Full width image strategy - ios

I wanted to present the user with a screen shot of my app while it's in use, and then create a black overlay on it, and then create coach marks on the screen, similar to something like this, when the user first registers:
So I created the image and I want to make sure that no matter who uses it, it always fits nicely on their iphone4/iphone5/ipad mini/ipad, etc. What is the best approach to do this these days? Just take one giant image (make it like 1297 x 2208), add this to my asset catalog for all 3 sizes, and then just have autolayout resize it for me normally? I.e. put an imageview on the page, set it to always take up the entire screen width, and then set it's image to my giant image? Would it always resize down and look good?
Another thought that popped into my head is create lots of different images, then use all of the size classes to make the image (seems like a lot of tedious work for just a full page image so thinking this is the wrong approach).
What's the right strategy for creating a giant image that always fits? is it to go really high, and have it resize, or is it to create lots of images with different dimensions, and somehow detect which to use?
Thank you in advance!

I wouldn't take a screenshot of your image, just let the real UI show through. This lets you have some future changes to the UI w/o having to redo your "screenshotted" UI.
I'd also make different help images for each screensize, it isn't that much work and it lets you not squish or stretch your overlay.
I've also code up, but can't share the code, for a three part approach, top, middle and bottom, this way I could handle the 3.5" and 4" devices easily without stretching.


How should i implement continuous scrolling through pages in swift?

could you please give me some advices please. I've been struggled for days.
My goal is implement continuous scrolling to show pages from document. Each page is controlled by a viewController. And user should be able zoom in and out.
Should i do it from scratch with scrollView or collectionView? which is better and more memory efficient?
Or there are any off-the-shelf solution for this? (i've searched in Github without success, UIPageViewController is definitive not a solution because it doesn't allow continuous scrolling and only show a whole page)
Thank you very much
example continuous scrolling
A collection view works just fine for continuous scrolling, and makes efficient use of memory. (Cells are recycled.) If the total contents of your scrolling area are too much to fit into memory you will want to load each page's contents into memory as it scrolls into view, and release it when it scrolls off. (Perhaps have your model store file URLs to each page's contents, and save the page contents into the cell.)
As for zooming, the best way to do that depends on what you mean. If the contents are vector contents like a PDF, you could simply re-render the vector image as the user scrolls. If the contents are very high resolution images you might need to create a mipmapped tiled rendering framework, or use somebody else's. I've written my own mipmapped tiled rendering framework before. It's doable, but a lot of work.
(You take the original huge image and break it into smaller square tiles. You then render the original image into tiles at 50% scale and save those, and then 25%, and then 12.5%, etc, until you get to a size where a single image fills the screen.)

Before diving in, is this possible with Awesome WM?

I've been trying different tiling WM's to see which one best fits my needs. Every time I try a new one, it looks good but I find other things that don't quite work the way I like. My requirements have evolved as I go. Initially, I didn't want to get into Awesome because having to learn Lua is not on my wish list but maybe I should give it a try IF it can do what I want better than the other tiling WM's out there.
I'm going to as specific as I can about what I want. I am running a 3440x1440 monitor. I want to use as much vertical space as possible (meaning, a full width, persistent but mostly empty status bar is not an option, but I do like the notification area and a date/time).
I understand it may not do everything exactly the way I want, which is oke. If it does more or less most of what I want I can weigh my options between Awesome and other tiling WM's (actually, only i3 which is what I'm using now but I'm open to better suggestions). I would very much appreciate it if people don't just say no to something it can't do, but say "no, but it can do ...". In other words, feel free to suggest alternatives that might be helpful as well.
Divide the screen in 3 columns, initially 30/45/25, with the right column split horizontally; Fully adjustable and resizable as needed during my work session;
Persistent layout; when closing the last application in a tile, I don't want that tile to disappear and the remaining tiles to resize. Just show an empty space and leave all tiles as they are.
tabbed tiles, so I see which applications are running in a tile (similar to i3).
Resizable tiles with the keyboard into 1 direction; When making the middle column/tile wider, I want that into a specific direction into another tile and leave the other side alone.
Certain applications I want to always launch into a specific tile. For instance, terminals always go into the right-most column top/bottom, browser/spotify always into the middle, atom/IDE always into the left. Some applications should always be floating. Obviously I want to be able to send them to a different tile after launch.
I don't want a 100% width status bar. It will be mostly empty which is a waste of screen estate. Preferably, I'd like a statusbar part of a tile, for example in the right-most tile, resizing with it. Otherwise I'd like it to be fixed to 30% and allow tiles which are not beneath it to use the full height of the screen. My reason for a statusbar is mute; I actually only want a notification area and a date time permanently visible. I don't need a "start menu", dmenu or similar is perfect, which I believe it has integrated.
Many thanks in advance!
The general answer is "Awesome configuration is code and it can do whatever you want". But there is a catch. Can Awesome be configured like you describe? Yes, totally. There is at least 2 distributions coming close enough (mine[1] and worron[2]) (at least for the tiling workflow, not the look).
The "catch" is that the workflow you describe isn't really the "Awesome way". Awesome is usually used as an automatic tiler. You have layouts that describe a workflow (code, web, internet) and manage the clients according to their programming. Manual tile management is rarely necessary once you have proper layouts. That doesn't mean you can't, I did, but it might be worth thinking outside the box and see if you can automate your workflow a bit further.
Also, the default layout system isn't very modern and makes it hard to implement the features you requested. My layout system (see link below) can be used as a module or as a branch and supports all features described above. Awesome is extremely configurable and it's components can be replaced by modules.
The layout "serialization" documentation is here:
It is similar to i3 but has more layouts and containers. As for the "leaving blank space" part, it is configured using the fill_strategy:
As a word of conclusion, I would note that what you ask is "work exactly like i3". If you want such thing, well, use i3. Awesome is a window manager framework. Its goal and purpose is to create a customized desktop shell / WM. If it's what you want, then go ahead and learn it, nothing else can come close to the possibility and the level of control you can get out of it. However it takes time and effort to get to the point where you have "your own perfect desktop". Our users perfect desktops:
[1] https://gfycat.com/SmallTerribleAdamsstaghornedbeetle
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yNALqST1-Y
The WM your are looking for is herbstluftwm (hlwm). Its a manual tiling window manager. The tiles which you are talking about are called frames in hlwm. Each frame can contain multiple windows. A frame can also be empty. Only if you kill a frame the other frames will automatically resize. You can add new frames vertically and horizontally and resize them. Each frame can also have a different layout to organize the windows inside. The layout you are looking for is max. This will stack the windows inside a frame on each other. It doesn't show you tabs like i3 however. hlwm allows you to create rules to open certain applications always in certain frames and workspaces. hlwm doesn't have a statusbar buildin. I personally like to use tint2. It can be used as a replacement for your requirement to see running applications as tabs.

Clojure GUI for cropping images

I'm making a GUI for selecting regions to crop from images. I have been using Seesaw and cans select rectangular regions, but cannot find a way to set an image to the background of seesaw.canvas. This suggests using icons on labels. Can I make a label paintable and then use it as a canvas? Is there a way to overlap a label and a canvas or somehow use a panel that gives a background to its contents?
I think Quil has this functionality, but I'm not sure how to build a GUI around its draw, setup, sketch form if I want add widgets.
Existing solutions would appreciated as well, as long as I can decompose them. Using GIMP or Photoshop isn't an option for the workflow I want: multiple crops per photo, of different kinds on each page and different metadata added depending on the type of image outlined. Any suggestions for libraries for working with metadata for photos? I was planning on using a shell interface to exiftool, but a more portable option may be better.
You can draw a java.awt.Image (or sub-class) to a canvas with seesaw.graphics/image-shape:
(require '[seesaw.graphics :as g])
(defn paint-canvas [c g2d]
(g/draw g2d (g/image-shape my-image 0 0) (g/style)))
It seems like that should do it.
Also note that labels (and all Seesaw widgets) are paintable. Just set the :paint option like on a canvas and paint away.

Creating "performance" output bars in iOS - Photoshop/programming interplay

My partner and I are trying to figure out how best to create scaling, colored performance bars for one of our mobile exam-prep apps. The goal is to create a horizontal bar that graphically represents a scale of 0 - 100% using Photoshop or something similar. We had hired a professional graphics designer but we're left holding the bag trying to figure out how to make the graphics actually "fill the bar" in the actual app.
(I can't post pictures yet, but you can see a link to the picture here):
As the bar would reach certain percentages, it would change color from Red to Green appropriately. I'm trying to figure out how to give this to my contractor without handing him 100 files, each showing 1% more of the bar (and even then, I'm not a graphics artist, so this whole thing is above my head). I've done as much research as I can stand, and I've seen the fancy iOS graphing APIs - we're just looking to fill in these two bars.
Any insight or help is SUPER appreciated!! Thanks!
There are quite a few solutions to this problem. I'm sure there's a way to fill in the area with that shadow programmatically, and I'm also sure someone will come along with a masking solution sooner or later.
The quickest and easiest way, though, is to have your artist simply create that red filler bar one time, and have it fill the entire space (ie. drawn at 100%). Then you make sure that, in the graphic that is the 'outside' of the bar, the space where the red bar should be is an alpha channel.
When you actually get to coding it, place the red bar at the very bottom of all the objects you're drawing to the screen. The rest of your UI should entirely hide it. Then as progress moves from 0% to 100%, you move the bar slowly to the right, filling in the space (and showing through the alpha hole in the 'bar holder'.
Quick, simple, have done this many times before. Masking would work as well, but seems a bit overkill in your situation (and I don't have any experience with it on iOS, so I can't offer any assistance there!) Let me know if you have any questions while trying to implement this :)

Do I still need to pad images in a CSS Sprite?

In CSS Sprites you will often find padding between each image. I believe the idea is so that if the page is resized then one image won't bleed into another.
I think this depends on the different types of browser zoom (best explained by Jeff).
However, I haven't been able to see this behaviour in my tests. Is this only a problem with older browsers? (I havent been able to test with IE6 at the current time so I'm counting that as 'old').
Should I still worry about leaving space? Its kind of a pain.
For instance :
A CSS Sprite I found for AOL has
padding between each image : VIEW
but The Daily Show decided not to
bother : VIEW
It shouldn't need to be padded, but when zoomed, especially in IE8 (betas more than the RC), there is image bleeding if there is no padding.
Best example is to go to Google.com -> Search, and zoom... you'll start to see "underlines" at the bottom right of the image as the zooming rounds up/down.
In theory, a 1px padding on all sides of a sprite should be fine.
Here's the sprite from Google (images)...
But when zoomed, the +,-,x icons bleed into the main Google logo.
Basically the answer is yes. Two years to the day after I asked this question will see the release of IE9. IE9 has this problem just as much - if not more than any other browser...
It's pretty infuriating because it's such a simple thing to fix.
With iPads increasing in marketshare - its's pretty essential to at least have a half decent experience with zooming un-uniform amounts.
I am going to have to put a single pixel border around every image to match the background color of the adjacent element (potentially different on each side). Fortunately I auto-generate all my csssprites based on an .xml file - so I can do this programatically without too much hastle. It's still a huge pain though...
Simon - My experience is that this is certainly still a problem.
In response to your second question, why not use transparent padding? (Perhaps you are still supporting ie6 and this is non-trivial, in which case, I'm really sorry).
Speaking of the older browsers (those using text zoom), you don't always need padding.
The main difference between your two examples is that the Daily Show sprite already includes the menu item's text in the image itself.
When using text zoom, the AOL menu items could stretch out vertically due to the larger font size, and the menu text might even wrap to two lines. To accommodate for such eventualities, those icons need a little padding to ensure they don't bleed. Typically, you'd just try to make sure it doesn't bleed on any of IE6's five text sizes.
Since The Daily Show's menu doesn't contain any (visible) HTML text its size won't be affected by text zoom (though you might need a line-height: 0; or so to be sure), so it doesn't need any padding.
As scunliffe already showed, browsers using page zoom may need sprites to have a little padding due to rounding errors.
