What does the installation errror "The packet is unknown" mean? - ios

I am trying to use Xcode 6.2 to install a development build of an iOS app onto my iPod touch (running iOS 8.2).
The installation keeps failing with the message
App instalation failed
The packet is unknown.
The console reports the following details:
Mar 27 12:53:52 iPod-touch com.apple.StreamingUnzipService[164] <Warning>: -[StreamingUnzipState finishStream]:476: Finishing an incomplete stream! This stream will not be resumable.
Mar 27 12:53:52 iPod-touch streaming_zip_conduit[163] <Warning>: __dispatch_source_read_socket_block_invoke_2:171: Failed to finish extraction: Error Domain=SZExtractorErrorDomain Code=3 "Finishing an incomplete stream! This stream will not be resumable." UserInfo=0x17e33b50 {SZExtractorFunctionNameErrorKey=-[StreamingUnzipState finishStream], SZExtractorSourceFileLineErrorKey=476, NSLocalizedDescription=Finishing an incomplete stream! This stream will not be resumable.}
Mar 27 12:53:52 iPod-touch streaming_zip_conduit[163] <Warning>: secure_send_message:105: Got error 1 from lockdown_send_message
Mar 27 12:53:52 iPod-touch streaming_zip_conduit[163] <Warning>: secure_send_error:137: Could not send error response to host
These messages seem to imply that the IPA file is somehow corrupted, and can't be extracted, but I had no problem unziping the IPA with Archive Utility on my Mac.
I also already ran codesign -dvvv on Payload/<my-app-name>.app and don't see any obvious problems with the certificate used to sign the app.
What does this error message indicate, and how can the issue be resolved?
I already found this similar question but the only current answer does not help me. Since I have some, possibly relevant, details that may not apply to the previous question, I am asking a new question.

So I was getting this exact error and I tried switching USB ports (from the device plugged into the USB port on my keyboard to the USB port on my laptop) and now it works.


Can't download iOS app using in house at iOS 10.3 release version

I update the iOS to iOS 10.3 release version,
I try to download the in-house app through the safari,
but show the below error message(the log from device ).
itunesstored(libsystem_network.dylib)[240] <Error>: nw_coretls_callback_handshake_message_block_invoke_3 tls_handshake_continue: [-9812]
itunesstored(CFNetwork)[240] <Notice>: NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9813)
itunesstored(CFNetwork)[240] <Error>: HTTP load failed (error code: -1202 [3:-9813])
itunesstored(CFNetwork)[240] <Error>: NSURLSessionTask finished with error - code: -1202
itunesstored[240] <Notice>: LoadExternalDownloadManifestOperation: Request failed with error: <private>
itunesstored[240] <Error>: Could not load download manifest with underlying error: <private>
I test the in house to install at the iOS 10.2.1. It is install correct.
But the iOS 10.3 will show the alert ( cannot connect to IP ).
Have anyone known what happened in my case?
thank you very much.
I figured it out, it seems just trusting the certificate is no longer enough. You need to go into General -> About (yes, About, what a great place) -> Certificate Trust Settings. Then tick the switch next to your CA to trust it.

App error on iOS simulator

I was debugging my application earlier today from Visual Studio Cordova to iOS simulator running on a mac just fine.
After minimal changes, it would no longer run and seemed to crash instantly, giving the following errors in the system log:
Feb 22 14:59:28 Derricks-Air com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.FD118263-FDD1-4B7F-ADDB-0B5BA5811F88.launchd_sim[1946] (UIKitApplication:com.packagename.mail[0x8540][2832]): Program specified by service does not contain one of the requested architectures: ï
Feb 22 14:59:28 Derricks-Air SpringBoard[1962]: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:com.packagename.mail[0x8540]': No such process (err 3)
Feb 22 14:59:28 Derricks-Air SpringBoard[1962]: Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x7d890cd0; com.packagename.mail; pid: -1>
Feb 22 14:59:28 Derricks-Air SpringBoard[1962]: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.packagename.mail[0x8540]' exited voluntarily.
I have since reverted any code changes and am still having this issue.
Any ideas?

react-native app fail to start after a few days

I'm gonna try to explain the problem as clearly as possible, here are the steps:
I compile the app on the device (width bundled file on disk - Options 2)
The app starts, and work
After a few days, when i click on the app's icon, it open the 'powered by react-native' screen, then it crash
I had the same problem over multiple devices, and multiple times
I'm pretty sure it is not a JS error, since nothings change between the day it work, and the day it doesnt
here's the app logs on app start:
$ cat crachReport|grep MyApp
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone amfid[1524] <Notice>: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BDC567B0-B341-4B9A-8329-90B5CEC26440/MyApp.app/MyApp not valid: 0xe8008015: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone SpringBoard(BaseBoard)[1682] <Error>: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp[0x9347]': No such process (err 3)
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[1682] <Error>: Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1705f9500; org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp; pid: -1>
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone sharingd[62] <Notice>: SystemUI unknown identifier: 'org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp'
the unfound provisionning profile error does not appear on the logs when the app work, so i think it may come from here.
However i'm not sure since i'm new to ios developpement,
Thanks in advance
After compilation with a valid provisionning profile, this problem does not appear.
The default provisionning profile was valid for 7 days, so the error was coming from there.

LaunchServicesError error 0. when launching app

I've dug into several threads (here, here, and here to name a few) but I just cannot figure this out. I've cleared cache, reset the simulator, tripled checked .plist files, cloned my repo again, and even reinstalled Xcode.
And here's the rub - the same repo works on my other machine. Here is log error:
Oct 8 09:51:09 CoreSimulatorService[1941] <Error>: Could not register service com.apple.coreservices.lsuseractivity.simulatorsupport: Failed to lookup com.apple.coreservices.lsuseractivity.simulatorsupport: 0x44e
Oct 8 09:51:11 com.apple.dt.Xcode[1927] <Error>: Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "(null)" UserInfo={Error=ExecutableTwiddleFailed, ErrorDescription=Failed to chmod file:///Users/Jason/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0593D533-2974-4464-937C-B77EC0299078/data/Library/Caches/com.apple.containermanagerd/Temp/Bundle/Application/FA2B923A-1015-43E5-BA59-716BBD114A3D/Test.app/PlugIns/TestActionExtension.appex/TestActionExtension : No such file or directory}
I also tried clearing the cache where it's looking for the extension that's giving me issues.

Ad-hoc distribution fail

I work for a big company, and I'm developing an iOS app for iOS 5+. The only way the app will be distributed will be through ad-hoc deployment.
I have had my own server for some time, hosted by o2switch (french hoster). As I started the development, we used it to deploy the app for beta testing purposes. It was working pretty well.
As the app entered its final phase, the company bought the same (in fact, they only have a single one) plan at o2switch (as it was working fine on my server). The "new" server works fine, we have the files required by the iOS app on it and we access them correctly.
My problem is that when I deploy over to the company's server, the install keeps crashing ! The bar below the app's icon is empty, the almost full (in no time), and I get an error saying the app could not be installed. (classic)
I have the so-well-known crash log :
unknown itunesstored[1657] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: com.apple.itunesstored [itunesstored] (690.10)
unknown wifid[23] <Error>: WiFi:[375199765.346102]: Client itunesstored is background application
unknown securityd[1659] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [securityd] (690.10)
unknown SpringBoard[62] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/***********'
unknown sandboxd[1661] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [sandboxd] (690.10)
unknown installd[1663] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [installd] (690.10)
unknown SpringBoard[62] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/***********'
unknown keybagd[1665] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [keybagd] (690.10)
unknown securityd[1667] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [securityd] (690.10)
unknown SpringBoard[62] <Warning>: Killing *********** for app installation
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 extract_package: Could not extract archive
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 stage_package: Could not extract /var/tmp/install_staging.I0rwBH/foo.zip to /var/tmp/install_staging.I0rwBH/foo_extracted
unknown com.apple.itunesstored[1657] <Notice>: MobileInstallationInstall: failed with -1
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 MobileInstallationInstall: Could not stage the package
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 handle_install: API failed
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 send_message: failed to send mach message of 71 bytes: 10000003
unknown installd[1663] <Error>: 2ffc1000 send_error: Could not send error response to client
I've tried a lot to get rid of this error, but nothing seemed to work. I've read every single answer on SO talking about this issue, and tried everything I could. I re-downloaded the profiles, updated the build number, checked the ipa's url, and so many other things.. Nothing worked.
I had to deliver the app quickly, so I tried one last thing : put it on my server. And it worked perfectly. First try, and with no problem (maybe one, the bar did not load progressively but stayed grey then filled in blue very quick, but that's not a problem, I know it downloaded the online version). Then I re-tried uploading to the new server, same problem.
BTW, I tested with: iPhone4/iOS5, iPhone4S/iOS6, iPhone5/iOS6, iPad3/iOS6 and a couple other devices, over 3G (3 different providers) and Wifi, same problem every single time.
So, my question is the following :
Does / how can the server impact the ad-hoc deployment ?
I can give information on the server's config if required. Please tell me what info you need.
O2switch is investigating, but they don't know much about iOS ad-hoc deployment, so they don't really know where to look, what service the install calls, etc.
So I'm turning (once again) to you, SO's community ! Any ideas ?
Check the mime-type configuration in the web-server. You need:
application/xml for the .plist file, and
application/octet-stream for the .ipa file.
Did you edit the App.plist file before you moved it to the new server?
The assets url must be absolute, like this: <string>http://someurl.com/App-1.0.0.ipa</string>.
If you are absolutely sure that server returns proper mime types, checked by:
lynx -mime_header http://www.serveraddress/App.plist | head -10
If you are sure that you don't have spaces or new lines in link to your .plist file in your html file.
If you are sure that you have added devices to provisioning profile
And if you have read: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1829415&seqNum=16
I have all files: .plist, .html, .ipa in the same folder
Then I don't know what is the issue and would suggest you to distribute it from your working server.
