Firebase deploy doesn't include bower_components - bower

I was just trying publish my website based on firebase using firebase deploy.
However, after the deployment succeeds, when I access the website, I notice in the console everything under bower_components folder fails to load.
How should I fix that? I am not sure how firebase deployment works, and I looked up online with no avail.


how to code in Mac for 8thwall web ar and test it?

how to setup 8th wall project for web ar for Mac and use our system instead of using their web editor . I want to code in my computer and test and then upload that to their console rather then coding it in their web editor .
Steps to locally develop 8thwall webAR without using 8th wall cloud editor
Create a project using 8thwall dashboard and navigate to the dashboard settings and copy the appkey.
copy this base glitch get-started project and replace the appkey with your project appkey.
Navigate back to the dashboard and authorize your browser with the help of the dev-token.
You are ready to now use and test 8thwall development locally.
You can later self-host the project instead of copy pasting the code and reformatting according to the 8thwall cloud editor.
You can also directly remix any of the glitch projects as well which is a much quicker option.
NOTE: The glitch projects are under-maintained hence refer docs for latest SDK version as well as syntax changes
You can develop locally by choosing self-hosted project option with 8thwall, then downloading 8thwall's own web repository to tinker with. I struggled with the 8thwall docs to figure this out but the web repository makes locally development pretty straight-forward.
Follow the steps on the getting started guide ,
firstly you'll need to create an 8thwall account and self-hosted project.
Copy your unique App Key from the project settings page.
Clone the source code from the repo, replacing the app key in index.html file with your own app key (this lives in the header of the html file) :
<script async src="//"></script>
8thwall included a serve script, which serves your source code on local network over https. This means you can add your local URL as a trusted domain in your self-hosted project settings for testing.
you'll need to ensure Node.js and npm are installed to run the script
Using the serve script depends on your computer, (there's instructions here for Windows also) but for the case of Mac, open a terminal in your project directory :
cd <to_this_serve_directory>
npm install
cd ..
./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
I use Node version 16.16.0 as I had issues with my current node version 18.12.1. You can get Node version manager npm package to help manage your Node versions.
What's great about this is when you run the serve script from your terminal, this generates a QR code so you can test your app on a mobile device over local network. Make sure you copy the entire Listening URL into your browser, including the port number. e.g. https://245.678.0.11:8080
Final thing to mention, don't include the port number in your trusted domains URL. e.g. https://245.678.0.11

Runtime error when deploying to Azure because of one dll file

I build the app using Visual Studio and already publish it to Azure Services.
However, when trying to run it, I got the following error:
Could not load file or assembly 'RandomColorGenerator.Forms' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I looked into the bin folder in my local project and I can see the dll file just right.
Any suggestions?
According to your description, your MVC project could work on your development environment, but when deployed to Azure Web App, you got the above error. Per my understanding, you could follow the possible approaches below to troubleshoot this issue:
Use KUDU which is an analysis tool for Azure Web Apps, click on the "Debug console > CMD", then check your deployed web content under D:\home\site\wwwroot\. Make sure the missing dll has been deployed to Azure Web App successfully.
You could try to create a new web app for deploying your MVC project, in order to isolate this issue.
Additionally, you could try to empty your deployed web content via KUDU or redeploy your project by select "Delete all existing files prior to publish" under the "Setting > File Publish Options" of VS publish wizard.
Based on your comment, you are using Azure Cloud Services. You could enable Remote Desktop and re-publish your application, then remote to your cloud services for troubleshooting this issue. Here is a similar issue, you could refer to it.
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
As I known, the above message means that there be a 32-bit or 64-bit
platform conflict. For more details, you could refer to this similar issue.

How to start Puma/Rails/Nginx on Debian after boot

Ok, I'm deploying my Rails App using Capistrano. I'm also using Puma. I've followed this tutorial to get it to work, although I'm using Debian rather then Ubuntu.
Everything works fine and I can deploy my app without issues. However if my server crashes or the server restarts, the App doesn't restart itself and the only way I got it to restart was deploying it again with the following command cap production deploy from within my App in my local machine, which we all can agree that's not ideal.
There's loads of information on the web on how to deploy a Rails App with Passenger, which I'd rather avoid to use due to lack of resources on the server part. I've also found this tutorial which seems to be a bit outdated.
Can someone please point me to an updated tutorial or give some directions on how I could get my App to start/restart who the server?
Many thanks
As per #mudasobwa's comments, I'm detailing the steps I've taken after reading this page:
I have copied the contents of into /etc/init.d/puma made it executable. I've also copied the contents of into /usr/local/bin/run-puma also made it executable.
Lastly I've created a puma.conf file in /etc.
After that I've created the following directory: /path/to/app/tmp/puma and added these two files: pid and state. Note that I've also added the aforementioned folders into Capistrano's shared links structure.
After the above I've restarted my server and the App did not start as I expected.
What am I missing here?

Location of Xcode Bots configuration files

I need to copy and transfer integration settings (trigger script, actually) from one to another project, but since my development Mac isn't connected to OS X Server, I can't check out Bot settings and take that script from existing project.
Is there a way to find Bot's configuration files? And where they are actually stored at (dev machine or server)?
I tried to look at
but found only bunch of .log files for every integration
For those coming to this using the newer version of Xcode Server, even though Xcode Server now runs as a specific user, the configuration files are kept in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer. You can also hit the Xcode Server API to get information about your bots.
I don't really know that this approach can work properly, however, my suggestion would be "export and import XCode configuration file". That can be understood as after your project completed configuration, start exporting "xconfig" files and then import to your other projects.
This link might be helpful Is there a way export xcode build settings to .xcconfig file?

Azure deployment with and New Relic

I have automated deployment of ASP.NET MVC app which uses NewRelic for performance profiling to azure using MSBuild and WebDeploy.
I have used url for deployment as it was mentioned in publish profile. Also I stop my website before deployment and start after as NewRelic locks some log files so deployment fails. This is official workaround mentioned in NewRelic documentation.
Usually deployment takes 2-3 minutes. However last days deployment started taking more than 30 minutes and fails from time to time. I have downloaded new publish profile and noticed that WebDeploy url was changed to KUDU url ({my-app} After updating url deployment takes 2-3 minutes as usual. However when I stop website KUDU is also not accessible and I cannot do deployment.
My question is: how can I do deployment of Azure website which uses NewRelic via KUDU when NewRelic requires website to be stopped while deployment and KUDU requires website running for deployment. Any other way of deployment are also acceptable.
I have already tried next things:
1) Deploy via FTP is also very, very slow as it uses the same url (ftps://
2) Restaring website before deployment doesn't help. NewRelic still locks some log file.
In the Azure portal you can force Azure to unload the profiler DLL file by changing the app setting COR_ENABLE_PROFILING to 0 and hitting save. This will restart IIS and unload the DLL without users seeing any error (just a delay in getting to the site). You can then run the deploy which should proceed without the locking issue. Make sure that the app setting is back to 1 when your finished deploying.
You can also do this via Azure Powershell.
We made a recent change that allows Kudu to continue running even if you stop the site. So the simpler way to avoid this issue now is simply to stop the site, publish, and restart the site.
