I have a property with custom data binding like this:
class User {
// Custom data binding for the image
#BindUsing({ obj, source ->
def imageFile = source['image']
if (imageFile && imageFile.size > 0) {
Document image = obj.image ?: new Document()
if(!image.save()) {
throw new Exception('Non localizable message')
return image
Document image
If an exception is thrown (like in my example) it is converted to a ValidationException with always the same generic error codes for typeMismatch:
The defaultMessage of the ValidationException is the message of the exception that was thrown in #BindUsing. So to get localized messages one would have to inject messageSource somehow into #BindUsing and localize the message of the exception that is thrown.
What is the correct way to return an error or an error code from #BindUsing?
Hello good reactor folks - I trying to write some reactive code (surprising eh?) and have hit a slight snag. I think it might be a reactor bug, but thought I'd ask here first before posting a bug.
For context: I have a cache Map<Key, Mono<Value>>. A client will request data - we check the cache and use what is essentially computeIfAbsent to place a Mono with .cache() into the cache if nothing has yet been cached for that key. The client then takes the Mono and does magic (not relevant here). Now, the catch is that the population of the cache may encounter transient errors, so we don't want to cache errors - the current request will error but the "next" client, when it subscribes, should trigger the entire pipeline to rerun.
Having read around, for example this closed issue, I settled on Mono#cache(ttlForValue, ttlForError, ttlForEmpty).
This is where things get interesting.
As I don't want to cache error (or empty, but ignore that) signals I found the following documentation promising
If the relevant TTL generator throws any Exception, that exception will be propagated to the Subscriber that encountered the cache miss, but the cache will be immediately cleared, so further Subscribers might re-populate the cache in case the error was transient. In case the source was emitting an error, that error is dropped and added as a suppressed exception. In case the source was emitting a value, that value is dropped.
emphasis mine
So I tried the following (shamelessly cribbing the example in the linked GitHub issue)
public class TestBench {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var sampleService = new SampleService();
var producer = Mono.fromSupplier(sampleService::call).cache(
__ -> Duration.ofHours(24),
//don't cache errors
e -> {throw Exceptions.propagate(e);},
() -> {throw new RuntimeException();});
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Caught exception : " + e);
sampleService.serverAvailable = true;
var result = producer.block();
static final class SampleService {
volatile boolean serverAvailable = false;
String call() {
System.out.println("Calling service with availability: " + serverAvailable);
if (!serverAvailable) throw new RuntimeException("Error");
return "Success";
09:12:23.991 [main] DEBUG reactor.util.Loggers$LoggerFactory - Using Slf4j logging framework
Calling service with availability: false
09:12:24.034 [main] ERROR reactor.core.publisher.Operators - Operator called default onErrorDropped
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
at uk.co.borismorris.testbench.TestBench$SampleService.call(TestBench.java:40)
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoSupplier.subscribe(MonoSupplier.java:56)
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCacheTime.subscribe(MonoCacheTime.java:123)
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.block(Mono.java:1474)
at uk.co.borismorris..boris.testbench.TestBench.main(TestBench.java:26)
Caught exception : reactor.core.Exceptions$BubblingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error
at uk.co.borismorris.testbench.TestBench$SampleService.call(TestBench.java:40)
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoSupplier.subscribe(MonoSupplier.java:56)
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCacheTime.subscribe(MonoCacheTime.java:123)
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.block(Mono.java:1474)
at uk.co.borismorris.testbench.TestBench.main(TestBench.java:26)
Suppressed: java.lang.Exception: #block terminated with an error
at reactor.core.publisher.BlockingSingleSubscriber.blockingGet(BlockingSingleSubscriber.java:93)
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.block(Mono.java:1475)
at uk.co.borismorris.testbench.TestBench.main(TestBench.java:31)
Well, that didn't work - the error is cached and the second subscriber just sees the same error.
Looking at the code the cause is obvious
Duration ttl = null;
try {
ttl = main.ttlGenerator.apply(signal);
catch (Throwable generatorError) {
signalToPropagate = Signal.error(generatorError);
STATE.set(main, signalToPropagate); //HERE
if (signal.isOnError()) {
//noinspection ThrowableNotThrown
Exceptions.addSuppressed(generatorError, signal.getThrowable());
The STATE is set to the error signal, not cleared at all. But this isn't the whole story,
the reason for the code not clearing the cache is below this block
if (ttl != null) {
main.clock.schedule(main, ttl.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
else {
//error during TTL generation, signal != updatedSignal, aka dropped
if (signal.isOnNext()) {
Operators.onNextDropped(signal.get(), currentContext());
else if (signal.isOnError()) {
Operators.onErrorDropped(signal.getThrowable(), currentContext());
//immediate cache clear
In this case ttl == null because the generation of the ttl threw an Exception. The signal is an error so that branch is entered and Operators.onErrorDropped is called
public static void onErrorDropped(Throwable e, Context context) {
Consumer<? super Throwable> hook = context.getOrDefault(Hooks.KEY_ON_ERROR_DROPPED,null);
if (hook == null) {
hook = Hooks.onErrorDroppedHook;
if (hook == null) {
log.error("Operator called default onErrorDropped", e);
throw Exceptions.bubble(e);
So here we can see that if there is no onError hook in the context and no default set then throw Exceptions.bubble(e) is called and the code in MonoCacheTime returns early, failing to call main.run(). Hence the error stays cached indefinitely as there is no TTL!
The following code fixes that problem
public class TestBench {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestBench.class);
private static final Consumer<Throwable> onErrorDropped = e -> logger.error("Dropped", e);
static {
//add default hook
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var sampleService = new SampleService();
var producer = Mono.fromSupplier(sampleService::call).cache(
__ -> Duration.ofHours(24),
//don't cache errors
e -> {throw Exceptions.propagate(e);},
() -> {throw new RuntimeException();});
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Caught exception : " + e);
sampleService.serverAvailable = true;
var result = producer.block();
static final class SampleService {
volatile boolean serverAvailable = false;
String call() {
System.out.println("Calling service with availability: " + serverAvailable);
if (!serverAvailable) throw new RuntimeException("Error");
return "Success";
But this adds a global Hook, which isn't ideal. The code hints at the ability to add per-pipeline hooks, but I cannot figure out how to do that. The following works, but is obviously a hack
.subscriberContext(ctx -> ctx.put("reactor.onErrorDropped.local", onErrorDropped))
Is the above a bug, should the absence of a onErrorDropped hook cause errors to be cached indefinitely?
Is there a way to set the onErrorDropped hook in the subscriberContext rather than globally?
Follow up
From the code; it seems that returning null from a TTL generator function is supported and has the same behaviour when the signal is immediately cleared. In the case where it isn't, the subscriber sees the original error rather than the error from the TTL generator and a suppressed error - which seems perhaps neater
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var sampleService = new SampleService();
var producer = Mono.fromSupplier(sampleService::call).cache(
__ -> Duration.ofHours(24),
//don't cache errors
e -> null,
() -> null);
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Caught exception : " + e);
sampleService.serverAvailable = true;
var result = producer.block();
Is this behaviour supported? Should it be documented?
You've indeed found a bug! And I think the documentation can also be improved for this variant of cache:
The focus on how it deals with exceptions inside TTL Function is probably misleading
There should be a documented straightforward way of "ignoring" a category of signals in the source (which is you case: you want subsequent subscribers to "retry" when the source is erroring).
The behavior is bugged due to the use of onErrorDropped (which defaults to throwing the dropped exception, thus preventing the main.run() state reset).
Unfortunately, the tests use StepVerifier#verifyThenAssertThat(), which set an onErrorDropped hook, so that last bug was never identified.
Returning null in the TTL function is not working better because the same bug happens, but this time with the original source exception being dropped/bubbled.
But there is an ideal semantic for propagating an error to the first subscriber and let the second subscriber retry: to return Duration.ZERO in the ttl Function. This is undocumented, but works right now:
IllegalStateException exception = new IllegalStateException("boom");
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
Mono<Integer> source = Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
int c = count.incrementAndGet();
if (c == 1) throw exception;
return c;
Mono<Integer> cache = source.cache(v -> Duration.ofSeconds(10),
e -> Duration.ZERO,
() -> Duration.ofSeconds(10));
I'll open an issue to fix the state reset bug and focus the javadoc on the above solution, while moving the bit dealing with throwing TTL Functions in a separate shorter paragraph at the end.
edit: https://github.com/reactor/reactor-core/issues/1783
I'm currently developing a grails application (Version 3.1.2) and I got a frustrating error that I currently cannot solve.
Lets have an example case:
// Domain classes
class RootBean {
NestedBean nestedBean
class NestedBean {
int nestedInteger
not much to say about it, its just an 1 to 1 relation with no back reference
Now lets specify my problem: I've got a create and an edit view which both render a editTemplate with all the possible inputs. With a new Object (create) everythings works fine but with a existing Object I want to update I get this GSP Error Message:
Request processing failed; nested exception is org.grails.gsp.GroovyPagesException: Error processing GroovyPageView: [views/rootBean/edit.gsp:13] Error executing tag <g:render>: [views/rootBean/_editTemplate.gsp:1] Error executing tag <g:form>: [views/rootBean/_editTemplate.gsp:150] Error executing tag <f:widget>: No such property: nestedInteger for class: RootBean
Caused by
No such property: nestedInteger for class: RootBean
The GSP Code:
<f:widget class="form-control"
I also debugged through the Taglibary and discoverd that it's going wrong cause of the Type Integer, I got other String fields in the real object and they are working fine. The Error is thrown in the FormFieldsTagLib class at line 569
private CharSequence renderNumericInput(BeanPropertyAccessor propertyAccessor,Map model, Map attrs) {
if (!attrs.type && model.constraints?.inList) {
attrs.from = model.constraints.inList
if (!model.required) attrs.noSelection = ["": ""]
return g.select(attrs)
} else if (model.constraints?.range) {
attrs.type = attrs.type ?: "range"
attrs.min = model.constraints.range.from
attrs.max = model.constraints.range.to
} else {
attrs.type = attrs.type ?: getDefaultNumberType(model )
if (model.constraints?.scale != null) attrs.step = "0.${'0' * (model.constraints.scale - 1)}1"
if (model.constraints?.min != null) attrs.min = model.constraints.min
if (model.constraints?.max != null) attrs.max = model.constraints.max
if(propertyAccessor != null && attrs.value) {
attrs.value = g.fieldValue(bean: propertyAccessor.rootBean, field: propertyAccessor.propertyName)
// This call causes the Error
// Debugging Values: propertyAccessor.rootBean: RootBean,
// propertyAccessor.propertyName: nestedInteger
return g.field(attrs)
I guess they are trying to find the fieldName on the RootBean instead of the NestedBean but am I doing something wrong or is it a Bug on Grails side?
Hopefully some of you knows an answer to this, its really much a blocker for me :(
I am having the same issue, the weird thing is that in I am not having problem, I have it only in
I could fix it with a workaround, implementing in RootBean class a getter for nestedInteger:
def int getNumber() {
return nestedBean?.nestedInteger
That worked for me.
Could you solve it properly?
This question is connected with another.
I'd like to add properties to constructor and overwrite getLocalisedMessage() function to get proper translated message with error. First I want to overload constructor to set properties, but when I add:
GroovyCastException.metaClass.constructor = { Object objectToCast, Class classToCastTo ->
def constructor = GroovyCastException.class.getConstructor(Object, Class)
def instance = constructor.newInstance(objectToCast, classToCastTo)
// ... do some further stuff with the instance ...
println "Created ${instance} and executed!"
and then get thrown GroovyCastException I don't get println in console.
How to overload constructor, set properties (objectToCast, classToCastTo) and then overload getLocalizedMessage?
I tried also:
def originalMapConstructor = GroovyCastException.metaClass.retrieveConstructor(Map)
GroovyCastException.metaClass.constructor = { Map m ->
// do work before creation
print "boot do work before creation "
print it
print "boot do work before creation 2"
def instance = originalMapConstructor.newInstance(m)
// do work after creation
print "boot do work after creation"
I 've put it in controller (right before catching exception) and in Bootstrap.groovy. Unfortunatelly there is no printlns in console output.
You're better off not using meta-programming to do internationalization. In grails, you should do it in the view layer with the <g:message> tag if possible. If not, the next best choice is the controller layer.
If you just want to display localized messages on an error page when an exception occurs, the best practice is to have a "500" URL mapping, and render the exception with a <g:renderException> in the view.
If you want to intercept the exception, you can change the "500" URL mapping to a controller and wrap it there before passing it to the view. Example:
// UrlMappings.groovy
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"500"(controller:"error", method: "serverError")
// ErrorController.groovy
class ErrorController {
def serverError() {
def exception = request.exception.cause
if (exception instanceof GroovyCastException) {
exception = new LocalizedGroovyCastException(exception)
[exception: exception]
And then do your localization in a new class LocalizedGroovyCastException.
so I got a chunk of code below:
static final Map<String, ObjectPool> _objectPools = new Map<String, ObjectPool>();
static IPoolable get(Type objectType)
for (String name in _objectPools) // <-- This one throws an error
if (_objectPools[name].runtimeType == objectType)
return _objectPools[name].alloc();
and it throws an error "Breaking on exception: Class '_LinkedHashMap' has no instance getter 'iterator'."
Last time I checked it's the for loop that throws me the error (as commented in the code) but I don't have a clue what causes it or any workaround for it. I also have tested that the _objectPools is filled at least one element so it should make a loop, but it doesn't.
any idea? Thanks!
You have to use for (String name in _objectPools.keys).
I have a need to have a method to return Id in case of success and list of errors in case of fail.
ex code snippet:
def save = {
def errors = []
return Employee.id
errors.add("Can't be saved")
return errors.
In Service class
Employee.save() - .. so how to check if it is error or id that save method returns
Any suggestions around would be appreciated.
I agree with Burk not to return different types, it can lead to unexpected errors.
Another solution to the problem is using Java's exception handling mechanism. You can add a context field to the Exception which will hold the list of validation errors.After catching the exception you can extract the errors.
void save(Employee employee) {
// do save
// ...
// on error:
def errors = [ "terrible error nr. 5" ]
throw new ValidationException(errors)
try {
} catch(ValidationException e) {
def errors = e.erorrs
// do stuff with the errors
An additional advantage: When no validation error is expected, the try-catch block can be ommited in Groovy, which makes the code cleaner because you don't have to care about any validation error fields.
Don't do this - even if you can make it somewhat more usable with Groovy, it's a bad idea. In this case though, there are a few simple solutions. If you're just passing the Employee instance and saving it in the service method, you don't need to return anything:
void save(Employee employee) {
This is because if it's successful, the id will be set on the instance you passed in, and if not there will be one or more validation errors in the errors property (there's no need for you to return a generic error message when there are actually useful error messages available).
For example this would be the code you'd have in a controller calling the service:
def employee = new Employee(...)
if (employee.hasErrors()) {
// do something with employee.errors
else {
// success - use the id if you need via employee.id
If you want to pass in the data to create and save the new instance and return an Employee (this is the approach I usually take), it's similar:
Employee save(String name, int foo, boolean bar, ...) {
Employee employee = new Employee(name: name, foo: foo, bar: bar, ...)
return employee
In this second case it's important to separate the save call and the return, since if there is a validation error save returns null and you want to always return a non-null instance. So do not do this:
return employee.save(flush:true)
If you separate them you can check the errors and/or the id.
Also, make sure that you do not use closures in services like you have in your code (def save = { ...). Only methods will be transactional since the Spring transaction handling doesn't know about Groovy closures - they're just fields that Groovy calls as if they were methods, but they're not.