How to transpiling dart to javascript in Phpstorm - dart

I installed dart-sdk and downloaded dart plugin to Phpstorm 8.0.3, but I cant figure out how to transpile dart to js. When I am trying to make file watcher I dont have any Dart2Js predefined template in settings.
Thank you

I know only WebStorm 9 and 10. Maybe you can still derive how it might work in PHPStorm.
Usually you don't want to build to JavaScript on each file change because this would slow your machine down.
During development you use pub serve which is automatically launched by WS 9 and 10 and which transpiles Dart files to JavaScript only on demand (when requested by a browser) and only compiles what it didn't compile previously.
For deployment WebStorm can use the Pub: build ... context menu of the pubspec.yaml file in the project view.

See #Günter Zöchbauer answer.
Using dart2js is not the recommended approach, as it runs on file level instead of project, creates output in the src folder, etc. - but the main reason is that it is not clear when/why to use it. If you need to build your project, use 'pub build' (available in pubspec.yaml right-click menu). When debugging in browser, 'pub serve' is always used implicitly - it performs all needed transformations...
But, if you still need this watcher, you can easily configure it yourself by adding a watcher of 'custom' type.
Program: path/to/dart2js
Arguments: --out=$FilePath$.js $FilePath$
Working directory: $FileDir$
Output paths: $FileName$.js:$FileName$$FileName$.js.deps


How do I enable source map generation when using "webdev build"?

When using Dart 2 and the webdev build command, I get a build/main.dart.js file. At the end of this file, there is a comment pointing the source map:
However, this file doesn't exist. How do I get the .map file and Dart source files to show up in the build directory so that Chrome devtools will see them?
According to the document of webdev build, you should use webdev build --no-release instead. (but this will use DDC compiler instead.)
Update info:
By default, webdev build in release mode will remove all * file, so you can put a build.yaml file in your project root folder to deactivate dart cleanup source.
For example, (build.yaml file)
enabled: false
I was able to use the generated file in .dart_tool\build\generated\{PROJECT}\web\ as source map of my main.dart.js. Just copy the file to the location of web build directory, then reload page.
(webdev: v2.7.10)
I don't have an exact answer for your question. I ended up calling dart2js manually to get unminified code.
dart2js -o app.js web/app.dart

Can't debug in Edge using Aurelia CLI build

I'm using ASP.NET Core with an Aurelia CLI build (TypeScript, SASS).
I've noticed that I can't debug my TypeScript files in Edge at all - the browser says it is unable to find the source maps, even though the locations are correct and the source maps exist. I can't see any of my src files in the source file browser.
There is no issue with Chrome or Firefox, they just work.
I tested a vanilla HTML / TypeScript project which is fine in Edge for debugging, so it must be something to do with the way the files are packaged in the Aurelia build system.
The specific error I get is along the lines of:
"Could not locate file:///XXXX specified in source map http://localhost:16377/scripts/"
Is this a known issue? Is there any fix for it?
This is definitely an issue with the CLI and how it is producing sourcemaps. It looks like HTML files are having their path in the sourcemap file written as the full drive path on the machine, while the content of the file actually isn't being written out at all.
I've created an issue on our CLI repo:

How do I change source directory in Dart/Pub config?

I couldn't find answer to this in Dart documentation.
My application's server-side is driven by Spray and by convention static files are stored in /webapp folder. When I try to build Dart project I get following error
C:\work\externals\dart-sdk\bin\pub.bat build --mode=release
Your package must have a "web" directory, or you must specify the source directories.
How can I change it from web to webapp ? My pubspec.yaml looks like this
name: dart_spray_example
description: A sample Dart/Spray application
browser: any
Here is layout of my application right now
You just pass it as an additional argument.
pub build --mode=release webapp
but I would expect troubles doing it this way because only some top-level directory names are compliant with the pub package layout convention.
pub build --mode=release example
would be fine.
It might be easier to just use web as the source directory and move the generated output to webapp. I'm aware that this can cause problems during development but I would expect it to be easier to fix the development setup instead of the build setup.
Using frameworks like Angular and Polymer which make heavy use of transformers have a strong dependency on the package layout convention.

Dart Editor: It didnt work?

I launched Dart Editor yesterday but it didn't work giving the error:
("A Java Runtime(jre) or Java Development Kit(jdk) must be avaible in
order to run DartEditor. No Java virtual machine was found after
searching the following loacations:
jawaw.exe in your current PATH ")
Do you think how i going to fix this error ?
Checkout this link:
"Launching Dart Editor"
Your Java version should have the same bit width as your Dart Editor version. For example, if you're using a 64-bit Dart Editor, then you should use 64-bit Java. Otherwise, you might see a message like this when you try to launch Dart Editor:
Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre6\\bin\client\jvm.dll
To determine which version of Java you are running, do one of the following:
1-Go to CMD type java -version.
2-Go to Start -> Programs and Features.
Specifying the Java runtime
If necessary, you can specify the Java runtime that Dart Editor uses. Go to your Dart installation directory and add the following two lines to DartEditor.ini immediately before the existing ‑vmargs line:
Important: On Windows, use double backslashes (\) as the directory separator:
For example, DartEditor.ini might have:
You just need to download the Java Development SDK and your Java version should have the same bit width as your Dart Editor version. For example, if you're using a 64-bit Dart Editor, then you should use 64-bit Java. Otherwise, you might see a message like this when you try to launch Dart Editor:
You can download it here:
and specify the java/bin directory in the darteditor.ini can specify the Java SDK that Dart Editor uses. Go to your Dart installation directory and add the following two lines to DartEditor.ini immediately before the existing ‑vmargs line:
Important: On Windows, use double backslashes () as the directory separator:
For example, DartEditor.ini might have:
If it still doesn't work then you can follow this:
I made jre folder in my dart program folder.
And loaded there latest JRE. (Java runtime environment)
It stays in every new darteditor installation.
Better / right way would maybe be using path clause...
I dont know how to.. / dont want to use it.
My choise might need to load new version of jre now and then.
Hope this helps you...

Compiling an .SWF using Action Script Files

This may be somewhat trivial, but I am attempting to work on an Action Script / Flash project and need to make some changes to it and attempt to rebuild the .SWF file associated with it.
The project itself is fairly straightforward and is available on github here It is jwagener's recorder.js, which consists of several Action Script files and a single compiled .SWF file.
I am not terribly familiar with the build process for Action Scripts and I am sure that I have all of the necessary tools (Flash Builder, Adobe Flash Professional etc.) but I am not sure about how to go about it.
I've attempted to simply create a new ActionScript project and add all of the necessary ActionScript files from his repository, but upon building the .SWF it didn't function at all and lacked all of the External Interface elements that I need to use.
Any ideas, walk-throughs, or tutorials that would point me in the right direction would be extraordinarily helpful.
The project you want to compile actually includes a Make file.
MXMLC = "/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.0/bin/mxmlc"
$(MXMLC) -debug=false -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true -optimize=true -o recorder.swf -file-specs flash/
rm recorder.swf
It looks setup for osx, but you get the idea.
If you only need to do minor changes and could do without an IDE that shows error/warnings/etc. you can do this:
Download the FlexSDK
Setup an environment variable so you can access the mxmlc compiler from anywhere on your system
Navigate to your project and compile from the command line
Step 1 is trivial.
Step 2 depends on your os a bit. On Windows should be something like My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment variables (I remember this is on XP, should still be somewhere on the Computer Properties properties on Windows 7) and add to the PATH variable the location of the FlexSDK's bin folder. On unix you should add something like this to either ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile : export PATH=/your/path/to/FlexSDK/bin:$PATH
At this you should be able to run mxmlc -version from the command line
Step 3 means navigating to the project and running:
mxmlc -warnings=false -debug=false -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true -optimize=true -o recorder.swf -file-specs flash/
So that's the command line option in a nutshell.
If you have a bit more editing to do you can use an IDE.
If you're on Windows I warmly recommend FlashDevelop: it's fast/lightweight/free/opensource. It downloads the sdk and setups everything for you.
If you're on OSX you can use FDT 5 Free or a trial version of Flash Builder(60 days by default) or setup TextMate with the actionscript 3 bundle.
