iOS:how schedule the app from background to foreground - ios

I am coding for connection between iPhone and my smart watch by bluetooth low energy. The functionality is "find my phone", touching the watch then iPhone will alarm. During the process, I want to my app will being active. It can be scheduled to the foreground from the background, so we can do more other thing! But I am not able to find the api about it, anyone can help me, thanks?

You can not force an application to bring it to foreground.
Please see this answer for help.


How to get screen lock/unlock events on the iPhone when app is suspended?

I have a requirement where i need to track the iphone device state like if device is locked or unlocked. I was able to track these events when the app is running in foreground or background. But i also need to track the same when the app is suspended. Something like tracking the user location in background when the app is suspended. But i don't need to track the user location but only the device state.
Please suggest me some steps to solve this issue in objective-c.Thanks in advance.
You can not perform any operations once your app is in suspended state and you can not prevent your app from getting suspended unless you are using one of the background capability mode mentioned in this apple doc
So what you are looking for is not possible if you are not using either of background modes allowed by apple.
Even if you go on and enable one of background mode like background audio, your app is likely to be rejected during review process as reviewer will see you do not have a valid reason to use that particular background mode.

IOS App and Background

I have a music signal processor app I want to publish and it needs to run in the back ground. I used to Info-plist to do so with UIBackgroundModes. It runs on IOS7 or less, and the problem I am having is once the phone locks and the app goes into the background I can't get it to come out of the background and its keeps running with the red banner at the top. Some of this I have learned as I go, but I have noticed some run on a timer, but I want mine, since its a music processor to keep going until the phone either unlocks or whatever interrupted it stops.
The app is basically a stomp box used with iRig. If that helps.
Can you clarify about what you mean when the phone locks, the app goes into the background and yo can't get it to come out of the background? Are you saying like the app is playing music while the app is locked?

Advertising with iBeacon when app is in background

I have been digging all forums and tutorials about transmitting in background mode with iBeacon. Until now, I couldn't find something solid which can help me. My app can successfully receive and transmit but when I press home button, transmitting stops and connection on other device/devices disappear. In myApp.plist, I added required keys but still nothing works. The question is, how can I make my app keep transmitting in background mode?
iBeacon will not advertise (transmit) in the background. If you need this you will not be able to use iBeacon and will instead need to implement your own BTLE advertisement (which will run in the background).

Does apple allow sound detection when app is in background?

In one of my apps I have to detect external sound even if the app is in the background. I have some question on this.
Is it possible to detect external sound continuously even if the app is in background mode or closed? If so then will it have an effect on the device battery?
Does apple allow these kinds of app?
If my first question is not possible then is there any alternate way to achieve this?
It is impossible to detect the external sound when the app is in background.Due to background task time restrictions, iOS Background Task can not be run more than 10 secs.
app is not possible.
You can make notifications while the app running in background. But I dont think any way to achieve this functionality.
This is not possible.But you can make it only for some secs.
With Push Notifications it is possible.

iOS: Detect screen on/off events

I'm trying to detect screen on/off events from a background service on iOS.
Because my app is not necessarily in the foreground, looking for app lifecycle events such as this aren't any use:
Lock Unlock events iphone
The best solution I've got so far is to search through the system logs, looking for Springboard events. Problem is, it's a pretty expensive operation, and requires regular polling which is a waste of battery. The solution needs to work on non-jailbroken devices but doesn't necessarily need to be app-store approved.
Can anyone suggest something better?
