How to add upstream job in Jenkins DSL - jenkins

I can make a downstream job with the DSL plugin for Jenkins:
How can I make an upstream job (same thing...just specified in a difference place)?
In the UI, it's under Triggers: "Build after other projects are built".

Currently that's not possible. The Job DSL plugin generates the configuration XML used internally by Jenkins. The upstream job is not part of that XML, Jenkins generates the information at runtime. So if you specify the upstream in a job, what Jenkins does is setting the downstream in that upstream job and persists that. And that's something that the Job DSL currently can not do.

I define specific jobs that I want to be the upstream and define downstream jobs since that is specified in Jenkins DSL. This has worked well for me.

upstream method is available since Jenkins 1.33:
job('example') {
triggers {
See https://YOUR.JENKINS.DOMAIN/plugin/job-dsl/api-viewer/index.html#method/javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.triggers.TriggerContext.upstream


how to get upstream build information in a script step of jenkins classic ui pipeline

I have an old classic ui jenkins pipeline. now i need this pipeline to be triggered on the completion of other pipelines. And get the upstream pipeline information in this old pipeline.
I know how to set the upstream build trigger in the jenkins pipeline. However i cannot find a way to get the upstream build information (eg, project name, git commit).
When i output the env variables in downstream pipeline, i can only see the BUILD_CAUSE=UPSTREAMTRIGGER which is not useful for me.
Trigger Downstream Job With Parameters
The old job would need to be updated to be parameterised, then you can pass the required information as parameters when you build the downstream job.
parameters: [string(name: 'upstreamJobName', value: env.JOB_NAME),
string(name: 'upstreamJobVar', value: "${upstreamJobVar}"]
Trigger Downstream Job Without Parameters
When parameters are not being send from triggering upstream job, then we can get some of the upstream information in the downstream job like this:
All available methods for upstreamBuilds information can be found here

How do I configure "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers" in my jenkinsfile?

Right now I manually configure my all my multibranch pipeline jobs and set "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers" to 3 minutes.
How do I put this in my Jenkinsfile? I can't find examples of this. Is "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers" available in the triggers{} block?
The settings on the multibranch configuration page only configure the multibranch scan job itself, not the individual jobs created inside the multibranch "folder".
The option under "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers" that says "Periodically if not otherwise run" is only a trigger for when the multibranch job will scan for new branches. If changes are found to existing branches, or if new branches are discovered with a Jenkinsfile that match your branch specifications, a new build will be triggered, but this is not intended to be the way a job is triggered.
Actually, you can disable the automatic build when changes are found by adding a property to the SCM configuration to "Disable automatic SCM Triggering". Then then you will see the multibranch scan trigger, but the jobs themselves won't build, even if there are changes found.
To trigger jobs, ideally you should use a webhook if you can. If you use a git hook using the git plugin (not the github plugin), then you need to enable the PollSCM trigger (though you can set it to only poll rarely, or not at all).
If you just want normal triggering options, as of 2.22, you can configure the either cron or pollSCM triggers.
pipeline {
triggers {
cron('H/4 * * * 1-5')
pollSCM('0 0 * * 0')
Then I believe you can configure webhooks to inform your multibranch job when to do a scan. I haven't tried that. I just tell it to scan every hour or a couple times per day using the "Periodically if not otherwise run".
Note, the same thing applies for the build discarder and other things you configure in your multibranch job. In the web UI, you can only configure the multibranch job itself, not the individual jobs created from it. You have to use Pipeline to configure the jobs.
If your're using the JobDSL Jenkins plugin for creating jobs, then you can add following lines to configure "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers":
configure {
it / 'triggers' << 'com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.computed.PeriodicFolderTrigger'{
spec '* * * * *'
interval "60000"
Using the JobDSL Jenkins Plugin for multibranch pipeline job, the periodic folder trigger can be configured as given below. In this example, the maximum amount of time since the last indexing that is allowed to elapse before an indexing is triggered will be seven days.
multibranchPipelineJob('my-awesome-job') {
triggers {
periodicFolderTrigger {

How to pass env vars to a MultibranchPipelineJob created by Jenkins Job DSL?

I am creating a MultibranchPipelineJob with Jenkins Job DSL. I want to pass some environment variables to the job, but I can't figure out how to do that from the documentation.
MultibranchPipeline Job no longer support parameters
You can use Folder Properties Plugin to set your Env variables, which can be accessed by all the jobs within that folder.
However, the MultiBranch pipeline job has a lot of performance issues so we moved away from multibranch pipeline jobs. We wrote a DSL job that would act as a multibranch pipeline job - which will scan through the git branches and create Simple pipeline jobs as needed.
You pass them as parameters like this:
parameters {
stringParam("MyVariable1", "my-value1")
stringParam("MyVariable2", "${my-dynamic-value2}")
Then consume them in the job using parameters or environment (both work equally) as this:
echo "my vars are ${parameters.MyVariable1} or ${env.MyVariable2}"

How to use "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?

I tried search but didn't find any example. I tried and got it is for the different nodes on the same Jenkins.
I would like to trigger a build on another Jenkins. I configured the Remote Hosts and Authentication in system configuration of my Jenkins.
How to call "Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin" in Jenkins Pipeline script?
Seems to be an open bug:
As a workaround you could create another job locally of an old type and use the plugin in the old school non pipeline script way. Then in your pipeline script you would just trigger this job. I know it's an ugly adapter but then you have parametrize this adapter and have it up and running for almost anything ;)
The bug 38657 is already closed, the plugin is available as pipeline step since 16th of May 2018. Usage should be as easy as:
//Trigger remote job
def handle = triggerRemoteJob(remoteJenkinsName: 'remoteJenkins', job: 'RemoteJob')
More information on the triggerRemoteJob step
For anyone wondering how to do this using the Declarative Jenkinsfile Syntax:
steps {
triggerRemoteJob remoteJenkinsName: 'configured-remote-jenkins-name', job: 'trigger-job-folder/trigger-job-name', blockBuildUntilComplete: true

What are seed jobs in Jenkins and how does it work?

What are seed jobs in Jenkins and how does it work ?
Can we create a new job from seed job without using github ?
That depends on context. Jenkins itself does not provide "seed jobs".
There's plugins that allow creating jobs from other jobs, like the excellent Job-DSL plugin. With that, you can create jobs where a groovy script creates a larger number of jobs for you.
The Job-DSL plugin refers to those jobs as "seed jobs" (but they're regular freestyle or pipeline jobs). The Job-DSL plugin does not require a github connection.
The seed job is a normal Jenkins job that runs the Job DSL script; in turn, the script contains instructions that create additional jobs. In short, the seed job is a job that creates more jobs. In this step, you will construct a Job DSL script and incorporate it into a seed job. The Job DSL script that you’ll define will create a single freestyle job that prints a 'Hello World!' message in the job’s console output.
A Job DSL script consists of API methods provided by the Job DSL plugin; you can use these API methods to configure different aspects of a job, such as its type (freestyle versus pipeline jobs), build triggers, build parameters, post-build actions, and so on. You can find all supported methods on the API reference site.
The jobs we used for creating new jobs are called Seed Jobs and this seed job generates new jobs using Jenkins files (using JobDSL plugin).
Here, we disabling this feature (Enable script security for Job DSL scripts)
Jenkins Dashboard→ Manage Jenkins → Configure Global Security
Way to create seed job :
JobDSL scripts for generating new jobs.
description("First job")
scm {
github('Asad/jenkins_jobDSL1', 'master')
triggers {
steps {
shell ('''
echo "test"
buildPipelineView('project-A') {
title('Project A CI Pipeline')
and create same way others Job2.groovy and so on.
For Jenkins Job DSL documentation:-
Think about a job - what is it actually ?
It is actually just a java/jre object that represents like this
How you generates such job/build ?
Configure Jenkins UI -> rest api to Jenkins url -> Jenkins service receive your call on the relevant endpoint -> calling to the relevant code/method and generate this new job
How Seed job will make it ?
Configure seed job on Jenkins UI only once -> run this seed job - > this code run against the internal Jenkins methods and skip all the manual process describes above
Now, when your code can talk directly to Jenkins code , things are much easier.just update your code on the relevant repo - and you are done
