Im using story board application. I want to add a button and when click on it I need to pop to the previous viewcontroller.
-(IBAction)done:(UIStoryboardSegue *)seque
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
But this is not working even though I set the action on exit on that button. But nothing happen. What should I do?
Please help me
It depends on whether your current ViewController was presented modally or via push. popViewControllerAnimated lets you pop the current ViewController which was added via push. As this takes no effect in your example, you most likely did present your ViewController modally requiring to call [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil] to get rid of it.
I have a a VC structure like this
UIPageViewController -> detailViewController -> popoverviewcontroller
The popoverviewcontroller is dismissed using an unwind segue, bringing us back to the detailviewcontroller
Now, after the popover is done being dismissed, I would like to refresh the pages on the pagecontroller, since the action the user takes has changed the data.
I would also like to display an alert notifying the user about whether they were successful.
So I tried putting this code in the pageViewcontroller
- (IBAction) unwindFromPopup:(UIStoryboardSegue*)unwindSegue{
[self refreshPages];
UIAlertController * alertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:#"alert" message:#"this should appear" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
[self presentViewController:alertController animated:YES completion:nil];
I tried moving the above code to the detail view controller instead, but I am getting no result from this. No error or anything, just a complete lack of alert. I put a breakpoint in the segue, and the code gets called. But no alert.
I thought of putting the code in one of the respective viewDidAppear methods, but for some reason viewDidAppear does not get called for either the pageviewcontroller or the detailview controller after I dismiss the popup.
So at this point I have no idea how to make this alert appear.
Do I need to post my full code, or is my problem apparent with the details I've included?
Thanks - based on your comment ... long ago in a distant version of iOS I performed all the possible segues and noted what gets called when and have a table of that that I based my answer on. I must admit, nowadays I get most done using the presentation controller delegate.
Anyhow, to reply to your question, when you pop or modally present a controller, the controller that is being presented will message beingPresented and beingDismissed when it is done and you might be able to use this for what you are trying to do.
When you push a controller it will message isMovingToParentViewController when shown and isMovingFromParentViewController when dismissed, again in the controller being presented.
Back to a pop ... it will message prepareForSegue in the presenting VC and viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear in the presented VC and, when dismissing, will message only viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear in the presented VC, thus your problem. At least it will also message beingDismissed as mentioned and if you can use that I am really glad for you.
I'm using Xcode 5 with storyboards and I should do something like this:
ViewController with a Start button that launches IntermediateViewController
IntermediateViewController that does an activity and then returns the value to the ViewController.
For the passage ViewController->IntermediateViewController I've set the start button to trigger a push segue. Actions are done and this part seems ok.
Now I have to go back to ViewController passing a string I got in IntermediateViewController methods.
If I use:
ViewController *viewController=[self.navigationController.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"viewController"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:NO];
I get this error:
"Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted"
Is there a way to retrieve my viewController first instance through its identifier or any other solution that will lead the app back to viewController setting also its variable?
Thanks in advance
Even if it's not the exact answer to the question, I solved using this steps:
1) checked in storyboards that each element triggers only one action or segue, not both.
2) calling second view using:
[self.navigationController pushViewController:intermediateViewController animated:NO];
2) going back to previous view.
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
3) doing this before popping:
pass string between controllers
I am trying to segue back to a home screen and pop everything from the stack (of views?)
I am using UINavigationController:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Where shall I call this method? I have tried in -(void) prepareForSegue which does not work.
Basically I want to make sure when I go back to home screen there is no back button on the left of the title.
Home screen here refers to the welcome screen of my App.
I am not sure which part of my code shall be posted. Please comment if you need to see my code.
Thank you in advance.
Assuming you're using a Storyboard, and a UIButton declared over there is the one that triggers that action you wanna perform, you should declare an IBAction: -(IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender; in the .h and implement it in the .m. Inside that method should appear that [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES]; code. Also remember to attach that action to that UIButton when touch up inside in the storyboard.
Hope it helped!
I think your confusion is around the concepts of what a segue is and how it relates to the navigation controller stack. The stack is exactly the same as the basic data structure stack ( in that it's a last-in-first-out store. When you segue, you're normally adding to that stack, e.g. Pushing a new VC onto the stack. A back button in most cases would not be doing that. It would be popping, or removing from the stack. Which is why you probably wouldn't call pop methods from the prepareForSegue method. Instead try calling it at some other point, like when they tap the back button, or after some action has taken place.
So i am creating an ipad recipe based app using storyboards. Just to give you an idea of the structure of my program here is the flow of View controllers:
ViewController --Modally--> PreviewViewController --Modally-->
RecipeViewController --Popup--> IngredientsViewController
All of this has been done in storyboarding. I created the IngredientsViewController and have linked it up to the RecipeViewController to be displayed as a popup, which works fine. However i want to be able to dismiss the IngredientsViewController programatically (because i've implemented voice command features). The problem is i can't seem to access the IngredientsViewController to dismiss it. (appologies i can't yet post any pictures).
I am using the following code to present the IngredientsViewController programatically (from within RecipeViewController):
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"ingr" sender:nil];
Which works fine to display the popup, but i cant dismiss it. I've tried to access it through the hierarchy of view controllers but cannot seem to find it, i would assume that it would be at the top of the stack, but apparently not? I've tried things like:
[self.presentedViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Again this was called from within RecipeViewController. But that simply dismisses the RecipeViewController and not the IngredientsViewController that is being presented by popup.
Just to be clear the IngredientsViewController is not a UIPopoverController, it is a normal viewController created in storyboard, and its segue style is popup linked to a button in the RecipeViewController.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
UIPopoverController *popOver = (UIPopoverController *)self.presentedViewController;
[popOver dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
This should do the trick if your destination view controller is a UIPopoverController
Have you tried presentViewController:animated:completion: instead of performSegueWithIdentifier:?
I have two View Controller. In the first I do some stuff and then I can push the second View Controller by clicking a button (the button connected with the other ViewController in the storyboard). There I can do some settings and so on. I get back to the first View Controller with the button "Done". But then the ViewDidLoad method is called again and all the "stuff" (text in textfields, ...) is gone.
I hope you guys understand my problem.
Why? And how can I disable this?
How are you going back to the first view controller from the second one? I think your problem is you're re-instantiating the first view controller when the user hits "Done".
Instead, you should be using either "popViewControllerAnimated" or "dismissViewControllerAnimated" to go back to the first view controller.
e.g: (one of these 2 should work):
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Maybe the firstViewController is unLoaded because of receiving memory warning. So when it opened again, it calls ViewDidLoad