I am trying to find a functional correct way for the following piece of code:
let mutable u = initialize cities pms
for i in 0 .. 10 do
u <- randomIteration u pms distances
randomIteration is a simple function which takes an array with 2 more parameters and returns a modified array. This process has to be repeated n-times (10 here).
I came up with a solution, which uses fold, but I am creating a "dummy" sequence just to be able to fold on it, which does not seem right.
let result = Seq.init 10 (fun i -> i) |> Seq.fold (fun uNext i -> randomIteration uNext pms distances) u
I could also use recursion with a counter variable, but that as well seems ackward. Am I just missing a simple right solution?
Just trying to think outside the box here, but instead of folding over randomIteration with different arguments each time, you could create a chain of N randomIteration calls and call this chain once:
let repeat n =
Seq.init n (fun _ u -> randomIteration u pms distances)
|> Seq.reduce (>>)
initialize cities pms
|> repeat 10
|> printfn "Result: %A"
I could also use recursion with a counter variable, but that as well seems ackward.
That would seem natural to me: allowing the result of one call to be passed to the next without mutable state. Something like:
let interateSelf func initial count =
let rec inner intermediate n =
if n = 1 then
func intermediate
inner (func intermediate) (n - 1)
inner initial count
One easy change to make that less awkward is to use a sequence expression rather than Seq.init.
let result = {1..10}
|> Seq.fold (fun uNext i -> randomIteration uNext pms distances) u
If you really want to keep the Seq.init you could replace the identify function with the build-in one like this:
let result = Seq.init 10 id
|> Seq.fold (fun uNext i -> randomIteration uNext pms distances) u
An alternative would be to create a recursive function something like this:
let result = let rec loop x i =
match i with
| 0 -> x
| i -> loop (randomIteration x pms) (i-1)
loop u 10
This is just a slight variation on Nikon-the-Third's answer. One could create a more general function that repeatedly applies another function:
let repeat n fn = List.init n (fun _ -> fn) |> List.reduce (>>)
This could then be used to create a named function that repeats the first 10 times:
let getNext10Times = repeat 10 (fun u -> randomIteration u pms distances)
getNext10Times u
or it could be used anonymously:
u |> repeat 10 (fun u -> randomIteration u pms distances)
I am trying to filter out values from a sequence, that are not in another sequence. I was pretty sure my code worked, but it is taking a long time to run on my computer and because of this I am not sure, so I am here to see what the community thinks.
Code is below:
let statezip =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> row.State)
|> Seq.distinct
type State = State of string
let unwrapstate (State s) = s
let neededstates (row:StateCsv) = Seq.contains (unwrapstate row.State) statezip
I am filtering by the neededstates function. Is there something wrong with the way I am doing this?
let datafilter =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> row.State,row.Income,row.Family)
|> Seq.filter neededstates
|> List.ofSeq
I believe that it should filter the sequence by the values that are true, since neededstates function is a bool. StateCsv and StateCsv1 have the same exact structure, although from different years.
Evaluation of contains on sequences and lists can be slow. For a case where you want to check for the existence of an element in a collection, the F# Set type is ideal. You can convert your sequences to sets using Set.ofSeq, and then run the logic over the sets instead. The following example uses the numbers from 1 to 10000 and then uses both sequences and sets to filter the result to only the odd numbers by checking that the values are not in a collection of even numbers.
Using Sequences:
let numberSeq = {0..10000}
let evenNumberSeq = seq { for n in numberSeq do if (n % 2 = 0) then yield n }
numberSeq |> Seq.filter (fun n -> evenNumberSeq |> Seq.contains n |> not) |> Seq.toList
This runs in about 1.9 seconds for me.
Using sets:
let numberSet = numberSeq |> Set.ofSeq
let evenNumberSet = evenNumberSeq |> Set.ofSeq
numberSet |> Set.filter (fun n -> evenNumberSet |> Set.contains n |> not)
This runs in only 0.005 seconds. Hopefully you can materialize your sequences to sets before performing your contains operation, thereby getting this level of speedup.
i want to use the functional way to count this and i want to count them efficiently so i do not want to store the sequence, just go through it and count the numbers
let conjv2 x =
let next n = match n%2 with
|0 -> n/2
|_ -> n*3+1
Seq.initInfinite next
|> Seq.takeWhile(fun n -> n > 1)
|> Seq.length
this does not work and returns 0 for any positive number, it is the 3n+1 conjecture and i am finding it really hard to count them efficiently, this code works fine but i want to do it the functional way :
let conj x =
let mutable ansa = x
let mutable cycles = 1
while ansa > 1 do
cycles <- cycles+1
ansa <- match ansa%2 with
|0 -> ansa/2
|_ -> ansa*3+1
The key problem with the sample is that you're using Seq.initInfinite instead of Seq.unfold.
Seq.initInfinite calls the specified function with the index of the element as argument (0, 1, 2, ..)
Seq.unfold calls the specified function with the state generated by the previous iteration
Note that your code also does not use the argument x and so your function ends up being 'a -> int rather than int -> int which is what you'd expect - this is a good indication that there is something wrong!
To fix this, try something like this:
let conjv2 x =
let next n = match n%2 with
|0 -> n/2
|_ -> n*3+1
Seq.unfold (fun st -> let n = next st in Some(n, n)) x
|> Seq.takeWhile(fun n -> n > 1)
|> Seq.map (fun v -> printfn "%A" v; v)
|> Seq.length
The function passed to unfold needs to return an option with the new state & a value to emit. To generate infinite sequence, we always return Some and the emitted values are the intermediate states.
This returns values that are smaller by 2 than your original conj, because conj starts with 1 (rather than 0) and it also counts the last value (while here, we stop before ansa=1). So you'll need to add 2 to the result.
Is there a way to have a self-reference in F# sequence expression? For example:
[for i in 1..n do if _f(i)_not_in_this_list_ do yield f(i)]
which prevents inserting duplicate elements.
EDIT: In general case, I would like to know the contents of this_list before applying f(), which is very computationally expensive.
EDIT: I oversimplified in the example above. My specific case is a computationally expensive test T (T: int -> bool) having a property T(i) => T(n*i) so the code snippet is:
[for i in 1..n do if _i_not_in_this_list_ && T(i) then for j in i..i..n do yield j]
The goal is to reduce the number of T() applications and use concise notation. I accomplished the former by using a mutable helper array:
let mutable notYet = Array.create n true
[for i in 1..n do if notYet.[i] && T(i) then for j in i..i..n do yield j; notYet.[j] <- false]
You can have recursive sequence expression e.g.
let rec allFiles dir =
seq { yield! Directory.GetFiles dir
for d in Directory.GetDirectories dir do
yield! allFiles d }
but circular reference is not possible.
An alternative is to use Seq.distinct from Seq module:
seq { for i in 1..n -> f i }
|> Seq.distinct
or to convert sequence to set using Set.ofSeq before consumption as per #John's comment.
You may also decide to maintain information about the previously generated elements in an explicit way; for example:
let genSeq n =
let elems = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet()
seq {
for i in 1..n do
if not (elems.Contains(i)) then
elems.Add(i) |> ignore
yield i
There are several considerations here.
First, you can't check if f(i) is in a list or not before actually computing f(i). So I guess you meant that your check function is expensive, not f(i) itself. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Second, if check is indeed very computationally expensive, you may look for a more effective algorithm. There's no guarantee you will find one for every sequence, but they often exist. Then your code will be nothing but a single Seq.unfold.
Third. When there's no such optimization, you may take another approach. Within [for...yield], you only build a current element and you can't access prior ones. Instead of returning an element, building an entire list manually seems to be the way to go:
// a simple algorithm checking if some F(x) exists in a sequence somehow
let check (x:string) xs = Seq.forall (fun el -> not (x.Contains el)) xs
// a converter i -> something else
let f (i: int) = i.ToString()
let generate f xs =
let rec loop ys = function
| [] -> List.rev ys
| x::t ->
let y = f x
loop (if check y ys then y::ys else ys) t
loop [] xs
// usage
[0..3..1000] |> generate f |> List.iter (printf "%O ")
I am looking for a way to create a sequence consisting of every nth element of another sequence, but don't seem to find a way to do that in an elegant way. I can of course hack something, but I wonder if there is a library function that I'm not seeing.
The sequence functions whose names end in -i seem to be quite good for the purpose of figuring out when an element is the nth one or (multiple of n)th one, but I can only see iteri and mapi, none of which really lends itself to the task.
let someseq = [1;2;3;4;5;6]
let partial = Seq.magicfunction 3 someseq
Then partial should be [3;6]. Is there anything like it out there?
If I am not quite as ambitious and allow for the n to be constant/known, then I've just found that the following should work:
let rec thirds lst =
match lst with
| _::_::x::t -> x::thirds t // corrected after Tomas' comment
| _ -> []
Would there be a way to write this shorter?
Seq.choose works nicely in these situations because it allows you do the filter work within the mapi lambda.
let everyNth n elements =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i e -> if i % n = n - 1 then Some(e) else None)
|> Seq.choose id
Similar to here.
You can get the behavior by composing mapi with other functions:
let everyNth n seq =
seq |> Seq.mapi (fun i el -> el, i) // Add index to element
|> Seq.filter (fun (el, i) -> i % n = n - 1) // Take every nth element
|> Seq.map fst // Drop index from the result
The solution using options and choose as suggested by Annon would use only two functions, but the body of the first one would be slightly more complicated (but the principle is essentially the same).
A more efficient version using the IEnumerator object directly isn't too difficult to write:
let everyNth n (input:seq<_>) =
seq { use en = input.GetEnumerator()
// Call MoveNext at most 'n' times (or return false earlier)
let rec nextN n =
if n = 0 then true
else en.MoveNext() && (nextN (n - 1))
// While we can move n elements forward...
while nextN n do
// Retrun each nth element
yield en.Current }
EDIT: The snippet is also available here: http://fssnip.net/1R
I write some code to learning F#.
Here is a example:
let nextPrime list=
let rec loop n=
match n with
| _ when (list |> List.filter (fun x -> x <= ( n |> double |> sqrt |> int)) |> List.forall (fun x -> n % x <> 0)) -> n
| _ -> loop (n+1)
loop (List.max list + 1)
let rec findPrimes num=
match num with
| 1 -> [2]
| n ->
let temp = findPrimes <| n-1
(nextPrime temp ) :: temp
//find 10 primes
findPrimes 10 |> printfn "%A"
I'm very happy that it just works!
I'm totally beginner to recursion
Recursion is a wonderful thing.
I think findPrimes is not efficient.
Someone help me to refactor findPrimes to tail recursion if possible?
BTW, is there some more efficient way to find first n primes?
Regarding the first part of your question, if you want to write a recursive list building function tail-recursively you should pass the list of intermediate results as an extra parameter to the function. In your case this would be something like
let findPrimesTailRecursive num =
let rec aux acc num =
match num with
| 1 -> acc
| n -> aux ((nextPrime acc)::acc) (n-1)
aux [2] num
The recursive function aux gathers its results in an extra parameter conveniently called acc (as in acc-umulator). When you reach your ending condition, just spit out the accumulated result. I've wrapped the tail-recursive helper function in another function, so the function signature remains the same.
As you can see, the call to aux is the only, and therefore last, call to happen in the n <> 1 case. It's now tail-recursive and will compile into a while loop.
I've timed your version and mine, generating 2000 primes. My version is 16% faster, but still rather slow. For generating primes, I like to use an imperative array sieve. Not very functional, but very (very) fast.
An alternative is to use an extra continuation argument to make findPrimes tail recursive. This technique always works. It will avoid stack overflows, but probably won't make your code faster.
Also, I put your nextPrime function a little closer to the style I'd use.
let nextPrime list=
let rec loop n = if list |> List.filter (fun x -> x*x <= n)
|> List.forall (fun x -> n % x <> 0)
then n
else loop (n+1)
loop (1 + List.head list)
let rec findPrimesC num cont =
match num with
| 1 -> cont [2]
| n -> findPrimesC (n-1) (fun temp -> nextPrime temp :: temp |> cont)
let findPrimes num = findPrimesC num (fun res -> res)
findPrimes 10
As others have said, there's faster ways to generate primes.
Why not simply write:
let isPrime n =
if n<=1 then false
let m = int(sqrt (float(n)))
{2..m} |> Seq.forall (fun i->n%i<>0)
let findPrimes n =
{2..n} |> Seq.filter isPrime |> Seq.toList
or sieve (very fast):
let generatePrimes max=
let p = Array.create (max+1) true
let rec filter i step =
if i <= max then
p.[i] <- false
filter (i+step) step
{2..int (sqrt (float max))} |> Seq.iter (fun i->filter (i+i) i)
{2..max} |> Seq.filter (fun i->p.[i]) |> Seq.toArray
BTW, is there some more efficient way to find first n primes?
I described a fast arbitrary-size Sieve of Eratosthenes in F# here that accumulated its results into an ever-growing ResizeArray:
> let primes =
let a = ResizeArray[2]
let grow() =
let p0 = a.[a.Count-1]+1
let b = Array.create p0 true
for di in a do
let rec loop i =
if i<b.Length then
b.[i] <- false
let i0 = p0/di*di
loop(if i0<p0 then i0+di-p0 else i0-p0)
for i=0 to b.Length-1 do
if b.[i] then a.Add(p0+i)
fun n ->
while n >= a.Count do
val primes : (int -> int)
I know that this is a bit late, and an answer was already accepted. However, I believe that a good step by step guide to making something tail recursive may be of interest to the OP or anyone else for that matter. Here are some tips that have certainly helped me out. I'm going to use a strait-forward example other than prime generation because, as others have stated, there are better ways to generate primes.
Consider a naive implementation of a count function that will create a list of integers counting down from some n. This version is not tail recursive so for long lists you will encounter a stack overflow exception:
let rec countDown = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> n :: countDown (n - 1)
(* ^
|... the cons operator is in the tail position
as such it is evaluated last. this drags
stack frames through subsequent recursive
calls *)
One way to fix this is to apply continuation passing style with a parameterized function:
let countDown' n =
let rec countDown n k =
match n with
| 0 -> k [] (* v--- this is continuation passing style *)
| n -> countDown (n - 1) (fun ns -> n :: k ns)
(* ^
|... the recursive call is now in tail position *)
countDown n (fun ns -> ns)
(* ^
|... and we initialize k with the identity function *)
Then, refactor this parameterized function into a specialized representation. Notice that the function countDown' is not actually counting down. This is an artifact of the way the continuation is built up when n > 0 and then evaluated when n = 0. If you have something like the first example and you can't figure out how to make it tail recursive, what I'm suggesting is that you write the second one and then try to optimize it to eliminate the function parameter k. That will certainly improve the readability. This is an optimization of the second example:
let countDown'' n =
let rec countDown n ns =
match n with
| 0 -> List.rev ns (* reverse so we are actually counting down again *)
| n -> countDown (n - 1) (n :: ns)
countDown n []