Team Foundation Server checkin deleted files with tf.exe command - tfs

Using Tf.exe by command line, how do I make the checkin of deleted files?
Step 1:
My workfolder contains: file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt
TFS contains: file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt
The two environments are aligned.
Step 2:
I delete file file1.txt from Workfolder and then I checkin all with command tf checkin /recursive /noprompt but the file File1.txt is not deleted from tfs

If the manual delete outside of Visual Studio and the context of TFS then you are likely using a Server Workspace.
In server workspaces you need to do all operations against TFS. You should not be deleting from the disk directly.
To remove this issue you can switch to Local Workspaces that will auto detect deleted.


How to know the current changeset id TFS Visual Studio

I have this workspace on this machine that is not updated for some days. I want to know the latest changeset Id that exists on this machine.
Let's say the latest changeset that is checked-in is 8400. I want to somehow find the current changeset id of the workspace on this machine, that might be say for example 8329.
Yeah, the tf history command can achieve that.
For your convenience, you can simply copy below strings and save as a cmd/bat file, then run it directly to get the latest changeset ID under the specific directory within the local workspace. (In your scenario you need to enter the root path of your workspace)
SET "VSDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer" :: For VS 2017
:: For VS 2015: SET "VSDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE"
CD %VSDir%
SET /p LocalPath=Enter LocalPath:
tf history %LocalPath% /r /noprompt /stopafter:1 /version:W
Besides, you can also use the Version Control client API to achieve that.
For more information please refer to: How to determine the latest changeset in your workspace
You may use tf history command. Go to root workspace folder and:
tf history . /recursive /noprompt /stopafter:1 /version:W

Copy source files to other TFS

We have a TeamCity/Octopus setup that runs great for several projects.
A new client wants access to the source code during development. Is it possible to copy code from our TFS to an other TFS using TeamCity? It does not need to be real-time. Daily copies are OK.
Not sure if we should use TeamCity for this or if there are possibilities within TFS itself.
You could setup a daily build schedule and use the TFS command line utilities to transfer the files to another server. You'll probably get all kinds of sync issues along the way, unless you always take your own solution as the current situation.
Look at tf.exe, especially the workspace, workfold commands and add, delete, and optionally destroy. Complete the job with a tf checkin.
Process as follows:
Create a workspace on your source TFS server (or use the built-in workspace features in team city): tf workspace /new
Map the folders you want to share: tf workfold /map
Get the files to the machine that's doing the transfer: tf get /recursive
Create a workspace on your target TFS server: tf workspace /new
Map the folders you want to share to tf workfold /map to a new folder that's not mapped to the source TFS server.
WS2 delete the files in the target folder: tf delete * /recursive
WS2 Check in to make sure you won't get any conflict remotely: tf checkin /recursive
WS1 -> WS2 Copy the files from the first workspace to the second: xcopy
WS2 Add all files: tf add * /recursive
WS2 Checkin all files tf checkin * /recursive
WS2 & WS2 Delete the workspace: tf workspace /delete
(Optional) Delete the files in the folders of the deleted workspaces on disk.
PS: if you move to git, this all becomes a lot easier, since the distributed nature of git is kind of meant for scenarios like these.

how to remove TFS workspace mapping for another user

I am using Visual Studio 2010. Some months back I was using some 'ABC' TFS user to connect to TFS and mapped some folders on my local drive. Now my previous user 'ABC' is gone and I am allotted a new tfs user 'XYZ' to connect to TFS. So naturally I tried mapping some remote folder to my existing local folder and I got the following error.
"The working folder 'Some_Local_Path' is already in use by the workspace WORKSPACE_NAME:USER_NAME on computer 'MACHINE_NAME'"
I have tried removing the cache folder contents but the same error (C:\Users{UserName}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\3.0\Cache).
I have also tried running the commonly found TFS command (tf workspaces /remove:*) to delete the caches for all worksapaces but still the same error.
When I try to edit my workspace, it shows source control and local folders for my current user 'XYZ' but what I want is to remove the folder bindings for my previous user 'ABC'. How can I achieve that?
You need to get your TFS administrator to delete the workspace if you have no access to the account.
You may be able to do it by calling "tf workspace" with the explicit user specified, but you need "manage other users workspace" permission. TF Sidekicks uses the same commands so would require the same permission. It is a TFS admin productivity tool.
You can use:
I had a similar issue and could not install sidekick because I'm running VS 2k17.
I was unable to delete the workspace because it kept telling me it could not find the workspace.
tf workspaces /computer:* /owner:*
This would list all of my workspaces and the owners. So I would try
tf workspace /delete myWorkSpaceName;Bob Smith
TF14061: The workspace myWorkSpaceName;Bob Smith does not exist.
That is the exact workspace and owner name I was getting in the original workspace listing above.
The solution was to ask for xml format
tf workspaces /computer:* /owner:* /format:xml > c:\temp\workspaces.xml
(Note: Output to file is optional, but recommended)
This gives workspace owner aliases and one of them was a long name with a guid and the account email. This finally worked:
tf workspace /delete myWorkSpaceName;aabe3ec12-1254-4956-b1ee-3fb26506931e\
It asked for a confirmation and finally deleted my orphaned workspace.
If you have administrative rights to the collection you can use the TF command located in the Visual Studio\Common7\IDE directory to do this without having to install another tool.
First list the workspaces associated with the user:
TF workspaces /collection:"http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/collection_name" /owner:owner_id
This will return the list of workspaces owned by the user and computer they are associated with
To delete a named workspace:
TF workspace /delete workspacename;owner_id /collection:"http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/collection_name"
First of all you need to install TFS Sidekick (you can download it from In installation phase choose Integrated with IDE mode
Then a new menu will be added to Visual Studio as below
Menus -> Tools -> TeamFoundation Sidekick
Then open workspace sidekick
Search for the 'ABC' user and then you can delete his workspace
Open Source Control Explorer(View->Other Windows->Source Control Explorer)
On toolbar pane there will be Workspace combo. Choose from that combo Workspacess..
1.First we will check the list of workspaces from VS 2015 Developer command prompt,
Ex - tf workspaces /owner:*
2.Now we will get the xml format from VS 2017 Developer command prompt which will have ‘owner id’ for the particular workspace,
Example 1 - tf.exe workspaces /owner:* /computer:ComputerName /collection: /format:xml
3.We can now delete the workspace for the particular user,
Example 1- Tf workspace /delete ComputerName; /server:""
Example 2 - Tf workspace /delete ComputerName;1e178c77-bb8b-6f05-bf99
(Where 1e178c77-bb8b-6f05-bf99 is ID of the workspace which you get from Step 2 XML format)
4.Again we will check the list of workspaces from VS 2015 Developer command prompt,
Ex - tf workspaces /owner:*
Steps to delete workspaces from the TFS server:
Open Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt.
Goto Program Files (x86) folder, depending on the installed visual studio select "Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0" folder. Here this I have selected it because I am having Visual Studio 2013 installed on my machine. Add this path in the command prompt. Add like
"cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE"
Note: If you have an access of the TFS server from the network then you can try it from any machine where Visual Studio has been installed or from the same TFS machine server if it has Visual Studio there.
Check a list of workspaces under specific collection. Type below command to get the workspaces under one collection.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\tf workspaces /server:http://{TFSServername}:8080/tfs/{CollectionName} /owner:*
In the above command replace {TFSServername} this with your TFS servername or the Server IP.
In the above command replace {CollectionName} this with actual TFS Collection Name.
How to remove workspaces under specific collection. Check below command for the same.
tf workspace /server:http://{TFSServername}:8080/tfs//{CollectionName} /delete “{workspacename};{owner}”
Replace {workspacename} this with "Workspacename” which is there in the list of workspaces.
Replace {CollectionName} this with TFS Collection Name.
E.g. tf workspace /server:http://{TFSServername}:8080/tfs//{CollectionName} /delete {Enter Exact Workspacename};{Enter ExtactOwnerName}
I had the same issue that after deleting the workspace using tf delete command, I was getting the error that the workspace was already mapped! Then I found out tf delete workspace command leaves the job incomplete so you have to also delete it from the cache manually as was suggested here:
I end up in same issue after the person who setup Jenkins left our company. He had setup workspace and TFS checkout was using alternate authentication. As his credentials are removed from msdn, TFS checkout started choking.
Following LarryG's solution helped to remove the workspace. Only difference is, I just used the windows live ID of the person, who left the company.
tf workspace /delete myWorkSpaceName;windowsliveID

TFS remove all workspace on local

Today I want to clean all workspace on our build server.
But I tried some command param and failed.
How to remove all TFS workspace on local?
After search, following cmd will remove all workspaces:
tf workspaces /remove:*
What’s the difference between tf workspace /delete and tf workspaces /remove?
TFS – deleting old workspaces

TFS: How to find untracked files in a TFS workspace?

Is there any easy way to list all untracked files in a TFS workspace, like what "git status" reports in the "untracked files" section, or the output of the following command:
git ls-files --other --exclude-standard
TFS PowerTools works for me! I also find I can get the same result with the following command:
tfpt treeclean /noprompt /preview /recursive
TFS PowerTools can do that
After installing it, from the command line try:
tfpt online
In Visual Studio IDE, in Source Control Explorer, right click on a folder an choose "Compare". This will allow you to compare local folder with your source control folder. There are various options there as well like ability to show or hide items that exist only on one side, exclude files by extensions, etc
