Run commands on create a new Docker container - docker

Is it possible to add instructions like RUN in Dockerfile that, instead of run on docker build command, execute when a new container is created with docker run? I think this can be useful to initialize a volume attached to host file system.

Take a look at the ENTRYPOINT command. This specifies a command to run when the container starts, regardless of what someone provides as a command on the docker run command line. In fact, it is the job of the ENTRYPOINT script to interpret any command passed to docker run.

I think you are looking for the CMD
The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing
container. These defaults can include an executable, or they can omit
the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT
instruction as well.
Note: don't confuse RUN with CMD. RUN actually runs a command and
commits the result; CMD does not execute anything at build time, but
specifies the intended command for the image.
You should also look into using Data Containers see this excellent Blog post.
Persistent volumes with Docker - Data-only container pattern


How to test a Dockerfile with minimal overhead

I'm trying to learn how to write a Dockerfile. Currently my strategy is as follows:
Guess what commands are correct to write based documentation.
Run sudo docker-compose up --build -d to build a docker container
Wait ~5 minutes for my anaconda packages to install
Find that I made a mistake on step 15, and go back to step 1.
Is there a way to interactively enter the commands for a Dockerfile, or to cache the first 14 successful steps so I don't need to rebuild the entire file? I saw something about docker exec but it seems that's only for running containers. I also want to try and use the same syntax as I use in the dockerfile (i.e. ENTRYPOINT and ENV) since I'm not sure what the bash equivalent is/if it exists.
you can run docker-compose without the --build flag that way you don't have to rebuild the image every time, although as you are testing the Dockerfile i don't know if you have much options here; the docker should cache automatically the builds but only if there's no changes from the last time that you made a build, and there's no way to build a image interactively, docker doesn't work like that, lastly, the docker exec is just to run commands inside the container that was created from the build.
some references for you: docker cache, docker file best practices

Use Docker to Distribute CLI Application

I'm somewhat new to Docker. I would like to be able to use Docker to distribute a CLI program, but run the program normally once it has been installed. To be specific, after running docker build on the system, I need to be able to simply run my-program in the terminal, not docker run my-program. How can I do this?
I tried something with a Makefile which runs docker build -t my-program . and then writes a shell script to ~/.local/bin/ called my-program that runs docker run my-program, but this adds another container every time I run the script.
EDIT: I realize is the expected behavior of docker run, but it does not work for my use-case.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
If you want to keep your script, add the remove flag --rm to the docker run command. The remove flag removes the container automatically after the entry-point process has exit.
Additionally, I would personally prefer an alias for this. Simply add something like this example alias my-program="docker run --rm my-program" to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file. This even has the advantage that all other parameters after the alias (my-program param1 param2) are automatically forwarded to the entry-point of your image without any additional effort.

Making sense out of docker create command line arguments

I am trying to understand the following docker create command from the book Docker in Action 2nd Edition:
docker container create --name export-test dockerinaction/ch7_packed:latest ./echo For Export
Here we are creating a container named export-test that will be used to run the image dockerinaction/ch7_packed:latest. So far so good.
What does the ./echo For Export part in the above command do?
The online documentation for docker create does not yield any clue to me.
It specifies the command that will get run when you eventually docker start the container. It overrides the CMD in the image's Dockerfile. If the image has an ENTRYPOINT then the command will be passed to the entrypoint command as command-line arguments.

Difference between Docker Build and Docker Run

If I want to run a python script in my container what is the point in having the RUN command, if I can pass in an argument at build along with running the script?
Each time I run the container I want to be run on an ENV variable passed in during the build stage.
If I were to use Swarm, and the only goal was to run the script, swarm would only be building nodes, rather than building and eventually running, since the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions only happen at run time.
Am I missing something?
The docker build command creates an immutable image. The docker run command creates a container that uses the image as a base filesystem, and other metadata from the image is used as defaults to run that image.
Each RUN line in a Dockerfile is used to add a layer to the image filesystem in docker. Docker actually performs that task in a temporary container, hence the selection of the confusing "run" term. The only thing preserved from that RUN command are the filesystem changes, running processes, changes to environment variables, shell settings like the current working directory, are all lost when the temporary container is cleaned up at the completion of the RUN command.
The ENTRYPOINT and CMD value are used to specify the default command to run when the container is started. When both are defined, the result is the value of the entrypoint is run with the value of the cmd appended as a command line argument. The value of CMD is easily overridden at the end of the docker run command line, so by using both you can get easy to reconfigure containers that run the same command with different user input parameters.
If the command you are trying to run needs to be performed every time the container starts, rather than being stored in the immutable image, then you need to perform that command in your ENTRYPOINT or CMD. This will add to the container startup time, so if the result of that command can be stored as a filesystem change and cached for all future containers being run, you want to make that setting in a RUN line.

Docker RUN layer has no mounted volumes

In my docker-compose, I am mounting a local folder to a folder for Docker. I can see and use the mounted volume with CMD in the Dockerfile, but not with RUN. RUN seems to be a totally clean layer from the docs. Is there a way to have RUN be able to use mount points specified in the docker-compose file?
You can't mount volumes during the docker build process, regardless of whether you use docker itself, docker-compose, or some other tool. The whole idea is that the build process is supposed to be as indepdent of your environment as possible, so that the resulting images have no dependencies on your local system and can be more easily shared.
There are generally alternate ways of approaching whatever problem you're trying to solve that do not require trying to expose data into your build process.
Actually there's a big difference between CMD and RUN
CMD is used to provide arguments or command which is execute when you start the container
RUN is used to provide a command to execute to create a new layer.
In short: volumes are not available during build step (when RUN is executed).
Docker containers have two ways of providing "external" files:
In build step, context is passed.
In run step, container layer + volumes are used.
See for CMD:
See for RUN:
For context see:
