Is it possible to open a menu when a button is clicked in Rad Studio - c++builder

It is possible to do in most other environments, but i'm unable to find a way to do this with Embarcadero.
The closest thing that was found is setting the DropDownMenu property on a button with bsSplitButton property... however this has a problem that it only works with Vista (so in fact i cannot even test if it works at all).
Alternatively it is currently possible to add a regular right button drop down.
Is there a way to connect button's left button click event to a specific drop down menu?

Your button's OnClick event handler can call the Popup() method of a TPopupMenu component. You do not have to assign the PopupMenu to the button unless you want it to handle right-clicking.


Get the calling component of TPopupMenu

I have a TStringGrid, that has a TPopupMenu connected.
By clicking one event of the popup menu, I would like to get the calling component. Is that possible?
It is a bigger project, every form has a "BasicForm" I can inherited from. So I would like to provide a "default popup menu" for grids that have stuff like Copy, Select, and so on in it. In the inherited form I only match the grid (if exists) with that popup and I'm done.
Seems you are looking for the PopupComponent property of TPopupMenu:
Indicates the component that last displayed the popup menu in response
to a right mouse click.
Read PopupComponent to determine which control is currently using the
popup menu. In applications where multiple controls share the same
pop-up menu, use PopupComponent to determine which of them displayed
the menu.
Set PopupComponent to associate a control with the menu before calling
the Popup method programmatically to bring up the pop-up menu.

how to respond to a key press when focused on a radiogroup in delphi

In delphi:
How can you respond to a key press when the current focus is on a radiogroup which does not have an onkeypress event. I was hoping to use the forms onkeypress event but it doesnt see to fire.
You can make this possible by setting the form's KeyPreview property to True.
However, I'm not sure you are actually doing things right, since this is a fairly uncommon problem.
You didn't write what keyboard shortcut you want to respond to. But please remember that
Letters are used to navigate the GUI. For instance, pressing A might select the &All radio button or click the &Add push button. Similarly, Alt+A does the same if the current control allows character input, allows you to open the &Add-ons menu item, etc.
If you want to add a proper shortcut like Ctrl+O, it is much better to use a TActionList with an action having this shortcut. This action can be mapped to menu items, buttons, etc., or simply exist in the background not being attached to any visual control. In very simple applications, you might want to use a stand-alone menu item with such a shortcut instead.

TToolbar Button with dropdown menu greyed out

I'm having issues getting a TToolbar Button to appear "enable"
The button has an Action assigned to it - which is fire by the OnClick event
It is also setup with a Drop Down Menu, which has 2 options on it, both of which are enabled, and both of which fire off when clicked.
Despite all this the TToolbar Button steadfastly remains greyed out, but accepts the clicks.
Any suggestions?
You're doing things wrong. :-)
When using actions, you don't use the button's OnClick event - you put the code in the action's OnExecute event instead (because that's what's executing - the action - and not the button). When an action is assigned to the control, the control cannot be enabled until there's a handler for the TAction.OnExecute.
The reason for using actions is so you can put the code in a single place (events related to the action), and then every single control attached to that action uses that common code to perform the same functionality. Editing the code in that single location means all controls attached to that action see the same changes.
If there's nothing attached to the TAction.OnExecute event, the control has nothing to do if it was selected (clicked), and so there's no reason to enable it in the first place.
In case someone else comes across this, I just had this problem (using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo).
For some reason, the "EnableDropdown" property on the TToolButton caused the button to to be greyed out when set to true. Setting this property to false seems to have resolved the problem for me (the dropdown menu remains functional anyway).

How to avoid the "Open IME" popup in a StringGrid?

In a StringGrid, sometimes I get the unwanted menu below when I right-click. Is this a Windows popup?
How to I prevent this popup from appearing rather than my own?
I have goAlwaysShowEditor in my Options.
I have set StringGrid.PopupMenu to my popup.
I've set StringGrid.OnMouseDown to show my popup if it's a right click.
You can override the virtual CreateEditor method like this way (not a good solution though, I know :-):
TStringGrid = class(Grids.TStringGrid)
function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; override;
function TStringGrid.CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit;
Result := inherited CreateEditor;
TMaskEdit(Result).PopupMenu := Form1.PopupMenu1;
That is the popup menu found in every Windows EDIT control. Possible the world's most known menu (the only competition comes from the system menu). You want it, because your user's expect it (and need it). When you edit the text in a cell, the TStringGrid control actually creates a standard Windows EDIT control, which is great. And thus you get its popup menu.
In addition, to show your own popup menu (when you are not editing a cell), you don't need to set the OnMouseDown handler. It is enough to set the PopupMenu property. In fact, it is very bad to use the OnMouseDown handler to trigger a popup menu, because then the menu will only be shown when the user right-clicks the control (and not, for instance, when he presses the "context" button on his keyboard).
If you really want your own popup menu to show, even when the user is editing a cell, you really have to give him his usual options for undo, copy, cut, paste, Unicode stuff, etc., manually. Surely you don't want that?

How to make ComboBox drop-down button invisible in Delphi?

Is there some easy way to customize a ComboBox from Delphi to make the dropdown button with the arrow invisible? I mean without a lot of custom-draw code.. Maybe there is some control specific windows flag to set.
If I understand you correctly, you want all the functionality of the cxDBLookupComboBox, just not the button.
Try this in the FormCreate:
You can access other combo box buttons properties via non-published Buttons property just like that.
