Can't access Application Helper method in view - ruby-on-rails

I have a method that checks for a boolean value on a table, and it returns false in my Users views (everywhere else it returns true). I am having trouble understanding why it is accessible, but returns false.
My code:
Application Controller:
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session_user_id) if session_user_id
helper_method :current_user
def current_customer
if current_user.customer and current_user.customer.master?
helper_method :current_customer
Application helper method:
def customer_helper?
(current_user && current_user.customer.boolean_value?)
the customer_helper? method returns false in all of my Users views, even though my UsersController inherits from ApplicationController.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

current_user is nil within the helper method. I assume you are accessing this in a view where current_user has been exposed to the view from the controller. The attributes exposed to the view must be passed into the helper methods; they are are not automatically made available there.
If my assumptions are correct then your helper method should look something like this.
def customer_helper?(current_user)
(current_user && current_user.customer.boolean_value?)
You will then need to update the call to customer_helper? in your view to pass in the current_user.


Ruby on Rails: Common method available for controllers and views?

I have been working with Ruby on Rails for a short time. Recently I implemented an authentication system for my application. I made a method available on 'application_helper.rb' to retrieve the current logged user (method called current_user).
The method just retrieves my User object if the session[:user_id] variable is present.
However I face the following problem.
If I place the current_user method in 'application_helper.rb', my controllers can't make use of it
If I place the current_user method in 'application_controller.rb', my views can't make use of it
What's the best approach to solve this problem? The easy way would be duplicate my code in both controller and helper, but I know there is a better and more correct way.
Thanks in advance
This is a common and well-solved problem.
Rails doesn't allow controllers to access helper methods. If you want to share a method between your views and controllers, you need to define the method in your controller, and then make it available to your views with helper_method:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Bbase
# Let views access current_user
helper_method :current_user
def current_user
# ...
You can pass more than one method name to helper_method to make additional methods in your controller available to your views:
helper_method :current_user, :logged_in?
def current_user
# ...
def logged_in?

Helper method not being recognised - possibly because namespaced?

So I have an Admin namespace, and a sessions controller within it.
There was also a admin/sessions_helper.rb made when I generated the controller, so I've been putting some methods in that, however I don't seem to be able to call them. Is this down to the namespace?
undefined local variable or method `sign_out' for #<Admin::SessionsController:0x007fe2b2f55680>
def destroy
redirect_to admin_path
class Admin::SessionsController < AdminController
def destroy
redirect_to admin_path
module Admin::SessionsHelper
def sign_out
self.current_user = nil
Note that I'm not including the helper anywhere, because in the docs it says that all helpers are included by default.
Helpers are not available in the controller. Helpers are designed to be mixed into the view context.
There are workarounds to make the helper available to both the view and the controller, but it should actually make sense. The sign_out method you defined would not make sense at all in the view.
I suggest you to define it in the AdminController (that looks to be the base controller all admin controller inherits from).
module AdminController
def sign_out
self.current_user = nil
Be sure to flag it as private or Rails could potentially use it as a controller action.
A nice way to call helper methods from a controller without including the module is with view_context:
class Admin::SessionsController < AdminController
def destroy
redirect_to admin_path
But I agree with #simone-carletti, this doesn't feel like a helper method.

Ruby on rails global variable?

I'm trying to set the current user into a variable to display "Logged in as Joe" on every page. Not really sure where to begin...
Any quick tips? Specifically, what file should something like this go in...
My current user can be defined as (I think): User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])
TY :)
You might want to use something like Authlogic or Devise to handle this rather than rolling your own auth system, especially when you aren't very familiar with the design patterns common in Rails applications.
That said, if you want to do what you're asking in the question, you should probably define a method in your ApplicationController like so:
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.limit(1).where('id = ?', session[:user_id])
You inherit from your ApplicationController on all of your regular controllers, so they all have access to the current_user method. Also, you might want access to the method as a helper in your views. Rails takes care of you with that too (also in your ApplicationController):
helper_method :current_user
def current_user ...
Note: If you use the find_by_x methods they will raise an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error if nothing is returned. You probably don't want that, but you might want something to prevent non-users from accessing user only resources, and again, Rails has you covered:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper_method :current_user
before_filter :require_user
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.limit(1).where('id = ?', session[:user_id])
def require_user
unless current_user
flash[:notice] = "You must be logged in to access this page"
redirect_to new_session_url
return false
It belongs in your controllers.
All your controllers inheirit from Application Controller for exactly this reason. Create a method in your Application Controller that returns whatever you need and then you can access it in any of your other controllers.

pass a variable across multiple controllers in rails

I wanted a variable #user to be able to accessible across all the other controllers. How do i go with this.
Here is an example
Class User
def self.current=(u)
#current_user = u
def self.current
You have to set User.current = somewhere, for example in your application controller.
Then in another model or controller just call User.current
You may want to have a current_user function into your ApplicationController, something like :
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.find( session[:user_id] ) if session[:user_id].present?
helper_method :current_user
You may now call current_user from all your controllers and views. #Intrepidd's method is cool too.
Variables are destroyed between each call to an action.
You must re-instantiate the #user each time.
To make it clean, you could do that in a before_filter
If you mean that you want the current user (for example), you could make a method/function in your model and call that.

Authlogic - current_user or #current_user?

please help me to understand something. In Authlogic example in UsersController it's always used #current_user, so for instance:
def show
#user = #current_user
(taken from
Why is that? In my controllers I use just current_user instead of #current_user.
And besides - Authlogic works perfectly for me, but I don't see magic columns being populated (like last_login_at or last_login_ip). Should I initialize them somehow specifically besides just adding into migration?
After some investigation, I found that if there're only fields last_login_at and last_login_ip from "Magic fields", then they will not be populated. If I add a full set of magic fields, it is working perfectly.
My concern regarding current_user is only about UsersController: why does it have #current_user and not current_user?
current_user is typically a method defined in app/controllers/application_controller.rb which sets the #current_user instance variable if it is not already defined -- here is an example:
def current_user_session
return #current_user_session if defined?(#current_user_session)
#current_user_session = UserSession.find
def current_user
return #current_user if defined?(#current_user)
#current_user = current_user_session && current_user_session.record
Re the "magic columns", these should be set by Authlogic automatically. For example, if your user sessions controller logs in a user:
#user_session =[:user_session])
Authlogic should write the last_login_at and last_login_ip attributes for you. More info in the Authlogic docs under Module: Authlogic::Session::MagicColumns
As for last_login_at and last_login_ip, do you have current_login_at and current_login_ip fields in your table ? last_login_at and last_login_ip are set with the values of current_login_at and current_login_ip before they are reset.
I think the code from the example isn't a really good example.
You shouldn't use #current_user to set the #user variable. Because it won't work if the ApplicationController#current_user method isn't called before show action of the UserController. Basically they are both exactly the same after current_user is called once.
the User Controller should look like this
class UserController < ApplicationController
def show
#user = current_user
As for the Magic Columns I have no Idea why they don't work for you.
