Custom Image on WKInterfaceMenuItem not Showing - ios

I am trying to get my menu set up for my WatchKit app. According to the documentation on the Watch HIG, the Canvas size for the image should be 80 x 80. I did this, set my MenuItem as Custom, and put in the image I created, however nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong?

Things to check:
1) Is the image part of your WatchKit app's bundle/image catalog? Anywhere else and it won't work.
2) Are you setting this programatically? If so, double-check that you're referencing the correct image.


ios 9, white splash screen instead of launch image, working fine previously, seemingly nothing changed to cause it

When my app launches, I see a white screen, instead of my launch image. I am using a storyboard, as required, and everything was working fine for about 2 months before this. I didn't change anything related to the image or storyboard either, it just started happening. I should mention that this started happening sometime after my first time uploading to TestFlight...but I doubt that is relevant. I have tried changing the constraints of the image to make it smaller than the bounds, and it still doesn't show up, so it isn't the size of the image. Again, I seemingly did nothing to have this start happening. Most of the questions related to my problem on stackoverflow have to do with the user not using a storyboard as required with iOS 9. Please help. Thanks.
I launched it on the simulator (iPad2) and the launch image for that was too small...there was white exposed above and to the right, I'm guessing I need to fix something in the storyboard but I'm not sure what.
I made a new storyboard and assigned the launch-screen config to it, and there is still a white screen.
I deleted the UIImageView and then inserted a new one with dimensions 200 x 200.
I added the image to the UIImageView.
I adjusted the constraints to the same values that I was using before.
Adding the image to the 200 x 200 UIImageView, before adding the constraints, seemed to be the key.
Make sure that one of the view controllers has the Is Initial View Controller checkbox checked in the Attributes Inspector in the right sidebar, that got me.
In project by default you LauchScreen.xib. Put your launch image there and set it’s top, bottom, leading, trailing constraints. Tap your project file and scroll down. There you will see: LauchScreen option and MainStoryboard. Set LauchScreen to your LauchScreen.xib. That’s it))

Using PDFs for icon images in Xcode 7.2

I'm attempting to use PDF files as icons in an app I'm working on. The issue I'm encountering is I'm getting inconsistent tint colors.
If I set a button image from interface builder, the icon image shows up black at runtime. Every time. Regardless of what I attempt to set from interface builder.
I tried setting my button icon image via code and instead of showing up black, it's white:
let myGraphicFile = UIImage(named: "myPDFImage")
let myButtonImage = myGraphicFile?.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate)
myButton.setImage(myButtonImage, forState: .Normal)
From code, regardless of what I attempt to set the tint to, it's always white from code.
I discovered this post relating to Xcode 6.x, but I think it might be dated, as I'm able to partially do it, but I can't set the tint.
Use PDF in XCode for an AppIcon (.appiconset collection)
I create the icons in Inkscape, save as PDF 1.5. I add the file to Images.xcassets. In Images.xcassets' attributes inspector, I'm setting:
Devices to Universal
Scale factor to Single Vector.
Summary: I can get it to show up and scale properly, but it's either black from interface builder or white from code. I suspect I'm missing something re: how to save the file from Inkscape.
Thank you for reading. If you have any suggestions, I welcome them.
I have figured out how to create vector icons with Inkscape. When you use PDFs to display icons in iOS, you need to alter the Attributes Inspector for your icon in xcAssets as follows:
1) Drag the PDF into xcAssets
2) Set devices (I did Universal and it worked fine)
3) If your PDF icon is under 1x, 2x, or 3x size class, drag it to Universal and delete the rest of them.
4) Set Scale Factors to Single Vector.
5) Render as Template Image.
Once it's configured there, then you just treat it was you would any other image in interface builder. It's essentially the same thing I was doing in code, but I don't think it gets done in's gotta be done on xcAssets where the image lives. It's my understanding iOS renders vector images for the size class at run time. I think by attempting to tweak it in code wasn't working because the image had already been rendered.
If anyone has any questions on this, I found this link helpful in resolving my issue.
Additionally, this post covers the topic, too.

Xcode Deployment Info and icons using CMake

I've tried looking for info on how to set these (in red) using CMake but have had no luck so far:
1st red box issue:
First of all, even though the device seems like it's been set to 'Universal' correctly, the value isn't being interpreted correctly by Xcode. When I set it to 'Universal' manually using the dropdown, it gives a tab each for iPhone and iPad. Furthermore, I know it's not being interpreted correctly as the app does not function correctly (in my case, neither the launch image nor the app itself run full screen).
I don't think setting orientation programmatically is an option for me since I need the launch image in the correct orientation as well.
So can't do something like this:
How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS7?
2nd red box issue:
I use an asset file for all my icons, so at the moment I'm having to build using CMake and then press 'Use Asset Catalog' each time.
I found this but doesn't seem very useful:
Regarding the "1st box issue", I've found that the approach taken by this demo project works really well.
They use a templated Info.plist to inject the bundle identifier, etc, during configure. The nice part is then you can modify the orientations in the file, and then these get translated cleanly to the Info.plist once you open the project.
Regarding the 2nd red box issue, i found that the attribute I needed to set was XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME
For example:
set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES
For Launch Images I got it to work by setting it in the file under UILaunchStoryboardName as described in yano's previous answer.

Programatically Set UIImage Animation with WatchKit

I can't seem to figure out how to programmatically set a new image, via the outlet, and make it start animating.
I imported the sequence of images into the Image.xcassets inside the WatchKit App
I can set the image in the interface builder to "zeroEntering" and set animating to "Yes" and it works correctly.
However, I want something more dynamic, I need a button press to choose a new animation sequence and start it off. If I try and set the image programmatically using the same name from the interface builder, the UIImage is nil.
What naming convention should I use when programmatically setting the UIImage? "zeroEntering", "zeroEntering0", "zeroEntering.png" or "zeroEntering0.png"
I tried using the two non-nil options and the image did not animate and went black.
The answer is subtle and definitely got my wheels spinning for too long.
According to this beautiful article,
You should use setImageNamed(:) when the image you want to display is either cached on the watch on is in an asset catalog in the watch app’s bundle, and use setImage(:) when the image isn’t cached — this will transfer the image data to the Apple Watch over the air!
So, I kept my images in the assets catalog on the watch app, and switch to use,
[self.testImage setImageNamed:#"zeroEntering"];
[self.testImage startAnimatingWithImagesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4) duration:0.2 repeatCount:100];
Set the image as [UIImage imageNamed:#"entering"] then call startAnimatingWithImagesInRange:duration:repeatCount:
Check it out here:
Make sure to follow the tips here:

Image inside imageview is not visible at runtime

I have an imageview in the center of the screen defined in a xib file
several runs ago -> the image displayed and everything was ok
Now, for some reason, the image is visible in the interface builder, but is not there at runtime
I've tried with and without constraints
I triple checked that the image it displays is there in the project bundle
The image property hidden is set to NO
what could cause the image NOT to display at run time ?
with a curious thing: in the next screen the image IS there
It turned out to be a localization issue. It seems that if i load the xib file from a specific bundle, and not the main bundle. It wont be able to find the images of it, if the images are not localized as well
