facebook sharing image with link ios xcode - ios

In my application now I am sharing an image along with a separate website link. I want to attach a link to the image so that on clicking the image, it will direct the user to the respective website.In android it is possible.
Now I am using a social framework. It can be done by using Facebook SDK I guess. Any suggestion on how to do this? Have anyone already did this? please help me with the code. Thank you in advance.
I have searched for this one. I came across graph story and all..which one to use? I am not getting any idea. I am not having enough time to spend.

Have a look at this stackoverflow question: How to Post to Facebook on iOS 6 in Objective-C using ACAccountStore class
But in essence you need to use the iOS Accounts and Social framework to post to Facebook or Twitter.
You can then use it to post images, text, links, hashtags and more.


send individual invite with dialog for Native iOS app via Facebook

I want to send individual invite to friends from my Native iOS app, through Facebook. It should contain Link and pre-filled invite message..Is it possible? What is the better approach. I referred FBAppInvite and FBSDKMessageDialog tutorial on https://developers.facebook.com/ , could not find anything which fulfils my requirement.
Can any one suggest some approach how to implement this?. I have not worked much on using social frameworks. Facebook implementation steps are not clear. I searched for demo or sample project on this, but could not find clear documents. Thanks in advance.
for invitation read following link..

Instagram iOS hooks getting the posted media id back

My iOS app is using the Instagram iOS hooks to post photos..
It works great and no issues over there.
My Question is: Can I get the posted Media Id back from Instagram?
Let me know if you need any further explanation here. Thx
I am also facing the same issue. I have done a lot of research but i didn't find any solution. So there is no way we can get back the Media Id. May be in future Instagram provide such solution, but currently there is no way to do so via programming in Mobile App.

How can I implement Instagram photos/feed from a specific user in my iPhone app?

I was wondering how I can implement the latest photos from a specific Instagram account in a UIScrollView in my iPhone app, without using a UIWebView and go directly to Instagram.com/USERNAME. I am thinking that the implementation should de something like the Instagram feed in Flipboard. So far I have just used a WebView that goes directly to a website with a rss feed.
I am sorry if this is a stupid question... forgive me.
Any code and/or would be greatly appreciated!
You can achieve this with UITableView and Auto Layout.
Regarding implementation of the instagram feed UI, you could take a look at STXDynamicTableView which is a sample code of the same problem that you might be having, which is outlined in a blog post here: Rebuilding Instagram Feed Table View.
You could also have a look at the Instagram SDK I wrote for iOS apps to connect to the Instagram API. https://github.com/shyambhat/InstagramKit
All you need to do is register your app with Instagram and after integrating the library, call the getUserFeed method to get an user's media feed.
You should have a look at the Instagram API. Especially at the /users/user-id/media/recent endpoint. Have a look at the link and read through the documentation:

Posting Video from IOS app to Users Facebook Wall

Im very new to Xcode and i'm trying to create a somewhat Social Networking app. At this point i'm not looking for it to be its own app but I want the app to have the ability to let the User sign into their Facebook Account and than Post a Video from the Camera Roll to their wall. I know it sounds simple but Ive look and all i can get are extremely confusing answers that don't make any sense.
Thanks in Advance.
Looking for
1 allow Facebook Login
2) Post Video from Camera Roll to their facebook.
If possible It would be cool to have a thumbnail of the video before they post it. Kind of like instagram. Thanks!
First off, you need to create an app for your iOS app on Facebook. Then use the tokens or keys they provide you with, in order for your app to be able to do anything with Facebook.
Facebook has pretty good instructions on how to set up Facebook login on your app. You can find detailed, step-by-step instructions here. Depending on what type of login you need, you can choose a suitable option.
I have not posted actually files so far onto a Facebook feed/wall. But I have set up sharing of posts. You can find instructions for that here.
Hope this helps.

Accessing Google Calendar API with OAuth2 on iPhone

I'm trying to build google calendar functionality for an iPhone app. I understand I need to be authorized with OAuth2 and would like help some help. The iPhone app is accessing a public calendar and therefore the user is not supposed to login with a webview like the google toolbox framework. FWIW, I have my account set up. Any framework recommendation or good tutorials for this would be greatly appreciated.
I am in the same boat as you. The info you find on this is scarce and confusing... unfortunately.
You've probably already been to Google's API Documentation. This post helped me to get the GDataObjC-Client to work in my project.
Google's samples are unfortunately all for Mac and not iOS. Their take on it is, that the methods are pretty much the same for iOS as they are for Mac, so you figure it out how you translate the Mac portion to iOS.
I ended up doing just that... I created a new XCode project and brought over the code of CalendarSampleWindowController of the Mac-app to my ViewController.
Good luck!
