Action on UIAlertController that does not dismiss AlertController? (Disable dismissing) - ios

I have an action sheet (UIAlertController with style of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet) with a few actions, presented on an iPad as a popover. What I want is, when a user selects one of the options (say, the first one), I want the action sheet to transition to a different action sheet, using the "Show" (previously "Push") animation. Is this possible? Or, if this is not possible, is it possible to present the second action sheet as a popover from the action tapped (I'd prefer the transition method, if possible).
Thanks in advance!

The nice thing about iOS 7 and 8 in this regard is that it really is quite easy to write a view controller that looks and acts like an alert - except that it's just a view controller, so you can put any content you like into it and you can make it behave however you want.
For an example, see this github project of mine:
As you'll see, all we're doing is starting with a small view designed in a .xib file and controlled by a view controller. Then we present the view controller. This view controller knows how to animate the appearance of the view and put a "dimmer" view behind it, just like an alert! And indeed this is not surprising, because in iOS 8 an alert controller is a presented view controller, so there's no reason why you shouldn't imitate its behavior. It isn't doing anything you can't do yourself.


Why does View Controller Shift in Storyboard on Button Segue

I am new to IOS App development and have a question. I'm trying to segue from one view controller to another. However, it seems that every time I ctrl+drag from the options button to the adjacent view controller and choose the 'show' option, the view controller "shifts" down(bottom picture). Why does that happen and if it is not the correct behavior, how can I do it right? Thanks!
You need to set fullscreen style manually if select model style,
a fullscreen option did not show in Push type, you must use Navigation Controller if you want to set fullscreen for Push
When you click on the segue(the line that connects view controllers) and open the Attribute Inspector in right panel, you will see the Kind is set to Present Modally. This means your view controller will popup on your current screen.
You can change the Kind to Push and it will start showing normally.
Also embed your controller in a navigation Controller
Option 2
If you dont want a navigation controller, you can also change the presentation to full screen.
If you're new to iOS
then I might suggest don't use show and don't use segue from storyboard
If you don't know the concept of navigation controller (push and pop methods), then have a look at it (You may not use show afterwards)
have a look at following link
Swift programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

Dismissing view controllers with no fixed order

I'd like to know the best way to handle view controllers when there are multiple ways for the user to navigate through an app. The problem is that the user might (for example) trigger a segue by selecting a table row, Then, from the presented view controller they might click a button in a custom toolbar to go somewhere else.
I'm pretty new at this, so while I understand using a segue to present a view controller, and then having to dismiss the presented view controller at some point, I'm less clear on how to manage things when a user has free reign to go wherever they want! I'm using container views to embed a header and a custom toolbar at the bottom of each view. Should I be using a container for each view controller as well?
If you are quite down the stack and you don‘t want to offer a back button for simplicity, then you go up the stack by calling dismiss and tell the delegate where you want to go until you reach the appropriate level which can move you up until you are where you wanted to go.
The alternative is to move up the delegate chain until you can move down again and from there call dismiss and then go down where you want to go.

Displaying user information on an popover alert view controller

I am working on an app for a Cafe where users can "sign in" to their seats.
Currently I am thinking of a way to present basic user information of seated people. What I am envisioning is to when the table gets tap, a square information box (pardon my primitive language) appears in the middle with the background being blurred out. I am hoping to have something flexible so that i can add tab and such to this so called box.
I have been looking at popover alert controllers and apparently there is limited information on them in regards to the iPhone. Is there a reason why popover view is not used for iPhones as compared to iPads? Moreover, is there a smarter UI to handle this or should i just segue to the next view when tapped.
Basically, popovers are iPad-only because iPhone screens are too small to make them effective. UIAlertController is a similar alternative, though it may not lend itself to what you're trying to accomplish.
Segueing to a new view for the user information is definitely a solid option, or if you want to preserve the feeling of staying on the same view you can animate a custom view over top of your current view, often from the bottom in the style of a keyboard or the settings drawer.
I think you are mixing up two different concepts: Alerts vs View Controllers being displayed modally.
Alerts – as the name suggests – are used to bring something important to the attention of the user. They usually interupt the current flow.
View Controllers presented modally are similar to what you discribe: a new View Controller moves over the current one, and the current one is blacked out to put emphasis to the new one. As you rightly pointed out though, this is hardly used on iPhone: This is because iPhones historically have rather small screens, and scaling down a view controller leaves hardly any room for content.
View Controllers presented as popovers is yet another thing: Here, you show the new view controller in a separate window that originates from a specific point in your UI.
This document might be of interest for you.
You may want to use a Modally presented View Controller. For this, you will create the view you want to pop up in a separate view controller. Then, control-drag in a segue from the parent view to the Modal of type Present Modally. You can even get your blurriness by setting your Modal's background to clear and adding a Visual Effect with Blur to its view.
Now, give the segue an identifier in the right hand pane so you can call it programatically.

Shrink view controller while presenting another

I want to modely present a view controller, and during the animation I want to shrink the presenting view controller. I saw a lot of apps doing this effect, its seams that the entire view controller including the navigation bar is shrieked.
I'm not sure how to approach this, and I will really appreciate any help about how to make this kind of effect.
here is an example from the mail app, you can see that when the compose view controller is presented, the other view controller is shrieked behind him:
If this was for iPad I would tell you to simply use an embed segue, or resize your modal container's superview, but since it is for iPhone that makes things trickier. Apple has said that modal presentation for iPhones is always supposed to be the whole screen, so I doubt they did theirs modally. They either made a custom segue type (I'm not sure how to go about doing that), or they simply are using a view and presenting that on the bottom portion of the screen, with a view inside of it to represent the navigation controller.
You can add a different viewController's view to the current view controller then call parentVC addChildViewController: and use it like that. Just use a toolbar instead of a nav bar and it should work fine.
I was looking to do the same and I found this answer by Brian Sachetta that explains how to accomplish it. The link posted in the answer didn't work for me but I found the sample he is talking about here

iPhone popover controller present view controller fullscreen

I am using a third party popover controller on the iphone and have ran across an issue. The one I'm using is WYPopoverController but have tried using FPPopover and it has the same "issue" since they work in a similar way. Here is the deal:
I have a notifications button in my app which pops up a popover controller which contains the notifications feed. It's like the Facebook app. You can see it on the below image.
Now what I want to do it so present a view controller on top of everything and in full screen. The way that popover controller works is that it ads its view directly to the applications main window and its not nested in the view hierarchy so I get a warning saying presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged and it does not present full screen as well (I know thats logical). If I present it on the parent view controller (the red one in the background) it gets presented below the popover view.
How to fix this?
I was thinking about using a new UIWindow instance and using a root view controller there. Is this an OK solution or is it a hack? If it's ok then how do I accomplish this? I want the presentation and dismissal to be animated :)
I want it to look like Facebok Paper app when you tap an item in the notifications feed.
