Docker hub automated build fails but locally does not - docker

I have setup an automated build on Docker hub here (the sources are here).
The build goes well locally. I have also tried to rebuild it with --no-cache option:
docker build --no-cache .
And the process completes successfully
Successfully built 68b34a5f493a
However, the automated build fails on Docker hub with this error log:
Cloning into 'nerdtree'...
[91mVim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
[91mVim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
[m[m[0m[H[2J[24;1HError detected while processing command line:
E492: Not an editor command: PluginInstall
E492: Not an editor command: GoInstallBinaries
[91mmv: cannot stat `/go/bin/*': No such file or directory
This build apparently fails on the following vim command:
vim +PluginInstall +GoInstallBinaries +qall
Note that the warnings Output is not to a terminal and Input is not to a terminal appears also in the local build.
I cannot understand how this can happen. I am using a standard Ubuntu 14.04 system.

I finally figured it out. The issue was related to this one.
I am using Docker 1.0 in my host machine, however a later version is in production in Docker Hub. Without the explicit ENV HOME=... line in the Dockerfile, version 1.0 uses / as home directory, while /root is used by the later version. The result is that vim was not able to find its .vimrc file, since it was copied in / instead of /root. The solution I used is to explicitly define ENV HOME=/root in my Dockerfile, so there are no differences between the two versions.


Using JMeter plugins with justb4/jmeter Docker image results in error

I am using Docker to run JMeter in Azure Devops. I am trying to use Blazemeter's Parallel Controller, which is not native to JMeter. So, according to the justb4/jmeter image documentation, I used the following command to get the image going and run the JMeter test:
docker run --name jmetertest -i -v /home/vsts/work/1/s/plugins:/plugins -v $ROOTPATH:/test -w /test justb4/jmeter ${#:2}
However, it produces the following error while trying to accommodate for the plugin (I know the plugin makes the difference due to testing without the plugin):
cp: can't create '/test/lib/ext': No such file or directory
As far as I understand, this is an error produced when one of the parent directories of the directory you are trying to make does not exist. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is there actually something wrong with the image?
For reference, I will include links to the image documentation and the repository.
Looking into the Dockerfile:
ENV JMETER_HOME /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}
Looking into
if [ -d /plugins ]
for plugin in /plugins/*.jar; do
cp $plugin $(pwd)/lib/ext
It basically copies the plugins from /plugins folder (if it is present) to /lib/ext folder relative to current working directory
I don't know why did you add this stanza -w /test to your command line but it explicitly "tells" the container that local working directory is /test, not /opt/apache-jmeter-xxxx, that's why the script is failing to copy the files.
In general I don't think that the approach is very valid because:
In Azure DevOps you won't have your "local" folder (unless you want to add plugins binaries under the version control system)
Some JMeter Plugins have other .jars as the dependencies so when you're installing the plugin you should:
put the plugin itself under /lib/ext folder of your JMeter installation
put the plugin dependencies under /lib folder of your JMeter installation
So I would recommend amending the Dockerfile, download JMeter Plugins Manager and installed the plugin(s) you need from the command line
Something like:
RUN wget -O /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager.jar
RUN wget -P /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/
RUN java -cp /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/lib/ext/jmeter-plugins-manager.jar org.jmeterplugins.repository.PluginManagerCMDInstaller
RUN /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}/bin/./ install bzm-parallel

Apache PredictionIO - Docker run failed

I have been trying this tutorial. I have successfully built Docker image however when I try to run docker run i get the Can't open /etc/predictionio/ error.
docker build -t predictionio/pio pio
docker run -ti predictionio/pio
PS: If I comment out the last line CMD ["sh", "/usr/bin/pio_run"] I can build and run docker image successfully. I can open the file too from docker bash.
I think you need to grant permissions to execute this file. add the following line at the end of your Dockerfile
RUN chmod +x
also, you might need to change CMD to ENTRYPOINT like following:
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","/usr/bin/"]
Your output states you are running Windows. Did you use the default command prompt or did you use docker terminal? I had the same error messages in the past on Windows but mysteriously it disappeared after trying the tutorial again. I am not sure what I did different except I might possibly used docker instead of the default command prompt...
Could you also try using docker-compose instead of plain docker commands as described in the tutorial?
Ensure your storage (Postgres, MySQL or ElasticSearch) is running before starting PIO as well.
Just resolved it on my machine.
When you cloned repository on Windows, git converted end of line symbols from Unix-style (\n) to Windows style (\r\n).
You need to open file C:\wherever-you-cloned-pio-repository\predictionio\docker\pio\pio_run and change it back (for e.g. using Visual Studio Code, or Notepad++). Then you need to rebuild the image and it should work.
Also for the future you may want to disable automatic conversion Disable git EOL Conversions

How to run Bazel container images on OSX?

According to the documentation at bazelbuild/rules_docker, it should be possible to work with these container images on OSX, and it also claims that it's possible to do so without docker.
These rules do not require / use Docker for pulling, building, or pushing images. This means:
They can be used to develop Docker containers on Windows / OSX without boot2docker or docker-machine installed.
They do not require root access on your workstation.
How do I do that? Here's a simple rule:
name = "helloworld_image",
importpath = "",
library = ":go_default_library",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
I can build the image with bazel build :helloworld_image. It produces a tar ball in blaze-bin, but it won't run it:
INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/helloworld_image
Loaded image ID: sha256:08d312b529d30431c68741fd3a31468a02533f27a8c2c29eedc969dae5a39852
Tagging 08d312b529d30431c68741fd3a31468a02533f27a8c2c29eedc969dae5a39852 as bazel:helloworld_image
standard_init_linux.go:185: exec user process caused "exec format error"
ERROR: Non-zero return code '1' from command: Process exited with status 1.
It's trying to run the linux this is OSX, which is silly.
I also tried doing a "docker load" on the .tar content but it doesn't seem to like that format.
$ docker load -i bazel-bin/helloworld_image-layer.tar
open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-330829602/app/json: no such file or directory
Help? Thanks!
You are building for your host platform by default so you need to build for the container platform if you want to do that.
Since you are using a go binary, you can do cross compilation by specifying --cpu=k8 on the command line. Ideally we would be able to just say that the docker image needs a linux binary (so no need to specify the --cpu command-line flag) but this is still a work in progress in Bazel.

Running C/C++ binary executable as a docker container

I am new to container world and exploring options to run my application on a container.Here are the things that I am seeing:
When I include compiling and building the C/C++ binary as part of docker image itself, it works fine with out any problems. Container starts and everything works fine.
If I try to run an already compiled and existing binary using CMD ["./helloworld"] in a container It throws me this error
standard_init_linux.go:185: exec user process caused “exec format error”.
Any ideas of how to get out of this problem? This seems like a basic problem that would have been solved already
Here is my dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu
COPY . /Users/test//Documents/CPP-Projects/HelloWorld-Static
WORKDIR /Users/test/Documents/CPP-Projects/HelloWorld-Static
CMD ["./build/exe/hellostatic/hellostatic"]
Hers is my exe:
gobjdump -a build/exe/hellostatic/hellostatic
build/exe/hellostatic/hellostatic: file format mach-o-x86-64
Here is the error:
docker run test
standard_init_linux.go:185: exec user process caused “exec format error”
The problem is that you are trying to run an incompatible binary format in your container...
You are running an Ubuntu-based container (FROM ubuntu) line, but you are trying to run a Mach-O binary. By default, Linux will not run mach-o binaries.
Build your binary for the target platform (Ubuntu/Linux) and it will work well. It appears that you are running Mac OS X, so you could install an Ubuntu VM to compile your binary and transfer it to be used by the container.
When you build it inside the container, it works because it will be built to the right platform.

Docker build from source fails

After git clone from dotcloud/docker
cd docker
sudo make VERBOSE=1
Fetching https://net/http/cookiejar?go-get=1
https fetch failed
unrecognized import path "net/http/cookiejar"
Can any one please tell me what should i be looking at. I have Go 1.1 installed. The reason i wanted to build docker from src it to remove sys_rawio from lxc.cap.drop. I needed to make CUDA work with lxc containers. I was able to compile cuda code but while running it. I keep getting driver related error that says Operation not permitted.
Installed Go from
As suggested by user creack in above comments.
cd docker/docker; go build; ./docker -d& ./docker version
I have docker build successfully now.
Docker can now be used to build docker and is the recommended (and only supported) method, see:
