How to control group breaks in ReportBuilder? - delphi

In Delphi, using Digital Metaphors' Report Builder, I'm creating a report that is grouped by a field (named "Section").
I would like the groups to be printed one after the other without breaks, unless another field (named "SectionType") has a certain value, in which case, the group must start on a new page.
I have tried to use the onGetBreakValue event with no success.
How can I achieve the desired behavior?

You need 2 groups on your report, first by "Section" then by "SectionType" under the Report -> Groups... (Ctrl+G) menu option in the report designer. There you can select the Start New Page for the "SectionType".


Chart of Item Types in VSTS

I'm trying to convert a small team to the benefits of using TFS with Visual Studio Online. I've created a custom process and custom work item type. I've also adde a few 'custom' states for items (eg: 'In Test').
Is it possible to create a query/chart similar to below, with a count of each item type - as below?
Create a new query to retrieve necessary work items
Go to your team project Home page (e.g. Home=>Overview)
Click Edit Dashboard=>Add Widget
Select Char for Work Items=>Add
Click Configure to configure this widget
Select corresponding Query
Select Chart type (e.g. Column)
Select State in Group by list
Click Save
Yes, VSTS supports dashboards that you can easily add widgets to. You can add dashboards on the Home tab by clicking + New in the upper right, and edit with the checkmark in the lower right. Have a look at the Chart for Work Items widget. Given a query of work items, it supports various chart visualization that you can configure and show.

Adding a column to an Acumatica grid

What is the best way to add a column to a grid in Acumatica? I've looked at the documentation, and I can't seem to find a way to do it.
It depends on the type of grid you are using. As an example, lets say you are going to add a CreatedDate column to the details grid of Journal Transactions screen.
You will need to switch to design mode and open up the Aspx Control Tree and select the PXGrid node, click Add, and select Add Column to Grid to open the Add Grid Column dialog.
Find the field you want to add (in this case CreatedDateTime). you can also create new cusomt field here by pressing Add. Pick the correct Column Editor type (like DateTimeEdit) and press OK
move the Column up and down using the left tree to put in position you want.
Validate and publish the project!
If you want to modify existing grid which was created by Acumatica you'll need following steps:
1. Add field in DB ( optional )
2. Add filed description in DAC extension
3. Add column to page in customization engine, or manually imitate behavior of customization engine

Devexpress : Express Printing System - Print contents of 2 cxgrid's

Actually, I never tried this but it's supposed to work judging from some comments I've read. I have two grids: One displays Hotel guests and the other one their former stays (Date from- date to, etc..). Now I would like to be able to print both contents as a single report.How do I add the linked contents of the second grid to my dxComponentPrinter1Link1 ??
In the IDE open your form.
Right click and choose ReportLinks on the TdxComponentPrinter
In the links editor window, instead of clicking the Add button, click the dropdown arrow next to the Add button. Choose Add Composition.
This creates a TdxCompositionReportLink object. There is an Items property which will hold all of the report links you want in the composite report. This will print out as a single report. I can't promise both reports will be on the same page though. I've never figured out how to do that.

How can I add text to a work item

We have a few bugs and change requests which have a complicated iteration path. This results in people coming over the team to ask 'Where do we raise items' a lot.
As you can't set a default value for the iteration path in TFS 2010 we think the best solution would be to add a string of text under the field which we can manually update every 7 weeks with the correct area to raise items in.
However TFS doesn't seem to allow just a line of text on its work items as a control. Is there a way to add a line of display text i.e. Not a field you edit, but just to inform those writing the items?
Please note that it needs to be visible at all times, using the tooltip 'help text' field on a control is not enough in this case.
You can use the LabelControl for this purpose.
You can not have a default in the work item for the iteration path, but what you can do is making use or the template url in web access or the work item templates in the power tools to create a work item that is prepopulated with values.
What about a custom field with a display control in read-only? You can give a default value to the field and the "read-only" control prevent other to change it.

Delphi Search Edit Component

I need a delphi component for Delphi 2007 win32 that have features like Google search text box.
** While User writing search key it should fill/refresh the list with values, and user can select one of them.
**User can go up and down list and can select one of them.
**List should contain codes and text pair, so user can select text and I can get code for database operations.
(Google can highlight the search text in List but I think it is not possible with Delphi 2007, so it is not expected.)
I tried Dev Express TcxMRUEdit, however it doesn't meet my needs
Since you have DevExpress, why don't you try the cxLookupComboBox in lsEditMode and with ImmediateDropDown = True?
Check out woll2woll components. The TLookupcombobox has done this since Delphi 3 (or earlier). This is not spam, I just use the library.
I also had the same problem and unfortunately didn't find a suitable component. I was also inspired from google.
So it turned out to be easier for me to "simulate a component" by using an editbox and a grid placed under it. As the user types something in the editbox the query refreshes and the proper resulst are shown in the grid. I have many columns in the grid, the query results try to match all the fields (so if I type 'po', the query will return all records where any field is like 'po%'). I also added a delay of 500ms after the user types to avoid to run too many unnecessary queries (another aproach could be to kill the thread as the user strikes a new key, if the query is run in a thread).
In this way I obtained the required functionality, even if without higlighting the search text, anyway my users are delighted by this.
In every place I am using this "component" I am attaching a query at runtime so it can be used in many different forms.
I somehow was also inspired by the skype UI: when you display the lsit of contacts you can type something and the contacts will be filtered accordingly (skype uses an editbox + grid/listbox).
