Using bootstrap toggle with Awesome MVC Grid -

I'm trying to incorporate a bootstrap toggle into a column of my AwesomeMVC Grid ( but the toggle doesn't get rendered correctly even after initializing the bootstrap toggle. This is because the AwesomeMVC grid gets rendered after page load.
I don't want to implement a timeout in initializing the bootstrap toggles as Grid loading times may be different.
Has anyone tried implementing any similar bootstrap plugin with AwesomeMVC?
Here's my code sample.
.Url(Url.Action("GetUser", "User"))
.Parent("pagesize", "pagesize")
new Column { Name = "Name", Header = "FullName", Width = 72, SortRank = 1, Sort = Sort.Asc },
new Column { Name = "Active", Header = "Active", Width = 60, ClientFormatFunc = "CustomActive", Group = true}
//Custom content for Active ClientFormatFunc
var CustomActive = function (GetUserList_Result) {
return "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox-toggle\" data-toggle=\"toggle\" data-on=\"Yes\" data-off=\"No\" data-size=\"small\">";
$(function () {

there's the aweload event that you can hook up to, also when you render the checkbox I think you need to set its checked state, so you should end up with something like this:
.Url(Url.Action("GetUser", "User"))
.Parent("pagesize", "pagesize")
new Column { Name = "Name", Header = "FullName"},
new Column { ClientFormatFunc = "CustomActive", Width = 75}))
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#UserList').on('aweload', function () {
//Custom content for Active ClientFormatFunc
var CustomActive = function (model) {
var checked = model.Active ? 'checked = "checked"' : '';
return '<input type="checkbox" ' + checked + ' class="checkbox-toggle" data-toggle="toggle" data-on="Yes" data-off="No" data-size="small">';
I also removed .Selectable(SelectionType.None) because it is like that by default, and also I see that you group by a boolean column (active) not sure if that makes sense, it will just split your grid in 2 groups, Column.Name is not required, it is used for binding to model for sorting/grouping, and it's better to always have at least 1 column without width (if you set width to all columns and the grid width doesn't match they work as percentages)


Is it possible to add an option to the top of a select2 when data comes from ajax?

I need to insert at the beginning of the list a new option in the select2 control.
I tried with
var data = {
id: -1,
text: 'SISTEMA'
var newOption = new Option(data.text,, false, false);
But that does not work when data comes from Ajax. In that case, the combobox appears with that option selected and when list is expanded, that option is not there.
Create a variable and initially define that variable as the option you want to include - eg:
var trHTML;
trHTML = '<option value=""></option>'
Then loop through your result set adding each item back to that variable
$.each(x, function (i, item) {
trHTML += '<option value=' + value_name +'>'+ display_name +'</option>';
Then append the entire list to the select, and initiate Select2
placeholder: "foobar",
allowClear: true
This documentation from select2 already explains

Tablesorter value should always be visible when choosing a filter

I am currently using table sorter and just want to know if there is a way to have a value by default always shows up regardless of the selected filter from the filter-select list. I tried using filter functions, but after I added a filter function for a column that has a filter-select, it loses the filter-select list with all of the available values.
For example, here is the filter function that I tried using, it should show "John" regardless of the values that are selected:
0 : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
var x = e===f;
var y = e==='John';
var show = x|y;
return show;
Am I missing something?
In javascript, the OR operator requires two vertical bars:
0 : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
var x = e===f;
var y = e==='John';
var show = x || y;
return show;
Maybe a better method would be to use the filter_defaultFilter option which can be used as follows (demo):
$(function() {
theme: 'blue',
widgets: ['zebra', 'filter'],
widgetOptions: {
filter_defaultFilter: {
// Ox will always show
// {q} is replaced by the user query
2: '{q}|Ox'
Also, make sure to include a "filter-match" class name in the header cell:
<th class="filter-match">...</th>
otherwise "OR" queries default to exact cell content matches.

DOJO - Multiselect

how to set the data store values in dijit.form.multiselect in dojo 1.6
var comboSiteObj = new dijit.form.MultiSelect({
id: "siteNameEQ",
store: dataSite,
style: "font-family: Arial,Verdana Helvetica, sans-serif;width:195px"
}, "comboSite");
but Store values is not displayed in the Multiselect widget
MultiSelect is different than select on populating the date. for MultiSelect please find the example below :-
var selectElemet = document.createElement('select');
for (var i in gridData.items) {
var opData = document.createElement('option');
opData.innerHTML = gridData.items[i].description;
opData.value = gridData.items[i].value;
var myMultiSelect = new dijit.form.MultiSelect({
name: c['srchDimnId'],
id : 'elementDimnSearchGrid' + dimnSearchIndex,
height: '200px'
}, selectElemet).startup();;
where u loop through the list and create an option for each of it, then append it to the select. make sure to pass the select element to the MultiSelect
please refer to the this link for details dojo MultiSelect

jqTreeView - getting selected node's value in select event

Following is how I populate my jqTreeView.
new JQTreeView
DataUrl = Url.Action("RenderTree"),
Height = Unit.Pixel(500),
Width = Unit.Pixel(150),
HoverOnMouseOver = false,
MultipleSelect = false,
ClientSideEvents = new TreeViewClientSideEvents()
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {
public JsonResult RenderTree()
var tree = new JQTreeView();
List<JQTreeNode> nodes = new List<JQTreeNode>();
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Products", Value="Product/Product/Index" });
FolderNode fNode = new FolderNode { Text = "Customers" };
fNode.Nodes.Add(new LeafNode() { Text = "Today's Customers", Value = "Customer/Customer/Today" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Suppliers", Value = "Supplier/Supplier/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Employees", Value = "Employee/Employee/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Orders", Value = "Order/Order/Index" });
return tree.DataBind(nodes);
What I want to do is spawn a tab based on the Value of the selected node. I tried a lot but couldn't get hold of the selected node's value.
Later I checked the DOM of rendered page and found that the value is nowhere added to the node but magically when I select the node the value appears in a hidden control by the name treeview_selectedState (treeview being the id of the control). I even traced all ajax calls but couldn't find anything.
1) Where does it keep the Values of tree nodes?
2) How do I get the Selected Node's value in select event?
I even tried to get the treeview_selectedState control's value in select event but it returned [].
Then I added a button the view and hooked that onto a js function and found the value there. It makes me think that the value is not available in select event, am I right in thinking that?
I don't think getting selected node's value should be a this big deal? Am I missing something very obvious?
After trying so many things , I checked their demo and found the hints there (I shouldve done this as the first thing).
It was actually pretty straight forward
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {

extjs4 grid - changing column editor per row basis

ExtJS4 grid anticipates appropriate editor (cellEditor or rowEditor) per column.
If a column's header field is dateField - date selector will be applied on every row in that column.
What I need is an editor with different field editors per row, not per column.
The Extjs3 solution is provided here - unfortunately doesn't fit in Extjs4 case.
(please check that link to see explanatory images, cause I can't post images yet)
There's also a single column solution called property grid, but again - it supports only one column and is very deviated from the standard Ext.grid component
I have tried manually changing grid editor by customizing column.field and reloading grid.editingPlugin.editor, but always get a blank rowEditor panel with no fields.
//by default rowEditor applies textField to all cells - I'm trying to force custom numberFiled on apropriate row
var numberField=Ext.form.field.Number();
//destroy current rowEditor's instance
delete grid.editingPlugin.editor;
//now, upon doubleClick on apropriate cell it should reinitialize itself (initEditor()) - and it does, but is an empty panel
what am I missing here? once I delete editingPlugin.editor everything should start from the beginning like during the first time rowEditor is called, but it looses all the fields
Solution for Ext4:
I was looking for a solution for this and this guy said the property grid has this behavior.
I have adapted it to work in a clean way for me
on initComponent I declared:
this.editors = {
'date' : Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Date', {selectOnFocus: true})}),
'string' : Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {selectOnFocus: true})}),
'number' : Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', {selectOnFocus: true})}),
'int' : Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', {selectOnFocus: true})}),
'boolean' : Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', { field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
editable: false,
store: [[ true, 'Sim' ], [false, 'Não' ]]
I used these functions to help me (copied):
this.renderCell = function(val, meta, rec) {
var result = val;
if (Ext.isDate(val)) {
result = me.renderDate(val);
} else if (Ext.isBoolean(val)) {
result = me.renderBool(val);
return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(result);
this.getCellEditor = function(record, column) {
return this.editors[record.get('type')];
And finally, associate these functions to the column:
{text: "Valor", name : 'colunaValor', width: 75, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'valor', width:200,
renderer: Ext.Function.bind(this.renderCell, this),
getEditor: Ext.Function.bind(this.getCellEditor, this)
