featuresInImage:options:. It doesn't explain what caused the memory issue, but now that I'm running in a separate queue, memory is nice and constant.

Sprite Kit - Animations & memory managment

I'm currently messing around with Sprite Kit on iOS to figure out if it would be a fitting framework to make relatively simple 2D game in.
Due to my ActionScript background, i am very comfortable working with Sprite Kit code-wise
But there is something i just can't figure out. Animated nodes with Texture Atlas as a resource are incredibly memory heavy. I've imported an atlas into my project (size of textures is about 35MB). Preloading textures into RAM seems ok but at the moment i run the actual animation, the heap size increases exponentinaly (from about 80MB to 780MB)
Here goes my code:
self.noahFrames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
SKTextureAtlas *noahAtlas = [SKTextureAtlas atlasNamed:#"noahAnimati"];
int imgCount = noahAtlas.textureNames.count;
for (int i=1; i <= imgCount; i++) {
NSString *textureName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"NoahMainMenuAnimation_%d", i];
SKTexture *temp = [noahAtlas textureNamed:textureName];
[self.noahFrames addObject:temp];
SKSpriteNode *noahNode = [self createSpriteWithName:#"noah" imagePath:#"Noah_main_menu_hd" positionXPath:#"MainMenu.Noah.x" positionYPath:#"MainMenu.Noah.y" scalePath:#"MainMenu.Noah.scale"];
[self addChild:noahNode];
//up to this point everything goes fine
[noahNode runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever:
[SKAction animateWithTextures:self.noahFrames
restore:YES]] withKey:#"animatedNoah"];
So i guess my actual question is why does the application become that insanely memory heavy after calling the SKAction animation ? I must be missing something rather obvious ...
I do know that when a texture is loaded in graphic memory it's loaded without any compression, but I don't think that xcode monitors graphic memory, so it's really strange to me.
I usually load and execute animations just like you do and I don't have such memory behaviour, but i noticed it when testing on the simulator. Are you using iOS simulator for your tests? Does your application crash when you reach those memory levels?

Should retain count increase after an image rotation?

I'm using the following code to rotate an image
that's one of the few image transformations that I do before uploading an image to the server, I also have some other transformations: normalize, crop, resize.
Each one of the transformations returns an (UIImage*) and I add those functions using a category. I use it like this:
UIImage *img = //image from camera;
img = [[[img normalize] rotate] scale] resize];
[upload img];
After selecting 3~4 photos from the camera and executing the same code each time I get a Memory Warning message in XCode.
I'm guessing I have a memory leak somewhere (even though im using ARC). I'm not very experienced using the xCode debugging tools, so I started printing the retain count after each method.
UIImage *img = //image from camera;
img = [img normalize];
img = [img rotate]; // retain count increases :(
img = [img scale];
img = [img resize];
The only operation that increases the retain count is the rotation. Is this normal?
The only operation that increases the retain count is the rotation. Is this normal?
It's quite possible that the UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() call in your rotate function ends up retaining the image. If so, it almost certainly also autoreleases the image in keeping with the normal Cocoa memory management rules. Either way, you shouldn't worry about it. As long as your rotate function doesn't itself contain any unbalanced retain (or alloc, new, or copy) calls, you should expect to be free of leaks. If you do suspect a leak, it's better to track it down with Instruments than by watching retainCount yourself.

MKOverlayView performance

I am adding about 3000 MKOverlays to my map, and as you can imagine, it takes a while, up to about eight seconds sometimes. I'm looking for a way to use threading to improve performance, so the user can move the map around while overlays are being added. Preferably, the overlays would be added sequentially, starting with the just the ones within the map's region. I have tried something along these lines with GCD:
- (MKOverlayView*)mapView:(MKMapView*)mapView viewForOverlay:(id)overlay {
__block MKPolylineView* polyLineView;
//do the heavy lifting (I presume this is the heavy lifting part, but
// because this code doesn't compile, I can't actually *test* it)
// on a background thread
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, ^ {
polyLineView = [[[MKPolylineView alloc] initWithPolyline:overlay] autorelease];
[polyLineView setLineWidth:11.0];
//if the title is "1", I want a blue line, otherwise red
if([((LocationAnnotation*)overlay).title intValue]) {
[polyLineView setStrokeColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
} else {
[polyLineView setStrokeColor:[UIColor redColor]];
//return the overlay on the main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(MKOverlayView* polyLineView){
return polyLineView;
But because GCD blocks are defined with void parameter and return types, this code doesn't work- I get an incompatible pointer type error on the return line. Is there something I am missing here, or another way to thread this? Or perhaps an entirely different way to improve the performance of the overlay-adding process? I appreciate any and all help!
I have found that the problem is not where I actually add the overlays here:
for(int idx = 1; idx < sizeOverlayLat; idx++) {
CLLocationCoordinate2D coords[2];
coords[0].latitude = [[overlayLat objectAtIndex:(idx - 1)] doubleValue];
coords[0].longitude = [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:(idx - 1)] doubleValue];
coords[1].latitude = [[overlayLat objectAtIndex:idx] doubleValue];
coords[1].longitude = [[overlayLong objectAtIndex:idx] doubleValue];
MKPolyline* line = [MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:coords count:2];
[line setTitle:[overlayColors objectAtIndex:idx]];
[mapViewGlobal addOverlay:line];
Adding all 3000 takes maybe 100ms here. The part that takes a long time (I assume) is where I actually create the overlays, in the first method I showed.
There is a little gap between what you want and what the compiler can do. When you are calling dispatch_async, you are actually telling the CPU "here, have this chunk of code, and run it whenever you feel like it, not now, not blocking my user interface thread". But, your method has to return now. There is simply no way for you to create anything in a background thread, because you are going to have to wait for it anyway before mapView:viewForOverlay: returns, since it has to return something.
This method is not the place to use GCD or any background code. If your problem is the addition of a big number of overlays at once, I would split all the overlays into chunks of say 100 and add them to the map with a delay of 100ms between each batch.
