How to perform update in Apache Spark SQL - join

I have to update a JavaSchemaRDD with some new values by having some WHERE conditions.
This is the SQL query which I want to convert into Spark SQL:
SET t1.column1 = '0', t1.column2 = 1, t1.column3 = 1
INNER JOIN TABLE2 t2 ON t1.id_column = t2.id_column
WHERE (t2.column1 = 'A') AND (t2.column2 > 0)

Yup I got solution my self. I have achieved this using Spark core only, I have not used Spark-Sql for this. I have 2 RDD's (also can be called as tables or datasets) t1 and t2. If we observe my query in the question I am updating t1 based on one join condition and two where conditions. Meaning I need three columns(id_column, column1 and column2) from t2. So I have taken these columns in to 3 individual collections. And then I put an iteration over 1st RDD t1 and during the iteration I have added those three condition statements(1 Join and 2 where conditions) using java "if" conditions. So based on "if" conditions result first RDD values got updated.


Hive-How to join tables with OR clause in ON statement

I've got the following problem. In my oracle db I have query as follows:
select * from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on
(t1.id_1= t2.id_1 or t1.id_2 = t2.id_2)
and it works perfectly.
Nowadays I need to re-write query on hive. I've seen that OR clause doesn't work in JOINS in hive (error warning : 'OR not supported in JOIN').
Is there any workaround for this except splitting query between two separate and union them?
Another way is to union two joins, e.g.,
select * from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on
(t1.id_1= t2.id_1)
union all
select * from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on
(t1.id_2 = t2.id_2)
Hive does not support non-equi joins. Common approach is to move join ON condition to the WHERE clause. In the worst case it will be the CROSS JOIN + WHERE filter, like this:
select *
from table1 t1
cross join table2 t2
where (t1.id_1= t2.id_1 or t1.id_2 = t2.id_2)
It may work slow because of rows multiplication by CROSS JOIN.
You can try to do two LEFT joins instead of CROSS and filter out cases when both conditions are false (like INNER JOIN in your query). This may perform faster than cross join because will not multiply all the rows. Also columns selected from second table can be calculated using NVL() or coalesce().
select t1.*,
nvl(t2.col1, t3.col1) as t2_col1, --take from t2, if NULL, take from t3
... calculate all other columns from second table in the same way
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 on t1.id_1= t2.id_1
left join table2 t3 on t1.id_2 = t3.id_2
where (t1.id_1= t2.id_1 OR t1.id_2 = t3.id_2) --Only joined records allowed likke in your INNER join
As you asked, no UNION is necessary.

proc sql inner join behavior and required select statements

I recently started using SAS, only receiving a basic training that didn't cover proc sql. I'd like to read up a bit more on SAS sql when I have the time.
For now, I found a solution to what I wanted to do, but I'm having difficulties understanding what is happening.
My issue started when I wanted to find out which subjects in my dataset have a certain value for all their records. I made use of my previously written snippet of code that I thought I understood. I just tried adding a couple more variables and group by statements:
data have;
input subject:$1. myvar:1. mycount:1.;
a 1 1
a 0 2
a 0 3
b 1 1
b 0 2
b 1 3
c 1 1
c 1 2 /*This subject has myvar = 1 for all its observations*/
*find subjects;
proc sql;
create table want as
/* select*/
/* distinct x.subject */
/* from */
(select distinct subject, count(myvar) as myvar_c
from have where myvar = 1 group by subject) x,
(select distinct subject, max(mycount) as max_c
from have group by subject) y
where x.subject = y.subject and x.myvar_c = y.max_c;
When removing the commented 'select distinct x.subject from' in the create table statement, the above code works as should.
However, I've previously also created another piece of code, to select all subjects in my dataset that have two types of records:
data have2;
input subject:$1. mytype:1.;
a 1
a 0
a 0
b 1
b 0
b 1
c 1
c 1 /*This subject doesn't have two types of records in all its observations*/
*Find subjects;
proc sql;
create table want2 as select
distinct x.subject from
have2 x,
(select distinct subject, count(distinct mytype) as mytype_c from have2 group by subject) y
where y.mytype_c = 2 and x.subject = y.subject;
Which is similar, but didn't require the additional select statement. The first code has 3 select statements, the second code only requires two select statements.
Can someone inform me why this is exactly required?
Or link me some good documentation that lists the specifications of these types of joins - can anyone also inform me of the specific name of this type of join where you only use a comma?
while I'm writing, also see that could've used my code I initially wrote to find subjects that have only 1 type of record and tweak it for my current issue >.< but still would like to know what is happening in the first example.
The SQL join construct
is known as a CROSS JOIN and is a join without criteria. The comma (,) syntax is less prevalent today and the following construct is recommended
The result set is a cartesian product and the number of rows is the product of the number of rows in the cross joined tables.
When the query has criteria (WHERE clause) the join is an INNER JOIN.
The SAS documentation for Proc SQL is a good starting point and includes examples.
joined-table Component
Joins a table with itself or with other tables or views.
Table of Contents
Required Arguments
Optional Argument
Types of Joins
Joining Tables
Table Limit
Specifying the Rows to Be Returned
Table Aliases
Joining a Table with Itself
Inner Joins
Outer Joins
Cross Joins
Union Joins
Natural Joins
Joining More Than Two Tables
Comparison of Joins and Subqueries
General tip:
If you want to fool around (fiddle) with SQL queries in a browser, try visiting
SQL Fiddle web site.

Redshift - Efficient JOIN clause with OR

I have the need to join a huge table (10 million plus rows) to a lookup table (15k plus rows) with an OR condition. Something like:
SELECT t1.a, t1.b, nvl(t1.c, t2.c), nvl(t1.d, t2.d)
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.c = t2.c OR t1.d = t2.d;
This is because table1 can have c or d as NULL, and I'd like to join on whichever is available, leaving out the rest. The query plan says there is a Nested Loop, which I realize is because of the OR condition. Is there a clean, efficient way of solving this problem? I'm using Redshift.
EDIT: I am trying to run this with a UNION, but it doesn't seem to be any faster than before.
If you have a preferred column you can NVL() (aka COALESCE()) them and join on that.
SELECT t1.a, t1.b, nvl(t1.c, t2.c), nvl(t1.d, t2.d)
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.c = NVL(t2.c,t2.d);
I'd also suggest that you should set the lookup table to DISTSTYLE ALL to ensure that the larger table is not redistributed.
[ Also, 10 million rows isn't big for Redshift. Not trying to be snotty just saying that we get excellent performance on Redshift even when querying (and joining) tables with hundreds of billions of rows. ]
How about doing two (left) joins? With the small lookup table performance shouldn't be too bad even.
SELECT t1.a, t1.b, nvl(t1.c, t2.c), nvl(t1.d, t3.d)
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.d = t2.d and t1.c is null
LEFT JOIN table2 t3 ON t1.c = t3.c and t1.d is null
Your original query only returns rows that match at least one of c or d in the lookup table. If that's not guaranteed you may need to add filters...for example rows in t1 where both c and d are null or have values not present in table2.
Don't really need the null checks in the joins, but might be slightly faster.

Skewed dataset join in Spark?

I am joining two big datasets using Spark RDD. One dataset is very much skewed so few of the executor tasks taking a long time to finish the job. How can I solve this scenario?
Pretty good article on how it can be done:
Short version:
Add random element to large RDD and create new join key with it
Add random element to small RDD using explode/flatMap to increase number of entries and create new join key
Join RDDs on new join key which will now be distributed better due to random seeding
Say you have to join two tables A and B on Lets assume that table A has skew on id=1.
i.e. select from A join B on =
There are two basic approaches to solve the skew join issue:
Approach 1:
Break your query/dataset into 2 parts - one containing only skew and the other containing non skewed data.
In the above example. query will become -
1. select from A join B on = where <> 1;
2. select from A join B on = where = 1 and = 1;
The first query will not have any skew, so all the tasks of ResultStage will finish at roughly the same time.
If we assume that B has only few rows with = 1, then it will fit into memory. So Second query will be converted to a broadcast join. This is also called Map-side join in Hive.
The partial results of the two queries can then be merged to get the final results.
Approach 2:
Also mentioned by LeMuBei above, the 2nd approach tries to randomize the join key by appending extra column.
Add a column in the larger table (A), say skewLeft and populate it with random numbers between 0 to N-1 for all the rows.
Add a column in the smaller table (B), say skewRight. Replicate the smaller table N times. So values in new skewRight column will vary from 0 to N-1 for each copy of original data. For this, you can use the explode sql/dataset operator.
After 1 and 2, join the 2 datasets/tables with join condition updated to-
* = && A.skewLeft = B.skewRight*
Depending on the particular kind of skew you're experiencing, there may be different ways to solve it. The basic idea is:
Modify your join column, or create a new join column, that is not skewed but which still retains adequate information to do the join
Do the join on that non-skewed column -- resulting partitions will not be skewed
Following the join, you can update the join column back to your preferred format, or drop it if you created a new column
The "Fighting the Skew In Spark" article referenced in LiMuBei's answer is a good technique if the skewed data participates in the join. In my case, skew was caused by a very large number of null values in the join column. The null values were not participating in the join, but since Spark partitions on the join column, the post-join partitions were very skewed as there was one gigantic partition containing all of the nulls.
I solved it by adding a new column which changed all null values to a well-distributed temporary value, such as "NULL_VALUE_X", where X is replaced by random numbers between say 1 and 10,000, e.g. (in Java):
// Before the join, create a join column with well-distributed temporary values for null swids. This column
// will be dropped after the join. We need to do this so the post-join partitions will be well-distributed,
// and not have a giant partition with all null swids.
String swidWithDistributedNulls = "swid_with_distributed_nulls";
int numNullValues = 10000; // Just use a number that will always be bigger than number of partitions
Column swidWithDistributedNullsCol =
when(csDataset.col(CS_COL_SWID).isNull(), functions.concat(
csDataset = csDataset.withColumn(swidWithDistributedNulls, swidWithDistributedNullsCol);
Then joining on this new column, and then after the join:
Taking reference from
below is the code for fighting the skew in spark using Pyspark dataframe API
Creating the 2 dataframes:
from math import exp
from random import randint
from datetime import datetime
def count_elements(splitIndex, iterator):
n = sum(1 for _ in iterator)
yield (splitIndex, n)
def get_part_index(splitIndex, iterator):
for it in iterator:
yield (splitIndex, it)
num_parts = 18
# create the large skewed rdd
skewed_large_rdd = sc.parallelize(range(0,num_parts), num_parts).flatMap(lambda x: range(0, int(exp(x))))
skewed_large_rdd = skewed_large_rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda ind, x: get_part_index(ind, x))
skewed_large_df = spark.createDataFrame(skewed_large_rdd,['x','y'])
small_rdd = sc.parallelize(range(0,num_parts), num_parts).map(lambda x: (x, x))
small_df = spark.createDataFrame(small_rdd,['a','b'])
Dividing the data into 100 bins for large df and replicating the small df 100 times
salt_bins = 100
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
skewed_transformed_df = skewed_large_df.withColumn('salt', (F.rand()*salt_bins).cast('int')).cache()
small_transformed_df = small_df.withColumn('replicate', F.array([F.lit(i) for i in range(salt_bins)]))
small_transformed_df ='*', F.explode('replicate').alias('salt')).drop('replicate').cache()
Finally the join avoiding the skew
t0 =
result2 = skewed_transformed_df.join(small_transformed_df, (skewed_transformed_df['x'] == small_transformed_df['a']) & (skewed_transformed_df['salt'] == small_transformed_df['salt']) )
print "The direct join takes %s"%(str( - t0))
Apache DataFu has two methods for doing skewed joins that implement some of the suggestions in the previous answers.
The joinSkewed method does salting (adding a random number column to split the skewed values).
The broadcastJoinSkewed method is for when you can divide the dataframe into skewed and regular parts, as described in Approach 2 from the answer by moriarty007.
These methods in DataFu are useful for projects using Spark 2.x. If you are already on Spark 3, there are dedicated methods for doing skewed joins.
Full disclosure - I am a member of Apache DataFu.
You could try to repartition the "skewed" RDD to more partitions, or try to increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (which is by default 200).
In your case, I would try to set the number of partitions to be much higher than the number of executors.

Multiplying factors received through a SELECT JOIN command

I use a MYSQL command as follows:
According to this JOIN, there should be 3 rows returned from TABLE2 (say with factos 2, 3 and 4) but the TABLE1.AMOUNT only multiply the FACTOR in the first row and not the 2nd and 3rd row.
I expect to get the original AMOUNT x (2x3x4) BUT I get the value AMOUNT x 2
How do I solve this? Thanks for your help.
An UPDATE statement only updates a given row once. You need to replace TABLE2 with a subquery that produces the right multiplier. Unfortunately, MySQL doesn't have any multiplicative counterpart to SUM for multiplying a group of values together, but if you can accept some extra roundoff error, I suppose you could write:
UPDATE table1
FROM table1
JOIN ( SELECT column1,
EXP(SUM(LN(table2.factor))) AS total_factor
FROM table2
BY column1
) subquery2
USING (column1)
SET table1.amount = table1.amount * subquery2.total_factor
(using the fact that Πak = eΣlnak).
