OpenId Connect - 2 way exchange of tokens in spec? - oauth-2.0

Does OpenId support a two way exchange of tokens at any place in the spec? Specifically allowing both parties to share tokens with each other in some way so they can share services with each other?
I've looked through the spec, but can't see anything detailing any scenarios like this.
An app I'm working on has integrated itself with a trusted OpenId provider, we'll call Acme.
We'd also like to provide access tokens and refresh tokens to Acme, as they'd like to access features of our service as well.
It seems natural that during our interactions to get tokens from Acme, that we'd like to expose tokens to them.
Is this part of the spec in any way? Or is the only way to do this is to become a full identity provider ourselves?

You could include the tokens as part of a request object, see: but that would depend on a pair-wise agreement with Acme since they'd need to handle the non-standaridzed request object contents.
The best way forward is to become a provider yourself so you can leverage all the features of the various flows without being dependent on a pair-wise agreement and accompanying implementation.

It sounds like you're confusing OpenID Connect and plain OAuth2 to some extent.
OpenID Connect is a specification for identifying end users to a client application, based on their authentication at the OpenID Provider. It's not clear from your question whether end users are even part of the picture, so even plain OAuth2 may not be relevant (unless you are just using the "client credentials" grant).
Neither spec says anything about mutual exchange of tokens. It would probably help if you describe the interactions you anticipate in more detail and which grants you expect to use. Who will authenticate to your identity provider and what would be a typical client application?


OAuth2.0 without OIDC (Plain OAuth2.0)

As far as I understand, applications that we can login with our different accounts use OpenID Connect(A profile of OAuth2.0).
OAuth is for Authorization and OIDC is for authentication(It has ID Token-User Info Endpoint).
So, was it not possible to login to an application from another application account using OAuth before OIDC? (If possible, how?)
If plain OAuth can't be used for authentication, what is/was it used for?
I mean what does it do with 'authorization' exactly?
What does it get from the resource service with the access token?
I have always found the jargon around this unhelpful so I understand your confusion. Here is a plain English summary:
OAuth 2.0
Before OIDC apps used OAuth 2.0 to get tokens, and this involved optional user consent. The process of getting tokens was termed 'delegation'.
In practical terms though all real world OAuth 2.0 providers also included authentication in order for their system to be secure. How authentication was done is not defined in OAuth specifications.
OAuth is primarily about protecting data, where scopes and claims are the mechanisms. These links provide further info:
IAM Primer
Scope Best Practices
Claims Best Practices
This just adds some clearer definition around how authentication messages before and after authentication should work:
A client simply includes an openid scope to use OpenID Connect
A client may force a login during a redirect via a prompt=login parameter
A client may request an authentication method via an acr_values parameter
The client receives an ID token (assertion) once authentication is complete, can digitally verify it if required, then use the information in it (eg a user name)
OIDC still does not define how the actual authentication works though.
Use them together
Pretty much all OAuth secured apps (and libraries) these days use both together, so that the authentication and delegation both use standards based solutions. It gives you the best application features and design patterns for doing the security well.

OIDC generalized scopes

Currently building up a microservice for handling auth-related stuff using OIDC.
Now, we think about access control and how to be as future-proof as possible. This auth server is only used for first-party applications (3x SPA, 2x native mobile App). On mobile, we use the authorization_code grant. Each resource server validates the supplied token (access token as JWT) itself. But what happens when (in future), we add a service which needs its own scope to check (e.g. notifications:read)? As mobile app users are not used to logging in and out everytime (when we would update the requested scopes via an app update -> bad solution) is there any sweet solution to manage this scenario?
Per specification, it's possible to change the required scopes when refreshing a token but this is limited to require less scopes than originally requested and not more so that's not an option.
For example, Facebook is providing only four scopes for Instagram e.g. instagram_basic or instagram_content_publish. Zalando for example includes only a scope NORMAL_USER in their tokens whereas Wolt includes the users roles as a claim.
I think there is some confusion as this scenario is not covered directly by OAuth2 or OIDC. What are your thoughts about this?
There is one standard for doing OAuth 2.0 Incremental Authorization, but your challenge is to find a token provider that supports it or similar standards.
In a micro service architecture, the question is if you should use the access token from the authorization code flow everywhere, or if for service-to-service communication, you should use client credentials flow instead.
See also
It seems like you could use Token Exchange for that.
For example it could work like that - whenever your resource server gets a token without the notifications:read scope, issued before date x (so before you were issuing that scope) it performs an exchange with the authorization server and (if the server decides that it can perform the exchange) it gets a new access token that contains that scope. If the token was issued after date x you can safely assume that the token was not granted this scope.
Another solution would be to use claims for authorization decisions instead of scopes. The authorization server can issue e.g. a claim notifications_read: true, or something like that. Whenever you refresh tokens you can issue more claims in the new access token, the spec does not prevent that. Then your resource servers should check claims in the access token, they can ignore scopes. The resource server would just check whether the token contains the notifications_read claim with value true, or not. This solution gets a bit more complicated if you require your users to give consent to scopes, but as you said you're using this only for 1st-party, so I assume you're not using consent screens.
You can have a look at this free course - this topic of using claims in authorization is covered in part 4.

OAuth 2.0 flow for user groups / organizations

OAuth 2.0 protocol provides permissions delegation of a user so that third-party apps can operate on its behalf. A typical way this is done on the OAuth flow is requesting a user consent to either approve or deny access for the app (Okta example). Here is an official spec describing how it works in general concepts.
I'm looking for the standardized approach to perform the same flow but for the user groups (e.g. organizations). GitHub does that in some way for organizations, so it looks like organizations represent just a group of user accounts. Are there any standardized approaches to this problem?
If not maybe there are any recommended ways how its typically done architecturally or can fit into OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect protocols.
The OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect protocols do not cover how access control is performed.
You can, within the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect protocols, pass OAuth Scopes or use the OIDC user info endpoint data to allow the resource server to make determination for Access Control.
Many of the commercial products within this area allow the use of LDAP as a back-end for authentication and will even convert LDAP Groups to Scopes.
I would assume, but I do not know, that GtHub stores data with a link (like a group) for the on Organization and/or the user. I know GitHub exposes this using OAuth Scopes.
Oh, and the OAuth Spec is at:
But if you require Authentication of users then you need to be using OpenID Connect which is built on-top of OAuth 2.0.
Remember that "OAuth 2.0 is NOT an Authentication protocol"
There are limits to what you can show on the consent screen and dynamically calculated data is not usually supported.
You ought to be able to express a high level scope that you can present to the user though.
In terms of authorizing based on a user's organisations the claims caching technique here can be useful:
That is:
* Use OAuth for user identification and high level checks
" Then do the real Authorization based on your back end data
I'm making some assumptions here, but I believe the issue arises from trying to authenticate two things at once.
If the organization is what you need, then go ahead and create a flow to authenticate the organization as the principal subject (via a user who has access to it), instead of actually authenticating the user itself.
Once the access token is generated, you do not necessarily need to know which user generated it anymore (or at least, the token itself does not need to know). If your user needs to be able to view and/or revoke access tokens, they should still be able to do that, since they have access to the organization in your app.

Oauth2, client_credentials, and scope

I've been using Oauth2 for quite some time as a developer but still feel at times I need to go back to the basics. I have a general question around this topic, specifically when it comes to using scopes.
As I understand, scopes are a kind of filter that can be applied to certain APIs and the bearer token is required to possess any scope the API requires. In that sense, they offer an extra 'layer' of protection after the token itself. However, what I would like some feedback on is how best to protect an API that requires scopes. If a consumer obtains a valid bearer token from the issuer and discovers what scope is required for a service, what's the best way to prevent them from making a POST using a token obtained through client_credentials, for example, on a restricted resource?
I believe I know a few solutions: require some sort of user token as well and further lock down resources via a authorization in your business logic (e.g. customers can only modify their own data). Another option might be to require api registration and an approval workflow so only 'approved' clients can invoke a service. Similar to how Akana and other API Gateway products operate. But are there other things I'm missing? Are Scopes really meant to serve as an authorization mechanism at all, or am I misinterpreting their real purpose, because to me they don't seem like they offer much.
Thanks for feedback in advance.

Best authentication method to grant API access to Rails app

I would like to offer authenticated API access to my web app. The consumers of such a service are typically other web sites/services.
What would be the best method of authenticating these users? OAuth, openID, http authentication?
As so much in our line of work, the answer to "which is best?" is "it depends." :)
HTTP Authentication - If you're already letting clients log in to your service via an ID and password, you'll probably only have to do minimal work to get this to play nicely with your API. If your API is basically mono-purpose and doesn't require detailed permissions, you can get something working fairly quickly here.
API Token - If you want clients to be able to authenticate easily without providing a password (think companies that build a service that interacts with your API; maybe the IT dept. doesn't want the dev. team knowing the passwords; etc.), then attaching a random API token à la GitHub to the user account is probably the quickest way to go. As a bonus, you can supply a method for regenerating the API token without having to change the account password.
OAuth - If you have multiple permissions or want finer-grained control over how and when a client can access your API, OAuth is a pretty good bet (OAuth2 is much easier to work with, IMO, and supports multiple methods of obtaining an access token). Furthermore, many languages have libraries, gems, etc. that will allow them to simplify the OAuth workflow.
I would say the "best" method is oAuth. It's more flexible and it can be application independant for further uses .
I am using oAuth to authenticate my clients (applications).
