stack and interrupt context - stack

This is a question about the stacks and interrupts.
Lets consider a program written in the C language where there is one thread and one interrupt.
1) The interrupt (sampleReady()) indicates to the program that a sample
is waiting on a peripheral.
2) The main function calls a subroutine Analyze() to process each sample.
Of course when the main calls Analyze, a context is created for Analyze()
on the stack A. It contains:
a) its parameters
b) local variables
c) return address
d) base pointer
Then the interrupt happens. One saves the PC, probably several registers, Status register, ...
After, the ISR can execute.
1) Which thread runs the ISR? Is it the same that runs main and Analyze()?
2) On which stack is the context of the ISR pushed? Same stack as main and Analyze()?
Also don't hesitate to correct any assumptions I made.


FreeRTOS - The reason for the stack increase?

I have created several tasks, the body of which is the same function. Inside the function, there is a delay that is the same for every task. So, when this delay is large enough, the stack of each task is filled with 6 words less than when the delay is less.
As far as I understand, the stack of tasks increases when there is a situation with several tasks with the status Ready.
1.In this situation, some additional 6-word context is written to the task stack?
2.In my example, it turns out 6 words (24 bytes), can this value change somehow?
3.What else can affect the increase in the stack, such as jumping into an interrupt handler?
int main(void){
xTaskCreate(Task_PrintCountString, "Task_1", mySTACK_SIZE, &param1, 1, NUUL);
xTaskCreate(Task_PrintCountString, "Task_2", mySTACK_SIZE, &param2, 1, NUUL);
xTaskCreate(Task_PrintCountString, "Task_3", mySTACK_SIZE, &param3, 1, NUUL);
#define myDELAY 100
void Task_PrintCountString(void *pParams){
uint16_t c=0;
if(xSemaphoreTake(WriteCountMutex, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE){
PrintCountString(*(uint8_t *)pParams, c++);
vTaskDelay(myDELAY/portTICK_PERIOD_MS);//When myDELAY=1, the task stack is 6 words more than when myDELAY= 100!
Address 0x20000158 is the top of the stack for one of the tasks. Similarly, others!
The only function PrintCountString always the same depth. But at the same time, the stack can grow to its maximum knowledge in several stages, going through dozens of iterations of the task cycle! It turns out that not only the context is saved to the stack, but something else?
I use ARM CM0 port and heap_1.
I made an observation:
In the PrintCountString function there was a block for waiting for the SPI flag - while(). I replaced the DMA transfer method and removed the while() loop. The stack of both tasks began to fill up immediately to the maximum value, regardless of delays.
FreeRTOS is just C code so, with one exception, the stack usage is determined by the compiler, including the selected optimisation level. The one exception be that when a task is not running its context is saved to its stack. The context size is fixed in all cases that matter. The size of the context depends on which FreeRTOS port you are using (there are more than 40).
There are a few things in your post I'm not sure about.
when this delay is large enough, the stack of each task is filled with
6 words less than when the delay is less
As above, the C code doesn't change depending on how long a delay you have - the compiler knows nothing about FreeRTOS or the concept of a delay. You may see different stack depths depending on where the code was in the call tree when an interrupt occurs (including interrupts that cause context switches).
I look at the top of the stack and count the remaining number of bytes
to be 0xA5
You don't say which port you are using, so I don't know if the stack grows up or down. In any case the stack is filled with 0xa5 when the task is created but never touched by the kernel again so the number of 0xa5s left shows the maximum amount of stack the task has used since it was created. That value is returned by calling uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark().
In general the stack memory is used by the microcontroller itself. There are several instructions which writes/reads some data to/from the stack.
The PUSH instruction copies the content of one register to the stack and modifies the stack pointer register
The POP instruction reads a word from the stack into a register and modifies the stack pointer register
Both instructions are managed by the compiler. If a functions is executed the compiler creates some PUSH instructions to "free" some registers to work with. At the end of the function the original register state will be restored using the POP instructions to guarantee the upcoming control flow.
and each branch instruction stores several register values to the stack
The amount of used stack memory depends on the call hierarchy.
According to your example, if the SemaphoreTake function is called and finds a released semaphore the call hierarchy is different from a situation where the semaphore is blocked. This creates a different stack usage.

Where are NVMe commands located inside the PCIe BAR?

According to the NVMe specification, the BAR has tail and head fields for each queue. For example:
Submission Queue y Tail Doorbell (SQyTDBL):
Start: 1000h + (2y * (4 << CAP.DSTRD))
End: 1003h + (2y * (4 << CAP.DSTRD))
Submission Queue y Head Doorbell (SQyHDBL):
Start: 1000h + ((2y + 1) * (4 << CAP.DSTRD))
End: 1003h + ((2y + 1) * (4 << CAP.DSTRD))
Are there the queue itself or just mere pointers? Is this correct? If it is the queue, I would assume the DSTRD indicates the maximum length of all queues.
Moreover, the specification talks about two optional regions: Host Memory Buffer (HMB) and Controller Memory Buffer (CMB).
HMB: a region within the host's DRAM (PCIe root)
CMB: a region within the NVMe controller's DRAM (inside the SSD)
If both are optional, where is it located then? Since endpoint PCIe only works with BARs and PCI Headers, I don't see any other place they might be located, other than a BAR.
Sorry but I am doing this from memory but I have implemented an FPGA NVMe host so hopefully my memory will be enough to answer your questions and more, if I get something wrong though at least you know why. I'll be providing reference sections from the specification which you can find here. Also as a note before I really answer your question I want to clarify some confusion, understanding the spec takes some time I honestly recommend reading it bottom to top the last few sections help give context for the first few as strange as that sounds.
These are the submission and completion queues, specifically the subqueue tail and completion queue head respectively (SECTION 3.1). More on this later I just wanted to correct the missconception that you access the submission queue head as the host, you do not only the controller (traditionally the drive) does. A simple reminder submission is you asking the drive to do something, completion is the drive telling you how it went. Read SECTION 7.2 for more info.
Before you can send anything to these queues you must first setup said queues. Baseline in the system these queues do not exist, you must use the admin queue to set them up.
28h 2Fh ASQ Admin Submission Queue Base Address
30h 37h ACQ Admin Completion Queue Base Address
Your statement about DSTRD is a huge miss understanding. This field is from the capabilities register (0x0) Figure 3.1.1. This field is the controller (drive) telling you the "doorbell stride" which says how many bytes are between each doorbell, I've never seen a drive report anything but 0 for this value since well, why would you want to leave dead space between doorbell registers.
Please be careful with the size of your writes, in my experience most NVMe drives require you to send writes of at least 2dwords (8 bytes) even if you only intend to send 1dword of data, just a note.
Onto actually helping you use this thing as a host, please reference SECTION 7.6.1 to find the initialization sequence. Notice how you must setup multiple registers, read certain parameters and other such things.
Assuming you or someone else has done initalization let me now answer the core of your question, how to use these queues. The thing is, this answer spans MANY sections of the spec and is the core of it. So with that I am going to break it down as best I can for a simple write command. Please note you CANNOT write, until you have first created the queues using the admin queues which leverage different opcodes from a different section of the spec, sorry I cannot write all of this out.
In the creation of the submission queue you will specify the size of this specific queue. This is the number of commands that can be placed in the queue at one time for processing. Along with this you will specify the queue base address. So for this example let's assume you set the base address to 0x1000_0000 and size 16 (0x10). Figure 105 let's us know that every submission queue entry has a size of 64bytes (0x40) so queue entry 0 is at 0x1000_0000 entry 1 is at 0x1000_0040 2 0x1000_0080 and so on for our 16 entries then it loops back.
You will first store data for writing, let's say you were given 512bytes (0x200) of data to write. So for simplicity you place that data at 0x2000_0000 - 0x2000_0200.
You create the submission queue command. This is not a simple process. I'm not going to document all of this for you but understand you should be referencing Figure 104, Figure 346, and Section 6.15. This is not enough however. You will also need to understand PRP vs SGL and which you are using (PRP is easier to start with). NLB (Number of logical blocks) which determine your write size, with NVMe you do not specify writes in bytes but in terms of NLBs which the size is specified by the controller (drive), it may implement multiple NLB sizes but this is up to the drive not you as the host, you just get to pick from what it supports Section, Figure 245 You want to look at identify namespace to tell you the LBA (logical block address) size, this will lead you down a rabbit hole to determine the actual size but that's ok the info is there.
Ok so you finished this mess and have created the submission command. Let's assume the host has already completed 2 commands on this queue (at start this will be 0 I'm picking 2 just to be clearer in my example). What you now need to do is place this command at 0x1000_0080.
Now let's assume this is queue 1 (from the equation you posted the queue number is the y value. Note that queue 0 is the admin queue). What you need to do is poke the controllers submission queue tail doorbell to say how many commands are now loaded (thus you can queue multiple up at once and only tell the drive when you are ready to). In this case the number is 2. So you need to write the value 2 to register 0x1008.
At this point the drive will go. aha, the host has told me there are new commands to fetch. So the controller will go to queue base address + commandsize*2 and fetch 64bytes of data aka 1 command (address 0x1000_0080). The controller will decode this command as a write which means the controller (drive) must read data from some address and put it in memory where it was told to. This means your write command should tell the drive to go to address 0x2000_0000 and read 512 bytes of data, and it will if you scope the PCIe bus. At this point the drive will fill out a completion queue entry (16 bytes specified at Section 4.6) and place it in the completion queue address you specified at queue creation (plus 0x20 since this is the 2nd completion). Then the controller will generate and MSI-X interrupt.
At this point you must go to wherever the completion queue was placed and read the response to check status, and also if you queued multiple submissions check the SQID to see what finished since jobs can finish out of order. You then must write to the completion queue head (0x100C) to indicate that you have retrieved the completion queue (success or failure). Notice here you never interact with the submission queue head (that's up to the controller since only he knows when the submission queue entry was processed) and only the controller places things in the completion queue tail since only he can create new entries.
I'm sorry this is so long and not well formatted but hopefully you now have a slightly better understanding of NVMe, it's a bit of a mess at first but once you get it it all makes sense. Just remember my example assumed you had created a queue which baseline doesn't exist. First you need to setup the admin submission and completion queues (0x28 and 0x30) which has queue ID 0 thus it's tail/head doorbell is address 0x1000,0x1004 respectively. You then must reference Section 5 to find the opcodes to make stuff happen but I have faith you can figure it out from what I've given you. If you have any more questions put a comment down and I'll see what I can do.

CPU execution flow after execve buffer overflow completes successfully? ..after int 0x80 completes successfully?

I'm learning about buffer overflow shellcode methods under Linux.
The shellcode I've used ends with movb $0x0b, %a1 and then int $0x80. The shellcode executes and I get my command prompt. I've read many places that execve and int 0x80 "do not return". Well.. okay, but where ~does~ program execution flow go when execve process succeeds and exits (aka I enter "exit" on the command line prompt)?
I thought the calling program has its stack frame replaced with the new execve code's information. Does the new execve code preserve the return address of the overwritten process and return to that address as if it were its own? (So it does sort of return .. to a borrowed address?) As far as int $0x80 goes, doesn't execution continue at the next byte after the int 0x80 instruction? If not, what next byte?
In context of the buffer overflow problem and int 0x80, say (for example) a 517 byte hack overwrites a 24 byte buffer. Bytes will replace values at stack memory addresses beyond the buffer, including return address pointing to its own executable code higher up in the stack. But the intentional code stomps on 100s of other stack bytes higher in memory, destroying stack frames of unrelated outer-scope processes. With these destroyed stack frames, what happens when...
1) when the shell returns from the int 0x80 and executed more stack data that is not part of the hack. What's there is now unspecified bytes that are probably invalid CPU opcodes.
2) context of outer stack frames have been destroyed, so how does the system gracefully continue after I enter "exit" at my shell command prompt?
Any help appreciated!
I think you'll understand what is going on if we discuss what execve is and how it works.
I've read many places that execve and int 0x80 "do not return". Well.. okay, but where ~does~ program execution flow go when execve process succeeds and exits (aka I enter "exit" on the command line prompt)?
The following is from execve's manpage.
execve() executes the program pointed to by filename. filename must be
either a binary executable, or a script starting with a line of the
#! interpreter [optional-arg]
execve is a system call which executes a specified program.
execve() does not return on success, and the text, data, bss, and stack
of the calling process are overwritten by that of the program loaded.
This statement deals with your question.
Every process has it's own memory layout. Memory layout consists of text segment, data segment, stack, heap, dependent libraries etc., Refer to /proc/PID/maps of any process to get a clear picture of memory layout.
When execve is executed and it succeeds, the complete memory layout is erased (contents of the caller process is lost forever) and contents of the new process is loaded into memory. New text segment, new data segment, new stack, new heap, everything new.
So, when you try to exit on your command-line, you'll just terminate /bin/sh which you had run using execve. There are no seg-faults, no errors.
Does the new execve code preserve the return address of the overwritten process and return to that address as if it were its own? (So it does sort of return .. to a borrowed address?)
No. This doesn't happen. The new process launched by execve has no clue about the old process.
As far as int $0x80 goes, doesn't execution continue at the next byte after the int 0x80 instruction? If not, what next byte?
int 0x80 instruction is present to request the OS to execute a specified system call. So, whether execution continues later once int 0x80 returns totally depends on what the system call is.
Generally, read, write, open, creat etc., all execute and return back. But, the exec class of functions(go to man exec) are different. Each of those functions never return on success. They return only on failure.
The last part of the question, because the memory layout has been erased and new contents are loaded, there is no sign of buffer-overflow here, no memory corruption.
I hope this answers your questions.

Mutex are needed to protect the Condition Variables

As it is said that Mutex are needed to protect the Condition Variables.
Is the reference here to the actual condition variable declared as pthread_cond_t
A normal shared variable count whose values decide the signaling and wait.
is the reference here to the actual condition variable declared as pthread_cond_t or a normal shared variable count whose values decide the signaling and wait?
The reference is to both.
The mutex makes it so, that the shared variable (count in your question) can be checked, and if the value of that variable doesn't meet the desired condition, the wait that is performed inside pthread_cond_wait() will occur atomically with respect to that check.
The problem being solved with the mutex is that you have two separate operations that need to be atomic:
check the condition of count
wait inside of pthread_cond_wait() if the condition isn't met yet.
A pthread_cond_signal() doesn't 'persist' - if there are no threads waiting on the pthread_cond_t object, a signal does nothing. So if there wasn't a mutex making the two operations listed above atomic with respect to one another, you could find yourself in the following situation:
Thread A wants to do something once count is non-zero
Thread B will signal when it increments count (which will set count to something other than zero)
thread "A" checks count and finds that it's zero
before "A" gets to call pthread_cond_wait(), thread "B" comes along and increments count to 1 and calls pthread_cond_signal(). That call actually does nothing of consequence since "A" isn't waiting on the pthread_cond_t object yet.
"A" calls pthread_cond_wait(), but since condition variable signals aren't remembered, it will block at this point and wait for the signal that has already come and gone.
The mutex (as long as all threads are following the rules) makes it so that item #2 cannot occur between items 1 and 3. The only way that thread "B" will get a chance to increment count is either before A looks at count or after "A" is already waiting for the signal.
A condition variable must always be associated with a mutex, to avoid the race condition where a thread prepares to wait on a condition variable and another thread signals the condition just before the first thread actually waits on it.
More info here
Some Sample:
Thread 1 (Waits for the condition)
pthread_cond_wait(cond, cond_mutex);
Thread 2 (Signals the condition)
As you can see in the same above, the mutex protects the variable 'i' which is the cause of the condition. When we see that the condition is not met, we go into a condition wait, which implicitly releases the mutex and thereby allowing the thread doing the signalling to acquire the mutex and work on 'i' and avoid race condition.
Now, as per your question, if the signalling thread signals first, it should have acquired the mutex before doing so, else the first thread might simply check the condition and see that it is not being met and might go for condition wait and since the second thread has already signalled it, no one will signal it there after and the first thread will keep waiting forever.So, in this sense, the mutex is for both the condition & the conditional variable.
Per the pthreads docs the reason that the mutex was not separated is that there is a significant performance improvement by combining them and they expect that because of common race conditions if you don't use a mutex, it's almost always going to be done anyway.​
Features of Mutexes and Condition Variables
It had been suggested that the mutex acquisition and release be
decoupled from condition wait. This was rejected because it is the
combined nature of the operation that, in fact, facilitates realtime
implementations. Those implementations can atomically move a
high-priority thread between the condition variable and the mutex in a
manner that is transparent to the caller. This can prevent extra
context switches and provide more deterministic acquisition of a mutex
when the waiting thread is signaled. Thus, fairness and priority
issues can be dealt with directly by the scheduling discipline.
Furthermore, the current condition wait operation matches existing
I thought that a better use-case might help better explain conditional variables and their associated mutex.
I use posix conditional variables to implement what is called a Barrier Sync. Basically, I use it in an app where I have 15 (data plane) threads that all do the same thing, and I want them all to wait until all data planes have completed their initialization. Once they have all finished their (internal) data plane initialization, then they can start processing data.
Here is the code. Notice I copied the algorithm from Boost since I couldnt use templates in this particular application:
void LinuxPlatformManager::barrierSync()
// Algorithm taken from boost::barrier
// In the class constructor, the variables are initialized as follows:
// barrierGeneration_ = 0;
// barrierCounter_ = numCores_; // numCores_ is 15
// barrierThreshold_ = numCores_;
// Locking the mutex here synchronizes all condVar logic manipulation
// from this point until the point where either pthread_cond_wait() or
// pthread_cond_broadcast() is called below
int gen = barrierGeneration_;
if(--barrierCounter_ == 0)
// The last thread to call barrierSync() enters here,
// meaning they have all called barrierSync()
barrierCounter_ = barrierThreshold_;
// broadcast is the same as signal, but it signals ALL waiting threads
while(gen == barrierGeneration_)
// All but the last thread to call this method enter here
// This call is blocking, not on the mutex, but on the condVar
// this call actually releases the mutex
pthread_cond_wait(&barrierCond_, &barrierMutex_);
Notice that every thread that enters the barrierSync() method locks the mutex, which makes everything between the mutex lock and the call to either pthread_cond_wait() or pthread_mutex_unlock() atomic. Also notice that the mutex is released/unlocked in pthread_cond_wait() as mentioned here. In this link it also mentions that the behavior is undefined if you call pthread_cond_wait() without having first locked the mutex.
If pthread_cond_wait() did not release the mutex lock, then all threads would block on the call to pthread_mutex_lock() at the beginning of the barrierSync() method, and it wouldnt be possible to decrease the barrierCounter_ variables (nor manipulate related vars) atomically (nor in a thread safe manner) to know how many threads have called barrierSync()
So to summarize all of this, the mutex associated with the Conditional Variable is not used to protect the Conditional Variable itself, but rather it is used to make the logic associated with the condition (barrierCounter_, etc) atomic and thread-safe. When the threads block waiting for the condition to become true, they are actually blocking on the Conditional Variable, not on the associated mutex. And a call to pthread_cond_broadcast/signal() will unblock them.
Here is another resource related to pthread_cond_broadcast() and pthread_cond_signal() for an additional reference.

How does a "stack overflow" occur and how do you prevent it?

How does a stack overflow occur and what are the ways to make sure it doesn't happen, or ways to prevent one?
A stack, in this context, is the last in, first out buffer you place data while your program runs. Last in, first out (LIFO) means that the last thing you put in is always the first thing you get back out - if you push 2 items on the stack, 'A' and then 'B', then the first thing you pop off the stack will be 'B', and the next thing is 'A'.
When you call a function in your code, the next instruction after the function call is stored on the stack, and any storage space that might be overwritten by the function call. The function you call might use up more stack for its own local variables. When it's done, it frees up the local variable stack space it used, then returns to the previous function.
Stack overflow
A stack overflow is when you've used up more memory for the stack than your program was supposed to use. In embedded systems you might only have 256 bytes for the stack, and if each function takes up 32 bytes then you can only have function calls 8 deep - function 1 calls function 2 who calls function 3 who calls function 4 .... who calls function 8 who calls function 9, but function 9 overwrites memory outside the stack. This might overwrite memory, code, etc.
Many programmers make this mistake by calling function A that then calls function B, that then calls function C, that then calls function A. It might work most of the time, but just once the wrong input will cause it to go in that circle forever until the computer recognizes that the stack is overblown.
Recursive functions are also a cause for this, but if you're writing recursively (ie, your function calls itself) then you need to be aware of this and use static/global variables to prevent infinite recursion.
Generally, the OS and the programming language you're using manage the stack, and it's out of your hands. You should look at your call graph (a tree structure that shows from your main what each function calls) to see how deep your function calls go, and to detect cycles and recursion that are not intended. Intentional cycles and recursion need to be artificially checked to error out if they call each other too many times.
Beyond good programming practices, static and dynamic testing, there's not much you can do on these high level systems.
Embedded systems
In the embedded world, especially in high reliability code (automotive, aircraft, space) you do extensive code reviews and checking, but you also do the following:
Disallow recursion and cycles - enforced by policy and testing
Keep code and stack far apart (code in flash, stack in RAM, and never the twain shall meet)
Place guard bands around the stack - empty area of memory that you fill with a magic number (usually a software interrupt instruction, but there are many options here), and hundreds or thousands of times a second you look at the guard bands to make sure they haven't been overwritten.
Use memory protection (ie, no execute on the stack, no read or write just outside the stack)
Interrupts don't call secondary functions - they set flags, copy data, and let the application take care of processing it (otherwise you might get 8 deep in your function call tree, have an interrupt, and then go out another few functions inside the interrupt, causing the blowout). You have several call trees - one for the main processes, and one for each interrupt. If your interrupts can interrupt each other... well, there be dragons...
High-level languages and systems
But in high level languages run on operating systems:
Reduce your local variable storage (local variables are stored on the stack - although compilers are pretty smart about this and will sometimes put big locals on the heap if your call tree is shallow)
Avoid or strictly limit recursion
Don't break your programs up too far into smaller and smaller functions - even without counting local variables each function call consumes as much as 64 bytes on the stack (32 bit processor, saving half the CPU registers, flags, etc)
Keep your call tree shallow (similar to the above statement)
Web servers
It depends on the 'sandbox' you have whether you can control or even see the stack. Chances are good you can treat web servers as you would any other high level language and operating system - it's largely out of your hands, but check the language and server stack you're using. It is possible to blow the stack on your SQL server, for instance.
A stack overflow in real code occurs very rarely. Most situations in which it occurs are recursions where the termination has been forgotten. It might however rarely occur in highly nested structures, e.g. particularly large XML documents. The only real help here is to refactor the code to use an explicit stack object instead of the call stack.
Most people will tell you that a stack overflow occurs with recursion without an exit path - while mostly true, if you work with big enough data structures, even a proper recursion exit path won't help you.
Some options in this case:
Breadth-first search
Tail recursion, .Net-specific great blog post (sorry, 32-bit .Net)
Infinite recursion is a common way to get a stack overflow error. To prevent - always make sure there's an exit path that will be hit. :-)
Another way to get a stack overflow (in C/C++, at least) is to declare some enormous variable on the stack.
char hugeArray[100000000];
That'll do it.
Aside from the form of stack overflow that you get from a direct recursion (eg Fibonacci(1000000)), a more subtle form of it that I have experienced many times is an indirect recursion, where a function calls another function, which calls another, and then one of those functions calls the first one again.
This can commonly occur in functions that are called in response to events but which themselves may generate new events, for example:
void WindowSizeChanged(Size& newsize) {
// override window size to constrain width
In this case the call to ResizeWindow may cause the WindowSizeChanged() callback to be triggered again, which calls ResizeWindow again, until you run out of stack. In situations like these you often need to defer responding to the event until the stack frame has returned, eg by posting a message.
Usually a stack overflow is the result of an infinite recursive call (given the usual amount of memory in standard computers nowadays).
When you make a call to a method, function or procedure the "standard" way or making the call consists on:
Pushing the return direction for the call into the stack(that's the next sentence after the call)
Usually the space for the return value get reserved into the stack
Pushing each parameter into the stack (the order diverges and depends on each compiler, also some of them are sometimes stored on the CPU registers for performance improvements)
Making the actual call.
So, usually this takes a few bytes depeding on the number and type of the parameters as well as the machine architecture.
You'll see then that if you start making recursive calls the stack will begin to grow. Now, stack is usually reserved in memory in such a way that it grows in opposite direction to the heap so, given a big number of calls without "coming back" the stack begins to get full.
Now, on older times stack overflow could occur simply because you exausted all available memory, just like that. With the virtual memory model (up to 4GB on a X86 system) that was out of the scope so usually, if you get an stack overflow error, look for an infinite recursive call.
I have recreated the stack overflow issue while getting a most common Fibonacci number i.e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5..... so calculation for fib(1) = 1 or fib(3) = 2.. fib(n) = ??.
for n, let say we will interested - what if n = 100,000 then what will be the corresponding Fibonacci number ??
The one loop approach is as below -
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class FibonacciByBigDecimal {
public static void main(String ...args) {
int n = 100000;
BigInteger[] fibOfnS = new BigInteger[n + 1];
System.out.println("fibonacci of "+ n + " is : " + fibByLoop(n));
static BigInteger fibByLoop(int n){
if(n==1 || n==2 ){
return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger fib = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger fip = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 3; i <= n; i++){
BigInteger p = fib;
fib = fib.add(fip);
fip = p;
return fib;
this quite straight forward and result is -
fibonacci of 100000 is : 25974069347221724166155034021275915414880485386517696584724770703952534543511273686265556772836716744754637587223074432111638399473875091030965697382188304493052287638531334921353026792789567010512765782716356080730505322002432331143839865161378272381247774537783372999162146340500546698603908627509966393664092118901252719601721050603003505868940285581036751176582513683774386849364134573388343651587754253719124105003321959913300622043630352137565254218239986908485563740801792517616293917549634585586163007628199160811098365263529954406942842065710460449038056471363460330005208522777075544467947237090309790190148604328468198579610159510018506082649192345873133991501339199323631023018641725364771362664750801339824312317034314529641817900511879573167668349799016820118499077566864568450662873924856039140476051995500662888263458771894106803700918793650017330117100283104739474562560914449328213748555738640805798130282666402703542944121049199958031318768058991865134251759599115205631553377039969410355182752749199598022575079020377981030899229849963044962558140455170002502997643221934621653662108418767454282982613982344783665815880408190033073829395000821320093747154851310272208173054322648669496309879147143629255542526240439996153269798768075106468190687921182991679644091782718685617029181022126792674013626504997849688436809752547001310045741864064482994858725517447466956518791269169932445648176733222571493149677633458466238303338202397024368594782876418757885729107101337003000942293335972927791914092128049015459762627910570552481588840517794181929052167695766087488155678601288183543542923073978101547857013284386127286201766539534449930019800629538936985500723286651317181135886613537472684585432548981137176605194616937916884425342594781263103889520479565943807153019112539648471126389007133628569101551453423329441284357220996286746119420951661002309740709965531900508158669911445442647882872642845017253320486483194578920399848938236367456182203750973485668474338872490493370316338265717607297788917989136673251906232471180372801739215723908227692280772924566627505383375006926077210593619421268920302567443565378008318306375933345023502569729065152853271943677560156660399164048825639676930792905029514886934137991251748566670747175149389790386533381395346848378086126737554383821108448976538368483182588363399173104558509056638462025014631311831087429077292622159430204291594740306101839816855066950261973761508571761199475875722129872053120607918649803615960923395941041186351688548839119185179061511562752936158490008721501922265117853150892510275280451512386037921846921215338292871369243215273327141574788295902601571954853164447945467502858402360002383447905203451080332820138038807089807348326201227952633606773669875783326254859449060219173688677862411205621098369850197290177157801120404586491539351157834995461006366357454485082418882790675313599505192062229760153765297973085881648731173082370598284894044874039320535929359764541655607954724778620299692329561389719894679422187273605123365595211331087787582288795975803204596084790245063851941743126163775104599211024868794963417068620929088930685252348056925998333775103901013166178123051145719327066291671254465121517468025481903583516889717075706778656188008220346836321018130262329960275994035799977740462449521145315883703579044832931500072461734173558055678321534543411700202585608091662941986374015145695722728369219632295111877625307534025947814482046574602884855000628069348113982760168555840795421620575435572915106415375929390228843561207926437055600623679865443824643739469724719459965557955058380348255978396827760847315302517889517186307227611036305093600742622617173630586132915440246954329046162586917746305785076749374879923291817501634840688134655343709975893536074051729094126976575932951568186247471276364688365517570183534172746626073065104511957628663499228486787805910851189856535554349587616640164475880286336297040462890970677362565843002353147494612339120686321466370878446992104275415694109122465685712047172411333784898167640969249816334211768571503116710400681753031921154156119580425706586931272762137106974722260296555246110537155545324997508432752001992143019105053629960070429632978051030666506387862681576587726837451289768507963663710593809112254288358391941211547737599813019216509521401333060709873137329265181692268450634439540567298120315463923249817937804691037934221694952291007930299492375072993250630509428139027930841344730614116433556147640931044259184813639305423693789765205264563476483182726333715121120306292338892864879492097378478618848682608046473195392008403983080088038690495574197562192939221108257663976813610444900247209483403267967688376213967440757138872928630798218493143438797780887379588968409461434159271317578365114578289355818599029235343888888465874521308381377794436361197628390368945957601203165022798579015453447473527069728514545998614229027372911314637820455162254475353567736227936485450357102086445412089842350389087702230398493802147348096874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55482452247416927774637522135201716231722137632445699154022395494158227418930589911746931773776518735850032318014432883916374243795854695691221774098948611515564046609565094538115520921863711518684562543275047870530006998423140180169421109105925493596116719457630962328831271268328501760321771680400249657674186927113215573270049935709942324416387089242427584407651215572676037924765341808984312676941110313165951429479377670698881249643421933287404390485538222160837088907598277390184204138197811025854537088586701450623578513960109987476052535450100439353062072439709976445146790993381448994644609780957731953604938734950026860564555693224229691815630293922487606470873431166384205442489628760213650246991893040112513103835085621908060270866604873585849001704200923929789193938125116798421788115209259130435572321635660895603514383883939018953166274355609970015699780289236362349895374653428746875
Now another approach I have applied is through Divide and Concur via recursion
i.e. Fib(n) = fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2) and then further recursion for n-1 & n-2.....till 2 & 1. which is programmed as -
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class FibonacciByBigDecimal {
public static void main(String ...args) {
int n = 100000;
BigInteger[] fibOfnS = new BigInteger[n + 1];
System.out.println("fibonacci of "+ n + " is : " + fibByDivCon(n, fibOfnS));
static BigInteger fibByDivCon(int n, BigInteger[] fibOfnS){
return fibOfnS[n];
if (n == 1 || n== 2){
fibOfnS[n] = BigInteger.ONE;
return BigInteger.ONE;
// creates 2 further entries in stack
BigInteger fibOfn = fibByDivCon(n-1, fibOfnS).add( fibByDivCon(n-2, fibOfnS)) ;
fibOfnS[n] = fibOfn;
return fibOfn;
When i ran the code for n = 100,000 the result is as below -
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
Above you can see the StackOverflowError is created. Now the reason for this is too many recursion as -
// creates 2 further entries in stack
BigInteger fibOfn = fibByDivCon(n-1, fibOfnS).add( fibByDivCon(n-2, fibOfnS)) ;
So each entry in stack create 2 more entries and so on... which is represented as -
Eventually so many entries will be created that system is unable to handle in the stack and StackOverflowError thrown.
For Prevention :
For Above example perspective
Avoid using recursion approach or reduce/limit the recursion by again one level division like if n is too large then split the n so that system can handle with in its limit.
Use other approach, like the loop approach I have used in 1st code sample. (I am not at all intended to degrade Divide & Concur or Recursion as they are legendary approaches in many most famous algorithms.. my intention is to limit or stay away from recursion if I suspect stack overflow issues)
Considering this was tagged with "hacking", I suspect the "stack overflow" he's referring to is a call stack overflow, rather than a higher level stack overflow such as those referenced in most other answers here. It doesn't really apply to any managed or interpreted environments such as .NET, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, etc, which web apps are typically written in, so your only risk is the web server itself, which is probably written in C or C++.
Check out this thread:
Stack overflow occurs when your program uses up the entire stack. The most common way this happens is when your program has a recursive function which calls itself forever. Every new call to the recursive function takes more stack until eventually your program uses up the entire stack.
