Instruments Usage Error : Specified target process is invalid: - ios

I'm running a test from the command line with UIAutomation and Instruments but have just got this error.
Instruments Usage Error : Specified target process is invalid: /path/to/app
instruments, version 6.1 (56160)
Restarting the iPhone simulator, Instruments and Xcode seems to fix the problem but it would be good to understand the problem and work out an easier / quicker fix.


Getting frequent Kill:9 Error in Xcode and Terminal

I have recently upgraded the Mac OS to Ventura 13.2.1 and Xcode to 14.2, now once I try to compile any application with Xcode, I am getting Kill:9 related issue for random task/framework in the project. I also get Kill:9 issue sometime on terminal as well.
Listing the errors here:
failed to read asset tags: The command `` terminated with uncaught signal 9. The command had no output.
Driver threw jobFailedWithNonzeroExitCode(9, "") without emitting errors.
Unable to execute command: Killed 9 Clang frontend command failed due to signal.
Please help me to resolve this issue/crash.
Open project in Xcode.
Build the app with Simulator (I tried with iPhone 14 Pro)
Error occurs in the build
Ideally project should have compiled without any error.
It sounds to me that the problem is with the installation of Xcode because when an unprivileged task is attempted, the OS will kill it off (with signal 9).
What I recommend is for you to re-install Xcode.
When you first run the new Xcode, it should prompt you for an administrator password in order to install system related components. Make sure you do this step. Hopefully that should then allow you to compile and run your iOS apps.

Xcode 9.2 Simulator Debugging Broken; Could not attach to process id

Xcode 9.2 debugging on an iOS Simulator has completely broken for me.
I worked on this for hours and tried a ton of suggestions short of completely wiping my hard drive and starting out with a fresh operating system install. I ended up filing a bug with Apple. Posting here in case anyone has encountered this problem and has any suggestions.
When try to build and run in debug mode with a debug executable. The simulator only opens the application to a white screen and then Xcode pops up an error:
Could not attach to pid: "<a process id>"
Ensure "<app>" is not already running, and "<user>" has permission to debug it.
Steps to Reproduce:
Make any project and try to run on any simulator.
Expected Results:
Debugger successfully attaches to debugger.
Actual Results:
Debugger is never able to attach to the iOS simulator process/app for debugging.
Debugger CAN attach and build and run successfully on a physical device.
- Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b)
- macOS Sierra 10.12.6
- Any iOS project
- Any iOS simulator
Other notes:
- Xcode 9.2 was working fine until this problem randomly started. The error initially said:
Failed to initiate service connection to simulator
DTServiceHubClient failed to bless service hub for
simulator iPhone 8 Plus <simulator identifier>
- After rebooting computer, the error shifted to "Could not attached to pid..."
I tried dozens of suggested solutions short of completely wiping my computer including:
Resetting device contents and settings on simulators
Create a new device (even different device and OS combinations)
Try different Xcode projects, even simple one-off single view applications
Looking at the etc/hosts file and verifying localhost can be pinged
Restarting computer multiple times
Deleting out derived data (multiple times)
Let it build and run without attaching debugger, then try to attach debugger by "attach to process id"
Completely uninstalling Xcode and all simulators, and reinstalling.
Removing any invalid certificates in keychain
It turns out our security software was blocking the debugger. Running sudo sysdiagnose helped me find a log entry showing that it was being blocked. The software is Cb Defense (Carbon Black Defense). Apparently the only workaround is for your security team to whitelist by a hash, and that hash could change in the future.
There is a bug in Xcode 9.0-9.2 that causes this issue to appear after running for a while. If you log out and back in it should resolve it for you.

The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) on iOS 10.0+ simulator & FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain error 1 on iOS 9.3 simulator. Why?

When trying to run any of the projects that I usually run I'm getting the following errors for different simulators:
The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: unspecified on iOS 10.0+ simulator
The operation could not be completed (FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain error 1) on iOS 9.3 simulator.
This issue began when I tried installing a previous version of Xcode 8.2.1 from what I had been using (8.3). I couldn't build any projects in the 8.2.1, but I could still build in 8.3. I named the 8.2.1 a different name in order to be able to run them side by side. This was something I had done before. However, I needed 8.2.1 for a project and so I deleted both and then reinstalled just 8.2.1 according to this post: How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings.
I've checked the scheme settings in Product > Scheme > Edit scheme > Run > Environment Variables and I've made sure there are no empty environment variables checked. I don't have any environment variables at all now.
I've reset content and settings on the simulators.
I've created a new simulator of a different iOS version. Originally I was just trying on 9.3 and 10.3. I then downloaded the 10.0 and 10.2 and still have the same issue occurring.
I consistently clean my project before running, both (shift + cmd + K) and (shift + alt/option + cmd + K).
I've rebooted my system. I've done everything I can think of. The issue still prevails. What am I missing?!
FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain error 1, "unspecified" is a catch-all error code for something going wrong during launch that wasn't covered by another error code. There are a couple possible causes for this error code, and it is unfortunate that they do not get displayed in the UI.
I suggest you look in the simulated device's system log to uncover the real cause for the failure. Run this to see all the logs from CoreSimulatorBridge as that logs the full error when it gets it:
xcrun simctl spawn booted log show --info --debug --predicate 'processImagePath contains "CoreSimulatorBridge"'
If that isn't descriptive enough, you might want to also look at the logs for SpringBoard or assertiond, or just use --start and --end to see all the logs for the relevant time range.

Error when running Appium on SauceLabs --> posix spawn failure, code 253

I am attempting to run my tests suit on SauceLabs cloud (using Appium) for a trial and I am repeatedly getting the following message in the log:
[33m[INST STDERR] posix spawn failure; aborting launch (binary == /var/folders/bl/1800rz_j7blcqx8pthyrq59h0000gn/T/tmpb4mJhr/[39m
2015-03-29 14:02:07:379 -
info: [debug] [33m[INST STDERR] Instruments Trace Error : Error Starting Recording[39m
2015-03-29 14:02:07:444 -
info: [debug] [90m[INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 253[39m
I think it has something to do with the way our app is compiled but the test works flawlessly on my local Mac and on my device as well (compiled for Debug).
I tried the same with their sample app and it works just fine. Is there something I am missing?
Thanks in advance, Pavel
If you're running on saucelabs you're probably in the iPhone simulator, which runs on x86_64 architecture. Its likely you're sending it an app compiled to run on ARM (what real iDevices use), which the simulator doesn't understand.
If you're using the xcodebuild command to build your app from the terminal, you can add the flag -sdk iphonesimulator8.1 or similar. It will handle the rest, and you should be able to run that on saucelabs.

How to run UIAutomation on simulator using Xcode bots - strange behaviour

I would like to run UIAutomation tests on simulator using Xcode bots. I add this command to past-actions script launched after ARCHIVE phase in xcode:
instruments -t "/Applications/" /Users/ktos/ -l 10000 -v
Xcode bots log followinng error:
instruments[6702:507] Recording cancelled : At least one target failed to launch; aborting run
Instruments Trace Error : Error Code=1 "Error Starting Recording" UserInfo=0x7fc053b3a310 {NSLocalizedDescription=Error Starting Recording, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=At least one target failed to launch; aborting run}
Instruments Trace Error : Failed to start trace.
When I use exactly the same command in my terminal, on the same computer the instruments runs simulator without any problems. Do you have any idea what could be wrong ?
It may also be possible that Instruments is running in the background. Do a $ps -A and check and kill it.
