Associate player id to a transaction? - ios

The way my app works is, I have users that have registered with me and they can log in and buy coins. The coins are in-app purchases using StoreKit.
The way I validate receipts is by sending them to my server. Along with the receipt, I send along the player's userid so my server knows who to credit.
Here is the problem. Lets say the transaction fails. When the app tries to do validation again, I will not know which user bought this.
Is there some way to add some metadata to a transaction so I can later know which user account bought it?

As far as I know you can't add info to a SKTransaction.
What I usually do is a queue of unverified transactions. That queue usually has objects that have all the information needed by your server (your player id), the transaction itself, and its state (does the transaction has been completed, for instance?)
I try to dispatch that queue every time the app connects, and if it fails more than X times then I prompt a pop-up asking for the user to send an email with the details of the issue.


How to identify the customer on a server-sent event for Apple subscriptions?

Implementing subscriptions on an iOS app means we want to handle SSEs in case of subscription status change, as to manage the user's rights inside the service.
The Apple documentation doesn't show an explicit customer GUID.
They provide, in each SSE's payload, receipts, e.g. the latest one.
The question is: how can an API server uniquely identify customers?
Should the API server keep track of every receipt, in an inheritance way?
I.e. should the API persist every receipt, and a link to the previous receipt, up to the first
one that was emitted (which can be linked to a customer through the iOS app the user used to initiate its subscription), and re-trace this history on every SSE?
Per this thread, the applicationUsername service-side UUID (used by apple, for "irregular activity checking") isn't a solution, as it isn't provided in receipts or SSEs. The thread hints that using the transaction IDs is still the best way to identify a SSE, as it is ultimately tied to a user, and it is up to the service to keep track of transactions made by the user on the Apple platform for the given service.
Isn't there an easier, more direct, way, to establish the relationship between a SSE, its apple customer, and the service's user?
After digging for a while and asking around, I reached the following conclusion:
There is only one way to tie a transaction event to a user, and that is by the
restoration mechanism one has to implement on their application.
For this reason, you need to at least keep track of original transaction IDs,
so when the restoration mechanism is triggered on your app, you can check the
currently logged user on your app, and call your back-end with the logged user,
and a list of original transaction IDs.
Usually, when a user subscribes, it is mainly done from within your app, so you
can do this link in a trivial way.
But, because you can "re-subscribe" from the AppStore after a while, without
going through your app, Apple may send a SSE to your back-end which would contain
a new (hence unknown) original transaction ID, since this new subscription is
has a new transaction.
In short,
You need to keep at least a DB of original transaction IDs you receive as SSEs
You need to implement the restoration mechanism as to contact your server every
time the app starts, with the list of transaction IDs / original transaction IDs Apple gives you
You need to accept having transactions stored in your backend without a link
to a user (because the user may have re-subscribed without launching the app yet)

How to find user's lost in-app purchases on iOS?

So I followed the official manual and implemented this:
user pays in app
app gets receipt info from Apple
this receipt info is sent to my server
my server verified receipt by calling Apple API and activates membership for client
The obvious problem is that 3. can fail. I have clients complaining they paid, they are sending me SS of the amount being deducted, but my server was never notified. And I have no way to find these users. Is there some CP where I can search by customer e-mail or transaction ID to check if this is Photoshopped screenshot or valid one?
Is there some API that can be called to list transactions by product and e-mail of client? - Apple CP is useless for this
There is no method to correlate the customers details with your transaction details. Only Apple can do this.
My first suspicion is that you may have a logic problem in your purchasing process. If implemented correctly, a transient failure at step 3 doesn't matter.
You should:
Create your transaction queue observer a soon as your app starts. This will enable any pending transactions to be delivered to your observer
When you get a purchase transaction in your observer you verify with your server
Only once you have a response from your server that the purchase has been recorded successfully do you call finishTransaction.
This way if something goes wrong with your server or the app crashes the transaction is still pending in the queue.
If you are using auto-renewing and/or non-consumable IAP then I
strongly suggest you provide a "restore purchases" button in your
UI. This makes it simple for the user if something goes wrong or when
they move to a new device.
If you have users who claim that they did not get what they paid for then you can refer them to Apple App Store support who can refund the transaction.
If step three fails you can fall back to local verification and then let the user through for this session (or some number of sessions before you require it to succeed). Unfortunately local authentication is a pain in the ass because the receipt is encrypted. See this link for an example: . You can also report failures of step 3 to your analytics tool so you can see who is actually affected by this issue (obviously this only works if the analytic eventually get an internet connection.

How to tie back iTunes connect Subscription Status URL to a unique user

Hello I am currently trying to take advantage of the Subscription Status URL that iTunes connect gives you to get updates on a auto renewable in app subscription.
I have my endpoint up and running, and I am getting all the receipt info I need and the status of the update, however I have no current way of tying this update back to a specific user of my application.
For example, every user of my app has a UUID, and in a perfect world I would somehow like to tell Apple during a purchase which user uuid purchased this subscription and then get that UUID back in the POST request from the Subscription Status URL.
Is this possible?
You have identified what I consider to be one of the biggest flaws in StoreKit, that the receipt does not contain a way to identify the user (iTunes account in this case).
The way around this is: When your users make a purchase and your app processes a transaction, you need to post the transaction identifier (and probably the receipt data) to your backend and associate it with your user's backend record. Then when you get a push from Apple, you can look up the user it relates to by transaction id.
This is not an ideal solution, since different app users can be sharing a receipt via the same iTunes account and other edge cases like that, buts it is a good as you can do with the way app receipts work.

Auto-renewable subcriptions: handle purchase when user is logged out

I've read a lot of SO answers about handling auto-renewable subscriptions with your own user login system, but there is an issue that I am still not sure how to handle: what to do when the transaction observer is triggered while the user is logged out.
Apple recommends to implement a transaction observer right in the App Delegate:
Adding your app's observer at launch ensures that it will persist
during all launches of your app, thus allowing your app to receive all
the payment queue notifications.
Say the user starts a purchase, but it doesn't complete immediately (for instance because it needs to be approved by their parents, or the app crashes, etc.). The user logs out and opens the app again, and since we are observing transactions in App Delegate, we might receive a transaction immediately when launching the app, before he logs in. We are then unaware of which user to associate the subscription to.
Two ideas:
Non-ideal: should I store the fact that there is a subscription pending and assume that the first user to log in will be the right one, and then associate it in some way to them once they log in? And if so, where would I keep the receipt? KeyChain, UserDefaults? This sounds pretty clunky.
Another way that sounds better: can I store some information about the transaction when it is initiated, and then use one of these fields to actually know exactly whose user's subscription purchase just finished?
(Not particularly relevant, but FYI I am using SwiftyStoreKit).
This is how I would approach this:
When the user tries to purchase a subscription, I first have them login or create an account.
Once the user is logged in, I send their appStoreReceipt to my server and store it there. I check and make sure the user is able to purchase. (At this point they should have the subscription they are trying to purchase)
Once I get a response from the server that the user should be able to purchase I go ahead and start the in-app-purchase
When the in-app-purchase process is done, I send the updated appStoreReceipt to my server and upgrade their account.
The problem you are worried about is what if the user gets done with step 3 but never gets to step 4.
Well, since I have their receipt stored on my server (from step 2), I can just ask Apple to give the latest version of their receipt, and if it shows up that they did purchase, I upgrade their account. You can choose when the right time is to do this check, it can be every time the app launched, or every time the user logs.
Hope this helps.

Lost of Receipts With the App Store from Server

We have a gamme with iAP feature with some issue recently.
Currently the device is to purchase items from Appstore
and the device will send the receipt to server for validation.
After validated, server will give the products (e.g. coins) to player's account.
It ran well for long and there is a user reported that they cannot receive coins from the game.
The user said they have receive confirmation from AppStore but no increase in coins.
Thus, we are thinking if the user has sudden data lost in network and the receipt was not sending to server. (or sent but somehow lost packet)
would like to know:
1. how to search out this purchase history? by code, in Appstore or iTune connects?
2. is there any best practice code to recovery lost receipt or validate the receipt?
Thanks very much
Apple has responded me about this issue.
From their explanation, it sounds like a specific case that the transaction is not completed in their side but it gives a transaction completed message to user.
