How to use Cocoapods in a Swift framework? - ios

I am trying to create a new Cocoa Touch Framework for iOS in Swift, using some libraries from Cocoapods, but I can't have it work.
I know there are some opened questions about that, but none of them seem to fix my problem.
For testing purposes, I just created an empty Cocoa Touch Framework, installed Cocoapods and added the 'MBProgressHUD' pod.
Then, as documented by Apple ('Importing Code from Within the Same Framework Target' section), I imported the MBProgressHUD header in my umbrella header like that:
#import "MBProgressHUD.h"
But when I compile, I have this error:
include of non-modular header inside framework module
I did set the 'Allow Non-modular includes in Framework Modules' setting to Yes, but it doesn't have any effect.
Is there any way to use CocoaPods in a Swift Framework?

I found the solution, so I will let it here in case someone else has the same issue.
So, Cocoapods supports iOS frameworks since version 0.36, and as it's said in their blog, to use it in a framework, you just have to add this line in your Podfile:
After that, in a Swift framework, you don't need to include the .h files in your umbrella header, but you do need to import the module wherever you need it, for instance:
import MBProgressHUD
This is working for me, hope it helps!

Using 'Objective-C bridging header' we can make use of Objective-C frameworks in Swift.
Refer the following, It will explain how to make use of Objective-C framework(For example Parse framework) in Swift.
• Link1
• Link2


How to use Obj-C Framework code in Swift Framework?

How to use Obj-C Framework code in Swift Framework?
Is it possible or I need to mix them in a single Framework?
I have code for both Frameworks. I connect them manually without CocoaPods, Carthage or Swift Package Manager. Bridging header cannot be used inside of a Framework, only in App Target. Google says that I need to use modulemap file. In all examples I found they create their own modulemap files and put them near the Swift framework code. I tried to use both my own modulemap file and existing one inside ObjCFramework.framework/Modules. I use them by adding a path to the modulemap file to SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS build setting of my Swift Framework. I also tried to #import Obj-C Frameworks Ubrella Header to Swift Frameworks Ubrella Header with no luck. Of course I added the Obj-C Framework target to my Swift Framework target dependencies, the framework itself to Frameworks and Libraries and the path to it to Framework Search Paths. I didn't put anything to Header Search Paths to avoid "Include of non-modular header inside framework module", but that didn't help. CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES build setting doesn't help too. DEFINES_MODULE is set to YES.
Now I'm in endless loop of several errors:
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'ObjCFramework': '/Users/bond/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SwiftFramework-aqidpocynynsvdgtrqwukanwqkxf/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ObjCFramework.framework/Headers/View.h'
Module 'ObjCFramework' was built in directory '/Users/bond/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SwiftFramework-aqidpocynynsvdgtrqwukanwqkxf/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ObjCFramework.framework' but now resides in directory '/Users/bond/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SwiftFramework-aqidpocynynsvdgtrqwukanwqkxf/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ObjCFramework.framework/Modules'
No such module ObjCFramework
underlying Objective-C module not found
In brief this is described here:, "Import Code Within a Framework Target" chapter.
If the Defines Module setting is turned on in your framework target, modern Xcode puts Modules folder in the framework, with Swift versions of all you ObjC public interfaces, making ObjC stuff available either for external Swift code that links your framework or Swift code of the framework itself.
This does not depend on whether your framework target contains any swift code.
Just add you ObjC header to framework target, mark it as Public in "Target membership", include in framework Umbrella header and build.

Getting 'Include of non-modular header' while try to import Sinch in framework target

I'm trying to import Sinch to my framework target in Xcode.
It work fine with
pod 'SinchRTC'
#import <Sinch/Sinch.h>
in Project-Bridging-Header.h in my main project target
but when I try to do the same thing with framework target
by add
#import <Sinch/Sinch.h>
to framework umbrella header instead of bridging header.
I get this message
"Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'MyFramework': "
I did try to set allow modular framework setting to TRUE, but still doesn't work.
Thank you,
SinchRTC cocoapod 3.12.5 has recently been released, and the Sinch Framework is now packaged as a module framework inside the pod. Please give a try for 3.12.5 (and later versions), and see if the problem is solved. Thanks.

Using Swift library in an Objective-C project

I am working in an Objective-C, iOS project, I used danielgindi Charts library which is a Swift library. I downloaded it using Cocoapods.
I am trying to import the library files into my Objective-C files using 'projectName-Swift.h' as mentioned in this question but I faced an error:
'projectName-Swift.h' file not found
If you have installed Swift library using cocoapods
To import Library in Objective C Code
in Objective C
#import frameworkname;
In Swift
#import frameworkname
If your using cocoa pods try to make sure you have use_frameworks! in your cocoa pods pod file, otherwise the Swift Framework wont work. Also look at this for any other issues that may pop up: link
For making the bridging header visible to your compiler you need a little setup
Go to your Project Build Settings
Search for bridging header
Add the path to your
.h file (usually ProjectName/ProjectName-Swift.h)

Swift framework and Cocoapods - integrate static libraries

I created a cocoa touch framework with Swift as the preferred language.
On this framework I need to import static libraries, so I created a podfile and imported the pod using use_frameworks!
I created a bridging header and also added the pods source as header search path since it couldn't find the pod's header.
The framework compiles fine and I have no issues.
So I created a pod spec for the framework and created a sample app in swift. I had the framework as development pod in my podfile. Now I get
Include of non-modular header inside framework module in my bridging header import of the static library public header.
I understand since it's a static library we cannot build the touch framework, but what would be the work around to have a touch framework with static libraries in them written in Swift.
PS I have set Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework Modules to Yes
To answer my original question. It seems to be an issue with cocoapods(0.36.2) for vendor libraries where there is no implementation file.
There is a hack to get this working and you can take a look at this github issue

Building a Swift framework with references to Objective-C code

I'm working on an iOS project written in Swift, and I would like to take some classes out of the regular "app" project, and bundle it into a reusable Swift framework instead (and maybe make it publicly available on Github and via Cocoapods).
I'm running into issues because frameworks seemingly can't have Objective-C bridging headers, but in order to compile my framework code, I need to reference several Objective-C classes (in this case: the Google Maps iOS SDK).
I've also added GoogleMaps.framework as a linked library in my framework project, but then, how can I "import" it from Swift code?
Is this even possible with the current tools and Swift version, and how should I proceed?
It wasn't that complicated, actually... I was just doing some things wrong.
First, bridging headers are not required in that setting: the Google Maps iOS SDK is provided as a regular .framework file, so the development language has no impact on how it can be imported in Swift. Apple clearly mentions it in the documentation:, "Importing external frameworks".
It's as easy as adding the framework to the "Link binary with libraries" section of the project settings. Do not forget to also add depending libraries and frameworks (in GoogleMaps.framework's case, there are quite a few).
Then, in Swift code, the framework classes should be available simply by doing:
import GoogleMaps
No bridging header, no dealing with "non-modular header etc." errors.
