Floating view (like in the Apple stock mail app)? - ios

I would like to implement a floating view into my iOS app. Something like the one in Apple´s stock mail app on iPad when you write a new mail or the one you see in some apps as introduction (with the ability to be a fullscreen view on iPhone). Unfortunately, I cannot find any tutorials (maybe because I´m not sure if they´re really called "floating views"?). Does anyone know a good tutorial or a simple code fragment? thx.

The Mail compose UI on iPad is an example of a view controller being shown as a modal view. You can get this style by presenting a view controller modally using either the PageSheet or FormSheet style.

You could simply place a UIView on top of your currently showing view. If you place it correctly you should get the desired effect. The animation likely comes from [UIView animateWithDuration... or some UIKitDynamics


Easy way to implement "swipe to preview" -- is this PageViewController?

I've noticed on a few apps, the app (prior to login) begins with a tutorial screen. I know that UIPageViewController can be used to build a tutorial screen, but the format of these other app screens' seem to have a much more aesthetically pleasing "swipe to preview" functionality built in. They all look similar to this:
Is this done with a specific view controller that I'm not seeing? Or is it a Page View Controller embedded in a container in another view controller? I feel as though there's a simple way of doing this that I'm not seeing.

Gmail iOS Modal View Transition

Just wondering if anyone have tried to replicate the transition that is used for presenting modal views in Gmail iOS? It looks darn gorgeous and refreshing from the pop up from bottom animation.
Pretty sure you're referring to the push-back transition when displaying the modal view controller? If so, then it's the one that the National Geographic Park Guides app first introduced and someone has released their replica of it over on Github. This one is only a partial screen modal, but could be modified to mimic the full view that the Gmail app does.
How about using this? Detailed animation, there is a need to develop a little more.
I created a UIViewController category to mimic this type of modal animation. It is called MFFadeBackModalAnimation. It wraps around the native API for presenting and dismissing view controllers so it should integrate well with your existing app.

UISplitViewController like mail app

I want to make my application similar to mail.app in vertical orientation. It should show a master view controller by button, but not in pop over and in horizontal orientation it should look like a simple UiSplitViewController.
Have you any ideas? Is there any usable open source projects which could be re-used?
Mail.app is using a standard UISplitViewController. The behaviour was changed in iOS 5 so that it no longer uses a popover, but instead slides in the master view controller from the left. Although technically I guess you can still call that a "popover".
This may be confusing because the documentation and delegate methods still refer to a popover controller, but if you create a blank split view project from Xcode and run it on an iOS 5 device or simulator, you will get the new behaviour.
Try MGSplitViewController - very useful alternative to the UISplitViewController, has some nice configuration options.

How do I set rotation on the Gamekit login banner in an iOS game?

I'm working on an iOS game that supports multiple orientations. For most Game Kit views, it's easy to support rotation; you can grab the view property off of the appropriate view controller and apply the proper transform when you show the screen.
However, I've found no way to do this with the Game Center banners that pop up asynchronously, like the "welcome back" popup that happens after successful login. That's got no view controller I can find since it's shown by the runtime independent of my code.
Anyone know?
Answering my own question: make sure you have a root view controller attached to the top level window, and that view controller is properly responding to orientation changes, even if you're doing the rest in GL...

Can we develop a custom UITababar?

Is this possible for us to customize the UITabbar as it is in the attached image for an iPAd App?
My App is only meant for Landscape orientation..
Will apple allow this?
I know that this same can be done using a UIToolbar and having tab like buttons. Since the number of tabs I will have in my app is around 5, I can not think of implementing them in a single view using UIToolbar.
I came to know that even if this kind customization is done, Apple will not approve the App.
I have actually used UIView to place different UIButtons in them and produce similar effects as that of UITabbar.
