Prefix - something wrong in configuration - ios

I created a new project 2 hours ago. Configured it the same way as my old (different) project, where everything is working.
In my podfile I have:
pod 'CocoaLumberjack', '2.0.0-rc2'
If I import in AppDelegate:
#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
everything is working fine. No errors. I can write code (DDLogs etc) and it's working.
But if I import in MyApp-Prefix.pch:
#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
I receive an error 'CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h' file not found.
I've filled in MyTarget -> Build Settings -> Prefix Header correct path to the header. Besides, if I enter any macro in the prefix, I can use it later in any class without importing... So it seems to be working.
Any idea what can cause such issues?
BTW: I want to use prefix. Please don't write comments 'don't use prefix', I am fully aware of both benefits and disadvantages.
-- edit --
Also I'm not sure, but in my old project libPods.a was black, here it is red (meaning it's missing). Maybe they're build later and that's why I can't import it 'globally'?

How to fix the issue:
cmd+copy .pch contents.
Delete .pch file
Search through the project, remove everything where the name appears (probably only xcproj/xcworkspace)
add new .pch file
cmd+paste old contents to the new file
open workspace/project, open target, build settings, search for Prefix Header, write relative path to the file.
Everything is working now. But I still have no idea why it was working bad before. I've tried to reset Xcode, delete derived data, clean, remove pods and reinstall them - none worked.

I had same problem, but the cause was Apple's mind-blowing incompetence: this is a bug that keeps regressing in Xcode versions, every single year, and they STILL forget to test it before shipping.
The "Framework search folders" (in fact: all the header search settings) in Xcode often is incompatible with the space character.
i.e. if there are any spaces in the folder path, your project will be corrupted (by Xcode!) when it saves the settings file.
You have to manually edit the path, delete all the fake / corrupt entries, and put in the correct entry, but surround it with double-quotes.
(NB: some versions of Xcode would detect this problem, and insert an EXTRA pair of quotes when loading the project. This gives you four quotes, which of course again breaks Xcode.)
Still broken in latest Xcode, 2016, version 7.x. Joy!


Xcode 13: Headers of Imported Frameworks Inaccessible

I am having trouble with Xcode referencing header files from imported frameworks. The strange thing is that everything worked fine yesterday. But now, I cannot even import the same headers I see one line above that do not give me a compiler error.
You can see in the image below that the compiler is fine with "Ironsource/Ironsource.h" but when I'm trying to add it again it doesn't know what it is (but it did yesterday):
It is not a localized problem to one Xcode project, Xcode cannot see header files in any of my projects. Or more precisely, Xcode cannot see any NEW header files I would like to import but has no problem with the ones imported a day before. So, I am guessing it is something with Xcode, but I cannot figure out what went wrong.
Also, it doesn't matter if I try to reference headers in:
The frameworks were added manually in the Project Navigator and can be seen properly in Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries.
I am using Xcode 13.3.1. and my project and used frameworks are both pure Objective C. I have both restarted Xcode and my Mac multiple times but they didn't help.
Does anyone have an idea what went wrong?
Framework headers are usually imported with angular brackets "<>". If you use quotes the compiler would search in the User header search paths in which case you would need to add the relevant path to User header search paths. Also make sure to make the header public if you use angled brackets.

Xcode keep using old framework version

From the beginning of my project, I use a custom framework, let's call it "custom.framework". But there was a bug in this framework and now I want to use another version of the "custom.framework".
At first, I simply removed the "custom.framework" file from my project and added the new one. But nothing changed, the bug was still there.
After multiple tries and hours, I understood that Xcode add the old version in memory and used this one instead of the new version. I know it because in the new version I added a method and when I cmd+click the class I've add the method into, it's not there and the file's path is unavailable.
Searching through the web, I tried to change some version parameters to my framework projects: Compatibility version, Curent Library version, Framework version. But this didn't change anything to Xcode which keeps using the old version.
I also tried to make the framework's project as a sub-project and add resulting framework as a dependency to my target. It worked well, but as the framework's project is on a separated remote git repository, I don't think this is an acceptable solution.
So my last try was to build a "custom2.framework", to force Xcode to use the real file and not some cached version. But again, it doesn't work and when building I get errors telling me that all my classes in custom2.framework are duplicated symbols of its cached version of "custom.framework".
So my question is simple: how can I finally tell Xcode to deleted its cached old version and let me use the file I gave him? I already tried to delete my project's derivedData but it seems cached frameworks aren't there.... I'm so desperate :(
Edit: Here are 2 screenshots to illustrate the issue
First screenshot is the path as shown by Xcode when I opened the file from the .framework object in the project navigator.
Second screenshot is the path as shown by Xcode when I opened the file from a cmd+click to a "DCEquipmentManager" in code.
As you can see, the framework linked with the code is not the framework in the project.
it seems problem with binding in new framework, your project still linked with old framework files.
try to remove all files and folder related to your "custom.framework and also remove path for that framework from project setting--> build setting --> search Path
Then after Drag and Drop Your "custom.framework" files in project.
it works for me.hope it resolve your problem.
Please try to clear derrived data:
Window -> Organizer
at the right side you will see projects list. Find your project and tap on it. I the top part of window you will see button delete in front of Derrived data, tap on it.
I guess it will solve your problem.
It might sound silly, but sometimes restarting XCode or the whole machine fix things.
Did you remove the old framework from Build Phases --> Link Binary With Libraries?
Use Clean Build Folder: option-shift-command-K, or select it from the Product menu when holding down the alt/option key.
First lets say something upfront. The build stage is a(are) command line tool(s) that is managed by Xcode according to your Build Settings.
So when Xcode doesn't find your Framework - the Build System will usually also not find it. This forces you to act but may end up in confused Xcode to catch an older reference.
Yes it may happen that the Header Xcode is pointing to is correct but the build system still uses an old copy somewhere. An outdated copy can dangle around literally anywhere depending on the steps you took before.
It (Xcode) assumes where it is located but the Build System still uses another version or the Search Paths just pointing in the wrong Locations even if they are visible to you and even your Framework icons are visible in the lists. So when you erase the last build you actually only force Xcode to rebuild from the known arguments, the settings stay the same, the lists stay the same. Even restarting Xcode does not change anything, the problem persists.
Ergo: Compiler Instructions, Xcode settings and Build System settings don't match what the code tells with #import <NAME/Name.h>
So you will check at least those 6 stages again:
Is your Framework Header File published in your Framework project?
are Build Settings really pointing to the right Framework Search Paths or System Framework Search Paths?
Is your Framework in linking list?
Is your Framework in Embed Framework list?
Does your framework appear in the Framework Group Folder in Workspace/Project Browser? (usually the very last Group Folder in the Browser below all your other files)
Is my Folder Structure correct?
At least 1 to 4 must be right otherwise it will fail.
Here a random list of common causes
Framework is located outside your Source Paths structure
Structure got changed after you added it to the project
You use Workspace's where Framework development and Final Application can appear side by side but you assume Xcode uses this to change its Search Paths
The contained build settings are misleading from former drag and drop operations, ending up tricking Xcode in the "wrong" corner. In this case recreating a project is just one of the possible ways to fix it but not the solution.
Also dragging a Framework into your Project > General or separated in Build Phases > Link Binary list or Embed Framework lists does not make Xcode aware of the wrong Build Settings.
The Linking works, embedding works, but compiling does not. The Header information is still missing.
The solution must be to correct your Build Settings.
As mentioned above Build System and Xcode are two different things. In particular only setting the right Framework Search Paths will solve those issues, even if you managed to kick your derived data manually.
Erasing Derived data?
Derived data is the place where precompiler collects data to compile. So it can be seen as expression of what all the settings are told to do. Erasing it does of course not change the settings but may fix inconsistencies related to former Build Settings. It would erase the derived data and rebuild from the Build System Settings you gave.
Correcting Linking?
Also Linking is not the same as making Xcode aware of the desired Headers. Linking is for your final Product to know where Symbols are to call on them at runtime, it does not change Framework Search Paths and System Framework Search Paths, they stay the same as given.
But it is not wrong to start fixing first with
Product > Clean Build Folder, it forces your build to parse all and compile all again on the next Build.
When the troubles come up because of folder structure in parallel or Frameworks are simply placed outside the Source Directory then you must point to them directly or relative.
Most likely you should place one extra entry in your Framework Search Paths like $(SRCROOT)/../Yourframeworksource/build/Debug. expression to point to relative higher folder structure.
Needless to say that a Release Build likely needs another entry ending in "/Release".Hint: Well you can have different Search Paths for different Compile Schemes..
This works particular good after you cleaned Linking List, Embed Frameworks List and then also check the very last Group Folder "Frameworks" for double entries to drag and drop a fresh Framework reference in there.
How to know if leading /../ will fix it?
Click on the dropped Framework Icon inside the workspace Framework Group Folder (lower most) while your Project is the active selected to work on, now watch for the relative Path information on the very upper right side of Xcode, if there is some /../ you know you need it as well.
Sorting of Framework Search Paths
play a role of course, just the same as #import/#include rule sorting matters.
Remember the first found, first wins rule because often we use #import that works different then #include but ignores second attempts to declare. This leads to once wrongfully declared headers to hide corrected declarations later on in parsing that share the same filename or define rules
#ifndef xyz
#define xyz
// all your code here.
// a second read attempt would be ignored
// a second read is hidden also when you use #include then.
So you can sort those entries either by code and/or in the build settings if needed because of course it matters what is declared before other declarations depend on it.

external framework File/File.h (Parse/Parse.h) file not found

So every time I update my app, Xcode claims not to be able to find a particular external framework even though it's there. It's happened again with Xcode 6 and my usual methods (I'm fairly inexperienced, so these basically involve clicking and typing things until something happens (I exaggerate but not by much)) aren't working.
I'm getting a Lexical or Preprocessor Issue error that says 'Parse/Parse.h' file not found.' But here are screenshots of it in the project and added to the library:
I also followed the steps in the most upvoted answer at ‘ld: warning: directory not found for option’ but still nothing.
Any idea what to do? Any idea at all? I'm tearing my hair out here.
Actually I was facing the same problem but after doing lots of (removing/adding parse framework) efforts I come to know that parse.framework is already added and error was still there.
Real Problem was not in link Binary for main project but it was with Tests link Binary.
Lets say your project name is "project1" and Xcode create one more folder with it called "project1Tests". So select "project1Tests" and add parse.framework in link Binary.
Check out the hierarchy:
project1Tests (you need to select this to add parse framework).
Hope this would help you resolve this issue.
I had this error also. I'm developing in Swift, so I added a "bridge header" as described in this Parse blog post.
The reason I got the "Parse.h not found" was that my project name contained spaces. (For project name I mean the Product Name you enter when creating a new project, which determines your folder's name.) The first day all went well, but after closing and opening Xcode, it turns out that Xcode interprets the words separated by spaces as different paths.
To fix this, you can go to Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Framework Search Paths and add an "\" before each space. (If you double click the path you'll see that Xcode shows each word separated by space as a different entry.)
Also note that the bridge header with #import <Parse/Parse.h> it's not compulsory: you can simply do import Parse.
All I had to do was remove Parse.framework from this list by highlighting and pressing delete.
Then I went down to the plus sign at the bottom of that list and had to select Add Other and manually locate the downloaded .framework file.
In my case, the error went away after I added the path to the directory where Parse.framework was to the Frameworks Search Paths Build Setting:
My project didn't even have an entry for that setting, so you may need to create it as well.
I had the same issue when upgrading parse to 1.4v. You have to delete Parse.framework from Framework List and from the project directory, when removed from both places copy again and check "Copy items to destination's group folder". It worked for me.
Its work for me.
Just go to Build Active Architecture Only and Debug should be yes and Release should be No
In my case I had to do one more thing additional to Sukhchais' answer.
It seems that though the parse.framework appears in the 'link Binary with Libraries' list for the targets, they might not have linked properly for some reason. Just remove parse.framework from the list and add it again as mentioned. By that way I was able to resolve my issue.
Just to Share my findings in case if somebody might have the same issue:
Accidentally we had two references of Parse.framework inside our source code base at two different places. And a reference of Parse.framework was linked in Build Phases of the target, from the first place. But when the app is compiled, Xcode was not smart enough to get a reference and trowed an error: "Lexical or Preprocessor Issue" error when "Parse/Parse.h" is imported in .pch file.
After spending couple of hours by trying various options, removed a reference of Parse.framework from the source base and kept only a single reference. This solved the issue.
And the app compiled successfully :)
For people coming from Ionic + Cordova if you are getting this error I solved it by removing my current parsePlugin and replacing it with this fork.
For simplicity, I used these console commands (Replace PARSE_APP_ID and PARSE_CLIENT_KEY with your keys in the Parse Console):
cordova plugin rm com.parse.cordova.core.pushPlugin
cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID=PARSE_APP_ID --variable CLIENT_KEY=PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
Ok, so I was having this problem as well. I uninstalled all my pods, reinstalled them again, and had no luck.
So the good news (and bad news considering the time I spent trying to find the problem) is that I eventually managed to solve it. Apparently, you have to import Foundation/Foundation.h before parse. I don't know whether this will work for you or not, but I tried everything on the net, and only this seemed to work. If you have any instances of this:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
flip it around so that Foundation is declared first:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
I also read somewhere that some people had issues with Facebook SDK and Parse SDK import. Apparently, the two have Bolt.Framework in common or something, which causes error. I removed Facebook SDK as well, which at first didn't make any difference. I hope I could help.

library linked but Xcode says "file not found."

This just started happening with my project and I have no idea what to do.
I've been using the Parse framework and everything has been fine so far. But now, even though the library is included:
and linked:
I still get a "'Parse/Parse.h' file not found" error when I import it into classes. Even weirder (at least to me), the project still builds and runs. When I build or clean the project, the warning disappears, but then it reappears right away.
Any idea how I can fix this?
For all who have not found issue:
Go to Build settings and search for "Framework Search Paths", then remove everything and put ./ and make it recursive (by double-clicking on it)
IMPORTANT - Don't download Parse framework on Windows and then copy to Mac! inside framework there are some links and while copying they get corrupted. Download the framework directly from Mac and when added to xcode make sure it has "Headers" folder under it in XCode frameworks.
I hope it helps some people.
have you tried by changing the #import "Parse/Parse.h" to #import ?
The compiler will search for the header files in a special search path. In your case, it seems that the file "Parse/Parse.h" is not in your compiler's header file search path. Check this in your compiler settings.
How many targets do you have? If more than one, maybe the debug target doesn't include the framework.
I have the same problem when I use the demo called "TodoTable", and I solve this by deleting the link in target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> Parse.framework, and then, adding it again. You may do it by clicking + button, and choosing Add other..., then, in the project folder, you can find the Parse.framework file. After that, rebuilding your project, and it will be ok.

Issue with code autocompletion / syntax highlighting in Xcode 4.x

I am having a rather strange issue in Xcode on one of my projects.
When I start to write my code, I am used to the auto-completion suggesting numerous entries for me. For some reason, since yesterday, this has stopped working. I now get strange auto-completion entries such as "and", "the", "Andy", "MyCompanyName" etc.
This never happened before and so I am confused as to why it has occurred now, and only on one of my projects. I searched this site for quite some time for any fixes and I've attempted to clean Derived Data, quit Xcode, delete the workspace and user files from the Xcode project and restart, but after doing so, the auto-complete works for a while, then breaks again after about 30 seconds of coding.
I can sometimes see auto-complete solutions, but just plain text (no class indicators), then other times it stops working entirely.
Has anybody else experienced anything like this and could provide some solution?
I suffered for a long time with a project that kept losing auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Deleteing the Derived Data folder and restarting Xcode would fix it temporarily, and eventually that almost became muscle memory. My problem seemed to be exacerbated by using a workspace that contained multiple projects, many of which were dependant on each other. It turns out the problem was with the clang indexer. The project would compile cleanly, but looking at the output from the indexer it was littered with errors. Fixing ALL these resolved my problems.
BEFORE DOING ANYTHING: make sure ALL the targets in ALL the projects in your Workspace compile cleanly. That's without ANY warnings. This was a big failure on my part - I had old targets that just didn't compile cleanly. Some of these were unused and could be deleted, others were non-ARC that used modules in targets that had been converted to ARC (converted those targets too), and some just needed the code fixing.
Once you've resolved ALL those problems, the first thing we need to know is where the indexer is failing, by doing a complete index of your project.
First, Make sure Xcode is closed, then turn up the indexer warning
message level by entering in the Terminal:
defaults write IDEIndexingClangInvocationLogLevel 3
Then find the Derived Data folder for your project/workspace (probably ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/your project name-some gibberish), and delete it (but keep the Derived Data folder open because you'll probably have to go back and do this a few times.
Next, open the Console app and click Clear Display, and set the filter to "IDE" to only show the messages we're interested in.
Finally, open Xcode and the project/workspace that's causing your problems, and you'll see the console start to fill up with messages.
To look for errors, change the Console filter to "error:" - our aim is to reduce these to zero.
The majority of errors I found were missing header files. Xcode itself seems to be smarter than the indexer. It seems to be able to find and include header files from other projects that the indexer can't.
So, anywhere you see "fatal error: 'somefile.h' file not found", make sure you add the path of that file to the User Header Search Paths in the target's build settings. The best way I've found to do this is to double click on the field to get the popup, and drag the folder from the finder into it. This adds a new entry, but assuming it's in the same workspace, it adds a relative file path (this is important in case you move your workspace folder in the future). If you've got multiple targets for the same project, you can set the search path at the project rather than target level, and set the target search paths to $(inherited).
You might have similar problems with Libraries or Frameworks - again, update the appropriate search path.
Once your fixed some errors, close Xcode, clear the console, delete the project's Derived Data, open Xcode and let it index again.
Repeat until all your errors are gone.
Once you're in this good place, code autocomplete and syntax highlighting should work like a charm :)
Still happens to me occasionally on Xcode 4.3.2,
I simply do this:
Xcode > Organiser > Projects > Select your project > Derived Data > Click the delete button
This also deletes the indexing. I then usually restart Xcode and it starts re-indexing, and I get my syntax highlighting and autocompletion back again. (I don't even always restart Xcode - but an excuse to have a break from starting at a screen for hours is always a good thing for your glazballs!)
It happens that rarely, that this is relatively painless.
Most of the time I run into this problem deleting the DerivedData fixes it for me, but it one case it didn't. Turns I failed to connect the source file I created to any particular target. Once I connected it to a target source highlighting started working. If other solutions don't work, this might be your issue.
and change it to YES. - This worked for me.
Its really embarrassing. By mistake I took off the Check mark in the Xcode Preferences> Text Editing> Code Completion and I tried every possible solution of that.
Please check this preference also before digging into any other solution:
You may be able to fix this problem by:
Commenting out all entries in the project's .pch file (normally when you do it, Xcode will pick autocompletion now)
Cleaning the project
Uncommening .pch file back
Rebuilding project
Now you should be able to see correct syntax highlighting and auto completions should be correct.
What the hell was that? I was not receiving any File not found error from the compiler. Fixed that one by removing some missing file links from UnitTest and UITestTarget from Compiler Sources on Project's Build Phases.
Deleting only the Derived Data of the project that is failing is not enough
I had to delete all Derived Data of all projects, did a Clean project and restart Xcode
