No option to add landscape image in image set - ios

Need to use LaunchScreen with image.I added image set for LaunchScreen image to support iPad/iPhone both.Its working fine.But issue is this that there is no option to add image for landscape orientation.How to add image in imageset for landscape? Any idea? Thanks in advance

Landscape launch images are included in the main launchImage asset. Take a look at this launchImage asset:
You can see there is a space for landscape images, so you have to include them right there.
Depending on the current orientation of the device, the correct launchImage will be displayed.
Say your app supports both portrait and landscape orientations. If the user opens up the app in portrait mode, then the portrait lunchImage will be used. Instead, if the device is set on landscape mode the landscape image, taken from the launchImage asset, will be used.


Launch Screen Storyboard

As LaunchScreen I want to have an exact image of the start page that appears right after the launch.
Therefore, I made screenshots of all resolutions of the start page, both portrait and landscape. Then I removed all fonts because I generate two variants of the app in different languages and the texts (e.g. in the buttons) are different. The launch screens should fit both variants.
In Images.xcassets I added LaunchImage and assigned all positions with the correct resolutions (for both, iPhone and iPad).
LaunchScreen.storyboard has an ImageView in the ViewController with the image name LaunchImage.
1 All launch images displayed are scaled even though the correct resolutions are available.
Only the portrait images are used, also for landscape, and therefore scaled and distorted.
on iPads only iPhone images are displayed, portrait version also in landscape, scaled accordingly.
On some devices (e.g. iPhone X), only a white or black screen is displayed at launch (portrait and landscape).
Under no circumstances will the correct launch screen be displayed.
On the image you see all relevant areas and the list of all used launch images.
What did I do wrong or miss?
I just followed another tip and deactivated "Clears Graphic Context" in UIImageView and changed the display to "Aspect Fit".
Result: The portrait launch image is still used in the iPad, but is no longer scaled and is now centered.
So the most important question now is why an iPhone portrait launch image is used for iPad in both directions.
If you are using a LaunchImage, you should set that image in the Target settings. Go to your target and under the General tab, set the Launch Images Source value to the image you have in your asset catalog:
Also delete the text LaunchScreen in the Launch Screen File field.

Launch screen not working properly

My application supports both orientation landscape and portrait and here i am using launch screen for splash screen then dragged uiimageview and pined trail, lead, bottom, top...what are all the sizes required to add? should i use image assets? Do i have to create two different image? I am using two different image for iPhone and iPad by using size class, Its stretching when iPad runs on landscape mode.
I am referring this
Here how to set image for landscape and portrait and sizes?
We know how to use launch image using asset catalog.
For iPhoneX design gets collapsed, many people suggested us to use launch screen storyboard, then iPhoneX issue went away..
Thanks in advance...
Here is good Apple document answering your question: Launching your iPhone Application in Landscape
Very concise, this document says
Set launch image for either Portrait mode or Landscape mode. Choose orientation of launch image according to your requirement for Application Launch. Do not use static launch image, if your application supports both orientation.
Launch Images
Launch images for iPhone apps are always sized to match the dimensions of the screen in portrait orientation. For applications that launch into landscape orientation, you should use your preferred graphics editing software to rotate the content of the launch image while keeping the image's size consistent with a portrait launch image (height > width).
Avoid using asset catalogs to manage the launch images of landscape applications.
Except for launch images used by the iPhone 6 Plus, asset catalogs assume that all iPhone launch images are for the portrait orientation. When your application is compiled, entries for each launch image are added to the compiled information property list under the UILaunchImages key. The value for the UILaunchImageOrientation key in each of these entries is always Portrait. These entries are then ignored at launch time because the value of Portrait for the UILaunchImageOrientation key does not match the launch orientation (Landscape Left or Landscape Right). The result is a blank screen during launch as the system cannot find an appropriate launch image.
Instead, you should use a Launch File if your application only supports iOS 8 and above. Otherwise, you will need to add your launch images as resources to your project and then add the UILaunchImages key to your application's information property list. Be sure to disable use of the asset catalog for managing the launch images by selecting 'Don't use asset catalogs' from the Launch Image Source menu under the General tab of the project editor for your applications' target.
It’s best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but you can provide a set of static images if necessary. Create static images in different sizes for different devices, and be sure to include the status bar region.
Static Launch Screen Images
Here is dimension table for static launch screen image for both orientations:
How to set landscape static image?
Enable Landscape launch screen image support from your image assets
(Image) Assets.xcassets >> Launch Image >> Attribute Inspector >> Enable Landscape (tickmark) >> Set Landscape images
Here is nice tutorial for the same: Customizing LaunchScreen.storyboard
Set image with size of 1125 × 2436 for iPhone X.

How to make launchscreen.storyboard support portrait and landscape

I use LaunchScreen.storyboard as my launch image. It works ok when the devices are portrait. When i launch the app on landscape mode on ipad or iphone7 plus whe image was stretched.How can i use two different image for portrait and landscape mode.
Thank you.
You can set another image based on the size class traits. Unfortunately this does not help with left and right landscape rotation (you can only have an image for one of them). Also it is kind of base on the fact that for current iPhones landscape can be detected by having a compact height trait. This may change in future.

Do you need a landscape iPad launch image for app thats just portrait

I have made me app so that device orientation is portrait only, however there it still has a place to put landscape launch image. Will I have to have one? If so can I just have a rotated version of the portrait one (i.e. this will be sideways if the device is held in a landscape manner)?
You don't need to have a landscape default image even if you do support landscape.
If you are only in portrait, then a single image will do.

How to assign default landscape image for iphone in xcode4

I have created a universal app and I want to display a default image. I assigned all images to the properties we can set in xcode4. But I did not get any property where I can set iphone landscape image. and even where to set iphone-retina landscape image. I searched on web and i found that I should append -landscape to default image. I did that but does not worked. can anyone tell me how to do this?
You can only have a single default image for iPhone per resolution. Currently that's one for retina and one for older screens. This image must always be portrait even if your app launches in landscape only in which case you would create a landscape default image and rotate it 90 degrees to be portrait.
According to the documentation
In iOS 3.2 and later, an iPad application can provide both landscape and portrait versions of its launch images. Each orientation-specific launch image must include a special modifier string in its filename. The format for orientation-specific launch image filenames is as follows:
E.g. setting the image for landscape left: -LandscapeLeft: Specifies a left-oriented landscape version of the launch image. A file with this modifier takes precedence over a file with the -Landscape modifier for this specific orientation.
