Firing a "shot" in SpriteKit - ios

I need to fire a "shot" from a static SKSpriteNode towards another dynamic node. I've created a shot as a sprite node as the shot and moved it to by SKAction to the main sprite node, like so:
let node = info["node"] as SKSpriteNode // The static node
let shot = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.blueColor(), size: CGSize(width:node.frame.width / 3, height: node.frame.height / 1.2))
shot.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFromRect: shot.frame)
shot.position = node.position
shot.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = shotMask
shot.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = spriteMask
shot.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
shot.physicsBody?.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true
shot.runAction(SKAction.moveTo(sprite.position, duration: 1.0))
My problem is that the shot stops after it reaches the point. Is there a way to make the shot continue moving in it's direction, or is there another way of doing what I need? Thanks!

Don't use a SKAction to move the shot. Instead change the shot's position by directly modifying it's position.
shot.position = CGPointMake(shot.position.x+1, shot.position.y);
Run the above in your update method. To speed up the shot, change the +1 to whatever value you need. Obviously you will need to remove the shot node from parent once it leaves the screen, hits the target, etc...

You'll need to calculate the vector from the shot's origin to it's destination. Then extend the vector until the shot will be off screen, possibly by finding the unit vector (a vector of length 1) and multiplying it by 3000 or so. As you have a definite endpoint now, you could still use an SKAction.


How to use SKConstraint in swift

I have a moving camera in my scene, which always follows my player. But I also have some other content(On screen controls) which I want to stay in a single place on the screen, but when the camera moves, The controls are moving away to. How would I go about doing this. I have searched a lot, and found the SKConstraint, but I couldn't find any tutorials to use it in swift 3.
Should I be using the SKConstraint? If yes, how can I use it, if no, how do I keep the controls at a certain position on the screen at all times.
I also know that I could change the position of the controls in the update method, but I do not want to do that as there are many on screen controls, and I try to refrain from writing code in the update method as much as possible.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
You can use an SKConstraint to cause a camera to follow a character.
First, create a camera node and a hero and add them to the scene
let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
let hero = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Spaceship")
camera = cameraNode
Next, create a constraint and assign it to the camera node's constraints property
let range = SKRange(constantValue:0)
let constraint = SKConstraint.distance(range, to: hero)
cameraNode.constraints = [constraint]
Lastly, if you have controls or labels that need to be at fixed locations relative to the camera, you can add them to the camera node
let label = SKLabelNode(text: "Score: 123")
// Position the label relative to the camera node
label.position = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100)

Keeping Direction of a Vector Constant while Rotating Sprite

I'm trying to make a game where the sprite will always move to the right when hit by an object. However since the Sprite rotates constantly and the zero radians rotates with the Sprite causes my calculated magnitude to go the opposite direction if the sprite is facing left and hits the object. Is there a way to keep the direction of the magnitude always pointing to the right even if the zero is facing left?
// referencePoint = upper right corner of the frame
let rightTriangleFinalPoint:CGPoint = CGPoint(x: referencePoint.x, y: theSprite.position.y)
let theSpriteToReferenceDistance = distanceBetweenCGPoints(theSprite.position, b: referencePoint)
let theSpriteToFinalPointDistance = distanceBetweenCGPoints(theSprite.position, b: rightTriangleFinalPoint)
let arcCosineValue = theSpriteToFinalPointDistance / theSpriteToReferenceDistance
let angle = Double(acos(arcCosineValue))
let xMagnitude = magnitude * cos(angle)
let yMagnitude = (magnitude * sin(angle)) / 1.5
Not sure if this works for you:
I would use an orientation constraint to rotate the sprite. The movement can be done independent from the orientation in that case.
I made an tutorial some time ago:
So I figured out what was going on.
It seems like the angle doesn't rotate with the Sprite like I originally thought and the vector that I am making is working with the code above. THE problem that I had was that I also set the collision bit for the objects which is wrong. If I only set the contact bit for the objects against the sprite the my desired outcome comes true.

SpriteKit: What's up with the coordinate system?

I'm teaching myself how to do SpriteKit programming by coding up a simple game that requires that I lay out a square "game field" on the left side of a landscape-oriented scene. I'm just using the stock 1024x768 view you get when creating a new SpriteKit "Game" project in XCode - nothing fancy. When I set up the game field in didMoveToView(), however, I'm finding the coordinate system to be a little weird. First of all, I expected I would have to place the board at (0, 0) for it to appear in the lower-left. Not so -- it turns out the game board has to be bumped up about 96 pixels in the y direction to work. So I end up with this weird code:
let gameFieldOrigin = CGPoint(x:0, y:96) // ???
let gameFieldSize = CGSize(width:560, height: 560)
let gameField = CGRect(origin: gameFieldOrigin, size: gameFieldSize)
gameBorder = SKShapeNode(rect: gameField)
gameBorder.strokeColor = UIColor.redColor()
gameBorder.lineWidth = 0.1
self.addChild(gameBorder) // "self" is the SKScene subclass GameScene
Furthermore, when I add a child to it (a ball that bounces inside the field), I assumed I would just use relative coordinates to place it in the center. However, I ended up having to use "absolute" coordinate and I had to offset the y-coordinate by 96 again.
Another thing I noticed is when I called touch.locationInNode(gameBorder), the coordinates were again not relative to the border, and start at (0, 96) at the bottom of the border instead of (0, 0) as I would have guessed.
So what am I missing here? Am I misunderstanding something fundamental about how coordinates work?
[PS: I wanted to add the tag "SpriteKit" to this question, but I don't have enough rep. :/]
You want to reference the whole screen as a coordinate system, but you're actually setting all the things on a scene loading from GameScene.sks. The right way to do is modify one line in your GameViewController.swift in order to set your scene size same as the screen size. Initialize scene size like this instead of unarchiving from .sks file:
let scene = GameScene(size: view.bounds.size)
Don't forget to remove the if-statement as well because we don't need it any more. In this way, the (0, 0) is at the lower-left corner.
To put something, e.g. aNode, in the center of the scene, you can set its position like:
aNode.position = CGPoint(x:CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), y:CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));

How to make a node to rotate around a point outside of the node in a spritekit game project

I came across this answer, but the answer is not clear to me. Can someone provide some sample code?
Create an SKNode and set its position to the center of rotation. Add the node that should rotate around that center as child to the center node. Set the child node's position to the desired offset (ie radius, say x + 100). Change the rotation property of the center node to make the child node(s) rotate around the center point.
Specifically, "Change the rotation property of the center node" to what?
var centerNode: SKSpriteNode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "image1")
centerNode.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.width/2, self.frame.height/2)
var nodeRotateMe: SKSpriteNode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamged: "image2")
nodeRotateMe.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.width/2 + 100, self.frame.height/2 + 100)
// Change the rotation property of the center node to what??
centerNode.zRotation = ?
You have a couple of options:
1) You could rotate the centerNode over time in your SKScene's update: method by changing its zRotation property manually. You'll have to change the value slowly, at every call to update: to achieve a gradual rotation.
Note that the zRotation property is in radians, with means a 180 degree rotation would be equal to pi (M_PI). SKScene strives to update: at 60 FPS, which means to rotate 360 degrees over 5 seconds, you'd need to increment by 1/300th of a degree every call to update, which would be 1/150th of pi every update.
centerNode.zRotation = centerNode.zRotation + CGFloat(1.0/150.0 * M_PI)
Of course, there is no guarantee that your scene will be able to update at 60 FPS, so you may have to monitor the currentTime variable in update: and adjust accordingly.
2) Probably better, you could use an SKAction to rotate the centerNode for you.
let rotateAction = SKAction.rotateByAngle(CGFloat(2 * M_PI), duration: 5.0)
Note that the rotation angle is in radians, not degrees. Also note that the centerNode need not be a Sprite Node if you don't want to display an image there; it could be a regular SKNode.

Confusion about coordinates, frames & child nodes in SpriteKit on iOS?

I'm still playing around with learning SpriteKit in iOS & have been doing lots of reading & lots of experimenting. I'm confused by something else I've found* regarding coordinates, frames & child nodes.
Consider this snippet of code, in which I'm trying to draw a green box around my spaceship sprite for debugging purposes:
func addSpaceship()
let spaceship = SKSpriteNode.init(imageNamed: "rocketship.png") = "spaceship"
spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
let debugFrame = SKShapeNode(rect: spaceship.frame)
debugFrame.strokeColor = SKColor.greenColor()
// spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
If I add the set the spaceship sprite with the line marked "VERSION 1" above, I get this:
which is clearly wrong. But if I comment out the line marked "VERSION 1" above, and instead use the line marked "VERSION 2", I get what I want:
Notice that the actual code for the lines marked Version 1 & Version 2 is identical:
spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
So why does it matter when I set the position of the spaceship sprite?
To my way of thinking, the position of the spaceship sprite is irrelevant to the placement of the the debugFrame, because the debugFrame is a child of the spaceship sprite & thus, it's coordinates should be relative to the spaceship sprite's frame - right?
*This is somewhat related to a question I asked yesterday:
In SpriteKit on iOS, scaling a textured sprite produces an incorrect frame?
but a) I understand that one now, and b) this is a different enough that it deserves its own question.
Hmmm - thanks, guys for the ideas below, but I still don't get it & maybe this will help.
I modified my code to print out the relavant positions & frames:
func addSpaceship()
let spaceship = SKSpriteNode.init(imageNamed: "rocketship.png") = "spaceship"
println("Spaceship0 Pos \(spaceship.position) Frame = \(spaceship.frame)")
spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
println("Spaceship1 Pos \(spaceship.position) Frame = \(spaceship.frame)")
let debugFrame = SKShapeNode(rect: spaceship.frame)
println("DEBUG Pos \(debugFrame.position) Frame = \(debugFrame.frame)")
debugFrame.strokeColor = SKColor.greenColor()
// spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
// println("Spaceship2 Pos \(spaceship.position) Frame = \(spaceship.frame)")
Then, I ran it both ways got these results. Since I understand Version 2, let's start there.
Running with the "VERSION 2 (RIGHT)" code, I got:
Spaceship0 Pos (0.0,0.0) Frame = (-159.0,-300.0,318.0,600.0)
DEBUG Pos (0.0,0.0) Frame = (-159.5,-300.5,319.0,601.0)
Spaceship2 Pos (384.0,512.0) Frame = (225.0,212.0,318.0,600.0)
The spaceship node starts, by default, with its position at the bottom left of the screen (Spaceship0). Its frame is also expressed in terms of its anchor point (center) being set in the bottom left of the screen, hence the negative numbers for the origin of its frame rect.
The debug frame is then created with its position set to 0, 0 by default & its frame set to be the same as the spaceship's.
The code (Spaceship2) then moves the spaceship node to a position in the view's coordinates (384.0,512.0), and its frame's origin is moved by adding the new position to the old origin (i.e. 384 + -159 = 225).
All is well.
Unfortunately, I still don't get Version 1.
When I run with the "VERSION 1 (WRONG)," code, I get
Spaceship0 Pos (0.0,0.0) Frame = (-159.0,-300.0,318.0,600.0)
Spaceship1 Pos (384.0,512.0) Frame = (225.0,212.0,318.0,600.0)
DEBUG Pos (0.0,0.0) Frame = (0.0,0.0,543.5,812.5)
As above, the spaceship node starts, by default, with its position at the bottom left of the screen (Spaceship0). Its frame is also expressed in terms of its anchor point (center) being set in the bottom left of the screen, hence the negative numbers for the origin of its frame rect.
The code (Spaceship1) then moves the spaceship node to a position in the view's coordinates (384.0,512.0), and its frame's origin is moved by adding the new position to the old origin (i.e. 384 + -159 = 225).
The debug frame is then created with its position set to 0, 0 by default & its frame set to have a strange width (543.5) & a strange height (812.5). Since I'm initializing the debugFrame.frame with spaceship.frame (i think that's what the default initializer does), I would expect the new debugFrame.frame to be the same as the spaceship's frame - but it isn't! The debug frame width & height values apparently come from adding the actual width & height to the origin of the spaceship node frame (543.5 = 225 + 318.5). But if that is the case, why is t's frame rect origin still 0, 0 & not the same adding (225.0 + 0 = 225.0)???
I don't get it.
You are creating the shape node using the sprite's frame, which is in scene coordinates. Because the shape will be a child of the sprite, you should create the node in the sprite's coordinates. For example, if you create the SKShapeNode with spaceship's size
let debugFrame = SKShapeNode(rectOfSize: spaceship.size)
instead of using the spaceship's frame, debugFrame will be centered on the spaceship regardless of when you set the ship's position. Also, debugFrame will scale/move appropriately with the ship.
In response to your 'I don't get it'.
Your code is ok but has a logical problem. The 'frame' is counted relative to the parent coordinates. Please realize that the parent of the spaceship and the parent of the debug window are different in your code.
Two ways to resolve your problem:
Add a zero offset for the debug window and use the spaceship as the parent.
The advantage of this is that the debug window will move, scale with the spaceship:
let rectDebug = CGRectMake( 0, 0, spaceship.frame.size.width, spaceship.frame.size.height)
let debugFrame = SKShapeNode(rect:rectDebug)
Add the debug window with the spaceship 'frame' coordinates to the parent of the spaceship (which is 'self'). The disadvantage of this, is that you have to move, scale the debug window yourself in the code, since it will not be attached to the spaceship.:
let debugFrame = SKShapeNode(rect:spaceship.frame)
Both solutions are widely used. You should chose whichever is better for you in your case.
Three other problems might come up:
1.There might be code errors in my code, I just typed these into the web window directly without xcode syntax checking.
2.The anchor points of the two objects could be different. So you might need alignment in your code for this.
3.The zPosition of the objects should also be taken into consideration, so these objects will not be hidden under some other objects.
In response to the problem you are trying to solve, perhaps showPhysics would help:
skView.showsFPS = YES;
skView.showsNodeCount = YES;
skView.showsPhysics = YES;
This is almost the same problem as in the other question you mentioned. frame is a property that contains a position and a size. Both of them are subject to scaling of their ancestor node. Read section "A Node Applies Many of Its Properties to Its Descendants" in
Again : never apply scaling to a node, never move a node before having fully constructed its hierarchy, except if you want some special or weird effect.
