When to use takeUnretainedValue() or takeRetainedValue() to retrieve Unmanaged Objects in Swift? - ios

According to Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C you can use takeUnretainedValue() and takeRetainedValue()to tell Swift how to manage the memory of an object for a function like this:
func StringByAddingTwoStrings(CFString!, CFString!) -> Unmanaged<CFString>!
When do I have to use takeUnretainedValue() or takeRetainedValue()?
When I use ARC is it then always takeUnretainedValue()?

You use takeRetainedValue when the unmanaged object has a +1 retain count and you want ARC to take care of releasing the object when you're done. For example, if you call a Core Foundation function with Create or Copy in the name (see Create Rule in the Memory Management Programming Guide for Core Foundation) which returns an unmanaged object for which you are responsible for releasing, you generally use takeRetainedValue so that it is released for you (or, if you don't do this, you have to manually release it yourself with CFRelease or similar function). You use takeUnretainedValue when ownership of the object has not been transferred to you and you therefore do not want ARC releasing the object for you when it falls out of scope.
So, as to when you call takeUnretainedValue vs takeRetainedValue, it simply depends upon what sort of object the called function returns. As a general rule of thumb, if the object was returned from a Core Foundation function with Create or Copy in the name, use takeRetainedValue. Otherwise use takeUnretainedValue.
In terms of what happens if you call the wrong method, if you call takeUnretainedValue when you're passed a +1 object (e.g. an object returned from Core Foundation function with Create or Copy in the name), your app will leak unless you explicitly CFRelease it. You may not immediately notice the occasional leak when running the app, but it can be observed by watching your app's memory usage (e.g. if you profile your app with Instruments). But if you leave these leaks unresolved, your app may eventually receive memory warnings.
On the other hand, if you call takeRetainedValue on an object which has not been retained for you (returned by a function that did not have Create or Copy in its name), the app will likely crash when the object is released. Sometimes this won't manifest itself immediately (not until the last strong reference is resolved), but it will generally result in a catastrophic failure of the app.
So judicious selection of takeUnretainedValue vs takeRetainedValue is very important.

Quoting from NSHipster:
An Unmanaged instance wraps a CoreFoundation type T, preserving a reference to the underlying object as long as the Unmanaged instance itself is in scope. There are two ways to get a Swift-managed value out of an Unmanaged instance:
takeRetainedValue() returns a Swift-managed reference to the wrapped instance, decrementing the reference count while doing so—use with the return value of a Create Rule function.
takeUnretainedValue() returns a Swift-managed reference to the wrapped instance without decrementing the reference count—use with the return value of a Get Rule function.


obejective c - Portential leak of an object stored into

I am trying to Run the code but its reporting the memory leaks when using static analyzer. on this line as Potential leak of an object stored into 'encodedData'
return encodedData;
use __bridge_transfer
Using __bridge_transfer ensures that ARC will release the object for you. Without __bridge_transfer, you must release the returned object manually.
__bridge,__bridge_transfer keywords are used to tell to ARC system how to handle your non-objective-c pointers. In essence, if you use __bridge, you are telling to ARC not to deal with the ownership of the converted pointer because you will free it from non-objective-c code, most likely with a free() or a CFRelease... type function. __bridge_transfer, on the other hand, transfers the ownership to ARC and ARC will free your objective-c (and thus also the original non-objective-c) object via the standard release mechanism when the references to that object hits zero.
The problem is that you create your string using CoreFoundation methods. And by default ARC doesn't know what to do with it. So, you're responsible for either manually managing the memory for the created object (using CFRelease for example), or handing it over to ARC.
The later is, I believe, the way to go in your case. You can do it, as others have already noted, using __bridge_transfer.

Manual reference counting and AutoRelease

In manual memory management on what scenarios you will go for Auto Release
I'd like to be well prepared as I am about to do a project using without ARC
You typically use autorelease when you need to return an object from a method, and relinquish ownership at the same time: upon returning the calling side (not the creating method) should own the object.
If you just relinquish ownership before returning the object (with release), it gets immediately deallocated and the calling side can not use it. If you don't call release, the object has a reference count of +1 from the called function (that instantiated it), which also has no further chance to release after the calling side has claimed ownership.
So, autorelease is like a "deferred release": the object gets sent one release method at a later time (but not before the function that is returning it returns).
The alternative approach is to return objects with an agreed-upon reference count of 1, and rely on the calling side to release it when done.
This is made explicit by adopting a preestablished naming pattern for those methods: In cocoa, they typically contain the words "alloc", "new", "copy" or "mutalbeCopy".
Source: Apple's documentation.

__autoreleasing for return value in ARC Objective-C

According to Cocoa's "Create Rule" a method that returns a newly instantiated object must begin with either new, create, or copy if ownership is transferred to the caller.
Let's say I have a class that implements a factory method called (NSObject *)getCorrectObject.
This method will return a new instance of the correct subclass of the callee (determined by some internal state of the callee). Technically this method does not follow the "Create Rule" and could lead to memory leaks in non-ARC environments.
Would it be possible to instead use (NSObject *__autoreleasing)getCorrectObject to avoid using new or create in this case?
In non-ARC I would return an autoreleased object, but I'm not entirely sure if __autoreleasing works for anything other than In/Out parameters.
According to Cocoa's "Create Rule" a method that returns a newly instantiated object must begin with either new, create, or copy if ownership is transferred to the caller.
This isn't called the Create Rule (and isn't correct). The Create Rule is a Core Foundation rule related to the words Create and Copy. Cocoa has a different rule related to “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy”.
Let's say I have a class that implements a factory method called (NSObject *)getCorrectObject.
Then it would be incorrectly named. Starting a method with get indicates that it returns a value by reference. The correct signature would be:
+ (BOOL)getCorrectObject(NSObject**)result;
This method will return a new instance of the correct subclass of the callee (determined by some internal state of the callee). Technically this method does not follow the "Create Rule" and could lead to memory leaks in non-ARC environments.
That is not based on whether it is a new instance. It's based on whether it includes an unbalanced retain.
Methods that begin with “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” should return an object with one unbalanced retain. Other methods should return an object that has an equal number of retain and autorelease attached to it.
If for some reason you have to violate these naming rules (and you really don't want to violate these rules), the correct way to indicate it to ARC is by using NS_RETURNS_RETAINED (see Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h for all the macros). This only assists ARC in correctly fixing your memory management when dealing with mixed ARC/Retain code in cases where it is impossible to fix your incorrect naming. Pure ARC code doesn't need this; it'll balance out either way. Pure Retain code won't be helped by this. The caller has to do the right thing (and so has to just know that you did it wrong and compensate).
Note that as long as you're using ARC throughout the project (and you really, really should be), most of this won't matter a lot in practice. ARC will balance everything out for you pretty much no matter what you name things, since you're not in charge of adding the retains, releases, and autoreleases anyway.

Is it possible to implement NSFastEnumeration when using weak references?

I have a collection which maintains weak references to its objects. I'd like it to conform to NSFastEnumeration, but the buffer provided by countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: uses unsafe_unretained references. That creates a gap during which a returned reference could become invalid but not zeroed.
That's fine in the general case -- if the collection stuffs its (currently valid but weakly-referenced) object into the buffer and returns it, then the caller will presumably create its own strong reference if needed. But that leaves two problems:
(1) I don't see any guarantee that the for(){} iteration construct itself creates a temporary strong reference to the object, so if the contents of the {x} block changes something outside the collection in a way that causes the object to be released, then it'll have a dangling reference.
(2) There's still a small gap while returning from countByEnumeratingWithState: during which activity on another thread could invalidate the reference. My collection isn't meant to be thread-safe, but it would be nice if it could at least safely store references to objects which could be referenced on another thread, as there's really no way to prevent that in any multi-threaded application.
You can't return a strong reference directly to the caller. The caller won't release it, and the fast enumeration protocol does not guarantee that you will get a chance to release it yourself when the caller is done.
Instead you can retain+autorelease the objects before you store them into the buffer. That would guarantee the objects stay alive while the caller uses them. It may hurt the "fast" part of fast enumeration, but you would still get the "convenient syntax" part. If you add a nil check after you read the weak variable then you can avoid storing nil pointers into the buffer.

Keeping a strong pointer to a local object

I encountered this thing in a book which I am reading and it got me thinking:
"When you allocate a block, it is created on the stack. This means that, even if you were to keep a strong reference to it, calling it later would result in a crash because the memory would be destroyed as soon as you leave the method in which it was defined."
I thought if I have a strong pointer to something, it is kept alive?
Does this mean this does not apply for objects allocated on the stack?
I am trying to think of an example without using blocks...(e.g., of pointer - maybe an ivar- pointing to a stack allocated object which gets destroyed even though the pointer is alive)
Objects are never allocated on the stack in Objective-C. Blocks are special however, since they are stack allocated. So if you want to retain a pointer to a block, you must first copy it by using Block_copy and use the copy, then release it with Block_release. This must be done if the block is to be used after the scope it was declared in is destroyed. More on the matter here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/Blocks/Articles/bxUsing.html (under "Copying Blocks"). Yet again though, this does not apply to regular objects.
Blocks can be messaged like objects. To move them from the stack to the heap, just "copy" them.
void (^stackBlock)() = [^(){
NSLog(#"Hello world");
} copy];
