Borland C++ - Build Without Runtime Packages from Command Line - c++builder

Does anyone know how to build without runtime packages in Borland C++ with the command line?
On their builder, I know you got to Options->Packages and uncheck "Build with runtime packages", but I don't see how to replicate this from the command line.
Thank you


Why MSBUILD gets error from Rad Studio 10.3 IDE but from command line works?

In a Rad Studio Rio C++ project, when I compile, I get:
MSBUILD : error E1028: unable to open output file '.\Win32\Debug\Unit1\obj': 'no such file or directory'
Note that it shows Unit1\obj, not Unit1.obj.
It works fine if I compile from command line using MSBUILD MyProject.cbproj
Also, it works fine if I set on the Run C++ compiler in separate process
Also, I have found that the problem is only when I use the Configuration Manager, assigning to the projectt an .optset file. If I unlink this .optset file, then it compiles from the IDE again.
It seems a bug.

Coverity support issue for Borland C++Builder

When I compile my code using Borland C++Builder (it is necessary for me to use only the Borland compiler), bcc32.exe is able to compile the code successfully. When I build this same code with the cov-build command inside of cmd.exe, the build fails with errors like:
cannot open source file "iostream"
What is the possible reason behind this, and how do I debug it?
Here is the code
Coverity requires that you configure your compiler in the same environment that you build it in. If you fail to do so, the configuration probes will not pick up your include paths, amongst other things.

How can I compile a Delphi application without using the IDE?

I need to build the components, package, and project file without using the Delphi XE7 RAD Studio IDE. Is there some way to do this using command line instead?
When you installed RAD Studio, it added a shortcut in the start menu named RAD Studio Command Prompt. Execute that shortcut. You now have a command prompt window for an environment that includes all you need to build at the comment line.
Change directory to the directory containing your .dproj files.
Execute the following command: msbuild YourProjectName.dproj.
If you have multiple projects build them all. Of course you'd want to script all this up in due course.
Control the build target (clean, make, build) and configuration (debug, release, win32, win64) using command line arguments as documented here:
For more details, start with the documentation here:

borland c++ builder how to make exe file with packages

I don't know how create application to run on computer without Borland C++ Builder software installed.
You need to go into the Project Options and disable the "Use dynamic RTL" setting in the Linker section, and disable the "Build with runtime packages" setting in the Packages section.

Delphi Project Needing runtime Packages, even with runtime Packages off

My Delphi7 project will not run on my clients computer if i don't have a few of the runtime packages in the path. eg rtl70.bpl
I have Build with runtime packages unticked, so shouldn't they be complied into the exe?
Edit: the Project uses Jedi Packages (TJvPlugin) and running the program with out any plugin installed works fine. As Soon as i add a Plugin, the bpl not found errors reappear. Seems like ill have to live with the extra packages.
It has been a while, but it seems like there was something where you needed to (1) check build with runtime packages, and then that enables some other editor (maybe list of packages to use), and you (2) make a change there. (3) Then do a full build, and then (4) remove the runtime packages check and do another (5) full build. It is important to do a full build each time.
From memory:
1. check the build with runtime packages
2. Remove all the run time packages from the list
3. Full build
4. Uncheck the build with run time packages
5. Full build.
Can't test, don't have D7 anymore...
Your project may use DLLs or COM objects that have been built with Delphi packages.
You also need to uncheck the "Use Dynamic RTL" on the Linker tab of the Project Options.
Caveat: I'm using C++Builder, but I believe the options are the same.
One may find this obvious, but check the size of the executable once you've compiled, if it's larger, it'll run. When we manually copy in our updates a smaller dll is a big red flag that something is wrong with the project options.
