How to hide navigation bar and tab bar while scrolling table view in IOS - ios

I have problem with hide tab bar as navigation bar. My requirement is hide both navigation bar and tab bar at same time when I m scrolling table navigation bar is working properly as requirement but tab bar is no not responding to the there any one can help me to sort it out please....????
I m using NJKSCROLLFULLSCREEN for reference..
Here is some screenshots of my project..this is what the problem with my tab bar when it hides..!
this is main screen and I want it will look like!

HidingNavigationBar supports hiding/showing of the following view
UINavigationBar UINavigationBar and an extension UIView
UINavigationBar and a UIToolbar UINavigationBar and a UITabBar


How to center a bar button item in navigation bar in swift using storyboard?

I'm trying to have 3 bar button items in my navigation bar in my swift project.
I can drag/drop the buttons in my navigation bar using storyboard but the buttons will go to the left or right of the navigation bar!
I need to have 1 of these 3 buttons to sit in the middle of the navigation bar so I can use it as a Logo.
I've tried to use the Flexible space bar item as well with no success. I have nothing else in my navigation bar other than these 3 buttons.
could someone please advice on this issue?

Change location of Navigation Bar

When using the Navigation Controller it creates a new Navigation Bar on my first view controller. Intead of that bar being at the top of my screen I would like it to be on bottom. Is this possible? If not can I switch to using a different Nav Bar?
Navigation Bars are always at the top of view controllers, and cannot be moved. You could explore a TabBar or ToolBar though, depending on what you want.
Navigation Bar always appear on the top of your UIViewController when embedded in a UINavigationController. You cannot move it to any other position.
Still if you want to achieve such a requirement,
Hide the default UINavigationBar
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isHidden = true
Create a custom UIView of same height(44) as the UINavigationBar and pin it to the bottom of your controller.

UICollectionView scroll changes color of navigation and tab how

I am building an iOS application and have done all the layouts using storyboards and auto layout.
I have a ViewController as follows
For the CollectionView I have specified it to have 4 cells.
The issue I'm having that when I scroll vertically, the background colour of the Navigation bar and Tab bar changes.
How can I make sure that the background colour is not changed when I scroll.
This is what happening when I scroll - You can see the background colour of the navigation and tab bar change.
your navigation bar and tab bar translucent bydefault so add this this code
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
self.navigationController.tabBarController.tabBar.translucent = NO;
As suggested you can set the toolbar and navigation bar's translucent property to false, but you can also do this in the storyboard:

Tab bar's navbar stuck under custom navbar?

I am implementing a custom nav bar for much of my application, but transition to a tab bar based navigation paradigm for other portions of the app.
When I switch to the tab bar portion of the app and navigate to the "More" section of the tab bar controller, the navbar that has the "edit" button of the more section is obscured by my custom navbar.
I have tried removing my navbar from the view, bringing the tab bar's navbar to the top of the view, etc.
The goal here is to gain access to the edit button's functionality in order to rearrange icons on the tab bar.
I'd like to either invoke the edit functionality of the tab bar programmatically or bring the tab bar's navbar to the front of the view.
Thanks in advance!

iOS 7 navigation bar style to look like navigation controller nav bar

When using the navigation controller or embedding a view controller in navigation controller, the navigation bar light grey color covers the status bar also (the carrier, time, battery, etc). When dragging a navigation bar onto the view controller, the status bar is still white. You can't change the height of the navigation how can I make everything look and feel the same? Here's the two images:
As you can see, Chat shows that white space above the nav bar, whereas Social doesn't...any workout for this?
In this case navigation bar looks like non-transparent.
Please check properties of navigation bar and/or initialization of this bar to be sure that it's transparent.
