Module and controller in angular dart - dart

How do I use the module, controller and scope in angular dart. I'm trying to using angular dart but i don't know how to use it angular dart. if try to use #Controller it's showing error my angular dart version is 1.0.
angular.module("users", ['commonerrors']);
How to use this line in AngularDart. i used the class for users and extend the module, how to declare the ['commonerrors'] in that module.

You may be interesting to look at how it was implemented in Angular Dart UI or look at demo site. I believe you will find answers on many of your questions there.
Angular Dart is not the same as AngularJS version 1.x and it doesn't use angular.module() statements to register new modules. Module registration happens via addModule method of Application class. To create new module you need do the following:
Create class DemoModule extends Module class;
Add dependencies to other modules through install(new AngularUIModule()) method;
Register all components, decorators and other injectable classes in Dependency Injection via method of the same name bind(TooltipDemo)


Why does Abp.AspNetCore.OData require services.AddOData()?

In the aspnetboilerplate documentation is a tutorial on how to use the Abp.AspNetCore.OData module. I study this module as a reference for creating my own GraphQL module. However, I am somewhat confused on why after declaring a dependency on the OData module it is still required to explicitly configure the services with
inside the Startup class from the actual Asp.NET Core project?
Sure, it is required because the Abp.AspNetCore.OData module does not do it. But isn't a big part of the idea of ABP's module system to automatically register all dependencies when declaring a dependency on a specific module with the DependsOn attribute? This way the encapsulation in a ABP module seems somewhat useless.
services.AddOData() is called in Startup.cs; it would require hacking around to be called in an ABP module.
Often, services.AddXxx() calls depend on the earlier adding of other services.
Not all of those services are going to be ABP modules so it's not possible to make sure that they are called in the order that the service needs and the developer wants.

Grails Plugin Development - override domain class

Plugins in Grails are great method to modularise an application.The documentation suggest to override the artifacts from the plugin in the application, which uses this plugin.
Is it realy the best approach?
Let's describe it by example: There is a domain class "org.User" defined in the plugin. The application overrides this domain class. If I use "grails run-app" then there are no warnings and it works. But Eclipse (GGTS) complains about "Invalid duplicate class definition of class org.User". For some developers it wouldn't matter, but I like the IDE helping on coding by stuf like "autocomplete".
At the end both classes are compiled an put on the java class loader. The application version of the class is loaded before the version of the plugin. The class resolver finds it first and that's why it works. Please correct me if I'm wrong at this point. Is it realy a good idea to have two versions of a class in one class loader?
What are the alternatives?
You can do like Spring Security Core plugin does, provide the User class as a template, so your application that use this plugin can choose between creating his own class or installing your default User class.
The plugin user template is here, and the script responsible to create this in the application is here.
You will need also a config value to know the class to use, and use it dynamic.
P.S: there are good security plugins like Shiro and Spring Security, maybe it's easier to check them instead of create your own.

Where do all methods, attributes get wired into grails controller?

I'm looking at grails (2.2), and it's all beautiful and even magical, how it all works. I'm looking at a Controller class which is created with grails create-controller and out of the box it has many methods and properties available, like render(), redirect(), params, request and I presume it goes on and on.
where does all this get wired in? Where in the code/project/framework do I see that render() is made available as a method? And how is it implemented?
As a java developer I'm used to inheritance and code injection and reflection. And in javascript prototypes can do some black magic. But the XXController.groovy is just a standalone object. Is it the name (XXController) or the location (grails-app/controllers?) or is there some injection happening which the IDE can pick up?
Welcome to the wonderfull world of Grails,
Here you have a couple of links that may help you:
The Section of Controllers in the Web Layer docs.
And the docs of the render method. Check it out the "Quick reference" column at the right for more methods avaliable at the Controllers.
If you are wondering how that magic is done, Grails is an open source project, so as usual, go and serve yourself at Github (warning, it is quite large project).
Grails works on the top of Groovy, which is a Dynamic Language with a powerful support of meta programming. Tha is basically the trick of all the magic of Grails
Finally, Grails is a framework based on CoC (Convection over configuration), So the Controllers will be any class under the directory "grails-app/controllers" and with the suffix "Controller". (In the folder of controllers may be "commandObjects as well).
The integration with well-know ides is quite powerful as well, you should check it out
You may also found how the render methods behaves here at github.
And more inyected stuff at the Controllers metaClass package
As of Grails 2.0+ it's implemented using an AST transformation - previously it was done by adding the methods to the Groovy MetaClass. The benefits of the new approach are that things will be a bit faster and use less memory.
GORM domain class methods now use this approach too (except for dynamic methods like findByFooAndBar which have to be added dynamically to the metaclass) and those have the benefit of being callable from Java since the AST adds the methods to the bytecode. This doesn't help controllers though since they're only called from Grails itself as the result of a web request.
For the gory details, ControllersApi is where the methods are, and they're mixed into each controller class by a combination of ControllerTransformer and the code in the doWithDynamicMethods closure in ControllersGrailsPlugin

How to register custom build Autofac.Module in Orchard?

I have a piece of code that encapsulates functionality that isn't specific to Orchard. However i need to make it available in Orchard via dependency injection. So, I built up an Autofac Module that registers all components (types), but I can't find a way to inform Orchard's Autofac Container about it.
From what i red, there are two ways to add a module to a container:
By supplying the module at to the ContainerBuilder (usually at start-up),
Or by updating the already built Container at runtime with a ContainerBuilder
I can approach the problem in the first way, but I rather do a variant of the second if there is such?
Just add a class deriving from Autofac.Module to your Orchard module and that's it. It will get automatically picked by Orchard during the container construction.
Piotr Szmyd's answer is fundamentally correct, but here's some more detail:
Your Orchard Module is the new .csproj that you've added to the Orchard.sln
Add Autofac as a reference to that csproj (make sure you use the version included with Orchard - not nuget. See here for more details about that problem)
Then add a class that derives from Autofac.Module and which implements Load(ContainerBuilder).
using System;
using Autofac;
namespace MyCustom.Module.Namespace
public class LoaderModule : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
As an additional note:
The Autofac registration code only gets invoked at application startup time.
If you are running with the site sitting locally in IIS and the code in VS, then the dynamic compilation nature of Orcahrd means that when you recompile the code, the application doesn't stop.
So in order for this Autofac registration code to be hit (and also for any channges to it to take effect) you have to iisreset to kill the application, so that it reloads the Autofac Registrations.

How To Properly Configure Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net in my MVC3 project

I am trying to properly use Ninject to inject log4net logging into my MVC3 application. I am using the Ninject.MVC3 package, so I have the NinjectMVC3 class that automatically extends the App_Start method and contains the RegisterServices method that binds all dependencies. I also have the Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net package, but I don't know how to use it. I already know how to configure log4net in my web.config, but don't know how to use this extension for DI.
I have read all the following articles/posts, but none of them seem to define how to properly setup a project for DI logging.
At, Darren
provides a great article, but doesn't seem to deal with DI (at least I don't see it).
At Using Ninject to fill Log4Net Dependency,
Remo Gloor states here that the extensions should provide all that's needed for implementation, but it doesn't show the code of how to instantiate it.
The documentation for ninject.extensions.logging at is very limited at best. I have re-read it many times, and still don't see how to use bind the injection in the NinjectMVC3 class, or concrete examples of how to call the logger from my controller class for example.
At the most promising article, Moosaka provides some great code at Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4net unexpected behavior, but when I try it, I get a compile error in the LoggerFactory at ILogger logger = new Logger(type); stating "Cannot access protected constructor 'Logger' here". Also, he states to "Tuck this whole mess away into a separate class library". Does that mean as a whole separate project?
I'm just getting lost in all the differing options and dated posts and would like any input on how to use Dependancy Injection with Ninject and Log4Net in my MVC3 project. Also, if it matters, all of my Ninject code is in my domain project, but the logging needs done from both the domain and web project (and mocked in my unit tests). Any help is appreciated.
You shouldn't have to configure anything except the normal log4net config.
All you have to do is to inject a ILogger wherever you want to log.
