Jenkins Multiple SCM - All SCM's triggering build - jenkins

I have a Jenkins job that includes an Android app and a common library. I use Jenkins' Multiple SCM plugin to download both git repos and then build and run.
The common library gets updated more frequently than the app, and sometimes these updates break compatibility with the App. When the App gets updated and committed, its generally guaranteed to have fixed any incompatibilities against the latest library version.
The jenkins job should trigger only for commits to the App. Under the common lib SCM, I have added "Don't trigger a build on commit notifications" as well as "Polling ignores commits from certain users" excluding "*".
However, this job still gets run when commits happen to the lib, resulting in a lot of broken build notifications. What am I doing wrong?

under SCM 'Advanced clone behaviors', select 'Polling ignores commits in certain paths' and set 'Excluded Regions' to '.*'

Maybe it's better to switch from polling to post-commit hook, like described here?


Branch disabled in multibranch pipeline and reopened with Scan event

We have one project configured as multibranch pipeline project with branch filtered master and development. After few hours the master branch is disabled with a strikethrough symbol across its name and build option not available .
When clicked on "Scan Multibranch Pipeline", it enabled the branch and pipeline logs show "Branch ReOpened".
Initially we assumed it would be because of Option "Exclude branches included in pull request" but enabling "All branches" too is disabling the master branch time and time again.
Pipeline Logs are not providing any clear indication of whats happening causing it to disable .Please help .
Old topic but I faced the same error today but the solution was different.
The error was in the configuration of branch discovery
Discover branches > Strategy. I was using Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
And there was a PR targeting this branch. Change for All branches did the trick.
This looks like a bug to me. First I'll go to http://[jenkins]/log/all to see if there are any interesting logs there, then I would open an issue on
Also this issue might be happening after a recent upgrade of jenkins plugins or jenkins itself, I would downgrade everything to try to get my jenkins back to the way it was, then upgrade the plugins one by one or few by few to try to isolate what is causing the issue.
Finally, if you have jobdsl scripts, I would check these scripts to see if there is not a script that when executed is recreating the job and overrides the disabled status
Not sure if you're using Bitbucket Branch Source plugin for hook on Jenkins, but I had the same issue on 737.vdf9dc06105be version. Everytime I pushed a change to branch (not pull request) it got disabled (strikethrough). Scan multibranch pipeline was restoring it until next push notification on webhook was performed.
Upgrading the plugin to 751.vda_24678a_f781 version resolved the issues:)

Check in not trigger all applications in Jenkins to rebuild, only one

My understanding of Jenkins is that, if you have a repo (say a Git repo) that is tied to a Jenkins build, a check-in will trigger a complete repo re-build. But if you have a number of applications as part of your repo, is there a way to limit which applications will rebuild in response to a check-in? If you make a change to one application, is there a way to set up your Jenkins build process to that that check-in triggers a rebuild of that application alone?
I'm sorry but your understanding is wrong... Jenkins and Git talk to each other using hooks and if these hooks are connected to your build, only then will they build the application/branch in your repo... So unless you have specified that everything must be built, then all the application will be built, otherwise the one you checked in ...will trigger only that build
If you want, you can create a new job and add the GIT SCM hook(during configuration) and do a check in, it will build only your project and any other project that is using the same hook- key point to note here :)
So if all your applications are building then you have a configuration issue
Hope this helps :)

How do I re-run a build?

All our Jenkins jobs are configured to build changes on all branches in a repository. There are times where we want to re-run a specific build that ran against a specific commit.
a build fails because some external resource was unavailable and we want to re-run that commit once the resource is up again;
a job depends on an internal package and we need to be able to re-build specific branches to pick up the latest version of that package.
Jenkins' "Build Now" command, however, builds on the branch of the last build. It doesn't let the user choose what branch to build on. In order to rebuild a branch, users have to commit and push a change to that branch.
Is there a plugin that will allow the user to re-run a specific build or choose the branch to build on? If you've used TeamCity, I want the "Re-run with same revisions" feature.
We've tried both the Naginator and Rebuilder plugins. Naginator only lets you rebuild failed builds, but also automatically re-builds failed builds at least once (not desireable). Rebuilder always rebuilds the last commit. It behaves just like the "Build Now" button.
The Rebuild plugin is probably the closest plugin to what you want however as you have found it only will get HEAD and not a specific git revision.
This is an open feature request.
The comment on this question notes the same thing.
All that being so I would still suggest that you should perhaps reconsider the idea of depending on the git revision to drive the outcome of your build. You should want to build the HEAD.

Retry Jenkins build triggered by git push to arbitrary branch

I'm trying to add some very basic functionality that exists in every other modern ci product, but which unfortunately seems to be a completely foreign concept in Jenkins land.
I have the github plugin hooked up, and the git plugin set to build the "inverse" of "origin/master", so that pushing any branch except master triggers a build.
The problem is, if there's a flaky test and the build fails there's no way to restart it in jenkins. I added the Naginator plugin but it rebuilds the last branch that ran, not the branch of the build that you clicked "retry" on. Using the Naginator plugin, it seems that I need the git branch or sha to be a real parameter of the build. But, I can't find a way to set the git branch as a parameter of the build when a build gets triggered.
The only thing I can think of is to split it into two builds that link to the same git repo, and have the second one be a parameterized build that the first one triggers with the GIT_COMMIT value as the parameter. Then, retrying the second one with Naginator should retry it on the same SHA. This isn't a good solution though, it sucks to have to configure 2 builds for every one of my builds.
Does anyone know of a good way to accomplish this? I'm hoping I'm just missing something simple.
Unfortunately i'm unfamiliar with this exact setup, however the Git plugin documentation, section Push notification from repository, mentions that in the trigger url, the <commit ID is optional. If set, it will trigger a build immediately, without polling for changes.
If there is a built-in "button" in some plugin to issue this manually from inside jenkins UI i don't know, if not that could be a nice feature request.
So, if there really is no easy option aviable yet, as a workaround you could write yourself some script which builds and calls the url for a given branch + commit ID.
Trigger url format, as found in Git Plugin docs:
curl http://yourserver/git/notifyCommit?url=<URL of the Git repository>&branches=branch1[,branch2]*][&sha1=<commit ID>]

git clone only on new change and archive scm

I am using to Jenkins to pull code from git in every 10 minutes and then compiling, archiving it for other jobs to clone this workspace. Currently it's pulling code from git every time and then archiving every time.
I want to clone code from git only if there is any new change else it should skip and do not archive the workspace. Which plugin should I use and what configuration I should make in that?
So it sounds like you have a couple things going on here. Here is some possible suggestions that I use to meet similar needs:
1.) If you are only wanting your job to build when there is a change in your source control, in this case GIT, you can use the "Poll SCM" plugin. And then in there set a cron expression to run every 10 minutes.
"Poll SCM" plugin will check source control for any changes and build the job when it finds them. If this works properly your job will not build thus it will not archive anything unnecessarily.
2.) For archiving I would make sure to utilize the "Discard Old Builds" plugin and "Advanced" section to keep a rotation and retention policy for your jobs artifacts.
3.) You state "for other jobs to clone this workspace". Are you actually having other jobs pull in this jobs workspace? Or did you mean copy its artifacts? I ask because the workspace is temporary, in a sense, and you should pull the artifacts. There is a plugin for that as well called "Copy Artifact Plugin" that you can use and it allows for various options.
4.) An alternative to "Poll SCM" plugin, if it doesn't work or you do not prefer this, depending on your GIT setup you could also potentially setup a hook that will notify Jenkins of changes. There are various hooks depending on the GIT implementation.
Hope this helps!
